DJJIT CAPITAL JOVKSXV ! SALEX, OKEGOS. 8.4TCRDAY, FEBRTJART 81, 1911 TAC1 TEJf. M MM MM 7i otfs tor F A number of our out-of-town customers have repeatedly asked us to offer our extra specials for all day Saturday as they cannot take advan tage of our After Supper Specials. We have decided to accommodate all by doing so. Here are eight attractive specials for today. Read them over. Salem s Good Good s Store Ladies' Gingham 25c and 35c Em- $3.50 Allover Nets Aprons--23c each broidered Tailor- $1.98 7Wu $1.65 Allover Nets We have sold several shipment! of (JQ VtOlltirS dtJC i nr these special, at 27c; but offer them ' y today at thl extra special price. A nlce colicton of dantiy 6ni. Pretty design Just the thing for They are of good quality, In a nice broldored designs. These will be yoke, walsU, trimming, etc.; In . i ...i.. .,.i Tery Potil for the coming season, white and cream only. Your choice assortment of colors and patterns; neKuIar 25 and Bic ulllU ,,., t0(ajr of them today well made, and only, O only, at this price Of . .. eab CiOC Mch ,..,,";(;AvC Special at above prices Men's $4.00 Shoes . . $2.85 Men's 25cCashmer Hose, 18c A line of Men's Patent lllucher, lace shoes, double The best hoseyou can buy black and grey striped sole. A good, durable, dressy shoes, and a line of and dotted patterns. If you want a good, serviceable Men's Patent Hutton Shoes. These two Hues spe- article at an extremely low price, buy these today dully priced, today only, $4.00 iunllty at Q QC rip- r . imir $i.oo 25c quality at I8c pair Ladies Underwear Ladies Fine Lisle Men's 50c Suspen Speeial, I5c Gar- Hose(onight26cpr ders, tonight, 29c mCnt Tonight Only The ,rtde ,, w ,, Rt 3Sc pur select brand. Everything used i w( r(h jn e , ,he makings of these are select- An extra fine Kiirment at this price, regular value;; but attractively f "'n'""'' Wise Is tho man who fleeced, medium weight III vests priced for today's shoppers. Wide ''yp or three of these today, and pants. Put In a supply today garter top and reinforced he.d and f(,r Ty ' a.lw,ByB nC KlarM I5c garment Z"TT":y:.26c "!:!o a 29c ! For30Yea Standard Remedy for Dkea4 of Mhcou Membrane Exwrlracrf phnwebtawiH tetl yoa Bfg G Is tkt wxcpinl lUiuUid remedy for diwue of Bo om, mrmhrtnf dichrKr from the note, throl aA urinary organs. Avoid tobititute. To cxp riment la danrnoat. liijr 0, ocd crerywhTetiiK loco, ku proved tale and ridimble. Noo-poiwnoui, antiacpiie and tonic in itipropcxti, containing a. aiTrr mint, tine tnlphiite, alcohol, cocaine, or anr nurcoix-, it mat b. aacd (nil atrtngth with out fear. Wlir cni. jroimclfi Sold bf dnig fita: or we ahip express prepaid, ttpoa receipt of II. Foil particular, oncloaed with each boUia of Bailed aeakd is plain envelop, on requeiC Tlx Eiut Cktatad U. CiadoMil. Ohit, D.S.1 VISIT THE "BIG DEPARTMENT STORE" TODAY. Salem's Big Department Store tfiK.nrrr'f ATrn The House of Quality iiku'Wi niSiSynTnTTIrlSfcirirj CITY NEWS. To MlnUtcrs t Church notices, to Insure publica tion, mutt be In this (dike by 4:30 Friday afternoon. X IUk land )eal- A ti atari uf l.Jiii acres In MUelon Itoltoinii, ftnu of which were the Kl drldge farm and "(11 tli .lonra' ranch was sold yentrrduy to Portland par (Irs, Hie conelderHtion being I'juii.niiO or ubout tlHil an acre. I'lioiie Main 21i.". The Haleiu IIhIi and poultry market for your smelt, chicken, eggs, clmus nnd fresh flHh. South Commer cial street. , Funeral Sunday The funeral of Joel P. Dunham, who dbMl In Alberta, Cnnmlii. will lie held at 3 o'clw:k, Suiulay, HVbruary 2,'i, 1HI3, at (he undertaking parlors of dough A Lehman. Interment will be In City View cemetery and will be under the auspices of the Modem Woodman. All woodmen are recuest ed to be preecnt. Pupils Slruik- Puplls of the Woodland schools struck and refused to attend school Washington's birthday, and they got away with the strike, too. Hack From Klamath Mr. und Mrs. August Kehruorger returned this morning from Klamath Falls, where they have been on busi ness. AugiiHt says while that part of the country might be all right when It Is properly developed, that the Willamette valley, and more es pecially Biilcm, Is (rM)d enough for him. MRS. P. E. FULLERTON ANNOUNCES IheO at 2 o North Commercial Street Next Door to Fry' Drug Store Take Your Hundsj Dinner At the Elite Cafe. None better. Select the Best The grocery of J. M. I-awrencecan supply your table with the very choicest., groceries and vegetables. Phone 311 and 197 South Commercial street. . ' ' ' ; Chicken Dinner Served In first class style at the Oregon Ian restaurant' every Sunday, 35c. Ample room, quick service;- good treatment. The public Is Invited. Mono's Brothers, proprietors, 371 State street Chicken Dinner Tomorrow, 8.c At the Elite cafe, better than ever. Just h Correction . In the Journal of February 20, 1912, in the financial statement of Marlon county, among other Items was oni for the assessment and col lection of taxed In the amount of $950. In Justice to the sheriff's of fice it Is necessary to make a slight correction as this Item Is for the ex tending taxes on the tax roll, and not for asseHBiwnt nnd collection of taxes. To the Grand Jury Pet O'Malley, who Is charged with stealing a quantity of bottles from the Crown Drug store, was ar raigned before Justice of the Peace L). Webster, yetttorday and was bound over to appear before the grand Jury. Ills bull was fixed at $150 In default bf which he was com mitted to the county Jail. Modern Woodmen, Attention Yoit-are requested to meet at our hall Sunday, February 2.j, at 1:30 p. m., for tho purpose of conducting the funeral of Neighbor J. P. Dun ham, deceased. The team la request ed to appear In uniform. All that have flowers,! pleuso bring them. Ily order of Venerable Consul. Kilt Cafe for Tour Sunday chicken' dinner, 3."c. Hest In town; quick service; everything first class. Tred lleyser Accepts w Position The Olmstead Land Co. has en gaged P. W. Heyser to take charge of the German Information Bureau, and handle the German customers In their real estate business. Mr. Hey ser Is well known by the Germans throughout the state as he holds a number of good oftlces In tho Ger man Var-Handt In the Btate of Ore gon. Ills entrance Into the firm will be a distinct advantage to the Olm- stiiad Land Co. Ofllce, ground floor Bllgh building. 2-23-21 o .. Want Hunk Statement. rNimn push i.nnui kiiik.1 Washington, Feb. 24. The comp troller of the currency today Issued a call for the condition of national bunks at the close of business Febru ary 20. o YE LIBERTY Masked Ball ... . Pathc f The Test Selig WEXFORD A Timely Rescue. , Vitagraph Complete change of program tomorrow. Matinee, I p. m. Both Theaters. ! Showing a Beautiful Dis play of WAISTS, SUITS and COATS J personally selected in New York by J Mr. Fullerton As the Exclusive Agents for F1SK HATS I weare Showing the Newest Spring Ptlodels. : Ycu arc invited to vicifc our Model Shop A. McCulloch r i J ' PERSONALS. D. D. Barron and M. K. Ferdinand, of the Owl j Construction company, went to Portland yesterday on busi ness connected with their firm. Blaine McCord. of Woodburn, was In the city yesterday and was tran sacting business at the court house. F. B. Sackett. of Sheridan, was In the city yesterday on business. R. E., rnpresi-mlng the Real ty association of Portland, was In tl.p city on business yesterday. Mrs. and Mr. N. R. Dale are In Portland for a short vis-It. E. O. Walker, of Eugene, and J. C. Donovan, of Albany, are in the city on business. Miss Kittle Harbord, the accommo datinp clerk at D. J. Fry's drug store, went to Portland today. Prof. J. 8. Grnham ond County Superintendent of Schools Walter M. Smith, went to Woodburn this morn ing to attend the teachers' Institute held there today. Mrs. J. A. Carson was among those going to Portland today. Mrs. Frank Matthes, of Brooks, was In the city yesterday. J. A. Bernard!, the plumber, went to Portland today. Hal D. Patton Is In Portland, going down this morning. R. Turney, of Chemawa, Is In the city. Mrs. J. Whitney, Mrs. G. W. Knight and Miss Martha Johnstone, of Hub bard, are in the city. W. Johnson, of Independence, Is registered at the Bllgh Hotel. Tabernacle Meetings. At the meeting at the tabernacle last evening the following resolution was adopted by a rising vote: Believing that Dr. Ilulgln hns la bored among us for our good, giving himself without reserve In the Master's service, and, In view of the fact that for personal compensation Dr. Hulgin trusts the ieople of Salem for worthy financial return without pledge, be It Resolved, That .wo, the people of Sn leni, assembled In meeting at tiie tab ernacle, Friday, February 23, 1IH-, heartily endorse Dr. Ilulgln's work and pledge our co-operntlon In securing a worthy offering for his services, and urge the general public to respond gen erously In the free will offering taken at the closing meeting of the revival. HeBolved, Further that a copy of this resolution be, sent to the daily papers of Salem for publication. The following are authorized solici tors for th coffering for Dr. ilulgln: Mrs. E. D. Ilrock, West Salem. Captain Axtell, Salvation Army. Mr. John 11. Moorman, Salem. Mr. A. 0. Davidson, at II. S. Gile & Co. Mr. K. O. Flyng, Salem. Mr. J. C. Hopkins, Salem. Mrs. R. 8. Wallace, Salem. Mr. A. A. Fisher, Salem. Dr. I,. G. Altman, N. Liberty street Mis. A. L. West, Snlem. Mrs. S. J. Dorsey, 681 Center street. Mr. A. B. Watson, 1G5 West Wash ington street. Mr. K. C. Mlnton. 13!)0 Broadway. Capt. R. H. Ryan, Commercial hull Rev. J. W. Ileckley, 382 North Capi tol street. Mr. E .M. Ilosworth, secretary Y. M C. A. Mrs. Leslie Carter, the great actress, will be In Oreeon in March. "I can't sec as well as I use to." This Is heard every day. If your eye are not serving you as you think they should consult A. McCulloch oPTomiusT l JUrtfc OMOttrrtal St 8r.) WOOD AND COAL In any quantity. Prompt delivery our speciulty. Falls City Lumber Company, 279 North Commercial street. Phone Main 813. MONEY TO LOAN T1IOS. K. FOItli Over Ladd and Hush Hank, Salem, Or. MONEY 10 LOAN On good Ileal Estate security. BEfllTEL BIN0X 847 8Ute Street MONEY TO LOAN On farm and city property. John H. Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or egon. Phone 1551. Care of :- Your ny: Eyes i LEAVE IT TO YOU Do you not prefer to have your eyes examined and your glasses fitted by a Specialist, who is a graduate of Heidelberg College, Ger many, in medicine? , , , , ' u ' . I do not practice medicine, but devote all my time to the practice of optics For 31) years I have been a specialist in that profession. I am the only Specialist in the City of Salem that does not prac tice anything else, but lit eyes correctly. SO EXTHA CHARGE FOR EXA.MIATI0X when glasses are furnished by me. I am endorsed by the leading physicians of the state and I can re fer you to over nine hundred satisfied people since locating In this city in employing professional service, you get the best, service in materials for less than you would pay others for Inferior mater ials and no PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. All broken lenses replaced while you wait Charges reasonable. All work guaranteed satisfactory in every respect. If you desire the benefit of niy opinion and advice, do not hesi tate to consult with me. Your eyes are my flrBt consideration The sale of a pair of glasses my last. , ' ; The whole problem lies In these words: RIGHTLY FITTED LEXSES BV THE RIGHT MAX. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN DOCTOR OF OPTICS Rooms 210-211, U. S. Nat'L Bk. Bldg ; 4 HHHHH t.MHf4 t Sw ID FOR RENT Furnished house, no chil dren. Inquire H. W. Thielsen, 151 N. High street. Phone 139 or 1324. 1-15-tf A CHANCE TO SAVE $140 on a piano Must sell fine $350 piano for $210. A beautiful, quarter sawed oak cabinet, very rich and massive. A splendid-toned instru ment, little used, just like new. Piano stool and velvet cover in cluded. Would prefer cash, but will sell to responsible person for $50 down and $10 a month. Call at 396 S. Nineteenth street. 2-22-3t FOR SALE 17 fresh cows,' 761 Mil street. Phone 1645, 2-24-3; WANTED Position as housekeeper companion or nurse by refined mid die-aged lady; city or country, Center street Phone 2207. 2-24-t; FOR SALE Household goods- 12 a C. Brown Leghorns, 754 North High gtr(Pt' 2-24-3C FOR SALE Seven-room house, good lot. Price $750. See Ellis & Wood; 466 Court street. 2-24-:u FOR TRADE 141 acres, improved, $S0 per acre; will take city property in trade. See Ellis & Wood, 4G6 Court street. 2-24-Ht FOR SALE 10 acres nearly all In cultivation. Good new house and chicken house, good well five miles out. Price, $1700; $150 cash; bal ance $10 per month. No Interest for four years. Address John Van Laanen, Fair Grounds, Oreg. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BrRGHARDT MEREDITH Resident Agent ISi State Street FOR SALE Dark bay mare about 1350, good driver, Al for small tract, gentle and true, $85. Call 753 South Thirteenth street. 2-23-2t GOLDEN ROD V ACT CM CLEANER Runs easy, very durable; price In rench of all. Demonstrations free In every home. J. M. Roysden, Bllgh Hotel. Phone 712. 2-23-Ct I BET $10 Your wife likes the Madi son saloon lunch wagon meat sand wiches, fried In creamery butter, nnd chicken hot tanmle all the time. 2-23.2t FURNISHED ROOMS 336 N. High street, near city hull. Phone Main 2-24-3t LOST Small heart-shaped pin be-, tween Summer -street and Stats house, February 15; reward. Return to Journal. 2-24-3t WANTED Salesmen to sell our line of fancy fruit ciders In small towns;'; 30 per cent commission and weekly drawing account Red Cross com-, pany. Dept. A, St. Louis, Mo. ; FOR SALE Dry wood, or 1419. Phone 18SS '2-24-31 LIMITED NUMBER of smart hand made street hats worth $7.00 to $10.00. Our price, $5.00 to $7.00. ; The 'p-to-Date Remodeling Shop, ; 165 North Liberty. it ) FOR RENT Furnished apartments, also furnished bed room, 033 Ferry Btreet. Phone 465. 2-24-3t WANTED A 19-year-old German, In tending to come to Oregon, now liv ing in St. Ixiuls. wishes a place eith er as a blacksmith or on a farm. For Information call or address Hoard of Trade. 2-24-3t AGENTS Get particulars of one of the best paying propositions ever' put on the market. Something no one else sells. Can make $4,000 ' yearly. American Products Co., j 6084 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. . if. . j AGENTS WANTED To sell an artl- i cle used by everybody. 1,000 per cent profit. Sample, 15c. Write for proposition. Fisher Knitting Co., I'tlca, N. Y. 2-24-3t FOR SALE One lot and big build ing three blocks from P. O. for $800. Also one lot 50x100. Pave ment and street assessments all paid; Just of State, for $600. $150 down, balance on easy terms. In quire 120 N. Liberty street. 2-24-tf , ) ki'-ikl : .Silt i'l j t j 1 Jfjjfc TYPEWRITERS All Makes BOruilT SOLD RESTED REPAIRED RIKIIOXS ROLLERS SI ITI.IES " See me before you do anything C. M. L0CKW00D Panne Y.u a! iU-m remnierrlal. Halem. Oreion. "Made in Oregon" EPPIEY'S BAKING POWDER re it t m i 10M WUw mit VWirr. f. . EPPLSt Sl, Oittm Far and Near Vision properly corrected by Kryptok Lenses io a pleasure enjoyed with no other lenses. Broken lenses replaced while you WOlt- We Krln1 any lens made In our shop; 0 walt ongup (han a dfty Chas. H. Hinges Kj-Slght Specialist Nwtdoor to U. S. Bank Building. WANTED Collector by Telephone company. Must, know city and be able to give bond. Apply at office, 170 North Liberty. 2-24-3t Lots of Lots We have lots in all the best addi tions in Salem. Now Is the time to secure your home -site so that you can arrange to commence building early In the spring, Beautiful lot on Broadway 90x150 feet, $1350; terms. Fine lot on State street, within walking distance, only $1900. Good lot on Capitol street south of the creek for $750. Loi. i gooa street, lust ' off Capi tol for $375; 55x156. Splendid lot" on Falrmount Park for only $450; cheep. These are only a few of the many lots we have listed. No trouble to show our property. We write Insurance. Bonds. BECHTEL I BYNOX Mule Street. Tel. Main 452 The Rosehllrr Rovlnw U nrnhnhlv perfectly con-erf l n anvlnv that Tctaaff O. Drake, convicted of libeling Judge Hamilton, "did not like the verdict." Hniii.i .T7TT QT Tr T";WHHmHHmT I 5TATE NI Dcrmpo . . .. . . . t 7RAur Established 1893 I'ROWER OV nrvrm. , . t my price, before p.a ng your 7 1 8TpC r doing so. if vou your order' " nwy "r this 8prIng !","' g any Prune Md Logan Up- vera, bundrV isfH iTT'1 0Ur rder- H"9 WW, which I 11 r flv-rer-old of the 2-foot grade from llteti'Tfc Mch rB,,M Wlth m fr thl,fa11 delivery; price UKU t of .sy,um 1. . r s FREDERICS mat r:t ox Emm. ihi Tint Ssbirtw, 6M. Bonte C SatM, Orcfgia .