J we be DAILY I'ANTAL JOCBXAL. SALEM. OKECOX, TUESDAT, J AXUART 1C, 1912. ifr " S3!1 Hi1 ALCOHOL 3Vru7rr Acge aUeRepawionlorii simiaihigiiKFoodandRcguia ling Ute Siomachs andBowclatf Promofcs DiesHonheetfil ness and Rest.Contatas neither Opium.Morpainc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. tajptofouikSM.nmnm Bmpkla Sttd- JbMlt&dtf AiistStid Jhpmnart- Ctonffed Slqnr hmtumuthnr. Aperfect Remedy forConsdti Hon , Sour Stoniach.Dlarrhoea Worms ,CoiTvulsions.Fcverish ness and LossofSleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 3! 1 . f .Jnn4ki. Knnrl flit Exact Copy of Wrapper. Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of r - m wmm In Use For Over Thirty Years s A L E M ure to please the lovers of a wholesome beverage, Iways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink, ends strength to the weak and ' wearied physique, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart. B E E R rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. nlivens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened, ndows existence with hopes and aspirations estores man to fulness of '. strength and activity, SAVE YOURSELF I There is no reason why you should always be a slave. If you are desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure of the liquor and drug habit. Hot Lake' mineral baths prepare the .body for the treatment and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the desire for the liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes In Oregon and Washing ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot Lake treatment. One week will In most cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer Is re quired, but not often. The best of care is given the patients. For full Information, address I Hot Lake Sanatorium, "0 WALTER M. riEBCE Pres. and Mgr. 44-444-M444--M-f-f.M THE OREGON OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION The meeting of the Oregon Osteo pathic association, held In Portland last Saturday, at the Carlton hotel, was a decided success from beginning to end. So many excellent discussions were held. Interesting cases exam ined that just before the convention closed at 5 p. m., a motion to hold an evening session was unanimously car ried. The evening meeting began at 8:30, and so much Interest was dis played that the Subbath was nearly broken before the discussions could be closed. Among the Interesting clinics dem onstrated were cases of anterior polio myelitis, double congenltile hip and combined strabismus and nystagmus. At noon a banquet was given by the osteopathic physicians of Portland. OLDEST FKAME HIILDIXU IX UNITED STATES Southampton, N. Y., Jan. 16. The oldest frame building in the United States Is being razed by workmen to day by order of the authorities. It was built in 1648 by Thomas Sayre, an Kngllshman, who came to this conn try In Cromwell's time, and was one of the original settlers of Southamp ton In 1610. The Sayre house Is In the center of the village and has long been a point of historic interest. With proper care taking the old building would have stood for another century yet. All the material in the old building, with tli exception of the glass, was home-made. The timber, boards, shin gles, slabs aifd brick were turned out within a block or two of the house, and even tho nails were manufactured by the village blacksmith. Huge fire places were made in the walls. During the Revolutionary War, the house was used by British officers. The property la owned by a direct de scendant of Sayre. ME BAKE BIRTHDAY AND WEDDING CAKES to order. Let us know in advance the kind and style of cake you want and you can safelv rely on getting it on time baked to perfection and ornamented just as you directed even to the number of candles, if it is f r a birthday. Any birthdays or wee dings at your house soon? CAPITAL BAKERY 439 Court Street Phone 954 lead The Journal For News RICH STRIKE MADE IX XORTH POLE MINE tUNITBD PBESS LB48ID WIRI.l Baker, Or., Jan. 16. In cross-cutting the North Pole mine, near Sump ter, has encountered such a rich vein of ore that the company has contract ed to ship 10 tons of ore a day to the Oregon-Idaho Development company here. The latter firm will forward it to the Tacoma smelter. The ore is expected to run about $100 to the ton, and the vein struck is one of the larg est ever encountered here. The first car of ore is being loaded today and will reach Baker tomor row. 'Forty men are working in the mine at present, and more may be added. o ) STATE NEWS. Eastern Brewers have arranged for growing their own hops in California and Oregon, and will have a 250-acre field near Independence. Douglas county Odd Fellows have organized a county association. Seattle "ad men" met the Portland newspaper bunch In Portland Satur day night, and the two gangs are now one organization. Portland golf club has given up 14 acres of Its grounds to the polo play ers. Albert F. Ealdwin, of Portland,' was Saturday found unconscious on the railroad track at Los Angeles. The schooner Admiral, which turned turtle on the Columbia bar, has drifted on the beach and has broken to pieces. She cost $50,000, and is a total loss. Benton county has a club for the promotion of Intensive farming. Cottage Grove is to have a cannery this summer. Newport Is to have a shipyard. Klamath county sugar beets test high in saccarhlne. A native Tillamook clover, a peren nial, is attracting much attention just at present, especially from dairymen. Eugene handled fruit valued at $250,000 in 1911. A snowslide struck the Bonneville hatchery a few days ago, and It is be lieved killed two million salmon fry. Alex. Nicholson, sailor on the schooner Argo, drowned at Marshfield Monday, falling overboard from a small boat in the bay. The North Pole mine, near Sumpter, in Baker county, has made a strike of a big body of ore running $100 to the ton. Boatmen at Portland have reaped a harvest at Portland from the high water, catching runaway logs. The lid Is on in Grants Pass, even the soft drink places being closed from Saturday midnight until Monday morn Ing. A fire In a lumber yard at Bond de stroyed lumber valued at $25,000 Sun day night. The Oregon Federation of Labor met at The Dalles yesterday. o If your children are subject to at tacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamber lain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by all dealers. PAGE TflBEl - i 1 : ' 1 THE OPEN FORUM The Capital Journal Invito Public Discussion In This Department Let Both Sides of All Matters Be Folly Brought Out It Is Not the Purpose of This Newspaper to do the Thinking for Its Readers. Dear Colonel Hofer: I wish to call your attention to the fact that your name and Mr. Astor's name have been used In the same column of the Portland Oregonlan, Following are the two Items: "A straw vote of the Insane asylum on presidential choice would help along a lot. But doubtless Colonel Hofer has thought of It." "Colonel Astor will take his bride ip the Nile and forget the snubs of New 'York society. The Colonel is doing his share about removing his worries from the public gaze." Now Is not this material to cause the readers of a newspaper to won der how the Oregonlan ever guessed so close. Does It not make you won der what the writer drank Saturday to be bothered by such subjects as Col. Astor and his bride, the river Nile and the snubs of New York so ciety, an Insane asy'um and Col. Ho fer. As you are the publisher of the Capital Journal, you should set a better example than your little bro ther down at Portland. You are well enough Informed of the fact that pjr sonal comment does not concern the great majority of newspaper readers In this day and age. We are looking for topics that are Important, and which must be solved for the benefit of today and tomorrow. As we read on, In trying to get a nlckle's worth, the only subject on woman's rights that appeared In the aforesaid news paper was as follows: "Sweet maid so fair With nut-brown hair Casting at me saucy glance, Eyes so bright, Step so light, Waltzing with m In the dance." My dear, somewhere, Years gone, I swear, Danced we at another ball, I your waist Close embraced Now I note It's not so small." Of course, Colonel, you will under stand that this comment Is only of fered in the best of spirit and I know that the Htle poem on wo men's rights will Interest you more than the comment about yourself, Astor and his bride, the snubs of New York society and the river Nile. At, any odds, I think the straw vote for president by the people of Salem, bears for more merit at this time, than many campaign articles that fill some of the Portland papers. C. E. XO REASON FOR DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by Strong Guarantee. We guarantee . complete relief to all sufferers from constipation, or, in every case where we fall, we will supply the medicine free. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef fective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strent'ener, and tonic They aim to reestablish nature's functions In a quiet, easy way. They do not cause Inconvenience, grl,.in;, or nausea. They arc so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may bo taken by r.ny one at any time. They thoroughly tone up tho whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassa ble and Ideal for the use of children, old folks, and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evi's. Three sizes, 10c, 25c, and 50c. Re member, you can obtain Rexall Rem edies In this community only at our store. The Rexall Store. J. C. Per ry, Druggist. Administrator's Final Xotlce. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the es tate of James Edsall Rutherford, de ceased, has filed his final account In said estate, and that the county court of Marion county, Oregon, has fixed Wednesday, the 31st day of January, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, at the county court house In Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any objections to said final account, and for the settlement thereof. Dated this 30th day of December, 1911. W. C. WINSLOW. Administrator of the estate of James Edsall Rutherford, Deceased. l-2-12-5t-tues o Foley's Honey and Tar Compound "Cures in Every Case." Mr. Jas. McCaffery, manager of the Schlltz hotel, Omaha, Neb., recom mends Foley's Honey and Tar Cora pound, because it cures In every case. "I have used It myself and I have recommended It to many others who have since told me of Its great cura tive power In diseases of the throat and lungs." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is a reliable family medi cine. Give it to your children, and take It yourself when you feel a cold coming on. It checks and cures coughs, colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). Thousands Nov Use This Low-GostCough Syrup A Family Supply for 50c Saving You $2 The Quickest, Best Thing You Ever Used, or Money Refunded. The lirOfrint lirwl nncitiv paai.lta by this inexpensive cougu medicine l ave' vnust-u ii iu m- uwu in more nomes in tne L S. and Canada than any other coukIi remedy. It ives instant relief and will usually wipe out th imwt distillate, deep seated cough inside of 24 hours. It quickly succeeds, even in whooping cough and croup. A 50-eent bottle of Pinex, when mixed with hoiue-miide miar syrup, makes a full pint a family supply of the most pleasant and effective cough remedy that money could buy, at a saving of $2. r u,c uiiiiu ICS IUII directions in package. Children take Pinex Ornish Syrup will ingly, bemuse it tastes good. It stimu lates the iinntfiii riiH i ai;i.tiu iAn.:... both exivllnt features. Splendid for hoarseness, thrniit tickle. hmTifhiii. and a prompt, successful remedy for in! cipient luni? trouble. finer is a social nnd highly eoncen- trfllwl rYimrirkiinil nf lmnn.,.J X' v hite Pine extract and is rich in gunia col and other taturul healiii pine ele- mpntc Simtilv mir if u-itli or strained honey, in a pint bottle, and it id reuuy mr use. - ----- ..n. i, , muDirii, um never snrrpntstiillv tr,t nntl.i,. ..iun ...:n innr win produce the same results. The genuine is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or mnni'V rt.fiimlf.il 'aniftf.uta ..p ...... . ' - ....... Mil UL i,ai- antee is wrapned in onch packn-e. Your uruggiKi nns i-ineT or will gladly get it mr you. it not, send to The rinex Co.. Ft. 'nvne. Inrt. l'ENDLETOX TO CARE FOR UNEMPLOYED r UNITED Pai8SUASlD W1HI Pendleton, Or., Jan. 15. A mass meeting will be held here this after noon for the purpose of organizing a city relief association, with a view of assisting the alleviation of suffering among the unemployed here. The purpose of the proposed or ganization Is- to do way with prom iscuous charity and give aid only to those who are worthy. o 1IIVA HAS HER 1TIWT BIG HOLIDAY Amoy, China, Jan. 15. China's first public holiday under the regime of the proclaimed republic, Is being cel ebrated today In honor of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Inauguration. Great en thusiasm is being exhibited by the populace, who are contributing lib erally to the anti-Manchu fund. Many recruits here have joined the rebel forces. Our January Clearance! oaie is run 01 caroms! for the Shopper! Vii lb - nr. 9 Uh P-fk Coats and Suits This is the time for discriminating women to get a serviceable, and dressy suit at a low price. We have filled three racks with suits and coats in serge, cheviots, Scotch mixtures and double faced materials. Good range of colors to select from. Our January Clearance Sale ONE-HALF PRICE Corscl Covers Daintily trimmed in lace and ribbons and of good materials. Special 38c Knit Underwear Women's and Misses fleece lined vests and tights, full line of sizes. SPECIAL 24c VeStS Women's and Misses ribbed vests. High neck, long sleeves, medium weight, form fitting garments. U. G. Shipley Company w if Qunllty s 145-147 North Liberty Street. 3IEUCIIAKDISE Between Shite and Court Popular PRICES Wants District Attorneyship. Geo. N. Davis, of Portland, todav filed his declaration of Intention of becoming a candidate at the next gen eral election for district attorney for Multnomah county. lie adopts as his campaign slogan, "with the people and for the people." o He lVus No Grafter. Washington, Jan. 16. The late As sociate Justice Ilarland, of the United States supreme court, left an estate of $13,000, of which $7200 was in life Insurance. Letters of administration today were granted to his son, James S. Har lan, Interstate commerce commission er. o A I'nrd. We wish to convey to our friends our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for their kind assistance and sympathy shown us lit our late bereavement by the death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. A. J. French and family. "What Muk s a "Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle. don't make a woman. It's, a good rounuation. Put into It health and strength and she may rule a king dom. But that's just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weak ness, nervousness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. n,lectric Hitters have done me a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depew, Okla., "and I thank you. with all my heart, for making such a good medicine." Only 00c. Guaran teed by J. C. Perry. o Plies Cored In Six to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money If Pazo Ointment falls to cure any case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles la six to H days. 50 cents. When you want a reliable medicine for a cough or cold take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and Is pleasant an1 safe to take. For sale by all deal ers. o Foley Kidney Pills always give satisfaction because they always do the work. J. T. Shelnut. Bremen, Ga says: "I have used Foley Kidney Pills with great satisfaction, and found more relief from their use than from any other kidney mediclno, and I've tried almost nil kinds. I can cheerfully recommend them to all suf ferers for kidney and bladder trou ble." Foley Kidney Pills will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Dontaccpt 8m.l. n,,i-i FRKK. X)diT M.utmtul. a. . OLMSTED, L Roy, N.Y. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AOriilnlUli.ftotFeTerUhnh snatlpatfon, II e.darhr, PUorde r, nd nr. Ira, Warm. TbqRrriik unL'olili RHEUMATISM TAKES BIG DROP. WWespreud Adoption of Ji'ew Cure Puts Immediate Check on Present Spread of Rheumatism. The crusade against the serious spread of rheumatism has had its effect. In nearly all the Important towns of the state a concerted move ment was begun to stamp out the disease, by the wide publication of the best known means of curing rheumatism, quickly and surely. As an illustration of the astonish ing results secured Dy the new treat ment, which has been so widely re commended, out of one thousand ser ious cases noted, every single one has already been cured. These results have been carefully verified. It was certain that some treatment had to be recommended. Which one, was the question. Actual results had to govern, re gardless of reputation or favoritism. The record above mentioned was ac complished by the new treatment, "Fuss" rheumatism cure. This remedy Is different from anything else ever prepared for rheumatism. It contains no alcohol, opium, cocaine, mor phine, chloral, chloroform, or other polBonous drugs contained in the great majority of patent medicines. We earnestly recommend all our readers who may suffer from rheu matism, gout, lumbago, or kidney trouble not ot fall to try this remedy. For sale by D. F. Fry and all lead ing druggists or sent prepaid on re ceipt of $1.00 or six bottles for $5.00 Fuss Remedy Co., Flint, Mich. o Mrs. A. R. Tabor or Crlder, Mo., had been troubled with sick headache for about five years, when she began tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets. She has I taken two bottles of them and they have cured her. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach, for which these tablets are especially In tended. Try them, get well and stay well. Sold by all dealers. To Core a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25 cents. o If you want anything, say so in the lourual, and get It Journal "Want Ads" 3rln Results. Education o T O 0 know the true value of a dollar should be a part of every child's educa tion, t t t The time to comaicnce that training Ig now; the bi'Ht method Is to open a Stivlngs ac count with this bunk lu tho child's name and allow him to make the deposits and watch It grow. : i United States National Bank SALEM Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Motel THE OREGON The House of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with: Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p( rrii Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, modern hostelry in tha metropolis of the Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers. Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle. ;