rastor iiusse G THE DESIRE OF " ALUIATIOIIS. Mzsllsii of Ilia D!v!rs Prem iss to Mankind. SHALL REIGN THE EARTH. t ' . ' .'' "' ,iU fSvsi'6'O'O.'isrTD' Putor RuimII, Prtiehlng at Calcutta, Sy That tha Fulfilment of tha Lord' Plan For tha Salvation of tha World la Juat Baglnnlng Point Forward to Mataiah'a Kingdom aa tha Tlma Whtn All tha Familiaa of tha Earth Shall Ba BI.moH. Calcutta, Feb, J 8. The Foreign MlHslons Investi gation Committee, appolnteil by the International Bi ble Hludcnta An social Ion, la here. Tlio Committee ex liodllo tliolr work by enoli giving npo pint nt tent Ion to a (llfTc'rcnt feature of tliulr lriventlgii lion. Tbla In their third week in Tnilln nnd tlwy bnve nl rely tni veiled nearly two thousand mll. They ore keenly lulenwted In the henthen nnd In the Illble, but they decline to glvo In nrtvfinee nny bint of whut their report will bo oh rvsperts tho uiltoiloimrle and their work. I'uHtor ItiiHHcll, ( 'linl imii n of the Committee, preached twleo toiluy to Inrgo und nllentlve iindleiieea In our fluent Auditorium. One of bin ml drat, from Jeremlali ix, 23, 24, wo report. He wild: Your "City of I'uliuW (trently )m preiw me, na doiililloe it doen all who vUlt It, Rut in 1 look nt Kb Bplendor I am reminded of Hint portlou of my text wlii h dei hiieH, "!ct him thut Sloilelli glory In till, (lint bo under tnndelh Biid kimwvth Mo, thut I mn tli Lord, whit h exerelBclh lovlwf kind ceHH, JiidKiiient 41 txl rlghleniiHiieNM In tho eurtli." Wherever wo go we per ceive thit rniin, by virtue of hla cren tlon, la o woiHhlper, Tho organs of roveronoe mid npliltunllly, nllhough only pnrlliilly devidoped and miieh Bhntleied by Igunriinee mid Hiiperntl tion, are to bo found In every man and their pimlllnu la tho very hlgheHt lu hla orgnnlHiii. My Journey to thla city hen ImpreHHed IhlH thought ibsply. 1 aloppi.il eu route lit Juggei'iuiut; the very inline en I led up the sturlus of my etil'ill: hhI Mhl' h bo greiitly nroiuwl my i , 'iniMilhie fur I he poor hentheu. Ml hloii.iry repnrin told of how In lgno rntii e I ho lihllvi'H would thlOW thrill mlvs lieloio Hie J'lent Cur of Jllgger mint, feeling It mi honor to Urns enerl flee their llvi'B to n fnltio god, And now, heiu I n in on (lie liiiiigiii Itlver, of which in chlldliiHiil I heard ao much Ihnt thrilled my licnl't wit ll nyinpiitliy liuw iiinllii'm threw llielr biibea Into tho (.imp, lint lie iiiino they hud no aynipiilliy with their olTiiprliig, but tw in ui they desired to aiterlflee to lit id pri'iillliilo llii'lr gmlN. Now Hint I tun beie I do III. nk li"d Unit, nlthnugh tbo heHtlieu hnvu not been converted to a true knowledge of the itrcnt Jehovah, they bnve, tieverl helen, como under the Btriuig bund of tho llrlilxh govern ineiit, which, wtlittever lln llefecta, (M-clt lit leiiit to irutect II Bllbjocta from the extreme of (heir own lgno ranee and imperKtltloii. Tha Dtalra of All Nation. While It Is true Hint the womt form of government luiiiglniiblu I prefernhlo to smirch', nnd while It U iiIho true tliHt the IIiIHnIi Uovernment I aiiiiinuxt Hie immt Juxt In the world, nevertheless, no government Hint fallen ujiiu linn ever niiido or rnu iimke cnu over Biitlufy tin) lib nl of the more In telligent, . Hence fur centiiilea Hie hea then world hn dii n unil of a linldcii Ago to fimiii nnd llllile Miidciit bnve rt'julml In tliu Mtvluu proiulNU Hint the Mmnliuile Klnudoiii will follow our prew'iit arritngenieiit nnd Hint It will b proved to be "Hie dcalre of nil iiAtlona." Ob, alnce we perceive the Ignorimca nnd utieriitltliiu of hcutlicndoin, our hciirt cry out for the promised reign of MckmIuIi nnd Hie hlcxwing Hint then will accrue to mankind! Tho very bent that we have yet iitlntued, In the uumt cMllr.cd hunt), comet far nlini't of the I'll inn promise of the condition to prevail an :i riwuM of MonnIiiU' rule, 'then nil Iijiioi u ore, nil ucrntitloil, nil win, all hoishw, nil palu, till death ahall l nbollnlied nnd tlually, with tliu willfully wh ked tlentioyed In tho ((econd lcnHi, the lime will have como when Cod' will mIoiII be done on ciiith hi fully, ii4 completely, na it U new ilium in jiiMiveti. When "every knee nlwili l ow mid every tongue con fc" to the glory of tiod; wtieu "the kuowleilge of the glory of the Lord nhiill 1)11 tho whole earth H the wa let cover the givnt deep;" when "no innil will need nay to hi neighbor, know thou Hi Lord, for nil nlmll know lllm f I oin tliu Iciiot of them to the givntext ef thcin"- it la for that . lr? ! , , . y iirttiv-m, Itmi we Nhould all be hoping, longing, proylng, nnd atrlvlng to ir'nro our elvra. "Now W Know In Part." Halnt 1'nnl wrote, Now w know lu part, but then we ahull know even n m!ho wo aiv known." (I Coiluthlnim (III, 11) Alio! every true (httutlan QiiiNt Mllif how titn own knowl edge of i)ol und that of liU f.u-efii thr hiv o (illghlly etieeibsl tha kuowtislge of Hi heathen and that b found it difficult to "glory" In bla on derHtnnding of God! Only those who are adherent to the declaration of the niblo that "God ia I-ove," that Hia mercy endure! h ever, that ne la like a pitying father, that Ha la the God of All Grace, the Father of Merclea, the length, breadth, height and depth of wboee loving UlndrioKB we cannot meiiNiire only audi have the asaur anc'i whl rh enable them to offiet the horrible theorie of our creed formu lated In e darker past and which told u more horrible thing respecting our God and Ilia treatment of mankind than our poor heathen brethren ever Imagined. Tho Ky ef tho Divine Word. Pit now t1)"? betfr 'toy 1? (Snwntnj:! We are aeelng the glorloua outline of the Dlvino character In the Divine Plua a never before! Our heart flrt led tho way and rebelled against the dictum of our fallacious reasoning. And now, In God's due time, when nature la yielding tip her secret and chemistry I making the world anew, behold, the key to the Divine Word Is thrust Into our hands, unlocking It oiyRtcrles and explaining It parabolic symbols to our aatonlHlied faith! Hut alas! meantime many of the brightest minds of the world have rejected the Bible, many of them even denying the personality of the Creator; and ao far have tbeae gone In the substitution of human wisdom for Divine Kovclatlon that it seems ImposHlhlo for them to return to the pntlis of faith. Now, however, is the tlmo for all of those who have a hungering and thirsting nflcr God and His righteous ness to begin afresh the study of Ills Word In the light of tho morning of this New Dispensation, Not only la tbl necessary for our own comfort and cstalillHliment, but It Is neccssnry also In the Interests of other liefore whom we stand as bulwarks of the Truth, having on the whole Armor of God, tho Helmet of Hulvation, the Rhleld of Fnlth, Hie Ilrenstplnto of ItlghteousneKS, tho Sword of tho Spir it necessary for self protection and for the nld of nil who "nro feeling after God If ln.ply they might And Iflm." Acta xvll, 27, Knowing Our God. Our Hedeemer declared, "This Is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true nnd living God, nnd Jo ans Christ, whom Thou hast sent." Evidently the great Teacher bad lu mind tho thought of our text-not merely a knowledge abouf God, but an aetiiinlntnuccHlilp with Him, such na can come only through a fellowship of spirit und an understanding of tho Dlvino Program, None, however, nro permitted to como lo such Intimate knowleilgo except as they nil (i 11 mani fest heart loyalty. F.iicu step of prog res In our loyally to God brings thut attitude of mind which I plcnalng to Him and Which, when thoroughly diimoustrnted, will lie rewarded with everlasting life. Thus knowledge Is liitlmntely bound up with our eternal prospect. F.nrth'a teeming tuillloiiH know not God. Even those portions called CArli tdi worship tho true God with but light appreciation of III true diame ter. None of those, therefore, ure In tho condition to claim everlasting life according to tho teaching of the Mus ter. They nro the non-elect, In contrast with the faithful few, who lire Scrip turally styled "God's Klect," "tho Very Elect," and who nro urged to make their calling nnd election uro by pcr eviirlng loyalty even unto death. In our hlindiioH of the past, hsnuiu Ing that nil tho non-elect would be con Igned to an eternity of torture,' wo hnvo published In our mlSHlonary re port that ninety thoimand every day go down Into death, Into Chi'Mlcs graves-and, by Inference, Into eternal torture. Alas, how mlNiinderstood nnd how unintentionally misrepresented has been our gracious Father, tha God of All Grace, the Father of Merclea. Now wo read His character In fairer line n wo perceive Hint tho fulfil ment of HI great nnd wonderful phut for the salvation of the world Is merely beginning -Hint tho election of tho Church to be tho Ilrldo of Christ and Joint heir with Him lu HI glori ous Kingdom merely murks the time for tint Belting up of Hint Heavenly Kingdom, Hut rule of which I to bring such blessing and opportunltd-a to tniin kind - the non elect. Now wo perceive that for n Hiouuiind years the Klect, on Hie heavenly plane, Invisible to men, "like unto tho angels," will live nnd reign with Christ (Itevelnllon xx, 4) for the hlfHxIug of the non-elect - for their uplifting from conditions of sin end I in perfection back to tho glorious heights of tint linage of God In the flesh, lost by Adam's dUohcdlcnco mid redeemed by our Savior on Calvary, and to be re stored to Adam and nil his children found willing to receive It on Divine terms. In view of thi so things, how reason- njilo that we Hud Hie Apostles and I'rophcta riultlugly pointing forward to Miw-lnh's Kingdom ns tho tlmo when nil the fttinlltcs of I lie earth shall be hlcnxcd. Ilow Hits explain to u Hi f in t Hint our Itedeeincr tinvo so many parable UlUNlratlw of UN Klligiloui deicrlMiig the clns which would con stitute Hie Itoyal Family nnd the trial slid dltllcultles of their wny w hile prov ing thcmieives worthy to share with our Itedeeincr In glory; and the condi tion In which they would be at HI" . . w.. 4 -',',, ttltril (Ot wimfi vir- :lnt" only would bo nccep eil to the glorious honor of becoming (he Hrlde, the lamb's Wife; and how the "pounds" and "talents" granted u In the present time munt be u d faithful ly If we would hear III words: "Well done, good mid faithful sennnt; thou liiiut 1'eini faithful over a few thing, I will make the ruler over ninny things; eutifr thou. Into tho Joy of thy Lord." How Clary In Thla KnowUdosf lu th liint we'hav glurb-d H ect and parties In our various creed-Idol of which we are now ashamed. We perceive that creed wornhip did it al most as much Injury a did Idol wor- ihlp to the heathen. Nearly all these creed-ldola declared eternal torment for the thousands of millions who bad nev er beard of the Only Name. Indeed, nearly all of them claimed that only a mall minority of Christendom would escape eternal torture. Some of these creed-Idol declare that so awful a ca tastrophe a the torture of twenty thousand million was foreknown of God and predestinated by II I in before the creation of Adam. Other claim the contrary, that God had benevolent Intention toward our race nt the start, but that Ills plans miscarried and would produce the inme horrible re sults, either because of Divine unwis dom or because of lack of power. How" auch presentation distressed every Christian loyal at heart toward His God aud sympathetic toward bis follows! Our college and universities and, ad to aay, our theological seminaries are busy turning ont unbelievers Infidel. Nor are these people wicked or immoral In their unbelief; they aro aa well-menulng as ever, but have lost their way. They reject tho Bible because they believe It to be the foundation of the various Inconsisten cies In their creeds; they are stum bling for Inck of knowledge; they enn not believe that man's hereafter is one of centuries of Buffering, or of eternal Buffering. Let us now demolish these Idol which bo long bnve misrepresented our gracious Creator end blinded us with Ignorance and superstition. Let u receive tho Scripture teaching only. Let u rejoice In the election .of the Church to be the Kingdom class nnd let us rejoice in the hope of Its King dom glory for the blessing of the non elect. Let us rejoice that "the wilder ness shall blossom ns the rose, nnd that the solitary place shall be Rind" and that "God will make Ills footHtool glorious," during tho thousand years of Messiah' Kingdom. So desiring we will com Into line with our text: "Let him that glorlelh glory In this, that ho understnudeth and knoweth Mo, that 1 am the Lord, which exer clseth loving-kindness, Judgment and righteousness lu tho earth." Now W. 8 Obcuroly. Saint l'aul declures: "Now we Bee obscurely." Only by faith can we aee God' loving-kindness. Tho reign of sin and death for six thousand years has been but the natural re sult of tbo violation of Divine Law which our first purents transgressed. Tho beginning of God's work for our reclamation from Its consequences was In tho sending of HI Sou to bo our Hedeemer. Since then Ho has been gal tiering an elect few to be Messiah's Iirido nnd jolnt-helr in His Kingdom. Soon very soon, wo hope and be-lieve-tlio Church will bo completed and the Messianic Kingdom will niaii lfest Divine clemency, mercy, lovlng kludncHB, Judgment nnd righteousness In the earth. The Undo declares that the penult' for sin Is ludng experienced by hu manity at tho present time tho death penalty and that the redemption price of Christ' death is sulllcieiit for the sin of tho whole world. It declares thut on account of this redemption, Ultimately tbo resurrection of the dead shall take place "all that are In their graves shall hear the voice of tho Sou of Man and como forth." It Is Im mune ot tho Dlvino Intention Hint there sbnll bo a resurrection of the dead that the Bible everywhere, both lu the Old nud New Testaments, peaks of thoso who hnvo died, Ixith good nud bad, an Mug "asleep," and the protnlso In Hint "They that loop In tho dust of tho earth shall awake." Nor will they como forth to similar conditions of sorrow that now sur round us nil. On the contrary, (be First Itosurroctlnn Is to U composed of tho holy, tho saintly, und Hicy nro to lie nssoclnled with their Itedceinor aa his Brldo nnd Consort, to nsslst In delivering and restoring mankind. Later tho Imperfect, who have not had their full trial, the great iiiiihi of man kind, will bo broiiulit forth, that they tuny lenrn tjie ways of righteousness, Hint they may lenrn to know God, ami Jesus Christ, nud In due time Is- up lifted out of Hie conditions of sin nnd death. Then will como tl.i world opportunity. How Joyful Is the lues sage, "Tliero Whnll lw no inure death, neither Borrow, nor crying, nor dying; for tho former things hnvo passed a wny!" Ah, how different Is God's proposi tion of n general uplift of th' worthy and their asM'tinnce hack to per fee-tlon--to nil that was lost In Adam! How different Is this fni tho "doc trine of demons," wlii,A ,Yive per plexed us, which have di''l'id the Church of Christ Into nu.ni,"less sects and parties, nnd which hiv al most driven us from Christ niul t'io Bible! Only those cnu see Hie grace of Cod now whose eye have U-en enlighten ed and whose ears have lieon unstop ped, Thank God, however, for the grsclon promise that lu due time "all Vie hlliid eye shall U opened nnd nil the deaf ear shall bo unstopped;" then "Hie knowledge of Hie glory of the Lord shall till the whole carlo, a tlte water rover tho great deep lliwlsh xxxv, 0; IIalmkl.uk II. It) Then ninny will rescind to the Di vine clemency nnd become children of God, children of the Messiah, and heir of everlasting, enrtbly life and tta earthly Paradise, even ns the "elect" of Hits Ace, who come to true knowledge, if God, will I helm tf life eternal on the spirit plane, far above angels, principalities and pow era and every name that Is named, a Messiah' Bride ind Joint heir. Children Cry fcr Hatcher's x'-V,r-v--.-.'''TW,"' The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been la use lor over SO years, has borne the signature ot ana has Dcen maae nnaer nis pcr ' sonal supervision since its Infancy. ftt&6&u4Z Allow no one to deceive you In thla. All Counterfeit, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with ana endanger the neaitn oi Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute tor Castor 00, Pare goric, Irops aud Hoothintr Syrup. It la plca.-w.nt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Earcotlc substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverlshncss. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Ilowcln, assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBcara the Signature of y5 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CtNTAUn COMMPtV, TT s-UHlur TBItT. NCW VOftK CfTt. 444-M-4-4-f- Low Colonist Fares rl oRtctw fx. I tllllMC I Daily March 1st to April 15th, to All Points on Oregon Electric RailWy FROM XX Chicago $33.00.. Cincinnati av.au Milwaukee 31.60 St Louis 32.00 New York 50.00 p....-.". Dotrolt 38.00 ht. t'uul 25.00 Dea Molnea 27.85 KnnBRS City 25.00 Indianapolis 35.65 Omaha 25.00 Denver 25.00 From other eiuitorn points In proportion. Tell your friends In tha East of this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northern and "North Bank" and Oregon Electric Railways. You can deposit with me and tickets will ba furnished people In the East. Detulls will be fumlnhed on request. W. E. ('0.YAX, Gen'l Frt. Ic Pass. Agent. C. E. AI.BIX, Portland, Ore Gen'l Agent, Salem, Ore. See taiiioi ina koy. See its attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels and resorts, n nlflcent acenery. delightful climate. Outdoor sports of all k: and pleasant drives through miles of orange groves. All rea. by the "Bond of s Thousand Wonders" "-SUNSET IQ6DM A5HA5IAI ROUTES "Boad of s Thousand Wonder" I0W K0UND TBIP FARES to California, In effect dally with lc limit and stop-overs going or returning - . HREETHROUGH TRAINS DAILY"! SHASTA LIMITED Pullman cars and observation' cars. CALIFORMl EXPRESS Pullmaa tourist cars. High-class coacl SAX FRANCISCO EXPRESS -Pullman and tourist cars. HI class coaches. I neieelled dining car service-courteous and attentive employ Call an our nearest S. P. agent for Interesting literature descrll the various resorts, or write to J0I1 JI. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OREC 4mT---''-'M44 ' ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beyerage, Iways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink, ends strength to the weak and wearied physique, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, akes life more pleasant and dicers ll:o heavy heart, s fit L Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. C. WILL Genuine needles, oil and icw parts for all sewhg machines. Sewing ma chines rented. GEO. C. WILL Edison, Victor and : Columbia Talking j Machines A full stock of Records. GEO. c. WILL Sewing Machines j; Latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL ttumttn)nptt M. ".4, m H M H t When at Portland Go to the BOWERS ' Rates $1.00 up, Break fast and lunch 50c, Din- v ner $1,00, Also a la Carie service in grill, One block from Oregon Elec tric on 11th and Wash ington streets. Salem people cordially invited to 1 'naKo our house their headquarters, F. P. WILLIAMS, formnrlv w,U M: j '"V "" fiuiiuu T l, . J ... i f, - ( A m , i m tm is j, '.,l0 - lings good fellowship to all who pa, take in moderation. i! ... ii r it., j niivens i.ic s in oi uw uuwu- cast and disheartened, ndo'ws existence with hopes and aspirations estores man to fulness of strength and activity, E E BACKTOTHE kit . i ' M'' I ii.if"'w..;ifl4i j v7 COLONIST FARES TO ALL POINT IN OHIOOH, DAILY MARCH 1 TO APRIL 18, 1912 TMt SOUTHERN PACIFIC CHICAGO . . . T. LOUIS . OMAHA . . . AHA cmr . . T. PAUL . IV,II . "MON.IOlY LOW tliici, I,. on.iH "n.onljp, bat tst.oo ai.oo i.oo ts.oo IS.OO mi lor good In 1 Tin Read The Journal For SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW, General Grocery Store Ws also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, pain flruW ,,,4 iUmpii phon 7 WMrimMHtffHimmrmHfHTTTTH