i i I : ! M .1 fAGE FOCB THE Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results Oa mt word for flrit iMtrtlon. On-llf twit word for h lovrt.oo tbrfl'r. So irtlwniMit Ule for Im tban iSc. ttuot ill words to tb ACCTIOSEEB. JOHN GREMMELS, general auction eer of mercbaodlae, household goods, livestock, real estate and farm lands. Bales booked any where. Reasonable figures. Twen ty years experience. 638 State street Pbone 636. Residence 1356. 9-9-tf BAKJCRIE8. WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders a specialty. We make dally deliveries. 119 N. Commercial, phone 803; or Uth and Cbemeketa, pbone S61. 1-7-tl BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other ''.read, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. California Bak ery, Thomrs & Cooley, Props. BUSINESS CAUDA. PIANO TUNING Lutellus L. Woods, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 608. Shop, 630 N. Winter atreat 2.2-lyr SALEM TAMALK factory, wholesale and retail. It your wife or you want a good lot Mexican Spanish chicken tnnmle, call Muln 2043; night phone, 81; Sunday, Main 100. Delivered to any part of the city. Be sure and stop, look and get the best In Oregon. The Madison Sa loon Lunch Wagon. Meat sand wiches, fried In hutter, always. No stop If you are looking for a cheap lunch. 12-lG-lmo CAKKIAGK TRIMMING AMD PAINTS F. W. BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full line of Musurey'B house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 8. Commercial. 12-1-tf CHINESE PHYSICIANS. JAY KING Our remedies are com posed of the choicest roots, herbs and barks and are sure to cure to stay cured. All chronlo diseases of men and women a specialty. If you cannot tell, send for symptoms blank. Jay King, care Bow Wo Drug Co., 167 S. High St., Salem, Of- 8-25-tf OI.KANl.NO AND FRESHING. MARION PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladies' sillies,, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. We are cleaner j and repairers. Try us. Ooods called for and delivered. Parlors, 245 North Liberty street. Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf KLECTKIO BUlTIiY HOUSE.' H, H. HUNTER Electrical supplies and wiring our specialty. We will give you an estimate on your wir ing and electrical work. Our work la guaranteed; b -e rural tele phones. Office and supply room 129 South Commercial street. 6-29-tf FOUNDERS. 8ALEM IRON WORKS Bhand Marcus, proprietors. Front and Btata street. Iron and brass oaaU Infra, Ore hydrant, hop bulers, aw mtl machinery, etc. Phone 009. -2-tf GERMAN AND FRENCH TEACHER. , GERMAN and French teacher Mr. P. Schwabe, good experience In teach ing. Single or In classes. Moder ate terms. Address, 1156 South Thirteenth street. 10-25-tr HAIR DKKNS1NG. BCALP AND SKIN SPECIALIST Hair dressing, manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Combings bought and made up. We make a specialty of hair dyeing. MlssOra I'oage, rooms 318-319 V. s. Hank bll' 3-7-1 m INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. PIANO l.KSSONS-Mr. P. Schwabe, trained In llerlln, Germany, experi ence In teaching. Moderate terms Address 11C.S South Thirteenth - I"r'','t- 10-25-tf JUNK DEALERS. JUNK DEALERS Highest price paid paid for cast Iron and all kinds of metals. Hides, pelts and furs bought Oregon Junk Shop, 430 Court street Main S99. 8124-tf I J VERY STAULK. POSTOFFICK LIVERT and Safe Stable. Second hand vehicles of HI kinds sold. Best of turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable For anything In livery and board ing, call or "phone Main 188. E. f Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry street LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With lES 11 8001,1 Commercial ttre.t Phone 1168. Hop LV 1-1 l-U CLASSIFIED AD SECTION LIQUOR BOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wtaea, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Com mercial Street FAMILY LIQUOR Store All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle of ce. Free delivery In the city limits E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial street MECHANO THERAPEUTIST AND 8COGESTIONI8T. DR. H. H. SCOVELL Mechano Therapeutist and Suggestlonlst. located In Salem, July, 1901. Treats chronic and acute diseases- Office and residence, 267 Liberty street Phone 1332. Consultation free. 9-20-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND OOODS HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles In town at the lowest prtoe. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St 8-25-tf NURSERIES AFTER JANUARY 1 We offer apple and peach trees at greatly reduced prices to close out 1911 stock. Roses ornamental shrubberies, etc.; all lines complete. Quality unsur passed. I have a few thousand prunes left. Cherry City Nurseries. J. II. Lauterman, prop. Temporary office 960 Droadway. Phone 678. 12-29-tf OSTEOPATH. DR. R. W. WALTON, Osteopathic phy- slclan; acute and chronic diseases treated; consultation free. Office rooms 12 and 14 Breyman block. Phone 1951. 8-25-tf OSTEOPATHY. DR. B. H. WHITB Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate of the American School of Osteop athy, Klrksvllle, Mo., post-gradu ate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angelea College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases Consultation free. Lady Attendant. Office 605-606 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. jtealdenc 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469. DR. O. F. IIEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta Ilelsley, general Osteopathic prac titioners. Confinement cases and female troubles a specialty. 20") 206 U. S. Bank building. Phones: Office, Main 618; residence, Main 2181. 1-11-12-tf PAINTERS, PAPBti HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first-class work done. I D. Driver, 117 North Capitol street, talem, Ore. Phone 926. -2l-tf. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. DORRANCE, the sign man Air brush, show cards and banners. Bulletins and wall signs. Auto and carriage painting. 260 Chemeketa street 6-26-tf TRAGLIO & 110SANKO, PAINTERS Fresco decorators and designers In oils, water-colors and wall pa per. Plume 986. 1-13-tf PLUMBERS. 1HEO. M. BARnjiumblng, hot water and atamm hn.tin. j 1 "'vui uvn.iug H1U HQ. nlag, 164 Commercial 8t. Phons Mala 192. 9-1-lyr. OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing neaung, gas fitting; nrlces re.. enable; work guaranteed; eetL maces furnished. Phone S73 1066 Chemeketa street 4-17-tf FINLAY & REYNOLDS Plumbing, heating and general repairing; water pipe and sewer connections. Estimates ft rnlshed free on any of your work. Phone 610; 325 Center street KAUFMAN & BROWN. 270 Chemek eta street Phone 947. Plumbing, tinning and general Jobbing; pumps, tanks and windmills. Warm air heating (our motto). Best work at reasonable prices. Let us figure . w"h you. 12.7.tf PORTLAND HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEL Cor ner Front and Columbia, at Ore. ton Electric depot. Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms. Open day and night Rooms 50, 75 and Va, '80 H"tel Hrrls0n, 401 to 407 Front street. John Matthle n, proprietor both houses ' 10-5- KKSTATJrtATra. BISMARK RESTAURANT 184 Com- r, "",,UKl1 ner comer Ferry city, 20 to 15 cents. Schneider tinman, proprietors. SVIREI.LA CORSETS FITTED. SP,LU1 5? "Measures r : "" awes, 1106 Leslie street, at home Thursday af ternoon. Phone 1088. 11.23 if . " 1 . . . . . . : TINNING AND ROOFING. BADERTSCHER ft VUUaER Hot air heating; rurnace won; uu nlng and roofing cornice work of all kinds. 188 South Liberty street. Phone 600. Figures oa contracts cheerfully given. All work guar anteed. 8-30-tf UPHOLSTERING, RENOVATING F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum car pet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered and laid; mat tresses made and renovated; fur niture re-covered; shades and awn ings made and altered. Northeast corner Court and High streets. Phone 668. 7-22-tf HOUSE CLEANING ror the holidays will soon start. Have your furni ture and upholsterlDg work attend ed to by men who know how. All work guaranteed. E. L. Stiff, cor ner Court and Liberty. Phone 941. 9-21-lmo REED & ZWICKER. only steam carpet and feather renovating plant In city. Power vacuum cleaning. Matresses remade and upholster ing. Furniture repaired. Work guaranteed. Works Fourteenth and Wilbur. Phone 1154. 8-31-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. C'ougr-, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profemlon employed 445 Court street 9-20-tf. W. T. RIGDON, undertaker and em balmer, 252 North High street, op posite city hall. First class In ser vice, equipment and stock. Lady assistant when desired. Only un dertaker who has commodious apartments purely on residence plan. 5-12-tf WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. For water service apply at office. B1IU payable monthly in advance. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House block, 484 Court street 10-5-tf. WIRING, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE and Supply Co. 130 North Liberty street. Elec tric contracting, inside wiring, supplies and fixtures. Telephone Main 2G3. 12-11-tf WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept ander shelter. I handle Kopiah coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Pacific coast. Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and In the dry. Satisfaction guar anteed. See my stock, 752 Trade street, or phone 529. Mark Slddall. FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. Sole gent for the famous Rock Springs coal and the Wash Silver lump. Cord wood and mill wood lnlengtha to suit. Reasonable prices. Prompt delivery. Main office 279 North Commercial street. Phone 813. 10-2-tf CAPITAL FUEL CO. J. J. O'Neil, proprietor. All kinds of coal. Sole agents for the famous Rock Springs coal. All kinds of wood cut to order. Yard opposite S. P. passenger depot. Phone 210. 12-4-tf LODGE DIRECTORY. A. O. U. W. PROTECTION t.nH. UWUQV No. 2 meets ever Monday even ing at 8:00 p. m., In Holman nan, corner state and Llbertv St L. Westfull, M. W." D. P. Wright, Kecoroer. 5.21.tf LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Cherry City Lodge No. 498, meets every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. in 1 0. O. F. Temple, corner Court and High streets, D. R. Yantls. Dicta tor; H. H. Turner, secretary, 135 SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Mated commiinlpnil.m :..-. Friday in each month at 7: SO p. m., . msonic tiaii. MeCornack block P6h, W. M.; John Bavne secretary. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37 0 IT O t 1.. . iv. . nt-Kinur meetings first and uura Tuesdays. Masonic Hall. Mrs .....on ueriiy . m.; hia M. Uab- 11 '. K, secretary. WOODMEN OF M'ORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Holman Hall Geo. H. Dsne r CjL. H. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRON! vt nusoanary Meets In Hurst IT. 11 n. . ".. oa oue street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome. F. A. Myers muter. Zella S. Fletcher, secret Ury- U-31-lyr UNITED ARTISANS - Capital As semb v Nn si ?' v ld B. Godfrey, M. A., S. R Vail r.n.Tir mitbvit.. 91TFW. OREGON WEDNESDAY, JAM Am i.. w LODGE DIRECTORY (Oa tinned.) MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6248. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman Hall. W. E. Vincent, Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCXETT D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tllson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for Investi gation. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 50. A. F. & A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. Frank Jaskoskl, W. M.; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP ter No. 1. Masonic hall, Becond Friday of each month, at 8 p. m. L. S. Rowland, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. REAL ESTATE. FIVE ACRES Rich, sandy loam, good peach land, excellent for small fruit, four miles out, good roads, new house, place well fenced, cheap for house, place well fenched, cheap for cash or will trade for good city property. The Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. National Bank building, Room 204. Phone 470. A NEW five rom bungalow at a low price near the carline not far out. Price, $1800. The Oregon Realty Co. 1-16-St FOR SALE Eight acres on main gravel road, 4 1-2 miles from busi ness part of city, all clear, spring water, fine for fruit or poultry. See owner, 4t6 Court street. l-13-6t 20 ACRES of bearing prune orchard six miles out, for a few days only at $250 per acre. This orchar'l paid better than 23 per cent on Its cost for 1910 and 1911. This Is a snap and lasts only to the 20th of January. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. l-16-3t FIELDING & CROWDER Real es tate, rentals, employment agents, ce ment and plastering contractors. 120 North Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 2160 Main. 12-29-lm A THREE room house and lot, 60x100. A good buy. Price, $550, $150 down, balance $10 per month. Situated In Nob Hill. Oregon Realty Co. ' l-16-?t BEST EASTERN OREGON LAND We have several pieces of the best Eastern Oregon land for $12 to $30 per acre. One piece of 320 acres has ditch and water erough to Irrigate whole piece, with 100 acres In clover and timothy; wire fenced( with house and barn. An other piece has running water with 100 acres of meadow land and good Improvements. These pieces are some of the choicest In this new country, that Is Just starting to develop. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 W)uth Commercial street. 12-15-tf THAT 15-acre prune orchard three years old, is a bargain $175 per acre, all the trees are growing. Terms $300 down and the balance $10 per acre per month. Wake up, this is the best thing going and the easiest terms. The Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 1-16-r.i FOR 8ALK. FOR SALE Oak and fir wood. Oak any length, $6 to $6.50 per cord. Fir, $5.00 and $5.50. Phone 1779. FOR SALE Thorough-bred Ply mouth Rock roosters, at 19th and Ferry. Phone 1842. l-15-2t FOR SALE Large hody flr, oak grub and ash. Now taking orders for summer delivery. Phone 1417 r 1283. Downing & Eoff. 4-29-tf FOR SALE Some good work teams, harness and wagons; all are near ly new. Light wgon suitable for one horse. 803 Broadway. 11-8-tf A FEW CORPS of nice dry fir wood, must sell at once. Sawed any I'-ngth, $2 per rick; $5.50 per cord, or four-foot wood. $4.75 per cord. Delivered nny place In city. Call S03 Broadway, or phone Young's store, 1--4S. !.12.tf TEAM, harness and wagon for sale; nVo I wns. Harry La Mar, ' Broadway. 1-11-tf FOR SALE Good wood hauling out fit. Wagon, iron rack, team and harness, any part. Address Box 28. Route 1. 1-3-tf FOR SALE-2.000 Oregon Champion 6ueuery plants; first class. See Charles Bartholomy, 1107 Fir street 1-16-lw' FOR SALE Ten O. I. C. shoats. full- uieu, mree months old. A. D. Pet tyjohn, route 3 five miles south et of Salem. ,.16.3t. LOST. LOST Ladles pendant between Un ion street and Marlon hotel. Leave at Journal office and receive re-Ward- 1-15-31 iAt.1 FOR RENT. FOR RENT Fine furnished room for man and wife at 4oj Center street "-22-t.l ROOMS for housekeeping, $8.00 and up per month. 597 North Liberty. Phone 1044. 12-11-tf FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms, electric lights, bath. Inquire at 444 South High street 12-21-lm PASTURAGE FOR RENT, runniag water. Horse. $1.60; cattle. $100 per month. Independent Market, 255 Ferry street !-31-tf FOR RENT Eight room house, ba:n, chicken park, two lots, corner Com mercial and Gaines. Call 655 N. Commercial. Phone 1599. 1-13-tf WANTED, WANTED Salesman for good line of goods. Phone Main 1094. l-16-3t FOUND. FOUND A number of tintypes on Cottage street Owner can have same by calling at office and pay ing for this advertisement. l-15-2t RAILROADS. SOUTHERN rACTFIO. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Pa-stnger 6.21p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited 7:3Sp.m. No. 27 Eugene Passenger ... 8:30p.m. No. 15 California Express. 9:66p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:50a.m. No. 222 Portland Fa - Frt 10:15p.m. Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express 5:15a.m. No. 14 Oregon Express 5.43a.m. No. 28 Portland Passenger1 8:30a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ..12:35p.m. No. 18 Portland Pasenger. 2:66p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger .. 7:12p.m. No. 225 Way Freight ....12:35p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Leave Salem. Arrive Portland. Train 6, 6:30 a.m 8:30 a.m. Train 8, 8:55 a.m 11:00 a.m. Train 10, 11:15 a.m. 1:15 p.m. Train 12, 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m. Train 14, 3:40 p.m 6:10 p.m. Train 16, 4:00 p.m f 00 p.m. Traiii 18, 6:0S p ru 8 .is p ot Train 20, 8:56 p.m 10:45 p.m Arrive In Salem. Train 1 8:30 a.m. Train 3 9:50 a.m. Train 6 10:30 a.m. Train 7 1:00 p.m. Train 9 4:15 p.m. Train 11 6:00 p.m. Train 15 8:35 p.m. Train 17 11:10 p.m. o Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leaves West Salem ror: Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas and . alls City 1:30 and 4:35 p. m. Sunday trains ror: Dallas, Fulls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Di'llas 5:50 p. m. Trains arrlye at West Salem from 11m 8:15 a.m. Black Rock, Falls City and DuIIiib 12:30 p. m. Falls City and Dallas .... 4.16 p.m. Sunday - Rlack .Uock: Falls Cit yand Dulaa 1:15 and 5:30 n. m. SALEM INDEPENDENCE BOATS. The launches Independence and Louise will Uave their wharf at the foot of Trade street for Independence at the following hours dally except Sunday. Leaves Independence 8:30 a. m Leaves Salem 4:00 p. m. ' o Charles Durham, Lovlngton, 111., has succeeded In finding a positive cure for bed wetting. "My little boy wet he bed every night clear thro on the floor. I tried several kinds of kidney medicine and I was In the drug store looking for something different to help him when I heard of Foley Kid ney Pills. After he had taken them two days we could see a change and when he had taken two-thirds of a bottle he was cured. That is about six weeks ago and he has not wet In Jerman)6' Red CrSS ''harn'acy H- -" H.erella remedy at will cure your cold. Why waste time ar.d money ex perimenting when you can get a prep aration that has won a world-wide reputation by its cures of this disease and can always be depended upon? It Is known everywhere as Chamber lain b Cough Remedy, and is a medi cine of real merit. For sale by all dealers o. c. t. co:s Steamers Pomona and Oregona leave tnr Pnrii..j w j... ... ? j , , u "'"""ay, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m for CnrvnlHo Tn.j.. m. . ! Saturday about 7 p. m.1BUr8aa7and M. P. BALDWIN, Agent Great Chinese Doctor L M. Hum knr ;r uii.u win cure any Known d 8mm rr i . . ' , a spec al ly Ol and riinron. --acueu or swollen soreness, broken ilmba smallpox epidemic; all kinds of ll9tJLm- 'emale weak? . . . A A MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Eloar, Tttt, lie. Wheat-Export Dasls: Bluestem, loftiir- rlub. 81c: red Russian, 80c; valley 81Q,82c; forty-fold, 82c. Flour Patents, I4.G0 per barrel; straights. $4.05; exports, $3.80; Val ley, $4.60; graham, $4 65; whole wheat, $4.85. - Barley Feed, $Jti(U J( per iou, ing, nominal. Hay No. 1 E. O. timothy $17(318. No. 1 Valley, $15$16; alfalfa, $130 14; clover, $11Q12; grain, $H. Corn-Whole, $33; cracked $34 per ton. . . , Mlllstuffs Bran, $23 per ton; mid dlings, $30; shorts, $24; rolled bar ley. $37038. Oats-New white, $3030.50 per ton. Dairy and Cosnfxy TrodtMe, Butter City creamery, extra. 1 and 2-pound prints In boxes, 3Sc per pound; less than oxs. cartons and lellvery extra. Eggs Oregon ranch, 35c. Cheese Full cream, twins 17 '4 c per pound; Young America, 18c. Poultry Ileus, 12',4o; springs, i'H&- ducks, voune. 18c: geese, ll'jc 012c; turkeys, alive, 17c; dressed 20 0 24c. Veal Fancy, 80 10 ill punds, He per pound. Pork Fancy, 8 9c per pound, flrnrertpn. TlrTefl Frilts. Etc Dried Fruits Apples, 13 He per id.; currants, iuc; apnuuio, 1618c; peaches, 12014c; prunes, Italian, 10011c; silver, 18c; flgs white and nlack, 6H7Hc; cat rants, 10011c; raisins, loose ra tel, 64 7 He; bleached Thompson 11 Vic; unbleached Sultanas, 8i, Coffee Roasted, In drums, 2G40c per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 16016 per lb.; Brazil nuts, 16c; Alberta, 15c; almonds, 18019c; pecans, 18c; jocoauuts, 90c $1 per dozen. Salt Granulated, $16 per ton; half-ground, 100s, $8.60 per ton; 50s, $9 per ton. Beans Small, white, 4 He: large white, 4'4c, Lima, 7 He; pink, 5c; red Mexicans, 6 He; bayou, 5c. Sugar Dry granulated, $6.30; fruit and berry, $6.30; beet $6.10; extra C, $5.80; powdered, barrels, $0.55; cubes, barrels, $6.70. Rice No. 1 Japan 5)4c; cheaper grades, $3.6004.56; Southern head lH7c. Honey- -Choice, $3.76 per ease; strained, 10c per pound. Vegetables and Traits. Fresh Fruits Pears, 5Oc0$1.5O per dox; grapes, 70c$1.50 per box; cran berries $10011.50 per barrel. AddIcs Jonathan. SI Rnffi!9 vr. uox; spitzenDerg, J102.5O; Baldwin, 75c$1.50; Red Cheek Pippin, $1.25 175; Northern Spy, $1.2501.75: Win ter Banana, $203; Bellflower, $1 1.2a. Tropical Fruits O $2.7503; Valenclas, $5 per box: Cali fornia grapefruit, $3.5004; Florida grapefruit, $5.50; bananas, 505 c per pound; lemons, $405 per box: pomegranates, $1.50 per box. Vegetables Artichokes. 90c Der dozen; beans 1517Hc: cabbage, irffj) 1 "4c per pound ; cauliflower, 50c$l uer uozen; cucumbers, $2.50 per box; egg plant. 12 Ho n r.n,,rwi . u. - puuuu, ft (ii ill;, 8010c per pound; lettuce. 90Q90c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $1.25 per peppers, sigiiue per pound; pumpkins, 1014c; radishes, 12Hc per uozen: snrnntu fiffriQr. n sqush 1W01HC per pound; torW fi. 10 per DOX. Sack Vegetables Carrots. 11.00 per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1.00, Sweet Potatoes $3.00 per crate. crate. Potatoes New firearm Oll.ira1 on f"' uuuuieu. Onions California. $1.50 tier hnn dred. Hopg, Wool, Aides, Etc Hops 1911 crop, 4244c ner pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, 916o lb.: valley, 1617c, Mohair Choice, 35(S)37c. Hides Salted hldea 11n n a Salted rnlf 1R;rai7n. ri..j ,niL . -"'w!!., onueu Kip, m.c 1 o 8a'ied . .ataK8 6 c Sreen S " '."I' "1Qes' "c: dry calf, """'i y utags, 120)13 Vic. Provisions. Hams 10 to 12 pounds. 15iffilKV,o 12 to 14 pounds; 15016c; 14 to 16 i?"0' "to." Pounds. 16 omuueu, lie p cn C8, 11 H cottage roll, 16 He. Bacon-Fancy, 25c; standard. 22 choice, 20c; English. 17p Dry Salt CureO-Reguiar short uuSlbl "c; smoked smoked ' .y 8alt 12 c smoKBQ, 14c; exports, salt nu. smoked, 15 He, ' c riedhtd,Meats-Beef tonwea, 75c rled beef .eta, 22c; cutsldes, 20c insldes. 23c? bn.ibin. i, Pickled Goods BarrATa i. .... t1. - yiss lWJl, "I regular tripe. $10; honey comb Wpe. $12; lunch tongues. $22; lambs Lard Keltlo .1 13c- tubs iVv. . ea' "erces, : ' tllbs 13VlC' standard, tierces iif! 'I8'. 9c: """tenlng, tocal Waolesale Market Hrnn Flour, hard wheat i!" mnm 50 I.60 Shnrto $1 00 .00 uusnei Oats, bushel ... .80c .42c Cascara BarkrpVr"l'b""4H5C Potatoes, per bn.. Oat and vetch V.l" ? "".oy t1, Batter and Zfti. Butter, creamery Eggs, per dozen Butter fat Country butter Ponltrj. Fryers and bens Roosters LIvesiocK. Steers (under 1000 lb) . . .$5.60fli Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) . .$4.60J Cows f3-60li.il Hogs, fat 7 071 Stock tMfnt Ewes Spring lambs t Veal, according to quality jj pelts ury, bc; salted, count- pelts, 65c0$l per pound; iamb pdu 25. 0 JLill Curriers Will Fly. This is an ago of great dlBcoverlei Progress rides on the air. Soon ti may see Uncle Sum's mail carrlen flying in all directions, transportlni mail. People take a wonderful Inter est In the discovery that benefits the,, That's why Dr. King's New Discover? Mr t'ougns, uoius ana other throat and lung diseases Is the mm. popular medicine in America, "ft "It cured mo of a dreadful cough" writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stickne'j Corner, Me., "ufter doctor's treatment and all other remedies had failed. For coughs, colds or any bronchial affection, its unequaled. Price, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at J c rerry s. a A woman will keep a secret for month just for the pleasure of saylnt, "Oh, I knew that long ago," when her neighbors tell It to her as a great piece of news, There Is more catarrh In this is f tlon of the country than all other diseases put together, and until thr. last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many yean - doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incur- able. Science has proven catarrh to ', be a constitutional disease and there- -fore requires constitutional treat-! ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, mami.' factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tfr ledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional'. cure on the market. It Is taken In-' ternally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. They offer one hun- dred dollars for any case It falls tc cure. Send for circulars and teetl- monlals. ! Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., To t ledo, Ohio. I Take Hall's Family Pills for con; stipatlon. 1 0 Journal Want Ads Bring Result! The Choice of a Husband. ( la too Important a niatetr for a woma:, to bo handicapped by weakness, bai; bad blood or foul breath. Avoll" these kill-hopes by taking Dr. KIngi; Life Pills. New strength, fine cons, plexlon, pure breath, cheerful splH Its tilings that win men folio'; their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c ; J. C. Perry's Drug Store. ( !H FRENCH FEMALE 1 PILLS. A fltn, Cirrairt Rimip far BumnutMBD Mbniitm)tk. NEVER KNOWN TO f AIL. 8ife1 8ur1 Swedr I WU- (lu-tiiiu Guaranteed or Money KftfuDded. bVn' prepaiJ I fur $1.00 pr box. Will wul tbemuo trial, to be palJfflrl wnvn renevea. Munpiwi Kret. lljour tftujfklal auNW bv4 tbtn teutl jour orders to ttuj UWtTED MCLICAL CO., JOX 7, UnomTIR, H Sold In 5atm by Or. $. C. Stan CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK HIAUIlMlk ItlllMik l.aill.iil Auk your ItpucsUI. for ; iil-.M.p'I Itlanond llmnd, I'lIU In Krd incl Uold m.-l.illlA biM, uakd with Illua Rlhlion. 1 Tk nn other. Huj f Tour ' llrutil.t. A.kl.rJ 111.1'llVH.TrBI IHAAIO.vn llltAM. I'll.l .fo. Tn known u Best. SXeit. Alw.vi KelU i SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVWhTB Gold Dust Flour Made by the SYDNEY FOWEB COMPANl, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Family Use. Ask your grocer for It Brai and Skorts always on hand P. B. WALLACE, A Celebrated Lennox Furnace, j The Best Heater? nave you money every ". you own It I will sell and inl ine beBt. Let me giro you flsTf, ff mill - All See Me AbOUt atl ItiiUvUmoI Ho-hHnff ull1 for your home. The best thing " the market for cooking and Usi .tr r, I p w..r, JA , i t s 1 Clover hay ChMt U I9.0010.00 A. L. Fraser Pkone IIS. 253 State Strt - T