A ,T1Y CtfT"': ""JRHAL. 8ALB. OHICOH, FRIDAY, FEBRCABY It, H12. 1 llllfIA fl K aft ' a 1 no Kn . . I . ... ,, Women. s.:; . it L2 UL PAG 3! f7V3 t fnrt.h extreme efforts to secure splendid Bult. values fnr th P' . ,, H TOmen of Salem, and we consider our regular values to be the S iKt we ever offered. But In order to protect our customers, we B will offer " . OUR HANDSOME SUITS FOR 7A .ess JHCES IE GREATEST AMERICAN PLAY "PAID IfJ FULL" SATURDAY "It t truly a great play." This is estimate placed on Eugene Wal Vi "Paid In Full" by the Phlladel i North American, an opinion 'lose worth is multiplied by the a that It was expressed in an edi U. Since the founding of the American, a aally newspaper itf rart Influence and enormous clr jilttlon, only one play besides nW Itt Full" has beun hold of suf 'M imprtance to merit the dis- foster & Baker 1 UlIUI EIIIKS AlVtt MP1T Qeck off what you want and ! phone 2.ri9. fret 23c per Dozen. ; I; Vint)!. !; 8weet Potatos. jt Cabbage Greens, I Cauliflower, kttuce, firsnlpg. U Turnips. f Cwrots Jt OoloDi, k Cbbage. Celery. Fruits. Cranberries. Grape Fruit Oranges, Bananas. Lemons. Apples, Figs. Dates. PHome Made Hominy.... 10c qt J me Made Kraut 10c qt. j "one Conned Cherrles.2r,o qt. . Fresh Meats Nntiirrlnr. " rou want the best grocer- low price ami quick ser e' P'ao your orders wlt.b tt Auto Delivery. j; J N. Commercial. Phone 259 tinctlon of an editorial. Not alone the wide public Interest in "Paid in Full" because of its enormous suc cess but Its notable superiority as a play and the graphic accuracy with which it depicts the social condi tions it deals with, commended It to the North American for Bpcclal con sideration. "How many men are there," said this newspaper, "who have at one time In their lives fought the man higher up with his hand upon the pay roll? How many women, wives of these 'then battling for their raise,' have consecrated their lives to fighting the good fight along with the men they love and have found their reward in the mere glory of tho struggle? A great many, yes, a very great many. 'Paid In Full" Is this economic theme', caught into final, appealing, gripping drama. It Is one play out of a thousand." The Wagenhals & Kemper Co. will present this play, the biggest and the most popular sccess In years, at the Grand Saturday matinee and night and with a cast of exceptional excellence. "Paid in Full" has the brilliant record of a two-years' run In New York, and every member of the cast that will be seen here has won applause on Broadway. The quality of the company lends added lustre to the event which from every point of view is the most attractive feature of the theatrical season. To see this great play acted by a bril liant Now York cast Is something not to be overlooked, -o Do you know that more real dangor lurks in a common cold than In any otner of the minor ailments? The safe 1 .... v i t Pmitrn way is to lane iiamumiiuu vur Rcmedy, a thoroughly reliable prepar ation, and rid yourself of tho cold as quickly as possible. This remedy li for sale by all dealers. i BEAUTf Ul HOM ; ot compile without a fireplace. We carry a complete line of ; '"Hl!Rce requirements. Including many shades and deigns of LOS ;; AsELES, RICHMOND aud NEWBERH FIRE BRICK, as well as a PM line of tiling. :; " you will call at our office wo will be very glad to show you ,; j The Chas. K. Spaalding logging Co. it nuraclureri of Lumber, and dealers In Building Material. Omoe, Front and Ferry. Phone Main 1830. CANDIDATE LESS LEGISLATION Ceorge W. Weeks, a prosperous farmer, living In the Fair Grounds dis trict, filed his Intention of becoming a candidate on the Republican ticket for the position of state representa tive. Mr. Weeks is one of the best known men in this part of the Wil lamette valley, and has many friends who are glad to see -him in. the race for this important' office. It nomin ated and elected Mr. Weeks declares that he will work for a more efficient public school system, advocate the im provement of our public highways at the least possible expense, and will work for the repealing of a great many of the old laws which have be come inadequate or useless. He don't believe in having laws on the statute books that are not enforced, and he is not in favor of enforcing some of the old laws that may be found on our statute books. He desires this slo gan placed after his name: 'State ment No. 1; more efficient schools; good roads, and less legislation." Mr. Weeks has been a resident of UjIs part of the country for many years, and, though beginning in a small way, has managed his own bus iness so well that he now known as one of the most successful small fruit growers in this part of the state. He has never before sought public office, or become' a candidate for any public place. RIDS SKI!! OF ALL -HAIRS, TRY IT, FREE WONDERFUL NEW PREPARATION UNLIKE ANYTHING EVER KNOWN BEFORE. THE LIST OF CREDITORS GROWING RAPIDLY f UNITED FRE88 LEA RED WIIIE.) Seattle, Feb. 16. With every day the complications surrounding the operation of W. E. DeLarm, A. J. Blehl and their associates In the var ious Irrigation projects which they promoted, become more and more hojeless. The stream of new credi tors never ceases. This morning at 'east 25 filed their claims with Receiver Slchler, of the Washington Orchards Irrigation and Fruit company. ' This afternoon Slch ler filed a list of over 100 creditors as the temporary schedule of claim ants. Expert accountants will be set at work In a day or two on the books In Del-arm's vault HIS FRIENDS SURPRISED HE WAS "SO CHARITABLE' UNITED PRESS LEASED WIDE. Portland, ' Or. Feb. 16. The arrwt of P. C. Lavey, a prominent Portland realty operator In San Francisco for violation of the postal laws, came as a complete surprise to his friends here today. Lavey made a fortune in realty operations throughout the Northwest and' wb'le his methods were spectacular, he stood high In the community. He was a large contributor to charities. They Played the Trick. UNITED DIESB LEASED WIRE. , Portland, Or., Feb. 16. A. C. Car penter, an Idaho mining man, loanetl two strangers $125 In bills to play a "disappearing act" In a local saloon. One of the men disappeared, and the other gave Carpenter a check for $980, and llkewlso disappeared'. The bank would not cosh the check. Has 4!) St"p-MotluTs. UNITED PRESS I.EAHKD WnUS 1 San Francisco, Feb. 16. Abdula Plang, son of the Sultan of Mindanao, Is In town. He's only got one dad, but he has a mother, 1 step-mothers, 33 brothers and slBters, a wife and one child. He's looking for more wives. o The Crew" Was Bad. UNITED PRKSB LEAKED WIRE.) San Francisco, Feb. 16. A riot call came Into police headquarters: "The crew of a steamer at Mleggs' wharf Is beating up the-flrst mate! Twelve po licemen got on the Job. "The crew was G. Pamaduso and his Jaff. o- When special policeman ,Valle un dertook to arrest a uunaman in Portland Thursday, the Chink tried to eat. him chewing one of his hands badly. I ni Inn im 4.1 IfcjL:'. 'i ,;4 II r vrtk: j ir-tu. WOT -Mi "These Hairs Will "Hairs Be Gone In Gone 3 Minutes!' Forever!'1 I want every man and woman who wants to get rid of superfluous hair, anywhere on the body, to see the ex traordinary results of my new Electro-la, the most remarkable prepara tion. You have never used anything like it before, and you wil never hse anything else when once you've tried It. Unlike other preparations,, Elec tro-la absolutely and forever destroys the life of the hair roots. Moreover, Elec-tro-la Is safe, abso lutely. No reddening of the skin. No Irritation. In three minutes all su perfluous hairs are gone. The skin, no matter how tender, is left refreshed soft-and beautiful. Heavy growths and light growths vanish. Any woman can now free her arms, neck and bust of all downy or heavy hairs and her beauty enhanced a hundred fold. I am going to prove It to you, an dsend you a liberal trial package' of this new Elec-tra-la, If you will simply send me your name and address on the coupon below, with a 2-cent stamp to help pay cost of mailing. The full-size package of Elec-tro-la is $1.00. I will send you the $1.00 package now., on receipt of price, and refund your money If you are not satisfied. 8485 FREE TREATMENT. Fill in your name and address on dotted lines below and send It to me, Anna Burton, 5312 State street, Chicago, enclosing a 2-cent stamp to help cover mailing, and I will send you at once a free trial pack age of the remarkable Elec-tro-la. (Continued from rage 1.) A GREAT DISCOVERY land-Enright read a paper full of thought and received several outbursts of applause. Would Scuttle Tammany. Governor West, in presenting Mrs. Gseeley, said he had conversed with governors of states that had woman suffrage, and they all gave good re ports of Its working well. If the wo men get to vote in New York they would certainly put Tammany -out of existence, and he was willing to see some of his Democratic friends go down In the cause of good government. Mrs. Greely proved a charming enter tainer, attired In a low-cut evening gown, arms bared to the shoulders, long white gloves, and beautiful as a picture, a woman any man could be proud to have for a wife or mother, graceful In her platform manners, and with a good voice and fine fcom- mand of language. She had the addi tional sense of humor that makes a public speaker possible. She was not claiming that suffrage for women would bring about any general re forms and inaugurate milennlum. Wo men were not so much better than men, as had been represented. Men had only had universal suffrage In some countries about a hundred years and government . was still In the ex perimental stage. Woman In the Home. The old argument was that wo man's place was In the home. It was said God and man had put her there. But God and man had not been able to keep here there. There were seven million, three hundred and fifty thousand women wage-earners In the United States, working from 10 to 12 hours a day and in the cities most of them got five dollars a week and leBS. Out of this they had to pay car fare and- buy lunches, and. what was left was not enough to live on. She made a strong presentation of the cause of labor and of education. In Nct,- York it had been a seven-year campaign to get the same pay for the same service rendered by women teachers. If they had the ballot these rights would be accorded women more quickly. She closed In a brilliant burst of oratory crying, amid echoes of applause from the most somnolent and Indifferent women present: 'Strike out the word male. Strike off our shackles, and give women their liberty." At the close of the meeting many women remained to form a local suf frage organization, and it - was an nounced the campaign for equal rights would be pressed hard. Certain Ingredients Thin RnUy Pro mote Hair Growth When Properly Combined. Reaorcln Is one of the most effec tive germ destroyers ever discovered by science, . and In connection with Beta Napthol, which Is both germici dal and antiseptic, a combination Is formed which destroys the germs which rob the hair of its natural nourishment and also creates a clean, healthy condition of the scalp, which prevents the development of new germs. , Pllocnrpln, although not a color ing matter or dye, Is a well-known ingredient for restoring the hair to its natural color, when the loss of hair has been caused by a disease of the calp. These Ingredients In proper com bination, with alcohol added as a stimulant and for Its well-doflned nourishing properties, perfect per haps the most effective remedy that is known for scalp and hair trou bles. We have a remedy which is chief ly comiwsed of these Ingredients, In combination with other extremely In valuable medicinal agents. We guar antee It to poHltlvely cur dandruff and to grow hair, even though the scalp in spots Is bare of hair. If there Is any vitality left in the roots, It will positively cure baldness, or wo will refund your money. If the scalp has a glazed, shluy. appear ance, it's an Indication, that baldness Is peramnent but In other Instances we believe baldness Is curable. We want every one troubled with scalp dlseaso or loss of hair to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. If it does not cure dandruff and grow hair to the satisfaction of th user, wa will without question or quibble return every cent paid us for it. We print this guarantee on every bottle. It has effected a positive cure In 93 per cent of cases where put to a practi cal test. ltoxall "93" Hair Tonic Is entirely unlike, and we think, In every par ticular, better than anything else we know of for tho purpose for which it IS prescribed. We urge you to try this preparation at our entire risk. Certainly we know of no better guar antee to Rive you. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies In Sa lem only at our store The Rexall Store. J. C. Perry, Druggist This is the season of the year when mothers feol very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant rea son for It as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remody Is famous for Its cures, and Is plenssnt and info to take. For sale by all dealers. o OoiuKtpfttodf Try Dr. M1W Untlv WOULD TAKE A CUP (Continued from Page 1.). nomination would make his acceptance of the nomination this year Inconstst' ent " Whatever Colonel Roosevelt said In 1904 and 1907 referred to a third consecutive term. 1 "Mr. RooBevelt believes that the set tied policy of the count! y make a third consecutive presidential term impol ltio, if not Improper, but The Outlook has a better appreciation of his intel ligence to suppose he had In 1904, or has now, the slightest Idea of defin ing a third term, excepting In the way It has JuBt been defined. "The situation, perhaps, can be made clearer by the following homely Illustration: "When a man says at brenkfast, 'No, thank you, I won't take more coffee,' If, does not mean that he won't take any more coffee tomorrow, liext week or next year. If you want anything, say so In the Journal, and ret it. o Th pnlrm of n"i"-"r:la seldom fan te BLIGH Theater PROGRAM TODAY AND TOMORROW ' VAUDEVILLE Oklahoma Trio Those musical boys. Featuring Alllsoa Phillip, the blind pianist O'Roorlie k O'Ronrke K'.aiittt uuncers ever seen In Salem Roland Dale Cmedy singing, talking and dancing -PICU'ItES-8 Their Lost Chance A rich comedy Professor! Daughter Comedy all through Broncho Billy . A dandy Westerner GOOD MUSIC Not elsewhere In Salem Ladlri attending our dally bargain matinees get a chance on a very useful present given away every Saturdny matinee, flee them In theater lobby. . SALEM'S Only snnltary fireproof thea ter. Guard your health and life. Patronize the BLIGH Coining soon Texas Tommy Dunce HER MAJESTY'S BLEND TEA ' If you like' good things to drink, try Kldgways Her Miije sty's Blond Tea. it Is the special blond which , Rldgways had the privilege to supply to . their late Majesties Queen Victoria and King Ed ward VII. Owing to its purity and strength Rldgways Her Knjesty'j Blend Tea goes much farther than ordinary teas. Sealed In air-tight, dustproof, quarter, half and pound packages, N.OO per Pound, , At All First-Class Grocers. REAL ESTATE BULLETIN , E. HOFER & SONS INVESTMENTS PORTLAND PROPERTY TO TRADE If you have a large or Bmall acre age tract to trado for Portland resi dence property, see us about it. Wo can give you several good trades. ACRE IN CITY. No, 118. Onn acre in East Salem district only five b'ocks from State street Seven room house, barn, chicken house' etc Several fruit trees.' All assessments paid. Price, $1,850. Two lots oa Chemeketa stroot, close In for $2,500. DAIRY LAND. Mr. Investor: Now Is the time to buy cheap dairy land In Lincoln county In the Yaqulna and Silotz dis tricts. We nave it from $10 an acre up. . SOME LARGE FARMS No. 108. 160-acre Improved farm on Willamette river. New $2500 house; barn and garage. Price, $100 per acre. Will take part trade on Salem Income property. No. 113. 160 aerM 114 miles from small town on railroad. Two roads through place. Small house and barn. Orchard, 100 acres of good timber. Price, $25 per acre. 83 ACRES IMPROVED No. 77. 38 acres about one-half mile from river, noar Lincoln. Sev en room house and large new barn. Old 5-acre prune orchard, 100 bear ing cherry and walnut trees. 60O grape vinos. On good main road and place well Improved. Spring water piped to house and barn. Price, $7,000. We have several good pieces of jmall acreage. f List your property with us for re--suits. E. HOFER & SONS 213 S. Commercial Street HOE EZ3 jn FOR Men, Women and Children I UP-TO-DATE snappy shoe3 in all styles and leathers, now on dis play in our windows. REPAIRING neatly done by Mr. J. C. Lally, who has been in charge for the past six years. Ye BOOT SHOP 326 State' Street: Scene la Tal4 ! VaiV imh1 C A. G T o n I in: i