DAILI C1FIT1L JOtTRNAL, SA1EX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 84, W12. fags nra 10 Per Cent Less on Any and All White c Annual . THE GREATEST BARGAIN All pure' Linen Handkerchiefs 4k Brassiere Corset Covers 24c each Woolen Blankets $7 and $6 values $5.25 50c Dress Goods A sweeping campaign which will cover every county In the Btate Is the plan of the single tax advocates in the state, according to announcement made by W. S. U'Ren this forenoon. Mr. U'Ren, together with Harry Parkinson, former editor of the Labor PreBS, of Portland, came to the city this morning, and both were smiling over the victory won by the single tax people by the supreme court decision yesterday. , According to Mr. U'Ren, the work will be commenced at once to not only carry the Clackamas county single tax measure, but also tocarry a simi lar measure for Multnomah county. After these movements are fairly launched, movements along the same line will be launched In every county In the state. Sentiment Is Growing. "I find sentiment rapidly growing In favor of the single tax system," said Mr. U'Ren today, tin speaking of the., subject. "We've already asked that a petition initiating Buch a meas ure In Clackamas county be filed, and we will commence work in Multnomah county at once. The campaign will each 25c STATE WIDE CAKlPfl BY i E S REAL ESTATE BULLETIN E. HOFER & SONS " INVESTMENTS No. 85. . ... Fivd room modern bunga-J and strictly up to date. Close in. Can be had for $400 down and bal ance at 20 a month. No. 103. Eight-room house and property 116tfxl3. feet, on car line; house only three years old and re painted last summer. All assesmerts Paid. Price 1B00. No. 98. New 6-room modern cottage on good corner for f 2500. : A new five room house and large lot In Nob Hill Annex for $700. $300 down. ALMOST A If ACRE. No. 105. Nearly an acre Just few steps oft carllne. Five room plas tered cottage. Largo barn and cblck- n house. Inside city limits in lowing district Price, (2700. E. HOFER & SONS 213 S. Commercial Street earaece Good Silk Rib bons up to 6 in. wide 1 7c yard Silk Waists Our regular stock of Dress Gooks 10lo Less Fine Embrofd's - 27 in. wide $1.98 39cpc;d. IGfl I06LE in HERS then be extended to every portion of the state every county to be Includ ed. . Will Be No Frauds. "We have until July in which to file these petitions, and we are going to take our time. The campaign will be conducted cautiously, with the view of eliminating all fraud. We Intend to see that every person signing the peti tions are registered voters." o Eastern Oregon papers are rejoic ing over the recent storms. They say the snow is all gone, and most of it "gone into' the ground" where It will do much good. ' o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CHICHESTER S PILLS Jrl7 TIIK DIAMOND BBANII. A 'llf.tr'f IMmmM )mVA IMhi In hri nd UoM mM.IUcW bo.M, KlKl Willi JtllW Mix. V Tl pa Owr. Buy JT' -lrDl.l- Akfc'l(l.lft:K.TFHJ UIAMOND IIKANI 1'II.I.H. fee SB an k lunrn IK. Si(wt, Alwlyt Kellil.Ui S0L3 B DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TEN ACRES Ten acres of finest level deep black soil. Every foot cleared auu ia cul tivation. Only 2V4 miles from cen ter of town and about one mile fro city street car. Price, $225 per acre. Will give very liberal terms. FIVE ACRES. No. 69. Five acres near v. with modern nve room b. -and good wei:, family orchard and 100 small fruit trees; $2500. FORTI ACRES. 102. Forty acres finest fruit No. land about five miles south of Salem rf Vnrk road. All oleared and cultivated except about eight acres of Umber ad pasture. $150 per acre. We have a very nice well located half of new modern double house for rent for $35. and White- SALE OF THE SEASON Mufflers 19c each s 5 nits, values to $1 7.50, now $9.85 Men's and Boys' Clothing 25 to500 Less CONCRETE PAVEMENT BREAKINfj (Continued from page one.) work. But the street Itself, east of Eighteenth street seems to be. not more than four inches thick and' the concrete of the ino"t crumbling var iety. As the work has been paid for and there la no protective bond of any kind, It seems the property own ers can do nothing. There have been some good con crete streets built to the city, but this 1b not one of them. It Is said by some of the proprty owners that they could not get the man they wanted for inspection, as the politi cal drag was used to make places for men at five dollars a day who had no practical experience with con crete work. There should be an of ficial investigation od let the blame rest where it belongs. . As it is the street will be little better than a mud or macadam' street in, winter and very dirty and dusty in summer. " ' WILLIAMS, JUBILEE SINGER (Continued trom page 1.) be sure of only gallery seats. . If the reserved seats are not all taken, Borne of the 50c ticket holders may get seats outside the gallery. Many tickets have already been sold by the young ladies of the classes, and the house will no doubt be a Packed one to the limit Those calling at the opera house on Thursday, can, of course, buy tickets there, having their seats reserved at the same time. u The Sanger of La Grippe Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cure your la grippe coughs take Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher, Washington, Kas., says: "I was troubled with a severe attack of la grippe and nothing I used did me any good and I was threatened with puuuiiiSSIS. irieuu nuiimu mo i- use Foley's Honoy and Tar Cumpoi!!!'' mi I not some at once. I was re lieved from the very first. By the time I had taken three bottles my ia erlnne was gone. I believe Foley's Honey and Tar Compound to be the best medicine I ever used and always keep a bottle witn me. uea cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). u Persons troubled with partial par siyslf are often Tery much benefited by massaging the affected parts thor oughly when applying Chamberlain's Liniment This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all deal". Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time ana money - perlmentlng wnen you can gei it eration that has Won B worra-wim reputation by us cures oi mn urn and can always be depended upon? It is known everywhere as Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, and Is a med -cine of real merit For. sale by all dealers. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Merchandise ells $1.25 Dress Shirts for Men 90c Men's Trousers HAS SYMPTOMS OF BEING THE GEHUIIIE THING UNITED 1'HEHB LEANED W1IIE. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. '24. "I do not Intend to become a candidate for the presidency, but If my country calls I will bow to the will of the people," remarked Charley Cottrel to day to a physician. "Who the devil are' you?" questioned the startled doctor. "Hush!" was the slblllant warning. 'I'm Theodore Roosevelt. Please keep all those reporters out, will you? I have nothing to say." Cottrel then turned to an attend ant, whom he addressed familiarly as Chauncey M. Depew, He next called for a stenographer.- As he was led away, the "Colonel" turned to the doc tor and remarked: ' "Just open that door a minute. I want to show you how fast I can run." Cottrel will be examined as to his sanity. SECRETARY REFUSES TO ALLOW CLAIM After considering the claim of Cyril Boothby for hospital fees paid out for an Injury sustained on the track of the Portage railway, Secretary of State Olcott decided to disallow the claim and if it is allowed at all it will be by the legislature. Boothby was asleep on the tracks when the accident occurred. The in jury sustained was to one of his limbs, and to save hjs life it was necessary io u,putst It The bill in full called for $458.60. The secretary taxes uie position that the railroad company was in no way responsible for the acci dent DEMOCRATS ALL RUN WELL HUOUISfANA TJNITHD THIM UAHCD WIS. New Orleans, Jan. 24. Incomplete returns today from yesterday's pri mary elections show Luther Hall to be leading the other candidates for the Democratic nomination for gov ernor, ' Congressman Broussard Is leading Governor J. Y. Sanders in the race for the short term United States senatorshlp, and for the lotig term M. J. Foster is ahead of Joseph Randall. Ml 'TKJ 1 . ivien s aniris j $1,25, now 90c I THE TRIAL OF WILDE HAS BEGUN UNITED FBKSS I.IA8KD tIM. Portland, Ore., Jan. 24. The open ing statement for the state In the trial of Louis J. "Wilde, the San Diego bank er, for embezzlement, was made this forenoon by Special Prosecutor A. E. Clark. He completed his statement shortly before noon, and this aftor noon Attorney Dan Malarkey, chief counsel for the defense, made his statement Clark, In outlining the case, said that tbe state Intended Ao show that Wilde and former Cashier W. Cooper Morris, of the defunct Oregon Trust & Savings bank, sold certain stocks to the bank at par, and then split 190,000, the sum representing the difference between the market value of the stock nd the par value. In his opening statement Malarkey admitted that each defendant re ceived a "commission," but said It was simply a business deal, and not a criminal conspiracy, as charged. Wilde, accompanied by his wife, was In court, and whispered frequently to his attorneys. BEGIN WORK Oil ANOTHER BIG GARAGE Work started today clearing away an old building just off the corner of Commercial and Center Btreets for the erection of a garage for John Maurer, the well-known Salem machinist. The building will stand on the alley, 65x83 feet, of concrete, and Wm. Welch has the contract. F. H. Claire and L. P. Wolf have the contract for clearing the ground. Construction will begin at once. 110 CHANGE IN REGARD f TO ELECTION That the change made In the con gressloual districts in the state does not affect the manner of the election of the railroad commissioners Is the opinion of Attorney-General Craw ford. The opinion was rendered at the re quest of Secretary of State Olcott, when Railroad Commissioner Camp bell yesterday afternoon filed his dec laration of Intention' to become a can didate for re-election. Before the sec retary would file the declaration he aBked for an opinion from the attorney-general as to whether It con formed1 to the law. . , Under the law applicable to the election of the commissioners it is provided that two shall be elected f re the ' congressional districts and the third from the state at large. ' Since then the congressional districts have been changed, an additional one being created.. The secretary was in doubt whether the election would be gov erned by the former or later statute. o HIGH SCHOOL TO PRESENT A FINE PLAY Friday evening at 8 p. m tho Dra matic society of the high school gives Its first performance of this year. They present the play, "The Garrot ters' by W. D. Howells. This is a first-class play and the young people have spared no time or e'ffort to make It a success. Come out and hoar what our boys and girls can do In a line that Is not football, basket ball, or athletics. Give them a good house. The play will be given In the assembly room of the ' high school and there will tz ' Admission charge. ' O i i THE TRIAL OF BEGUN TODAY , tlXITT.O P1XH MAKKD WIHK. San Francisco, Jan. 24. Ex-Mayor Schmlts was unexpectedly ordered to immediate trial by Judge Lawlor to day on tbe long pending charges of graft. A jury is being selected today, although tbe defense was taken en tirely by surprise. Bchmlti Is charged with acting with Abe Iteuf to bribe a former mem ber of the board of supervisors to fix low rate sought by the San Francisco Gas and Electric company. ' 1 1 a ' Journal Want Ads Bring Results O: .IV,. DA Eire PUSK Absolutely Puro The only Daktng Povdcr mado from Royal C rape C ream of Tartar NO AL'Jf", no UME PHOSPHATE ADVOCATES DEFIANCE OF THE COURTS Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 24. Open defiance of the Ohio supreme court was made here today by President Blgelow In an address before the constitutional convention, Bigelow's remarks were prompted when oppo nents of the Initiative and referen dum cited the ordinance of 1787 creating the Northwest Territory, of which Ohio is a ps-t and the recent supreme Court decision in Ue case of the State vs. poone as indicating that the court will Invalidate the inl tlatlve and referendum on the ground that It conflicts with that or dinance. If the declBlon ' of the Ohio su preme court Is not repudiated by the people," ; said Blgelow, "this conven tion will be reduced to the post of an ordinary legislature and the work It does, though It be ratified by the people, may be vetoed by the court The friends of the Initiative and referendum are- just awakening to the fact that the pupreme court has laid plans to have these measures set aside." o ' INTRODUCTION OF GARDENING III THESCIIOOLS The movement tor Introduction of gardening in the public schools was riven a hearing at Mie high school Tuosday evening where State Super tendont Alderman addressed a line audience of teachers and persons In torested In the cause. He conducted competitive methods at McMlnnville and at Eugene, wTiere vacant lots were converted Into school gardens The only crops roWed were lettuce, radishes and peas, as they mature by the time school Is rt The plan in cludes a competition in each county for school fairs, and that a grand Btato competition. INTERURBAH KILLS BOY AT SEATTLE Seattle,' Jan. 24'. While whirling by Tukwlla station at the raffe of 50 miles per' hour, the Seattle-Tacoma limited on the . Interurban electric railway struck down and Instantly killed Clar ence Holt 7-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, Peter Holt. The boy was stand ing on the platform, and, according to the driver of the limited, he appeared to back directly Into the car as it swept by the station. o BECIITEL & BV SOS'S BARGAINS Road Tlu'se New Ones We have a property that takes $10,000 to handle. The owners want to subdivide it as we did Hollywood and are willing to pay a fair rato of interest and will allow $500 bonus for tho loon of $10,000. This Is a; safe and sane Investment. Let us i toll you more about It. ! aA. on carllne, well located, 50x125 i font to alley, only $175. Beautiful modern AveHroom bun galow on two good streets, on car- line, close to sciuio", Jars !"'; only $2500, Extremely easy terms. Small cash payment, balance sume as rent 1200 acre on beautiful Howell prairie, best land In the state; rich, dark loam, the cream, of Oregon, will cut to suit in 40 to 100-acre tracts. Five acre tracts. We have a few) tracts loft in West Hollywood, that choice subdivision just east of tho' Fair Grounds on the Bllverton road. $200 per acre and up. Very easy terms. Here Is where an acre costs lese than a lot Now Is the right time to list your property for sale. The buyers are coming. We buy, sell and exchange properties. What have you for sale? ; We write insurance. Money to loan. BECIITEL k BISON (17 State Street ' TeL 452 n S. Z. CULVER CANDIDATE FOR CLERK Declaring that If elected he "will conduct the affairs of tho office In a fair, honest and business-like man ner, S. Z. Culver today filed with County Clerk Allen his declaration of intention of becoming a candi date for the office of county clerk at the next general election. Mr. Culver has been connected with the county clerks otiice since 1909, and is now serving there in the , capacity of a deputy. He Is conver sant with all phases of the work. He Is a Marlon county boy, having boon raised and educated In the schools, within Its boundary lines. , o t CANDIDATES' , - ANNOUNCEMENTS Candidate for Sheriff. The undersigned announces him self as a candidate for sheriff of Marlon county, subtect to Republi can primaries. ED. ZIEULER, Gervals, Ore. l-23-2w o : , K yw ae MMm W to Sr. JOW XajKttre TaMit CHEAP HAY We have Beveral tons of oat hay and several tons of vetch hay that we are making a low price on today. Get in your ordur early as there i only a few tons for sale at the spec ial price. i; INCUBATORS Now is the time to investi gate the merits of the different Incubators on the market. We want yuu . to call and see the different kinds that we handle as wo know that we have the best there is without any doubt ' I D. A. White & Sons i 251-261 State Street. Phone Main 160. West of U. S. Bank. ' LAWYERS We publlah legal notices as required by lav, furnishing affidavit and proof of pub lication. Fine Brief Work It our specialty. Let us figure with yon on your next ease. Capital Journal SALEM, OREGON WEST SALEM TRANSFER Passengers Baggage Connecting with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m,, It m 1:05 p. m. and 4 p. m. er pry day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Moaraouta and McMlnnville, Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a, m., 1.00 p. m. and 6:15 p. m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave ordors at Capltaj Journal office any day but Sunday. Phone 82. NO ORDERS TAKEN FOB CALLS MOKE THAN TIIItKK BLOCKS FRO CORNER OK STATU ASI) COMMERCIAL 8TRKF.T8 UNLESS Alt BANUKD FOB IX ADVANCE, J. B. Underwood, Mgr,