winls For T! lie Weel February triumphantly, we call A 151 f f llWX11v1l 1oTA Hill - 1. -1 purchases. 'flkkflflC ; t0 the fact that x AAA .nother we ;,.nve i Jinf ribbon ii:" .via ovtril , given i vain6 offering as a for1 f 'e inches In width, 'l per yard 0 dtt FEATHER; ILLOWS. 18 by 25 all feath- Sirs epenni 56c each jTooae Feather $1.87 Gingham Petticoats Good quality, made well have one or two flounces of plain or striped Gingham, short length 29c each 75c Long Gingham Pet ticoats, 56c each EMBROIDERY, wide. 18-ln 14c yard Unusually Good Values In CORSET COVERS. Trimmed with lnce or embroidery of good wearing muslin, neatly made. . j 29c each jAUT CAPITAL JOPEyAL, BALM. ORJOOS, oiMBeautyisaJoy Forever TUESDAY, FEBRDABT 87, 1812. CREAM OR WACICAL BCAUTIHER 2 J Large size Brossleres 24c each no mtrj blemua J luty, ua ,,. d.tectlon. Il "oil Id, tut - " inn, u4 M htrmlei, Hell to Damn It I" properl, n,, Accept do ocranttr '"- o luillar Dr. I. a. pw. iia to t iniy or tb, haut. l PMfcnt): 'Al you UdlM mm ,d tli. 'ftftacned'a rr.Tmi.. .l . I neun i.RHTut, iron., 1 Brest Jona Street KewTorl ORGANIZES AND ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Very fine Baby Irish Embroideries; exquisite workmanship, $1.25 val ues; our. price. Very fine Corset Cov er Embroidery, beauti ful patterns. 29c yard A big new assortment of . Laces, 3c and 5c yard. pags rrva Ik large shipment of very pretty Valenciennes Laces just received, B I QUIA MAY GO TO MEXICO i (uanu PBI88 UA8ID wine Mud, Or., Feb. 27. That the -JnarUnent contemplates calling .. lit Oregon National Guard In the itttat the federal government Is M to Intervene In the Mexican Mlon Is Indicated by reason of ij order received at Vancouver Bar A from Division headquarters at Son Francisco, detailing Captain Lis ter, ' first U. S. infantry, to investi gate and report as-tc the facilities for mobilizing the guard at the Clack amas, Oregon, rifle range. ' Captain Lister, accompanied by Ad jutant General Flnzer, of the Oregon National Guard, is Investigating con ditions at the range to ascertain It their are adequate accommodations for taking care of 1,100 officers and men In a camp of mobilization. The order is understood to have come from Major' General Murray, division commander ' at San Fran cisco. - Journal "Want Ads" Bring Results. yyjyyuy iipi , Sl,1 Tllirs AUTO WORK AT TEA.1I KATES I H. Stanton Kelly Auto -Transfer : ;?Waad express to all parts of the city, day or night. Stand 179 S. Bflal street. Office phone 492. Residence phone 1212, Salem, Oregon. ,'HHH-mMH ' iROSTEIN & GREENBAUM Now Silks Nice Corset . New Wash 0Ily. Covers' . Laces 25c yd 25c 3c yd. up : .ew Dress Ginffkms finlv . . 10c yd t : p Gingham Chambray, only . 8 l-3c yd j ;w 35 inch Percales, only . . 10c yd ! & ID. Dranprv Mailrast. nn v 12 l-2c vd - Wa J 1MMna 1VJ -mrnmj - - ef " M I I ! 'Men's Girls' I Overalls FU size -RomDers t Blue hompes i oc Chambray 25c 1 and Shirts qc jSOc 39c 45c ;?10-246 Commercial St The Men's Organization of the First Congregational church met last night for the second time in the church par lors, and were served to a bounteous spread, such as the ladies of the church are noted for. There were 34 men present, all of whom are charter members. There being a larger at tendance than before, a Very good and enthusiastic meeting resulted. After the supper the minutes of the previous meeting were read, organization voted to be made permanent, constitution adopted and officers elected. Fred Steusloff was made permanent chair man by a unanimous vote, Wm. Flern Ing vice-president and Mr. W. tl.Eaat. secretary and treasurer. Tbedrgaii lzatlpn is to be known as the'Men's Pilgrim Club" (typical to Congega tlonaliem) and will have for (is 'pur pose the matter of reaching man and Interesting them In religion. ' I( will not be the plan to take up any polit ical matters, though the moral sk'.n oi such questions may be discussed. Af ter the election of officers many good speeches were n ade. The next meeting will be on Wed nesday, March 13, at. which time there will be the installation of the new pan tor, Rev. Mr. Schrock. Attending t'.iU meeting there will some of the strong est men of Congregationalism on the Pacific coast, Rev. R, C. Crooks, of Walla Walla, Wash.; Luther R. Dyroth, of Portland; Rev. W. C. Kantncr, of Portland, who was pastor of this church for several years; Rev. J. J. Staub, of Portland; Rev. Mr. Bollinger, Rev. G. E. Paddock, Rw. Mr. Lou den, and Rev. Mr. Smith, all of Port land; Rev, Mr. Thomas, of Forest Grove; RevrG. N. Edwards, of Oregon City; Rev. Mr. Butler, of Hubbard; Rev. Mr. Sherman, of Corvallls; Rev. Mr, Spanger, of Eugene; Rev. W. N. Ferris, of Pacific University; W. N. Proctor, of Pacific University, and Rev. Mr. Stlllman, of Salem. The installa tion court will be held In the afternoon at 2:30. At 5.45 p. m. the men's meet ing and banquet to the visitors and del egates. The installation sermon at 8 p. m. will be preached by Rev. R. C. Brooks, of Walla Walla. Every mem ber of the church is urged to be -.ires-ent at this meeting, also the public is cordially Invited to attend. Liberty and Prlnglo Xotes. Mr. Fish, of Salem, wns out look ing over his prune tract the other day, which he purchased from Mr. Wain. Another dance at Dencer's, of Lib erty, Friday night. It was well at tended. Miss Emma Trabry and brother visited Salem todny. Mr. Cainjobst has sold his place, where he resides and Is putting buildings on his other place, Mr. Ralph Derrick and Mr. Wilson, of Salem, attended the dance at uo erty, Friday. Mr. Sumpter has just returned from his father's, where he has been helping him. Mr. Thompklns and son, Bert, have just finished putting out fruit trees for George Grabcnhorst. Mr. Alex Kltterman, who lives near the reform school, has sold out and is going to Seaside Oregon In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Wain, of Salem, vis ited Sidney Sunday. Miss Eva Wlltsey has returned from Salem. Mrs. Nelderhelser visited with Smiths folks Sunday. Mr. Derrick and Mr. Wilson visit ed Salem today. Everybody is getting their crops Mr. Frederick has returned home and Is fast improving. The Sound Slff pef Ifelll is not for those suffering from kidney 1m..;. .iirt irregularities. The prompt m. of Foley Kidney Pill, will dispel backache and rheumatism, heal and strengthen sore. '"'"J kidneys, restore normal action, and with It health and strength. Mrs. M. F. Spalsbury, Sterling, .'' suffered great pain In my back and k dn" . could not sleep at night, and could not raise my hands over my ?0U',a hntlles of Foley Kidney ed me. Foley Kidney Pill. have mv heartiest endorsement, kco Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). o Few things are needed to make a wine nurn happy; nothing can make a fool content; that Is why most men are miserable. . , A BILL TO TAKE PLACE OF ' SHERMAN LAW , Washington, Feb. 27. Striking hard at stock watering and destruc tion of competition by trusts, a bill providing for federal control of big business and designed to supplement the Sherman anti-trust law, was In troduced yesterday by Senator Cum mins of Iowa. The bill provides for a commission of three members to control big bus iness. These three members are to be authorized to stop stock catering, to bust trusts and to eliminate cut throat competition. It Is provided that the bureau of corporations shall be merged into the trade commission which shall have sweeping nowera. It Is intended that only corpora-! Hons of more than $5,000,000 shall come within the scope of the bill and that common carriers shall be excluded. One of the striking features of the bill is a provision that no corporations shall engage In commerce with such enormous capital as substantially to destroy competition by that fact alone. - Directors in corporations are prohibited from being directors in any other corporation engaged In the same Industry. Bank, offlcjals and directors are disqualified from being directors In any other cornoratlon with a oapital of more than J10.000. Corporations of whose stock more than 10 per cent is held by competi tors, shall bo barred, from" interstate commerce. Common carriers, by the bill, are to be prohibited from en gaging In any other business. It is provided that, no corporation shall R6l Its product below cost for more than two , months under penalty of $5,000 , fine and a year's Imprison ment. o , CONCERNING SEWERS AND WATER PLANT T rOUNTAIt,HOTL,0 EUKWHCRC Original and Genuine IIOOLIGirS MALTED Fill LK The Food Drink f or All A tfes RICH KPJ. KM.T GRAIN EXTRACT, IN rl)WDE Net mam ViRAin tsriwcT, in ruWDEI ct in any Milk Trust T Insist on HORLICK'SH Toko a package bom ) 1 !' 1 : ( ' . : ' i i . i I;" ' ' j GEORGE XL GOEBEI Announcement was made last even ing by Councilman Rigdon, chairman of the special committee, to negotiate with, the Salem Water company for the purchase of Kg plant, that.H- Klehl. tho engineer whom W, HTI Thompson, of Seittli, is Bending to the qltjr to inspect Jnd appraise the plant, will not be here until tomor row. Til.. Klehl 'was to arrive yesterday. He was detained by being bummoned to attend court in Tacoma, but will be i certain to arrive tomorrow. He wlll at once proceed to appraise the plant, ! and taking his figures for a basis, the ! special committee will submit a re-J port to the council cither recom'J mending the purchase of the plant, or Its condemnation. " ' 1 The i city council Inst evening awarded the contract for Installing lateral sewers In Richmond addition to Contractor Stevenson. This sub ject came up at a former meeting, but was delayed as the sewer com mittee desired to investigate It. o ' l Men are valuable ' in proportion not as they do things, but as they get them done. Socialists at Work. "Socialists at Work" was the title given to a. book written by Robert Hunter, of Connetlcut, in which he gave an analytical Btudy of the Social ist movement of the world. Under a similar title George H. Goebel will close the Socialist locture course. Mr. Goebel has lectured for the Socialists In nearly every state and territory. He was for a long time a member of the national executive committee of the Socialist party, and should, there fore, be able to divulge some Inside facta regarding "Socialists at Work." Mi'. Goebel will discuss this topic at the armory, city hall, on Wednesday. February 28, at 8 o'clock p. m. He will tell his audience of the So cialists' program, and what Socialists In office are doing In tho first steps toward the co-operative common wealth."" Notice for Honeld Bids. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council ot the city of Salom, Ore gon, invites sealed bids for the mak ing of an Improvement of Center street from the east line of Liberty Btreet to the west line of Fourteenth street In said city, with Bltullthlo pavement Light Standard Bitullthlc pavemont, Hoavy Gravel Bltullthlo pavement, Light-Gravel Bltulllhic pavement, El-Oso pavement No. 3 ,El-Oso pave ment No, 4, concrete pavement or Hassara pavement, In accordance with the plans, specifications and esti mates on file In the office' of the city recorder of said city, which are here by referred to and made a part of this notice. Said bids will be opened on or after the 4th day of March, 1912, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m in open council meeting, In the city hall In Salem, Ore. gon. Each bid submitted must be ac companied by a certified check equal In amount to ten per cent of the amount of the bid. This notice Is pub- llschd for five successive days In a dally newspaper published In the city of Salem, Oregon, the date of the first publlcatlon'belng Februnry 27, 1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 2-27-Ct City Recorder O ' Notice for Healed Rids. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Sulcm, Ore gon, Invites sealed bids for the making of an Improvement of North High Waurika, Oklt.-" I had female tron-; street from the north line of Court bles for seven years, was all run down, strect to the north curb line of Division IRS. STEVEI2S RECOVERS After Yeari of Suffering. Tells How Her Health VffA Regained. IK Arrive Spring Suits We have on display our first arrivals of Men's Suits and cordially invite your judge ment. We select the fabrics with extreme care and we feel certain that you will find the patterns to your liking. Every one of these suits is strictly all-wool and tailored by the Brandegee, Kincaid & Co., which insures abso lutely correct style for this spring. See the "English" with the long roll lapel the "Bris tol" with the square cor nered front not a freakish, bulging box, but a real nob by garment. See them, you'll admire them AND BOYS ALSO .At about this time ot the school term boys' suits have seen their best days. We still have some extra good values at greatly reduced prices that will fix the boy up In Bplendld shape for the remainder ot the term. OUR NEW SUITS Well, tnoy are the kind with the genuine Cash Store quality that overlay the price, Good ca&slmeres, serges,, and worsteds, made up In three-button, double-breasted Nor folk that will wear and please. eh a! 1 a and so nervous I could not do any thing. The doctors treated me for dif ferent things but did me no good. I got so bad that I could not sleep day or night While in this condition I read of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com pound, and began Its use and wrote to you for special advice. In a short time I bad regained my health and m now strong and well" -Mrs. Saixie Stevens, R.F.D., No. 2, Comanche, Ok la. Another Woman RecoTer. Newton, N.H.-"Forfive yearsl suf fered from female weakness and drag ging down pains. Lydia E. Plnkhara l Vegetable Compound haa restored my health and the pains are gone." - Mrs. F. A. Peaslee, E. F. D., Box 88. j Because your case II difficult one, doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely ha remedied many case of female Ills, such as inflammation, ul ceration, displacement, tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly whst you need. If j-oa want special advlM write to Lydia E. rinkhsm Medicine Co. (confl dentlal) Ijnn, Mi. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and bold in strict confidence street, In said city, with Bitullthlc pavement, Light Standard Bitullthlc pavement, Heavy Gravel Bitullthlc pavement, Light Gravel Bitullthlc pave ment, El-Oso pavement No. 3, El-Oso pavement No. 4 or concrete pavement, In accordance with the plans, specifi cations nnd estimates op file In the of fice of the city recorder of said city, which are horeby referred to and mude a part of this notice. Said bids will be oponed on or after the 4th day of March, 1912 at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m., In open council meeting, In the city hall In Salem, Ore gon, Each bid submitted must be ac companied hy a certified check equal In amount to ten per cent of the amount of the bid. The city of Salem reserves the right to reject any and all bids'. This notice Is published for five successive days in a dally news paper published In the city of Salem, Oregon, the date o( the first publica tion being February 27. 1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN, t-27-gt City Recorder T Car a Cold la One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each bos. 25 cents. . Dr. Mflae Laxatlr Tablets taate Uk candy and woik UJke a cluurm. Tells Consumptives How Ge Get Well Tuberculoma Ii anld to be curable by elmplT living In the oK-n air end tuklng an HtinnilHiice of frfxti eKtfB and milk. UndoutitHlly, Home peruana ure benelllwl In tliln way; but the aiir-iunrlnte remrilj for ConRtiuiptlon ! Eckmau'a Alterative. l)o ell you ponHlhly run to mM to itreiiKtti and lucmlse welRlit, ent wlioli-noine, nour lnl'InK food, and brentlio the oletmeit and pureat air then, to the tengllile tblnga of rlalit living, add the tonic and .'urntlva cli-oli of ICcliinini Alterative. Held what It did In tliln ctiKe: OIIO Went titrret, Wllmlnitton. Del. "Oentlemi-n: lu January, 1W8. I w taken with heninrrliait of the lunxe. Uf ptiyalrlioi, one of ihe leaillnK practi tioner,, .a Id that It wae luna trouble. 1 took eKK and milk In quniitlum, but I got very weak, and I kept on working In the lore. The dix'tora anld I would not fain In welfcht a long aa 1 atayed lu the alore, but I kept on working uud prayed turn day that I wight fret well. I believe my f reera weie tuawered, for Mr. O. A. .Ipplncott, my employer (I.lpplueott Co., Department Blore, SOU to I4 Market Ireef, Wilmington, Del.), had learned of a remedy railed Kcknuui'i Alterative that had done grent good, and upon III! rec ommendation I hegnii taking It at oni-e. Thla win about June, HUM. 1 ronMnued fallhfully, uatug no other remedy, and Anally uotleed the elearlng of Ihe lung, whlrh appeared to be old ehunka nt blood coming up. 1 now have no trouble w-ltti my liiuga. 1 llrmly believe Ki kiunn Alterative piiviiI my life. I aeiit my aplt tie Inter to the Htate Hoard of llrnllh to be einnilned fur tubereuloali haellll, and nij-e were found. "My mother died from Couaiiniiillon when I win about two yea re old. "1 make thla atnteinent en that olheri may learn of the won lerfol limine of Kibiuan'a Alterative. I regard my recov ery aa being riliai-uluua." (Hleucd Alllluvit) JAM. WIUIUKH. lOokuiiin'a Alterative la effective lu Hron ehlllH, AhIIiiiih, liny Fever: Throat and l.mig Trniiblee, and In upbuilding th ayatem. Iioi-a not contain polwnia, ophite or balilt-forinlng druga. Aak for booklet of cured ciihch uud write to Kikiuan Uhoralory, I'lillBdclphln, I'n., for more evi dence, r'or aale by all leading druggUta anl J. C. Perry. u The palna nt n-m -;la ecldom full W yield to Ir Mil""- ntl.l'ln I1ll. -O CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ttts Kind You Ha8 Always Bought Bears the Signature of STY a Notice for Sealed Bids. Notice la hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Salem In vites sealed bids for the making of an Improvement of South Fourteenth street from a point 24.5 feet north of the south line of State street to the north lino ot Mission street, In said city, with Bltullthlo pavemont, light Standard Bitullthlc pavemont, El-Oso pavoment No. 3, El-Oso pavemont No. 4, or concrote pavement, heavy grav el Bltullthlo pavement, light gravel Bltullthlo pavement, In accordance with the plans and specifications and estimates on file in the office of the city recordor of said city, which are hereby referred to and made a part of this notice. Said bids will be opened on or aftfr the 4 th day of March, 1912, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m. In open council meeting in the city ball, In Salem, Ore gon. Each bid submitted must be ac companied by a certified check equnl In amount to ten per cent ot the amount bid. The city of Salem re serves tho right to rojoct any and all bids. This notice is published for five successive days in a dally newspaper published In the city of Salem, Ore gon, the date of the first publication being Februnry 27, 1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 2-27-Ot City Recorder, o ' Near Rneholm. HI., an Indian went to sleen on a rallrond track and wn killed by the fnnt express. He pm'd for bis carelessness with his llfo. Of ten It's that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't rlak your life when prompt uae of Dr. King's New ! Discovery will cure them ami so pre Ivont a dangerous throat or lung trou ble. "It completely cured me. In a I short time, of a terrible cough that, fol lowed s severe attack of irrlp," writes J. R. Watts, Flovdadn, Tex., "nnd I regnlned 15 pounds In welpht that 1 had Inst." Quick, safe, rellnble and guaranteed. BOo and $1.00. Trial bot tle free at J. C. Perry. Spring Opening Price for Two Days More. s .11 n't , 4SQCQUKTXT. MERCHANT TAILC.l tt For the next" two days you . can place your,' order, for tlie best tailoring and woolena at these prices: $.r,r, and SCO Suits r,0.00 f 40.00 and f 42.50 Suits... $37.50 $.r,0 and $52.50 Suits $15.00 $37.50 Suits for $3 SO $45 and $47.60 Suits $40.00 $35.00 Suits for $30 00 A few very desirable patterns worth t OCT AA i to $37.50 at . . . . $CDM) tre-HM" V UAGTORIA