PUTS TW9 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. liOFEKt Editor and, Proprietor. H. M. HOFER, Manajer tht PrrM nd DtYlonit ofAHOragM ' rwul bnrr Evak Sunday. Balem. Or. Uanritblr Id Ad mm) WI..InCnW.Pyr P month-. tijr.brlWl.iw"" Wnklr. h M4 P 4.00 Pw month-. 1.M Six month!-. Me 86c 50c fUIX LEASED WIRS TKLEC1UPU KEPOKT BE!" PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE. The Salem Business Men's League is entitled to be called pro- their repular monthly meeting it was decided to hold a weekly Monday noonday, jfet together at the Marion hotel. All the business men of the city will come together and partake of a fifty-cent merchants' lunch. . It will be on the Dutch treat order, each man paying for his own, end as it is washday at home he hopes to fare better down t0 At' this weekly get-together there will be a iew short talks on live topics that are of deep interest to people right at home. Matters like the occupation tax, terminal freight rates, milk ln pnecti'm and auto-chemicalization of the fire department, will be Jabbed into on one side or the other in a good natured way. Every business man in Salem can well afford to take the hour at noon Monday and attend these dinners of the live ones. It Is a proper way to start off the week with good-natured and frank expressions of good will for each other and the city. o If the two new school houses to be built at Salem are to be mere duplicates of what the district already has, then there is no excuse for pnying out thousands in fees for plans and specifica tions. If they are to be on other lines, then the competition for plans should be thrown open to all architects. The two new school houses should have accommodations for the people in the su burbs for a branch library and an assembly place for lectures and neighborhood gatherings. The old way of erecting a forty thousand-dollar building and buying a block of ground, and then have it in use only six hours in the day, five days in the week for forty weeks in the year is superannuated. Modern ideas re quire that public buildings bo mnde useful as part of the civic and social equipment of the neighborhood, and it is time the board of education moved up a notch in dealing with this ques tion. , o THE STRAW VOTE. The straw ballots taken by n Eugene paper show Roosevelt 190. I Follotte 81, Taft 21. At Baker City the straw vote, taken by a daily paper there, shows Roosevelt 105, U Follettc 80, Taft 41. There are many othor newspnpers taking straw votes, and it will be interesting to get hold of the returns. There are those who decry tho straw votes and say they indi cate nothing as to choice of candidates. Tho only lesson of the Rtraw veto is that it is not safe to try to force the nomination of anyone. In the face of a strong public sentiment for popular choice of candidates it will be wise to go slow. Tho more nearly it would be possible to nominnte a man whom the people really desire, the better for all. The leadership of the Republican party in the past seems to have taken delight in swimming against the stream. It is splendid physical exercise, but the swimmer does not ar rive anywhere, and sometimes is drowned. ... o Governor West is forcing tho Issue on a state highway from Fort land to Salem. The towns and cities and road districts along the line have many of them acted, and will act, when they know what the plans are. Now Governor West will establish a rock crushing camp nt some point on the line where the road material can bo had cheaply and in largo quantities for distribu tion. Then-tho railroads will be asked to distribute it to their stations. Tho localities will be asked to co-operate in distribu tion. That Is tho lino of progress and the governor deserves credit for grasping tho idea, for taking the initiative and show ing the peoplo by an object lesson the value of ft good road. All this U Mng done without bond Issues or creating high sal aried officers. i o TAX LEVIES OF CITIES. JOIIiiSOil AY GET 0(1 THE TICKET ItlXITID WE" IMSID WIHB.J Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 25. Deter mined to uncertain Just what the po litical situation In the east really Is, and If possible to pick truth out of a maze of reports as to various Re publican candidate for the presi dency, Governor Hiram Johnson will leave here tomorrow aiusmmu. iui Wellington and New York. An nouncement to this effect was made from the governor' office today, co incident with the arrival of Lieuten ant Governor Wallace from Los An geles. Wallaces will be acting gover nor during Johnson's absence. To reprts that Governor Johnson, u tinned that LaFollette mnnot cap- ro ii. a Uennlill'an nomination, is to boom Roosevelt, the governor re plied only, "I am for LaFollette, as I have Been, me proBrenmvo a. in California are unchanged." It is known that while in New York, to which city Mrs. Johnson will accompany the governor, Cali fornia's executive will hold a confer ence with Colonel Roosevelt. It Is believed that the tactics of the Colo nel of Oyster Ray have mystified Governor Johnson, and that be will go to the source of information to find out if the former president real ly wanta a chance to re-enter the po litical race. No mutter what the result of the conference with Roosevelt, Johnson Is to go to Washington to meet the Progressives there. It Is believed to be not beyond the range of probability that the gover nor may be offered an opportunity to have hlB name appear on the Pro sxesHlve ticket as a candidate for the vice-presidency. It Ib known that Johnson stands high in the councils of the Progressives and while he will not discuss the report, It is snld that, in the event of LaFollette's nomina tion, the Wisconsin man's supporters would welcome a chance to make sure of the Pacific coast by putting on the ticket a man from the west ern side of the rockles. No announcement has been made as to when Governor Johnson plans to return to California, hut he Is un likely to remain more than a month In the east. o X-RAYS AND SMILES. 11 line Chicago stcoire THE HOUSE OF BARGAINS . . . i e vi:fo Sal so we do sc - - ... ci iata Ho so on rridav. We have been asked to repeat our 15. am, 30.Mi- January 26th. From 1 P raSnrompTfvto take advantage of them, ute Sales. You Wul have to be on hand prompt v to , t For everv special value advertised on u AS G0QD vertised values in this Store . 1 30 Minutes Only DRESS GOODS. One lot consisting of Voiles, silk and wool popllns.mohairs, marquisettes, etc colors of blue, black, grey, etc. Plain, plaid, checks, stripes. Values to $1.50. 29c yd 15 Minutes Only Ladles silk and wool union sulta. The celebrated Lazerne suits of silk and wool; better and warmer than all wool Limit of one to customer. 80c 15 Minutes Only Bone Hair Pins, one-half dozen In box E 3c per Limit two boxes to customer 15 Minutes Only Embroidered Flouncing 27- In wide, odds and ends at one-half the cost of manufacture 49c yd Limit 5 yards to customer Choice of either ladies' or gentlemen's silk umbrella or ladles silk petticoat. Choice of any In the store. The first 200 people who enter our doors after VrMav. January 26 IIJCJ ' will receive a ticket bearing a number FREE: you don't have to buy a cent's worth; Just walk In and get a ticket. Remember, Friday, January 26. 30 Minutes Only LADIES' LONG COATS Kersey and broadcloth, with and without cuffs and collars. French front, etc., In the pre vailing colors of the season. 30 Minutes Only LADIES' WHITE SKIRTS Long and short nainsook, lawn, etc., embroidered and lace trim med, tucks and flounces. Values in this lot up to $2. Limit two to a customer. $2.95 49c 80 MIM'TES O.NLY LADIES' OXFORD SHOES Patent kid lined cravenette tops plain and with patent tip. Val ue to $3.50 for 39c pair 2 pair to customer only" 15 Ml.MTKS OSLY LADIES' UNDERWEAR Vests and pants of wool, Jersey ribbed, light, medium and heavy weight. 19c One to a customer JUST AS GOOD 30 Minutes Only Men's wool underwear. Now 1b your chance to buy at one-half manufactur er's cost. 49c Limit two to a customer 15 Minutes Only Serpentine Crepes, plain, figured, stripes, all colors, Just what you want for klmonas. 13c yd Limit 8 yards to customer. 30 Minutes Only LACE CURTAINS Nets, Arabian nets, Battenburgs, etc. Values to $3.00. 3 pair limit to cus tomer. 98c Pair 15 Minutes Only Ladies' sateen waists with de tachable collar In beautiful shades of blue, brown, navy and black. 97c THE CHICAGO STORE If hlirh tax levies check the jrrowth of cities there jure a num ber in Marion county that will not grow for some time. But that Is not tho case when tho money levied la for neces gary Improvements and la honently expended. If It is expended on rottenly constructed buildings, on real es tate ppeculntioim or wild-catting It will hurt. lint hern Is the total tax levies In all cities of Marion county for tho year 1912: Aurora , 0207 Gervnls 0177 Hubbard 0202 Jefferson 02(V7 Mt, Angel 0197 Silverton f 0202 Stayton 0217 Turner 0207 Woodburn 0:152 Salem 0298 From the above showing it w ill appear that Woodburn has a tax levy of three and a half per cent and Salem nearly three per cent. If the money is honestly expended these cities oucht to be verv prosperous for the presidential year. o So far as the legislature is concerned, Marion county will have n c :?wtiiing besides bold a wittenagemolte of kid politi cians to seloet a ticket. The b!r" for high taxes is largely charged to Marlon county. Tho delegation did not Isr.d the right man for speaker. To gvt what they had to have in the way of appropriations they had to pay about a million out of tho pork barrel. Now it is just as much the duty of Marion county not to dig too deeply Inthe pork barrel as it Is tho duty of the man who gets no pork. The absolute necessities of the state can be secured without giving away a million to a million and half. Tho dose will probably ba rvpeatw!, and all this will contribute to what many people Mieve will have to be done alwlish the grafting, log-rolling, disreputable aggregation for plunder called the Oregon legislature. o The Place To Buy The big Hamburg liner Cleveland collided with the armored cruiser Colorado, at Honolulu Wednesday, and It waa the armored cruiser, not the unarmored liner that was in jured. Itetter take lie armor off the big ones to protect (liein. That map of tho proposed double- track road on the 12th page of the Oregonlan Wednesday morning Is Biig- gcstlve of a hangman's noose, the name "Portland" being the rope above It. C. E. Roosevelt, of Pendleton, who hi.i the proud distinction of being only third cousin to Theodore, announces that he will be a candidate for con gress In Eaaterp Oregon. He says he it neither progressive nor stand-pat ter Just Republican. Resides running Governor West's Job, the Oregonlan editorial staff Is now engaged In straightening out the supreme court, and laying down a line of procedure for the court's future guidance. t Motes still refuses to confess where he waa when the lights went out last night 8alem people, In order to protect themselvet are compelled to keep lamps and a supply of oil. It is sug gested hy the horse editor that the P. U., L. & Power Co. are teaching some thing that may grow Into a habit, to that company's serious loss. u l The Choice of a Huilianil. U too Important a matetr for a woman to be handicapped by weakness, bad bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill-hopes by taking Pr. King's Life Pills, New strength, line com plexion, puro breath, cheerful spir its things that win men follow their una. Kay, safe, sure. 2ofl at J. C. Perry's Drug Store. "Got My Sore Foot in It Rightl-Tir "A TIZ Hath, My Boy, a TIZ Bath! You Can't Heat It fur Sore Feet, Corns and Bunions!" Is this man a tender-foot? No. He Is a Joy-walker one who uses TIZ and gets from the feet a happi ness one never felt before. Tbe Danger of La Grippe and I got some at once. I was re- lleved from the very first. Iiy the Is Its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To '"J hVfe" TVl cure your la grippe coughs take Fo- &rl)pe wa J?one' 1 beIlfvf ey s ley's Honey aifd Tar Compound. R.E. "" Ta.r Compound to be the Fisher, Washington, Kas. says: "I I P me('ic "e 1 er UB,d a"d, a'way9 , rm,irt fih ..ton f keep a bottle with me." Red Cross la grippe and nothing I used did me any good and I was threatened with pneumonia. A friend advised me to use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Pharmacy (H. Jerman). o H ?w an nWyetea tagta U tM Br. MIW Untrr TabUts, A Doston man lost his leg from the bite of an Insect two years befere. To avert such calamities from stings and biles of Insects use Bucklen's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the. poison and prevent Inflammation, swelling and pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at J. C. Perry's. trvimmM l,J M tik n km "Surd I Um TIZ Err Tla fr Adt Foot Tnmbk." mi All , niOICE TOR PRESIDENT Mark cross between number and name of candidate. 1. 4. (....) i I () C ) (....) 1::::! William Howard Taft. Republican. Theodore Roosevelt, Republican. Robert M. LaKo llctte, Insurgent. FOR THE" PlVMOCRAT S Woodrow Wilson. Judaon Harmim, Champ Clark. FOUR PER CENT Oa Idle fuads Is a geei ileat Mter Uuu ti!ng. Tie Money yi sate n kaa4 awaiting lavestawnt will em four per teat InVrrtt, eeaipiU 4 en lk Bilalmia Monthly balaic It tVpetuX In tar Sating Department CAPITAL NATIONAL ;BANK 9ATISGSI PIPABTtENT J. H. Albert, B. X. Cretan, Pre. Tlre-rres. Jca. H. Alfert, Cahl.r. When your feet are so tired they feel like. Btumps, when they ache so that they hurt way up to your heart. when you shamble your feet along and It seems as though all the mis ery you ever had has r -ttled in your feet, look at the happy TIZ nutn In the picture. You can be happy-footed Just the same. If you have corns ami bun Ions that everybody seema to step on. Just think of this happy TIZ man. He had corns and bunions,; too. This man used TIZ, and now he has no more tender, raw, chafed, blistered, swollen, tired, smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions. As simn as you put your feet in a TIZ bath, you tv the happiness soaking In. It's like mountain ozone to lungs. Nothing else but TlZ can give you (his happy foot feeling. Don't ac cept any substitutes. TIZ. 25 cents a box, sold every where, or sent direct, on receipt of price, by Walter Luther Dodgo & Co., Chicago, 111. Recommended by all drug stores, department and gen- i O i i . STOP THAT ITCH! We will guarantee t stop that IUh In twn serends. A US-rent bot tle will pre? It No remedy that w have ever sold for externa, psoriasis, and all other diseases of the skin has gHvwn more thorough satlsfaiUnn than the . P. D. PRKSt Rirnox FOR ECZE1A. We guarant this remedy. J. C. Terry, Druggist o When you want a relinhl medicine for a cough cr eo! take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, It can alwa b depended upon and la pleasant an' safn to take. For sal by all deal ers. O ii Eugene mrchant are to make a tour of the state la the near future. on eaters i M M 14 u u II ti y M u II 11 It CI 1 11 11 t! II II M n u n H n m h MMIkaiMiiBlaikliilMklMi hMitaMaiMiiSaa)aaiiaHMaiaMauMyJ n 11 ri 11 II El u u E1 11 II II 11 n ii El El El El n El El El El II El El EI El El 11 El ri El El El El EJ n El ii 3 ii lEig Red Ei ' f x ' H I ' 1 ill . . I .Pi 11 I El 11 Large tock Visit Our Store Now durinor tfi a ikaav Great Pre-Inventory Sale and note the many bargains to be found there. ,UJl me many good va ups awa;i;n No. U-lone airtight. wh f. 8 O M g V " ' ing. RoguUr 2.25 value. Sale ' 8 0119 of our high- j; our Heater Dept.: it No. IS Steel box stove. Hody made of heavy steel. Top, hot torn and feed door of good, thick cast Iron. KeKulw 16.50 value Sale prtce 0. ' No. 18-Oem, hasVllshed steel Jodr. rjinforeed bottom, hn nickel trimmings, nebular t00 value. Sale price tr """y ex- : J innisnea steel n.t torn t0 and n a'o Bo - grade erev rust c ; rsl v , ",. Kegniar value. Bale prM 1()JJ 112.00 No 1rn.i, . . .i v",u"u woou neatpr i Xa W-ttrbon coal heat AU STOVES MENTIOnSubovTcA er is kh fhA pnrhnn vnnll burner, excent that it la fitted with Improved grates and extra heavy fire pot. Sldea are thick, Polished steel. Regular $15.09 value. Sale price $lJs6. No. 22 Fireside, hat all the charm and cheer of a fireplace, with none of lta drawbacks, built throughout of caat Iron, food grade nlckol trimmings: Lrge feed door. Rognlar $13 value. Bale price $10.9 1 ! BE HAD IN DIFFERENT SIZES ii El El it El El II El H El El SI ii ii n