Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 24, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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D1TLT CAPITAL lnwif.-0BEC05, HEPXESBAT, JAXriBT 81, 191?.
Our Great Annual
White Sale
All White Goods at Special Prices
The New Style Book for Spring 1912
1 Now Ready ;
Begular Danee Tonight
At D'Arcy Hall. Ooofl time.
" ; " " ,,,i,rHl..jiiLjiijiLiKLU.'igiPoa7:..v j-jt ,3
.,4tr f now"
1 at tJi
Dozens of beautiful
colored pages, showing
the newest fashion
ideas for spring and
Contains many things
of interest to all women
Price 20c, including a Free Pat
tarn. (At the Pattern Counter)
th Wednesday Surprise
3 .A Li EH
Bed Spreads .... Special 83c Each
Wo are sure you'll be glad to get one of these
at this low price, They're an extra bargain
In connection with our White Sale,
Today Only ....... 83c each
See Window Display.
Mono sold before 8:30 Mo phone orders
. m i m r. x Mb
Special meeting of Salem
Lodgs No. 4, A. r. A A.
M. this vnlnj. Work la
tlw r. C. degree. Vlsltlnij
brthrn wtleonis.
Box Ofllr OiM'im at Nine
Tomorrow for Williams
J utilise
l:ik Kile Arllclea--i
Articles of UuoriHii utlon were filed
today Willi Bee rot wry of Htntu Olcott by
tli t-MU ' lodge of Oregon City. The
number of tli. lodge la ll!K.
T. IMtlde UMrlrln
Wrong pressure Im being brought
t br un th roiinly court ami rom
iiilaaloners to divide several road
p roc I iii' I ii.
Hntallpnx Near ( hfiiiiiwa
County Health Oitlcar Van Winkle
rt'iKiin nn outbreak or iuallvoic In
the Kelser M-hiNil district near t'he
maw. Nun. of Un' pupils have been
Atlm kin), anil school ha nut Invn
Will Villi! Hk-"
riiimiiint to a request mail. uMn
her by HMn H n ( r I ii I utl tnt of I'ulillc
Instruction Alderman, Mini Mlnmttt
lUiiand, Instructor of mualo In the
Monmouth Normal school, has selected
a litliiilier of song which all. consid
ers aiM'iinlniii tor the schools of llio
lull. They will ho printed in tlm
mar fut urn ,
Ywu Will Have to Stand
If you do not reserve your seat to
morrow for the Williams J tibl )-
Singers at. Grand (ra . hoime to
morrow nlKlit.
Inrreaat'k Caiillal Klock
The l'miple'd Hank of Hllverton to
duy fllud with Bncratury of Stute Ol
cott iiiiiilnintary artlclca of Incor
poration, IncrriutliiK Ita cupllul atock
from J.'.OOO to 3n,0DI).
IH Ilic Klcclrlc-
ClitanliiK ami prmuilna; company do
your work. Wo cuU for and deliver.
Udlea' work a aprtlnlty. All work
guarnnlocii. 444 Court atri'Bt. I'lione
lli'l th name und tlin puokiiKi' of
di'llcloua ami appi'tlnlng popcorn at
all Krocw. Cull Tor CrlHp,it. i
Mmlii In HaU'iii Wonilor Kiindy i
Vnlmnor Todcr III !'
The many friends of Professor
Yodor, one of the most widely known
pedagogues In the state, will regret
to 1,-arn that he Is seriously 111, at
Burns, Harney county, where he has
been teaching.
To Improve (imirters
' The Salem Bank & Trust -.com
pany will exptnd $10,000 In remodel
ing and Improving Its new quarters,
within the next 30 dayB. As soon as
completed, the bank will move Into
Its new quarters which will be the
corner, now occupied by the Capital
Drug store on the corner of State
and High streets.
Another Moon Lodfre
i About 75 members of the Loyal
Order of Moose went up from Salem
last night and Instituted Albany
Lodge 895 of that order. The Salem
boys had a special car, and they are
all loud In their praises of Albany's
hospitality. The work was done" by
the Salem local team under the effi
cient leadership of Captain Harry
To Settle Iload Question
County Conunlss'oners Beckwlth
and Ooulet left today for Mt Angel,
where they will endeavor to settle a
controversy over a road. Judge
Busliey Is spending the afternoon In
Inspecting a road near the reform
WiinU Divorce
! Alleging that her husband has
treated her In a cruel and Inhuman
manner, Mary M. Hunt has com
menced divorce proceedings In the
circuit court, against Thomas P.
Hunt. They were married In 1911.
Th husband Is a barber by profes
sion. Iteiniidellnir Building
J. M. Ixing, who owns the building
In which the Soy more theater used to
he. Is having It remodeled and ex
pects to rent It for t store or pool
room. He Is enlarging the back,
lowering the floor and Is going to
put In a largo glass front. Two at
tempts have been made to conduct a
picture show In the building but on
account of the location or for some
other reason, both attempts have
been unsuccessful nod now Mr. Long
Is going to rent It.
Moon Attention
There will be Installation of offi
cers, Initiation 'of candidates, enter
tainment and banquet Thursday,
January 2I. Meeting will be called
promptly at 8 o'clock. H, H. Turner,
Theodore ltoooielt
Gels the largest vote wherever a
straw vote Is taken He Is sure to
run again and will be the next pres
ident. Ills supporters wear a smile
that won't come off, especially when
smoking a 1a Corona 10c cigar mnde
in Salem. Call for them.
D. D. Barron, the head and front
and big eys of the Owl Construction
company, the man who never sleeps
but "hoots" without being a Scotch
man, got caught napping, so to
speak, last night. Being an Owl, he
is naturally out on every night ex
pedition and true to nature, last
night went with the Salem Moose to
Albany to Institute a lodge there.
The boys had a special car, and at
an early hour this morning when the
northbound came along, Barron,
along with the others, was at the de
pot. He Jumped on the train and
started to walk back through it to
reach the special which was to be
picked up but wasri't. As he
worked his way back, the train
pulled out, but he didn't worry un
til meeting the conductor, he was
sked for his ticket,
"I'm a MoosA and belong In the
back car," said Barron.
"You're mistaken about being a
Moose," said the conductor, "for
there is no back car for Moose on
this train. You're goat, and have
butted In wrong and It's, either pay
fare, or get off and walk back."
'Let me off, quick, I want to stay
with my crowd," said the Owl-downy
wise one.
The train was stopped and Barron
got off. He also discovered as he
counted the ties hack to Albany,
that the train had carried him near
ly two miles toward home before it
ditched him.
If I had known how far I had
come, said the ''imrrocn 1 would
have walked to Salem It was nearer."
Ye Liberty
The first picture will be a surprise:
Viola Verrler Violin Solo
Ills Wife's Secret ..; VlUgruph
(A thrilling drums.)
Sonit Sketch (irctrlieu Knurr
Hill's Hills Pulhe
Doesn't that sound good?
II KlTi: It SKK 110 VII these SHOWS
Honolulu, Jan. 24 Only a quick
reversal of the engines of the Bteain-
er Cleveland today averted a serloiiB
collision with the cruiser Colorado
off this port. As it was, one of the
Colorado's guns was badly damaged
and the propeller partially wrecked.
Pilot. Sanders dropped dead from
apoplexy as a result of shock.
Filed fur Assessor-
John F. Davis, who was born and
raised at Sllverton and for some
years has resided at Salem, has filed
his candidacy for county asiessor.
He declares that he will faithfully
perform the duties of the office to
the best of his ability, promising to
assess all property upon a uniform
basis according to the assessment
and taxation laws of the state. He
thinks it Is unconstitutional to get
In and have his salary raised after
he has been elected and says he will
serve for the present salary.
Carlo (iot Eirltrd.
Seattle, Jan. 24. Carlo Salvatore, an
Italian, said to he of noble fumlly, ran
amuck early this morning, but all
the damage he did was to burn cloth
ing In a closet by throwing a lighted
lump into it. Officers chased lilin
for several blocks, and when he
doubled ami returned home they ' l,trd at the Marlon.
If Harry Meister thinks enough of
the girl he seduced, and for which of
fense he was sentenced to a year in the
state penitentiary, to marry her, be
will receive a pardon from Governor
Whether he really thinks enough of
her for that will lie determined this
evening, when he and the girl and the
baby appear before the governor.
The girl, Emma Olson, Meister de
clined to marry after her baby had
come Into the world, and was convict
ed in the circuit court, and recently
that decision was sustained by the
supreme court.
In the last few days piMsure has
been brought to bear by his relatives
and friends to obtain a pardon. Gov
ernor West made it plain that uuless
he was willing to marry the girl and
make a home for her and the baby
that he would not grant a pardon.
Meister and his folks at first demur
red, but have reconsidered the propo
sition. Before granting the pardon,
however, the governor desires to see
both the girl and the baby, and to ex
act a promise from Meister that he will
always provide and care for her.
3C SC 4C 3G 3(C 3f 3C 3fC 3fC jft 3fl
Mrs. T. W. Wyatt, of Hillsboro; was
a guest at the Dllgh Hotel last even
ing, and will visit friends In Dallas today.
J. Conrad, business man of Silver-
ton, Ore., Ib registered at the Hligh.
K. C. Illey, of Portland, Is at the
A. J. Kgnn, of Chemeketa, Is a guest
at tbe Illlgh.
Peter Nelson, well-known farmer of
Suver, Is a Salem business visitor,
John T. Dans, of Silverton, is regis
tered at the Salem."
J. T. Beckwlth, county commission
er, of Jefferson, is In the city on
Herman Amert, prosperous farmer
of Shaw, Is trading with Salem mer
chants. E. M. Morton, of Omaha, Neb., is a
guest at the Salem.
J. D. Qulnn, resident of St. Paul,
Ore., Is registered at the Marlon.
W. H. Rogers, groceryman, of Vic
tor Point, is In the city on business
with Salem wholesalers.
Wm. Duniesf of Independence, Is vis
iting Salem friends.
, II. J. Parklson, Oregon referendum
petition circulator, Is In the cltv on
business relative to the IT. of 0. appro
W. A. Yatls and wife, of Asakls
Minn., are guests at the Marlon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allan drove over
from Oak Grove yesterday to spend
me duy with Salem friends.
Joseph , Woodruff, business man
of Simimervllle, New Jersey, in reg-
Expert Watch
The time your watch keeps -the life
and usefulness of your watch, depends
upon the condition of it.
And the condition of it depends upon
how well you take care of it how of
ten you have it cleaned and adjusted.
We have an expert watch maker in this
store who will put your watch in excel
lent condition and it won't cost you any
more than it would if you took it to
some place where they do not guarantee
their work we do.
Jewelry Store
ZIELINSKI At the residence of her
son-in-law, Frank' Brunkolla, Jan.
24, 1912, Mrs. Anna Zlellnskl. (
Mrs. Vlellnskl was bom in Prus
sia, Poland, July 25, 1S35. She Is
survived by three daughters, Mrs.
Frank Drunkolla, of this city, and
Mrs. Chas. Zlelinskl, of Brooks. The
third daughter, Mrs. Wheeland, re
sides in Milwaukee. The funeral
service will be conducted from St.
Joseph's church, Friday at 10 a. in.
Interment in the Catholic cemetery
at Brooks. The body is nt the Cot
tage undertaking parlors.
HOFFNEL. At the family home in
Yew Park, Monday, January 22,
1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hoff
nell, a daughter.
caught him.
New York lliikery llrr-ml-
The brand Is on every loaf and Is
made by the New York Bakerv coin- I
puny of Portland, The bakery Is as M'rutern Governors on Fiixtorit Trip,
clean as your parlor. Phone Main
181. 121 South Ci innerilal street,
living In your poultry,
(urn FiM fur (iiMiiln
Mr. P. K. Ftillerlon left Wednes-'
duy for Chlruao and other eastern
cities to purchase iiierchundlse for ,
his new millinery anil ladles' ready-'
lv wear goods store, tlow located at '
370 North Couiuier-tul street. Mr, i
Fullerton lll Unit her slmcr at'
HiMikun. while Mr. Fulierton Is awny
A mighty good proernm of the new
est motion pictures, with Visa
Puyette In Hungs.
Frank Milium, Italian itr'lt
Jh fniiii the Slur, In IV.duiid.
fU'ii ii tirT
r t t
Ci; ,.;.:j
fcrtui'ivjT, ct
t,.llUtl lil. J
Blended Hnrd Wheat
Made from Selected Bluestem and White
' ' Winter Wheat
Five full tu.UU of th. bent of wh-at u-d In en.-h barrel of Flour, all residue Koln to food-most flour U
nid, from oniy 4S bimholt ot wheat-thai' tho r.HUB Helmut make, the pur.it, whitest and best broad,
mfci't and pastry,
Mlllc RDilcr th met! perfrrl Miliary r.t,tt!,,, h, , ,w,,r t M WTnnT .Di
:ui t;nn is,
SoM at $1.40 the Sack
A lalfviartorj price, U ilurk cw wlla jnr g;roe
e -eee -WeQ...e.. 1 1 I I tttt 1 1 1 M M M M t M t
? 7
The Democrats had a big gathering
ut Portland Snturdny evening, and
the unlversnl expression was faith
and confidence In Wood row Wilson.
Oli-o will be used at the asylum In-1 Mills,
stead of butter, as It costs only half
as much, and only on expert or a
chemist can tell the difference be
tween It and real butter.
The Trust Company of America
has Just foreclosed a mortgage on
the Oregon & Southeastern road run
ning from Cottage Grove to Dlsston,
20 miles. The Bum due is $300,000.
Sheriff Stevens, of Portland, Is
urged by his friends to run for con
gress. They think lie can easily de
tent Ijiferty,
All Oregou and Washington points
will he given a ;.- colonist rate
from Missouri river for six weeks In
March and April.
This world famous company will be m
THE CRAM) oper house, Salem,
Thursday Evening
January 25
tEntcrulimieiit to begin ut 8: 3d)
Reserved seats, 73c:
" General admission. tOc
Ikn office oivn all day Thursday, be
ginning at t a. w . for sale of tickets
and reservation of teats.
air. Alien T. Clark, well known
business man of Monmouth, Is meet
h'b m-wTiii suiem friends to whom
me news of his wife's death last
week, comes as a sorrowful surprise
Aiucrt halvuge and wife, of Pra-
tum, are in the city visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor, of Scott's
are In the city on luiaino
Mr. Taylor was formerly the head of
me lapltal Improvement company, of
this city.
'Ed. Rand, sheriff of Baker county,
Is In the city on business with tlie
George Coclirnn, Rtaje water com
mlKHloner for District No. 2. Is down
from U Grande on business at the
state house i,nd has Hied Us ntPn.
Hon of becoming a candidate for
The Stute Bankers' association and
tl'e state livestock assertion, are
iaklnK out a s, l,e(ui of d(.M f()r
lie workers l,0 are soon to cover
the stute In ,ie lnter of t,,0 p
ll iml l.i.n ..1. 1- i. .
, , ' industries to school
M.mneue E. Hnrl. nstrill,()l. f
Music in the Stat.. ;-:..,, School .
......... , na, selected tne
lilcl, will son ,n, ml)11((,d
schools of tho mate
omnmdore .taekson. liromln(m
otMrncv of ltos,.h.g. , ln ,
on busm.'ss , thp ronu hoiii
Clarence Him, N.wllllr
. .. m.T nieniher o( t,
iorv. is a saieui
New lucorionilons.
The following articles of lncomor-
atlon were filed yesterday with the
secretary of state:
Henry Sengstacken Comnanv.
Marshtleld; capital, $10,000.
People's Protective Association
Portland; capital, $25,000.
Knlckerboxer Apartment Company,
Portland; capital, $40,000.
The Evangelical Lutheran Bethle
hem's Congregation of Lebanon, Ore
gon; charitable.
First Christian Church of Pleasant
Hill, Oregon; charitable.
Butter Creek Land & Livestock
Company, Echo; ceultal, $32,000.
The Jones Warehouse Company;
The following articles of incorpor
ation were filed yesterday with the
secretary of state:
Baltimore Artistic Furniture Com
pany. Portland; capital, $4,000.
Hayden Improvement Company
Portland; capital, $3.'0,0il0.
Multnomah Drug Company, Port
land; capital, $10,000.
Pacific Coast Mortgage Co., Port
land; capital, $".0,000.
Gagewelgh Scale Truck Company,
Portland; capital, $:,,0ii(i.
Malheur County Publishing Com
l'.mv, Nyssa; capital, $10,000.
Sliilth-Rlce Comnanv Prti....i
. , wn ItlllU,
foreign; capital, $r,0,00o.
Uroadmead Orchards n
foreign; capital, $400,000.
When you want a reliable medicine
In S lie MJd ,ake c""" "
iuin s tough Remedy, it can alwn.-.
in Hie
S? today. :
single rooms in i,rvi., .
-' nigh. ' , ?mfl.
i leg.
business visitor.
Pattern capitalist, j,,,.,.
a because the
and did
The Klnmath Fi,l!s Chronicle sav
imuni eastern
e, the city' hcnH,
.J .
charter ,s d.f.vil,,.
n"l authorise the
ITe4 Real Estate ser.y
'? State siit
- Kuiploynien.
-""at-wurk; only sumll w
we Journal.' , ' '
FOl'N n-.ii,
str,, n-ar Twelrth
J- H. Owner ean have same bv
")'" for this ad j JJ
A.so:L:, ,,. ;j;l;-f $11100.
,M11 Addition rn" T D,Kn0b
Farm of I-,, ' yl' of c'ty.
soil at BCr'; Mack
at ,u 11Pr
H Improved.
Electric railroad '0
Will uk ,0 per acre.
"FAR S"oh.
m ine
Lens vfc
You read and look afar with
equal facility, but no one ob
serves that you are wearing bifo
cals because the usual 'lines"
are absent. Wear the genuine
KRYPTOKS awhile and you will
never willingly return to old.
style bifocal glasses.
Broken Lenses
Replaced while you wait
My grinding department Insures ac
curacy and quick time. Out of town
customers will have prompt attention.
Chas. H. Hinges
Optometrist and Manufacturing Opti
cian. Next Door to I7. 8 Hunk building.
A. McCulloch
Is the normal distance at which per
fect eyes see best and easiest
Your Holding Book
or Paper
Differently nieaiiB eye-strain means
Our Glasses
Aid you to sea right, read right, and
feel right. We make no charge for
examlDstlon. '
A. McCulloch
o. 21 North Commercial St
((round Hoor.) .
I'lione 925. oiM j t
Norwich Union
Fire Insurnace Society.
Wurgtiardt Mo-l!tr, Resldesit Alls
On farm and city property. John II.
Scott, over Chicago Store, Salem, Or
"Kon. riione 1552.
' Supollm
Be Ms Before. lost Do AiyUvlnf
rtione n Mala
! 1. Onm Bt. Mom. 0.
" -rr