DAILY CAPITAL JOCRXAL, 6 ALEX, OBXGOX, WID5ESDAT, JAXrABT 17, 1912. PASS mi THE BEST VALUES Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c lO Per Cent Silk Waists $1.98 Silk Petticoats $2.85 NOTICE. Appointment of Viewers for Opening of Laurel Avenue. i Notice is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, has appointed J. A. Baker, John W. Rowland and Thomas Cauf fleld as viewers for the opening and extension of Laurel avenue in the city of Salem, Oregon, and the time and place of their meeting has been appointed to be 10 o'clock a. m. on the 30th day of January, 1912, in the city hall in said city, at which time and place the said viewers will pro ceed to make an apportionment of the damages to the respective own ers of property to be appropriated by the opening of said Laurel avenue, and to assess the benefits accruing to the adjacent property on account of or by reason of such opening of said Laurel avenue and the names of the owners and the private property to be appropriated for such purpose if bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Heirs of R. P. Boise: Commencing at a point on the McClaine d 1 c line 93.27 feet west of the intersection of - said d 1 c line and the center line of Winter street if extended; thence south 37.23 east parallel with and 20 feet distant from the northeast boun dary of North Salem Addition, dis tance 88,28 feet to the northwesterly line of the proposed Laurel avenue, which point is the beginning of this description; thence north 60-00 east along the westerly boundary of said proposed Laurel avenue 200 feet more or less to the north line of South street if extended and the in tersection of the wst line of Laurel avenue; thence south 30.25 feet to the McClane die line; thence east 23 feet along said d 1 c line to the boundary line between Pearce and Boise; thence southwesterly along Boise's line 205 feet more or less to the northeasterly line of the pro posed South street; thence north westerly along the northerly line of the proposed South street 30 feet, more or less to the place of begin ning. August Rahlke: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of the8ect the Bame; tUeuce south along tne proposed South street 14S.27 feet south 37-23 east of the Intersection of the McClane d 1 c line and the north easterly line of the proposed South street; thence north 60-00 east 136 feet more or less to the southerly line of Mary E. Masseys land; thence north 37-23 west to Boise's south- easterly line; thence southwesterly . along Boise's southeasterly line 136 feet more or less to the northeaster ly line of the proposed South street; thence south 37-23 east along the northeasterly line of South street to the place of beginning. Mary E. Massey: Commencing at a point on the McClane die line and the division line of Reuben P. Boise's land and E. and L. F. Pearce's land', thence southwesterly along the south- easterly line of Boise's land 60 feet, more or less, to the land owned by Rahlke; thence sjth 37-23 east along the northerly line of Rahlke's land to a point that is distant 60 feet perpen dicular to the northwesterly line of the proposed Laurel avenue; thence north 60-00 east 100 feet, more or less, to a point that would intersect the east line For 30 Yean the Standard Remedy for Diseases of Mucous Membranes Experienced pharmacists will tell yon Big G U " accepted standard remedy foe disease of mo otu membranes discharges from the nosrthroat nd urinary organs. Avoid substitutes. Toeipe iLanT? danBeron- B'g G, used everywhere since IwO, has proved safe and reliable. Non-poisonous, antiseptic and tonic in its properties, containing no silver nitrate, tine sulphate, alcohol, cocaine, of ny narcotic, ft may be used full strength with out fear. Why not cure yourself? Sold by drug, f ,lstLT ship express prepaid, trpon receipt at i. rpli particulars enclosed with each bottle 01 mailed scaled in plain envelope on request. Tbt Emu Chemical Co. Ciadnutt, Ohio, CS.A BBIgCS Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 4ic Ea. Less on Any Muslin and Long Cloth NIGHT GOWNS Prettily Trimmed Values to $1.50 98c White Petticoats Values to $1.50 98c SAID SHE WOULD FAINT Mrs. Delia Long Unable to Stand On Her Feet More Than a Few Minutes at a Time. Pendergrass, Ga. Mrs. Delia Long, of this place, in a recent letter, says: "For five or six years, I suffered agon ies with womanly troubles. Often, I couldn't sit up more than a few minutes at a time, and if I stood on my feet long, I would faint. I took Cardul, and it helped me im mediately. Now, I can do my work all the time, and don't suffer like I did." Take Cardul when you feel 111 In any way weak, tired, miserable, or under the weather. Cardul is a strength building tonic medicine for women. It has been found to relieve pain and distress caused by womanly troubles, and Is an excellent medicine to have on hand at all times. Cardul acts on the womanly consti tution, building up womanly strength, toning up the nerves, and regulating the womanly organs. Its half century of success Is due to merit. It has done good to thousands. Will you try it? It may be just what you need. Ask your druggist about Cardul. He will recommend It. N. B. Write to : Ladles' Advisory Dm.. Oita nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment br Women," ent In plain wrapper, on request. of the proposed Laurel avenue; thence west 43 feet to the place of beginning. Heirs of R. P. Boise: Commencing at a point on the south side of High land avenue where the west line of Laurel avenue, if extended, would in tersect the same; thence south along the extension of the west line of Laur el avenue 1267.2 feet to the McClane d 1 c line; thence east along the said d 1 c line 23 feet to the land owned by E. & L. P. Pearce; thence northerly along the west line of said Pearce's land 1267.2 feet to the south side of Highland avenue; thence west along the south side of Highland avenue 15 feet to the place of beginning. E. & L. F. Pearce: Commencing at a point on the south line of Highland avenue where the east line of Laurel avenue, if extended south, would Inter- east line of Laurel avenue, if extend ed 1267.2 feet to the McClane d 1 c line; thence west along said d 1 c line 43 feet to land owned by Reuben P. Boise; thence north along the east line of Reuben Boise's land 1267.2 feet to Highland avenue; thence east along Bouth Bide of Highland avenue 51 feet to the place of beginning. This notice Is published for ten (10) successive days in The Daily Capital Journal, a newspaper published in the City of Salem, Oregon, the first publi cation to be dated January 17, 1912, and the last January 29, 1912. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 1-17-llt City Recorder. o Petitions are being signed to clear W. R. Foote, of Coquille, who shot Road Master Wilcox for betraying his daughter. That's all right. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Salem Fence Works ! Headquarters for Wsren Wlr Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Bhia- t gles, Malthold Roofing, F. . B. and Ready Roofing. All at the lowest prices. I CHAS. D. MULLIGAN J 260 Court street. Phone 114 ARE ALWAYS 1 Lot of Ladies and Misses' Un derwear 12 l-2c A GARMENT To close out the line. and All White Embroideries up to 12 ins. in width 7c Per Yard THE PRINCE IS DOING REAL WORK Vienna, Jan. 17. Prince David Da dianl, a prominent member of the fam ily from which the czars of Russia originally sprang, today started serv ing his sentence of 20 years' impris onment at hard labor for instigating the murder of Prince Dadeschkeienl, with whose beautiful wife he was in love. Prince Dadiani, a lieutenant of the guards, and popular in society, lived part of each year in St. Petersburg, where he waa oftenest seen at court, but spent the summer months in his native wilds In the Caucusus. Prince and Princess Dadeschkeienl lived on a neighboring estate. While on a visit with her husband to Kutais, the prin cess met Dadiani. Her husband later was compelled to return home,' but the princess Invented a pretext to re main. Gossip reached his ears that his wife was constantly with Dadiani. He returned to Kutais and told Dad iani that his visits to his wife must cease. A short time later Prince Dades chkeienl was waylaid by two ruffians in broad daylight and killed. At the trial It was proved that each of the assassins received $250 from Prince Dadinani. o - SOMETHING OF INTEREST. (Continued trots page 1.) United States senate to learn the at titude of these men on the question of the Interstate shipment of intoxi cating liquors; and then in turn the Anti-Saloon league proposes to ad vise their friends of such attitude that they may act accordingly. The league leaders declare that they will do similar work In relation to the legislature, namely learn the atti tude of candidates on favorable leg islation and join for the ones friendly regardless of party, and oppose all others. They also propose to mix In the election of district attorneys, judges and other officials. Petitions will soon be in circula tion, according to the Anti-Saloon league program, to so amend the constitution by repealing the Home Rule amendment, that by the consti tution a city will be prevented fro;n being wet in a county the majority it the citizens of which are for prohibi tion. o OREGON' KIDS GET A REAL HARD DE4L For the purpose of interesting the school board of this city in a garden contest to be held for the coming state fair State Superintendent of Public Instruction Alderman will confer with the school board this evening. Yesterday he had a conference wLh the school board of Portland on the same subject, and a lot was donated by the citizens on which the garden truck is to be grown. Some similar arrangements will probably be made here. The idea is to not only have the school children compete for prizes at the fair, but at the same time to teach them in agriculture and horti culture by having them plant and cultivate the products to be raised. a ' CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children, The Kind You Haifa Always Bought Bears the Signature of HERE Woolen Blankets $7 and $6 values $5.25 Merchandise Men's Suits and Overcoats 20 to 50o LESS Health And Success are such intimate relations that no one can be expected to be well acquainted with success who does not keep good hold on health. Most serious sicknesses start in minor troubles of the digestive organs. Thousands know by actual experience that health and strength and therefore success Are Increased By Use of Beecham's Pills in time, and be fore minor troubles become deep seated and lasting. This famous family remedy will clear your sys tem, regulate your bowels, stimu late your liver, tone your stomach. Then your food will properly nourish you and enrich your blood You will be healthy enough to resist disease strong enough to take due advantage of oppor tunity after taking, as needed, BEECEWS PILLS Sold v erywbet ta boxes 10c. 25c. A LIBERAL OFFER' Ve Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia. If We Fail, the Medicine Costs Nothing. To unquestionably prove to the people that Indigestion and dyspep sia can be permanently relieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will fur nish the medicine absolutely free if It falls to give satsfacton to any one using it. The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets Is due to the high degree of sclentifla skill used in de vising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufac ture, whereby the well-known prop erties of Bismuth-Subnltrate and pepsin have been combined with carminatives and other agents. Bismuth-Subnitrate and pepsin aie constantly employed and recognized by the entire medical profession as invaluable In the treatment of indi gestion and dyspepsia. The pepsin used In Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets Is carefully prepared so as to develop its greatest efficiency. Pepsin supplies to he digestive ap paratus one of the most important elements of the digestive fluid. With out it the digestion and assimilation of food are impossible. The Carminatives possess proper ties which aid in relieving the dis turbances and pain caused by undi gested food. This cob m nation of these ingredients makes a remedy in valuable for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia. We are socertain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets on our own personal guar antee. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can ob tain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store. J. C. Perry o RUSSIAN BANKER AND HIS "DARLING DAUGHTER" Representing himself to be a de faulting Russian banker, who, while traveling in Spain, was arrested on the charge of manslaughter, Alexand er Sadrowsky, has written Richard H. Westacott, of this city, asking htm to assist him financially to clear his fair name, and .that of a "darling daugh ter." Sadrowsky sends a newspaper clip ping telling of his arrest. He says that he has $430,000 hidden away In M T You'll Notice g?,3Sft2iS I Methods" of merchandising to the extent fof advertising everything in the store at :: "Special Reductions" every day in the year : : But when it comes to the End of the Season, we do make a general i vmiN or LsroKen And every reduced our regular prices, wtticn we know are lower than you can find at "Regular Stores." Just now we're selling broken lines in all departments at 20 to 30 per cent Discount Look over the BARGAIN SHOE SECTION and you'll find your size in good serviceable shoes, in good shapes, only a few pairs of a kind, but all sizes, in different lots. Now Reduced from 20 to 30 per cent. Our entire line of Men's and Boys' Suits reduced 20 per cent None reserved. Our entire line of Men's and Boys' Overcoats, and Cravenette Raincoats reduced 20 per cent. Big Lot Fltcc of Lil Cbb T - I Our entire line of White and Plaid Wool Blankets reduced 20 per ct. :: Our entire line of Ladies' White Muslin Underwear reduced 20 per ct. f :: All Remnants on our Broken lines J We're making a thorough CLEAN-UP of our departments at genuine reductions. No imaginary Reductions from Fictitious Values at GRAY HAIR MAKES YOU LOOK OLD Gray hair Is a mark of age, and nothing that can be said as to Its beauty will offset the disadvantages of this mark of age set upon your brow. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy darkens the hair and re stores it to its youthful beauty. Our grandmothers and their grand mothers before them used sage and sulphur for darkening their hair. Nothing has ever been found more effective for this purpose than these two time-honored remedies, hut Wyeth, a modern chemist, has com bined the two with other Ingredients, which makes a delightful dressing for the hair, and which not only re moves every t-ace of dandruff but promotes the growth of the hair. It also stops the hair from falling out, and make it beautiful. All druggists are authorized to re fund the money if it fails to do ex actly as represented. Dont neglect your hair ana aon i resort to old-time hair dyes. Get a hottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from your druggist today, and notice the difference in your hair after a few days' use. This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all drug gists. Special Agent, J. C. Perry. TO COMER OX BRIDGE MATTER County Commissioner Beckwith left today for Stayton where he will meet the members of the board of county commissioners of Linn county and take action with relation to Green's Bridge across the Santiam, which was washed out during the re cent flood. Eventually the boards of the two counties will probably make appro priations for the construction of a bridge in its stead. At the present this can not be done and in order t relieve the situation, the plan Is to install temporarily a ferry. o. She Read It Correctly. CXmD FBBSS LilD San Francisco, Jan. 17. A gypsy woman read John McDonough's for tune. "You are going to lose some valuable property," she forecasted. Then she beat It. Mac Is looking for a $200 scarf pin also for the gypsy. America, and he desires Westacott's assistance in obtaining It. He offers as a reward for his financial assist ance $160,000. This is but one of scores of similar swindling letters which have been re ceived from the same source by peo ple of Salem recently. MM H M lines, at prices that attract caret nl buyers. price advertised is a genuine reduction from Clnnrlc on our bargain tables at 35c per i UUUUb yard, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1, $1.25 J ALL. VjaAiV 1 L.I KE,JLI1JI.1J. Remnant tables at exactly 1-2 PRICE of Underwear reduced XaVUdll UalUll VUai Q ' Rock Springs" Coal "New Castle" Coal Q ,A "Silver Lump" Loal p Coal for all kinds of People and Purposes Have your choice! Oak and Fir Wood in lengths to suit For prompt deliveries phone Main 813 Falls City Lumber Co. 279 N. Commercial Street. I A Few Special Bargains for i .. . . I this Week in Ladies' Footwear i Ladies $4.50 Gun Metal Laco Ladies $4.00 and $5.00 Tan Lace !2.9.i Ladies $3.50 Gun Metal Button $2.45 Ladies $3.50 Patent Leather Button $2.15 Ladies' $2.50 Kid Button and Lace $1.75 Take advantage of these prices as I must have room for Spring and Summer goods. I JACOB VOGT, Cyphers Incubators The standard Incubator: Fire proofed-lnsurable. M'e have secured the agency for the well known Cyphers Incuba tor Co. for Marion and Folk counties, Including tllr line of Incu bators, Brooders, Heaters, and a full line of Poultry Supplies. This Incubator Is acknowledged lo be the highest prude Incubator on the market, without any exception. The guarantee is the best that is put out by any company. Come In and look at the different sizes and get a catalog, if you are hi terrxted) It's a pleasure to show thorn, because we know you will like them. D. A. WHITE & SONS Thone Main 100. 251.21SI M M MMMMMMM 20 per cent. Broken lines in all t - 220 N. Commercial Street STATE ST. West of C. S. Bant