,n "Want Ads" Bring Odck Kesuns a r,ir first Insertion. -t wor i fur each Insertion ft'JtKaS Ukea for mix "orda tu tU9 UBLS. General Auction ' ?! handlse, bouse lum , v real estate ana ii 1 nvwhere. Reasonable itk. veaiB experience. t Bacgage, city transfer i,i;eud goods moved. Phone i 9"9"t- -7nrl German Bakeries ".m-ade bread and pwtrlos. Sie f narty orders a spe !,.ke daily deliveries. 319 J' phone 903; or 12th fflBBBADtta worth ui, any other Dreau, jet luo , llf Wgher. For sale at your "I OJlSrnta Uakerjr. Thomas ,T,-T i r- -rrm7vSM,I i HIS. in'-"-" T. finr remedies are com- , f th CBOICBBI IUI ..- i enre to Htav ( All chronic diseases of men Lien a specialty. If you can ,ii srnd for symptoms blank. Vcare Bow Wo Drug Co., 'A it. Salem, Or. 8-25-tf iivivfl A'D l'HESSIXO. V PRESSING PARLORS Dry ' m cleaning and dye works. ' Bilks, laces and gloves given jl attention. Gents'sults cleaned if. na flnnrts culled for Silvered. Parlors, 245 North nhone Main 2044. 9-22-tf jltltlC SUPPLY HOUSE. HfMER Electrical supplies tiring our specinlty. We will :ioutn estimate on your wiring t.Kctrlcal work. Our work la j. t.Atra filial tnl nnTinnPfl ''1 mi supply room, 129 South 4Sal St. 6-29-tf .UINOTENT COMPANY iWe furnish help free to the employ ni.nnA Mln 901 I' 153 9. Com. St. Hit luUXDEKS. i RON WORKS, Shand & Mar 1 ;-oprletora, Front and State sts. ml brass castings, fire hyd a top balers, sawmill machln Phone 90!). S-2fi-tf JAM) FRENCH TEACHEB. iViad French teacher Mr. P. 1!, good experience In teach . Sagle or in classes. Moder mB. Address, 11R6 South ."Wh street. 10-25-tf mm DRESSING. v AND SKIN SPECIALIST ' iffulng, manicuring, chlrop ;iid electrolysis. Combings ''.ai made up. We make a i of hair dyeing. MIbs Ora a rooms 318-319 U. S. Bank 3-7-lm H011SES110E1(1. .'-About March let Glover &. -1 will open a blacksmith . 1 Ferry' street between Com- 1 nd Front next to Cll- ' tble, wlicre they will be 'n ieet all their old friends a many new ones. 2-20-tf LTTHO- n MUSIC. , -ISSONS-Mr. P. Schwabe, Berlin, Germany, experl ' a teaching. Moderate terms. : U66 South Thirteenth 10-25-tf ' UrSDRY. UST L0NGKR With our "wr; established 20 years. V' Commercial at., phone 7-25-tf JfVEItT STABLE. LIVKRY and Sale Sta--id-hnnd vehicles of all . ,:. li,,8t of turnouts, quick ; rensonablu. For any J nd boarding, call or E. K. Gilliam, pro- 'TTb-Flnewlneg,ll quora . i J,!'"e the wlobrnted Caatle whlskM Coo, " VI Tr co"8lntly on .Muth (onmierolal st. "Sl Btanl N on, bottle or case. si i v 'ne cnV limits. E. w ' -oniniercnll Bt. 111.1X1) (iooD d-d-hand Wt p I" town nt 4 r1 O. L. Mcl'cek, w Bring nosulta -Lsuccessor to WalKer; ' and automobile trimming, 'i mmmlug goods, new work Lrlng. I am carrying a full v Masurey'a house and buggy ''1 brushes, oils and the very sndiW. 304 S. Commercla,. 12-1-tf 9 "....J MECIIANO THERAPEUTIST An DR. H H. SCOVELL-Mechano Thera peutist and Suggcstlonist Located n l0m' I?7' lm- Tl-eat8 Tronic and acute diseases. Office and resi dence, 267 Liberty st., phone 1332 Consultation free. 9 20 WHAT IS Mechanlco TherapeuUcs? meciuimco 1 nerapeutics Is a meth od of treatment without knife. Have cured a number of men, women and children. For iurtner information, see Prof. S. Z Bartley, room. 7. nnotnio North Commercial street Phone Main 2120. 1-20-tf OSTEOPATH. PR. R. W. WALTON, Osteopathic Phy- . wiiwiuu uiseases treated; consultation free. Office . uu 14 ureyman block liiioiie iaox. 1 8-25-tf OSTEOPATHY. DR. TV U WUfTiTi - uHieopain and nerve specialist; graduate of the . vuuu, wl uBieopathv . ,r : . ' i'UD1-"6iuuuae aim specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consul tation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-50G U. S. National Bank bide' phouo 859; Tesldence, 346 North Can- Itnl at nhnriA Aon 1 DR. O. P. HEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta Heisiey, general Osteopathic prac titioners. Confinement cases and female troubles a specialty. 20V 206 U. 8, Bank building. . Phones: Office, Main 618; residence, 'Main 2181- 1-11-12-tf PA1MEBS AND PAPElT HANGERS. PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER- lao""' niaue ana nrst-class work done. I. D. Driver, 517 North Capl tol Bt Salem, Or., phone 926. 6-26-tf PAINTERS AND DECOUATOHS. DORRANCE, the sign man - Air DruBn, show cards and banners. Bulletins and wall signs. Auto and carriage painting. 260 Chemeketa street 6.26.tf TRAGLIO & BOSANKO, PAINTERS Fresco decorators and designers In oils, water-colors and wall pa per. Phone 980. 1-13-tf PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 161 Commercial st, phone Main 19?. 9-Mvr OTTO MTJELLHAUPT - Plumbing, heating, gas fitting; prices reason able; work guaranteed; estimates furnished. Phone 373, 10C6 Chemek eta st. 4-1-tf THE FIN LAY Plumbing Company, successors to Finlay and Reynolds, plumbing, heating and general re pairing. Estimates free. Prices right Service prompt, and work manship the best Phone Main 610. PORTLAND HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEL Corner iront ana Columbia, at Oregon Elec tric depot. Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and night; rooms 50c, 75c and $1. Also Motel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front st. John Matthlesen, proprietor both houses. . 10-5-tf RESTAURANTS. BISMARK RESTAURANT 184 Com mercial St., near corner Ferry. First class service. Best meal in city, 20c to 25c. Schneider & Lehman, Props. TINNING AND ROOFING. BADKIITSCHER & FULLER Hot air heating; furnace work; tinning and roofing; cornice work of all kinds. 188 South Liberty st, phono 600. Fig ures on contracts cheerfully given. All work guaranteed. 8-3-tf UPHOLSTERING, RENOVATING F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum carpet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid ; mattresses made and renovated; furniture re-covered; shades and awnings mado and al tered. Northeast corner, 238 North High Bt, phone 58. 8-22 if REED & ZWICKER-Only steam car pet and feather renovating plant In city. Power vacuum cleaning. Mat tresses re-niade and upholstering. Furniture repaired. Work guaran teed. Works Fourteenth and Wilbur, phone 1154. 8-31-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUG1I U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court St. 9-20-tf W. T. RIG DON Undertaker and Em balmed, 252 North High St., opposite city hull. First class in service, equipment and stock. Lady nsslstniit when desired. Only undertaker who lias commodious apartments purely 5-12-tl WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade sts. For water service apply at office. Hills pnyablo monthly In advance. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watch maker at Beatrice. Neb. High grade work at enstern prices. Opera House block. 484 Court nt. Ifl-R-tf Journal "Want" Ada" Bring RosulU J. C rERRI. WIRING, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE and Supply Co. 130 North Liberty street Si' We contracting, mside wiring. sstr flsturea- ?r m 1 12-11-tf yood ANircoTLT SM Fut YARDS Fuel kent under shelti. 1 l.,?" el- Kent -th. wood. ,t UB. ana 8" and in 7i,- a ' weu seasoned anfeedJT- tlon ju.p- street. f 7trc : .ul Mj. Marl gld(jall CAPITAL FiiRt. m rT '- j , j, u'Neil, proprietor. All kinds of coal. Sole agents for the famous. Rock Springs coal. All kinds of wood cut to order. Yard opposite S. P. . "msenger depot, phone 210 12-4-tf 0IHJE DIRECTORY? , , - """ cvoiimg at 8:30 a. A. McFadden, Recorder . 5-21-tf Lc!tAvTEll 0F MOOBK-Cherry wl' ; Teml)le. corner Court and High sts. D. R. Yantls, Dictator; ComLrciursrlSeCl'etary' 5 M sEGi-,4-.A-& A. , wuimunicauon on first Jriday In each month at 7:30 p. m In Masonic Hall, McCornack block! ; PU6h' Wl M- J011" Bayne, secretary. : ' CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37 n B. S. Regular meetings first and third Tuesdays. Masonic Hall. Mrs. Marlon Derby W. M.; Ida M. Bab cock, secretary. WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet every muiij iiigut at 7:30 o'clock In Hol nmn Hall. Geo. H. Deacon, C. C; L. H. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 UNITED ARTISANS-Capltal Assem- lilv Mrt CI . . .j nu, 01, niecia evoi7 d rmay even ing in I. O. O. F. Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, M. A.; S. R. Vail, Secretary, 15S S. Cottnge St., phone 1214. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 60. A. F. A A M. Masonic hall, third Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. Frank Jaskoski, W. M.; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- ter iso. 1. Masonic hall, second Friday of each month, at 8 p. m. L. S. Rowland, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. SALEM GRANGE No. 17, Patrons of MUSDamiry Meets in Hurst Hull on State street, ou the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10-30 a m vioit. Ing and Bojournlng members wel come. F. A. Myers, Master; Zella S. Fletcher, Secretary. 12-31-lyr MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, uregon Cedar Camp No. 5216 Meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Holman Hall. W. E. Vincent, Con sul; F. A. Turner, Clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, c.ecretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation. REAL ESTATE. HOMESEEKER Hear this! We have 8 A acres rich loam land, all In cul tivation and set to fruit, on rock road, 3 miles from State street, house, barn, well and fence; team, j harness, wagon, buggy, single hnr ness, cow and nil farm Implements, with household goods. Price $2100. Cash $1350, balance at 6 per cent In four years. The Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. National Bank building. Room 301. Phono 470. FOR SALE House and lot for sale or trade, 13S5 Shipping street See Win. W. Chrlsman. 2-23-3t MOVED The Olmsted Land company formerly located at 373 State street, can now be found in tholr new of fice in the Bllgh hotel and are now, as they have been ;n the past with a good list of city and farm Investments. Call and see us. 2-16-lm FIVE ACRES FOR SALE 4 Mi miles out good road, neurly all In culti vation. Price, $750; $25 cash, bal nnco $5 per month; no Interest for three years. Address John Van Laancn, Fair Grounds, Oreg. 2-22-2t IF YOU WANT to buy a home In So noma county, an apple, prune or berry farm, stock or dairy ranch, vineyard, potato, grain or chicken ranch, where there Is no Irrigation necessary; crops never fall and prices for what you grow are al ways good, write mo for particu lars and sUl 0 fully what you want and what price you want to pay. L. A. J?"'n. rooui 407, Santa Rosa Dank building, Santa Rosa, Calif. 2"16-lm FOR SALE by owner 7-room mod ern house, lot 75x150, at 102 West Lincoln street, Falrmount Park; grand view of mountains and city. Two large porelvs, bath, toilet, hot watf.r, wash trays; everything con venient This a bargain at $3,200 for short time only. Did ask $1600 Terms. Don't miss this. 1-29-lm BEAL ESTATE-ConUnned. FOR SALE! On easy payments, choice acres lots by owner. George Smith, Fair Grounds, Oreg. 2-22-3t FOR SALE. One-fourth block, east ana north front eight-room hu large bam, cement walks, fruit, on car line; must be Bold. Inquire of owner. 1395 N. Uberty street 2-20-lw iEST EASTERN OREGCN LAND we nave several pieces of the best Eastern Oregon land for 112 to $30 per acre. One piece of 320 nures nas aitcn and water ei ough to lrrigatA whnlft nWa with inn acres In clover und timothy; wlte ieucea with house and barn. An other piece has running water with 100 acres f meadow land Improvements. These pieces are Hume or tne choicest m this new country, that Is Just starting to develop. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 Duum commercial streth,. 12-15-tf FOR SALE. UII SALE Oak and fir wood. Oak any length, $6 to $6.50 per cord. 'ir, J5.00 and $5.50. Phone 1779 FISH AND POULTRY MARKET For fresh fish .poultry and eggs call on Price & Weisenborger, 312 North commercial street . 2-21-6t FOR SALE -Brown Leghorn eggs for setting; $1.00 for 15. 1047 South Commercial street Mrs. O. Ireton 2-23-tf FOR SALE Soms good work teams, narness and wagons; all are near ly new. Light wigon suitable for one horse. 803 Broadway. 11-8-tf FOR SALE: Good wood hauling out- nt Wagon, Iron rack, team and harness, any part Address Box S8, Route 1. 1-3-tf FOR SALE Second hand disc har row, good as new. Address "XYZ" care of Journal. 2-22-3t FOR SALE Rhode Island Red chick ens; also eggs for hatching. See R. P. Bradford with Oregon Shoe Company. 2-22-3t TOR SALE Nearly new one-ton auto truck at a bargain. Phone 726 Main, or 860 Main. 2-12-10t AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Four passenger light car In best condl tlon; 1911 model. Just repainted and overhauled. Will stand sever est mechanical examination or demonstration. An economical car that will do the work. Price cheap Call at E. Hofer & Sons, Roal Es tate 2ia S. Commercial treet. 2-16-tf WANTED. WANTED A five or six room house close to buslnesn district Phone 1967. 2-22-3t WANTED Board and room In pri vate family by lady. Phone Main 1121. 2-12-tf WANTED Good, strong girl to do general housework. Must be able to do plain cooking and must be neat and clean. Phone Main 855, or call mornings at 785 S. Com mercial street 2-22-3t WANTED Experienced growers to contract for growing cucumbers for pickle factory. Parties having suitable land, address or phone G. Stolz Co., Salem, Oregon. 2-17-lm FOR BENT. FOR RENT Fine furnished room for man and wife at 465 Center street 12-22-td MISCELLANEOUS BELMONT AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL East 23d and Morrison streets, Port land, Oregon. Young men, lei us teach you bow to earn good wages. Chauffeurs and repairmen in big demand, $35 for complete course Write or come and see us at once. 2-13-1 m ROGERS PLUMBING company will move In their now building on Chemeketa Btreet between Llborty and Commercial streets about the first 'of March. 2-20-Ct Near Rochello, 111., an Indlun went to sleep on a railroad track and wns killed by the fast express. Ho paid for his carelessness with his life. Of ten It's that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New. Discovery will cure tnem and so pre vent a dangorouii throat or lung trou ble. "It completely cured m In a Bhort tlmo, of a terrible cough that fol lovl a anvnrs Attack of rln " wrll J. R. Watts, Floydada, Tex., "and J regained 15 pound In weight that 1 had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. 60c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free at J. C. Perry. CHICHESTER S PILLS rivUf, AvU Ki in-. 111 t. 1 SOiO BY DRUGGISTS LVLRVVVHl !t V7 I.4I-.1 A.kf.f ral ( Vk M..lM-l-r, lllamad llni4A 7 aaaH RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Southbound. li San Francisco Express .3:31a.m. 19 Ashland Passenger ... .10:59 a.m. 17 Roseburg Passenger .. . 6:21p.m. ii onasia limited 7:38 p.m 27 Eugene Passenger .... 8:30p.m. 10 vuiuuraia nixpresB .... :btip.m 226-Way Freight 9:60 a.m, ttir ortland Fast Freight .10:45 p.ra iortni)()unu. is Oregon Express 6:15 a.m. 14 Oregon Express 5:43 a.m, 28 Portland Passenger ... 8:30a.m. li bhasta Limited 12:35 p.m. io roruana Passenger ... 2:56 p.m 20 Pnrtlanrl Pooa......- ?.-ioM i-'o way Freight 12:35 p.m. i roriiana jast Freight ,12:01a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC" RAILWAY CO, -cave aieni. Arrive Portland. 6:30 a.m. 8:55 a.m. ... Train 6 8:30 am ... Train 8 ... ... Train 10 ... ... Train 12 ... ... Train 14 ... . . . Train 16 . . . . . . Train 18 . . . ... Train 20 ... Arrive In Salem. 11:00 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 11:15 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:40 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 8:50 p.m. 4:00 p.m 5:10 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 10:45 p.m Train 1 . 8:30 a.m. Train 3 9:50 a.m Train 5 10:30 a.m. Train 7 1:00 p.m. Train 9 ' : 15 p.ra. i rain 11 6:00 D.m. Train 15 ; 8:35 p.m. Train 17 11:10 p.m. ALE.M, FALLS CITY & WESTERN RAILWAY. Leaves West Sulem tnr Dallas, Falls City, Black Rock 9:00 a.m Lianas, rails city 1:30, 4:35 p.m. Sunday Trains for Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a.m. and 1:35 n m Dallas 5:50 p.m. I rains arrive at Hest Salem from Dallas 8:15 a.m. Black Rock, Falls City and Dnllas 12:30 p.m. fans city and Dallas 4 rlG p.m Sunday. Black Rock; Falls City and Dallas 1:15 and 5: 30 p.m SALEM INDEPENDENCE BOATS. The launched InHnnniiilanna tin! Louise will leave their whnrf nt ho fnnt of Trade st. for Independence at the lonowmg nours dally except Sunday: Leaves Independence ,. 8:30a.m. Leaves Salem 4:00 n.m. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A o. c. t. co:s Steamers Pomona and Orecnnn lonvo for Portland Monday, Wednesday and Frldav at 10 a. m - Tnonilnv Thuminv and Saturday at 6 a. m.; for Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum Has medicine which will cure any Known disease. He makes a specialty of and guarantees to cure catarrh, as thma, lung, throat, rheumatism, debil ity, stomach, liver, kidney trmililoa- also any blackened or swollen imr. ness, broken limbs, smallpox epidemic; au Kiuiis or bolls, lost manhood, female weakness, hernia troubles and paral ysis. Consultation free. Care of Yick Se Tone Co.. Chinese rirucH nnd horlm Office hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and 1 to p.7777kz7Jzkxog ....L.Gmb m 1 to 7 p.m. Office open Sundays. 153 High street, upstairs, Salem, Ore. 4 I Salem Fence Works I Headquarters for WOVEN WIRK FKNf'IN'fl I HOP WIRE BAKU WIRE POULTRY NETTING SHINGLES MALTHOID HOOKIMJ I P. & B. and BEADY ROOFrNG t All nt the lowset prices I CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court Street Phone 121 f 4 4-4 f-M-f 4- W-f-f 444H4M4 ! GOLD DUST FLOUR Made by Hie I SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, i I U-.J . . pjuiit'j, vri'K Made for Family Use Ank your grocer for It Bran and Hhorls alnjii on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agent WANTED-FARMS 1 a 1 1 1 - i I, 1 1 ii We have applica tions fer in. proved land. What have you to sell? COURTIER & VICK Room 1, Ladd t Bush Bank l.i-illiVl I PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flonr. Feed. Elc Wheat Tmir m-1.s. tu.. , , - f uiuiiwiu , oc: CliiO. BbC: rprl Rnu.l.n cr.. ' Sfi0. LiH V."1 vmiey, iv-tum, 000, Flour Patftnrn li Kn t J1?'?"". 4.05; exports, $3.80; Valley, i g- . wueat Barley 140 lnn " w" ul'W'8i UOID- Hay No 1 p n grain, Min aTT. 134 : racked. 35 ton. Millstuffa Rrnn o crv . F".l"n. 3.i hor' '12: rolled uats-New white, 32 per ton. 1)11 lr anil r.,.,. -... Butter-City creamery, extra, 1 and ruuuuu DrmtH In hnr 0,? Pound! lean thnn 1 . "j .. vui luiis ana uoiiYmj' extra. x-gKS Ortirnn rftnnl. iQnn. Cneest) Full ernm tivi,, . v.. . ' i per iuuiis America, ISC. Poultry TTonp i 3H14c;;ducks, ncZ 2021o ' dre3Bed Veal-Fancy. 85 to 125 pounds. 13 rorK-Fancy, 8 Ho per pound. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc Dried Fruits-innioa i9u. Auvyin;. per 18c; peaches, 12Mc; prunes, Italian VU,, iyrv, 18c: "es. white and "men., o-rcwttc: currants, 10 lie: raisins. Ioora mhiksm ci . hleached Thompson 11 c. unhleached oui minis asc, seeded 9!i(g!9y4C. .uiibo noastea, m drums. 2Gfff40c per pound. M.ila Tlfl . . . . .1U D WVMIII11IH lKu.1l U. it . almonds 18l9c; pecans, 18c; cocoa- nuts, aucia ll nar Salt-Granulated, $15 per ton; half ground, 100s, 8.50 per ton; 60s, $9 per ton. . Beans Smnll .Mtn au... i it; . 7' ""'jy lrse i".". t7au; imia, i Vic; pink, 5c; tou lllUAltlllllR. ClMaP hDVnii Rn Suear Dry irrnnnlntn.i titnn. i. and berrv. ifi nR? hf in'in.' J... r JV..1U, puwuerea, Darrels, ?S.80; cubes, UK1TU18, u.vb. Rice No. 1 .Tnnnn tlXi . A " '" " .11DC110 eL " , Mui.iii7i u ueuu, 6 7c. RimjPH. a.i.iiu n 4 t . Unu,ih.. u Honey Choice. M 7K kdh. ri.,.i - ' T " umiw) DVinillOU 10c per pound. Vpirelahlea nml Pn.Uo Fresh Fruits Penra Kfiiffti itn nB. "I IIOI uu. Kries, (dcwjji.uu per box; cran uui i irci. iiuo i nor ttoi.ini . .v. V,..nt Apples Fancy Dnmn iiooniir o :i per box; choice Rome Beauty, $2.00; inucy xeiiow wewtown, $2.50; fancy Spltzonbergs, $2.75; Delaware Red, $1.75: WlneKan. t!nn- Mn.ti,n. o.... $1.60; Baldwin, $1.D02; Ben Davis! Tropical Frnltn Orn S2.7G6? 3 ! Valenclna. UK on nor h'mr. rni ' Ifornia grapefruit, $3.604; Florida graueiruic, u.du; bRnanas, B5V4cpor pimuu; lemonB, I&JP5.75 per box; pomegranates. J I Tift nr hnv VegetnbleB ArtichokeB, $1.25 per Z ' Rlm' iol'c; cabbage, 1V4 1tC per nound: cnnlirinwoi. r,n.;n n- - --. ..w.. v., wvuy per dozen: ciirmnhnra t9 r,n box; egg plant, 12 Vic per ponud ; gar lic, 810c per pound; lottuce, 90c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $1.00 per box; peppers, 12 too per pound; pumpkins, iu'i7c; rauisnos, lZfto per dozen; uprouis, BUfiHc per pound; aqunsh, ltt um per noiinn: tninnlno fx vr, h.. Back VenetulileH I'nrmia ti nil buck; iiirnips, jl.ou; beeta, $1.00. oweei I'oiatneg i.rnn nr .miu Potatoes NfiW flrnnn ftflnffiHl on per minureu. t........ Onions California, $2.25 per Back, Hops, Wool, HIilcB, Etc. Hops 1911 crop, 8738c per pound. Wool Eastern Orpirmi UtntKn pound; Valley, 150)170. Moliair Cholco, 3035c. . Hides Salted lililen. 10n salted calf, 1017c; salted kip, 10 Vic; Baited stags, 8 Vic; green hides, 9c; dry hides, 18c; dry calf, 19ffli20c; dry stags, 12013 Vic. Provisions. Hams 10 to 12 doiiikIh. ir.ffiinUn- 12 to 14 pounds, 15il(ic; 14 to 16 poundB, 1617c; 16 to 18 pounds, 10 17c; skinned, 17c; picnics, 11 Vic; cot tage roll, 10 Vic. Ilacon Fancv. 24c: ntnnrinnl 9hf choice, 18 Vic; English, 17c. Dry Salt Cured Regular short cloars, dry salt, 12Vic; smoked, 13 Vic; backs, light, salt, 13c; smoked, 14 Vic; backs, heavy, snlt, 12Vic; smoked, 14c; exports, snlt, 13 Vic; smoked, 15Vic. Smoked Meats lleef tnniriH W,f dried beef sets, 22c; oulBldes, 20c; In- sides, x.'ic; knuckles, 21c. Pickled floods Barrels, nlun fnot 114: regular trlnn. tin' hnnn nnmi. tripe, $12; lunch toncuos, $22; lambs' tongues, 40. Lard Kellln ronilnrxil tUyrnna 11c tubs, 13Vic; itandard. tierces, 11 Vic! tubs, V4e. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. riran, per ton $27.00 Flour, hard wheat $4.00 HhorU, per ton $28.00 Wheat, por bushel Hfio Oats, por. bushol 4245c Chlltum bark, per pound 4VifKio Potatoes, per bushel 7dc Hay timothy $13.00 Out and vetch ,.$H110 Clover hay $89 Cheat liny $lify10 II ii t ier and Eggft. Butter fat, per pound ...30c Creamery butter, per pound 3ic Country butter, por pound ,.30e FggB, por dozen 10c Poultry. Fryers, per pound 15c IleiiB, per pound 12l3c Boosters, per pound 6c Livestock. Stags, per pound 8W11c Steer (under 1000 lb.) $5.506 Bteerg (1000 to 1200 lb.) $4.MHTr, Cows, per hundred weight .MRff50 Von; fat, per pound 707 Vic Stock hogs, per pound 6Vi7c Fwes, j.er pound i 8c Spring lnmbs, per pound 9c Veal, according to quality lie Pelts. Dry, per pound 8c Salted country pelts, each 6GcJ $1 Lamb poltn, each 2!ic . i i, o i Dr. Mllt' A nil-Pain I'llli for Ifgnoln O Ohildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A pleassd to learn tUnt there la nt le-wt one dreadud dlseiise that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Cainrrh m, Ing a constitutional disease, reqairei a constitutional treatment Hall's Ca tarrh Cure ! tjlknn InlnrnolW tl directly mmn tha i,tnnH L . surfaces of the svninm ihaK. stroylng the foundation of the disease. Uu snug me pauonc strength by building UO tha pnnalllnllon - ' m,u no slstlng nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have bo much faith In 1U curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address J- CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by driieglBts, 75c. Take Hall't Vamllv piii 4V. -.n J - ... ,u, VU11BLI pation. o "tfutt and Jeff. Mr "A Mutt" and his beeom friend Jeir will hn D-npcita k u - o-n.-vw VI 1,110 Vlljf Ui oalem on Fehmnrv 01 mQi!na An j - CV11U evening, entertaining their many friends at the Grand theatre. These two rather peculiar gentlemen, while having no Intimate acquaintances In this city, lira iinHn,ii.u,n 1 1 n. , n j wuil known by reputation as President Taft meir repmatioiiB were obtained by slightly different means, however. President Taft Is looking after our well being, by dlnlomatle unit nnim.oi strategy, while "Mutt and Jeff" are administering "the laugh cure" for what ails you. Both are undoubtedly performing very commendable duties, and obtaining Inestimable results. A Visit to the nranri itnHnv lha .i,,.. of "Mutt and Jeff" In this city, will resuu in mucti physical and mental Improvement. o This Is' tha season nr tnn vnnr shnn mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant rea son for It aa every cold weakens tha lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the wav for the mnrn aprlnna that so often follow. Chamberlain's iougn Komedy is famous for Us cures, and is pleasant and sate to take. For sale by all dealers. Piles Cured In Six to II Days. Your druggist will refund money If Pazo Ointment fatla to cure way case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles In six to 14 days. 60 cents. Homestead Locations FOR A SHORT time only, we will be In Salem. We have recently ar rived from Lake Co., Or., and can furnish any one dt'Blrlng home stead locations, with the best there Is In that line, aB we are familiar with the entire county, bolng lo cated there ourselves. Also have SO acre choice fruit farm in Polk county, which we must dispose of at once, and which we offer on easy terms. Vick & Chapel, 266 North High St., opposite city hall 1- Sl-lra CONFIDENCE In your laundrymnn Is something everyono Bhould havo. If you send fine linen, you want to feel confident It will 'come bnck without Injury. If you send delicately colored goods, you want to feel cnnlldent they will come bnck without being faded. If you send woolona, you want to feel confident they will come home soft and Duffy. If you are In a hurry, you like to feol confident your work will be delivered on time, Ours Is a laundry In which you can place confidence. We should be pleased lo call for a trial package, Salem Laundry Company 136-166 South Liberty Street Tolophoe Main 25. 5 CELEBRATED LEXSOX FURNACE The Best Heater It will save vou monnv vrv itnv m own It. I will sell and Install the beat Let me give you figures. See Me About an Individual lluhtln nlmii f,r. your home. The best thing In the niaiKet ror cooking and lighting. A. L. Fraser Phone 135. 2;,S Slate Street