THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOfER. Editor and Proprietor. R. M. HOFER, Manager " . r . Ralf fn. Ore. pnr.ICrTlr.Pryf DiOj, by Mail, per yr SnTSiUPTION RATES: llnvariably in Advance) .00 fcr roonin 4.00 ret month 1.00 Six months 35c GOc rULL LEASED WIRE TEUCHAPH KKrOBT The wild duck season closed uary l. Lebanon State national. WILL BRING OUT THE LIBERTY BELL. The school children of San Francisco and of California will not be called upon to contribute their nickles and dimes toward a transportation fund to bring the famous Liberty Bell to ban Francisco for the Panama Pacific International Exposition The Southern Pacific company, through its officials in this city, yesterday made an offer to the exposition directors to trans port the Liberty Bell from Philadelphia to San Francisco free of charge. , The railroad offers to bring the bell out and to give it as much attention throughout the trip as is now given it in its present resting place in Philadelphia. The state of Pennsylvania values the Liberty Bell as much as it does the history connected with it, and the Southern Pacific railroad officials arc prepared to see that provisions are made for a company of Pennsylvania militia to guard the bell on its long trip across the continent. The trip of the honored old bell that in 1776 announced the signing of the Declaration if Independence, will be a triumphal procession. At every station in the country where the train stops and it will have to stop at nearly all of them thousands of school chil dren and their parents will gather to see the old bell that tolled the greatest story that has ever been published in the United States. It is planned to erect a small belfry on a car, and to hang the bell in that for the trip across the continent. United States history began with the tolling of Liberty Bell, and there is not a native of this great country who does not want to see the beginning of the history of the United States. o The Oregonian has a headline, "Voters Slow to Register." Too bad, in that county, where they have the most expensive and Viichlv organized svstem of trvinsr to make people register. County Clerk Fields placards the streets, sends out tons of print ed matter, hires any number of special deputies, all to secure a large registration. The fact is the law is a very defective one. It is not the Australian ballot law on registration at all, but a law that starts the whole political game with a blow at manhood Buffrage, besides forcing a man to declare political affiliation in advance for the benefit of the machine managers, and shuts out all the minority parties besides the Democrats from the benefit of the law. In no state but poor, deluded, long-suffering Oregon would such a law be tolerated, but it will not be tolerated here much longer. o TEACH HUMANITY IN SCHOOLS. THE ROUND-UP Lents becoming a sporting center. Baker county leads in gold output. Jan- Bank has become a Oregon City needs a creamery and sawmill. Baker City fire clay shipped to Portland. Rheumatism Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifests Itself In local aches and pains, Inflamed Jowis a"" ' cies, but it cannot oe cureu di applications. It requires constitutional treatment, and the best Is a course of the great blood purifying and tonic ml.ohie Hood's Sarsaparma which coirects the acta roim.uu.. the blood and builds !P me i. m. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets callea sarsaim. Retail nesday. Merchants association Wed- Medford claims chicken thief. to have a real Eagle Point has a tavern owned oy , M. Vogell. HOICE FOR PRESIDENT Mark cross between number and name of candidate. 1. 2. 3. 4. (....) (....) (....) (....) William Howard Tnft, Republican. lneodore Roosevelt, Republican. Robert M. LaFo llette, Insurgent. (.. (.. (.. (.. .) ..) ..) .FOR THE DEMOCRATS Woodrow Wilson. Judson Harmon. Champ Clark. Cornucopia, like gravel mines. The Philomath bank doors January 15. Salem, has rich opened its Monroe claims business openings. to have several The Cincinnati Post, in an eloquent plea - for humane educa tion, takes a hopeful view of the local situation, and makes the following observations: Brutality and crime crime of all sorts and conditions broth ers. The boy who grows up brutal will seldom develop into a good citizen. His instincts will be low, his desires will be low. He will be long to that great class of undesirables which forces cities to maintain large police forces. And brutality, even of the kind that kills inoffensive birds with pebbles in a sling-shot, grows on one . It feeds on its own activity. We believe that there should be a course in the public schools, all grades, devoted to humanity kindness; the right of four footed and feathered folks. We are improving slowly. We lay out bird reservations. Robins nest in the maples on our most crowded streets. Birds that for years sought the depths of the forests now rear their young within hearing of the roar of the street cars. In some subtle way they know that their chances of protection have been increased. They do not know that kindness is being taught, and brutality discouraged in countless homes. Yes, we are improving, but we want the world to move faster and we plead for school education that will teach the coming generation to be kind to animals and all birds. There is a widespread agitation against the use of the cruel steel trap to entrap animals. This relic of brutality and barbarism must go. o Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, is a candidate for U. S. senator and his campaign literature informs us that he is a Lin coln Republican, but not a radical one. The judge reminds us of the Maine Prohibitionist who said he was for Prohibition, but "agin enforcing it." As many Salem business men as possible should atiend State Retail Merchants' association at Med ford next Tuesday They would be surprised to see how a much smaller town than Salem has been able to make national reputation for enterprise, to build up a jobbing business, and to bring capital from all over the United States to erect beautiful buildings, and be able to do things on the metropolitan lines not dreamed of in slower-going communities. The Salem boosters are going to leave Tuesday evening on the 10 o'clock train. The Congressional Record the other dav onlv had ten pages tour pages held a speech never delivered, and the other six paces were filled with private pension bills. That is the wav wnirress has to hustle to spend a thousand million dollars a war. Get in to the game, Mr. Citizen, or be a mere impoverished taxpayer. o Capital Journals sold 540 Saturday night and then nult. Silverton defeated Hill Military academy at basket ball. Newport firemen give a "grand mask ball" February 1. Oreeon mlnlne products declined more in 1911 than 910. Lents postal savings bank took in $776 the first three 'lays. The Itoeue river got mad and swept out a few bridges. Snake River valley poultry show starts at Ontario, January 16. The S. P. Co. paid out a million in pensions on New Years day. Straw ballots all over the state fa vor Roosevelt as against Taft. Many orchards ruined in Multno mah county by the sleet storm. Newport Commercial club wants to go on excursion to Tillamook. W. T. Fogle has changed the Leu- anon Criterion to the Advocate. a Baker Democrat calls this depart ment "Around the Hot Stove.". Falls City men are looking up a sawmill site at Independence. Oregon editors will visit the Pontile ton round-up In a body next fall. Major Mcindoe recommends a six foot channel ,on Cleckamns rapids. ' Oregon City fenn a typhoid epl acinic. Had milk and water are causes. Enterprise, county seat of Wallowa properly named, has gravity water sytsem. Green Mountain defeated Sodavllle at basketball and vlll tackle Crab treo next. L. H. Powell, a Baker resident, Is believed to have drowned in the Deschutes. Baker Commercial Club has se cured a dally mail stage line to Mod leal Springs. Mount Pleasant Civic Improvement club will give a Hard Times social Saturday night. Eastern capitalists have offered $60,000 for a Medford mine, accord ing to the Situ. ' John Orovell, of Bridgeport, Baker county, was killed in a snowsltde nt Wallace, Idaho. The body of John Narkaus was found tinder a snow slide in Bobsled canyon near Pendleton. Wool growers want n co-operative warehouse at Portland by tne time the Panama canal Is open. Corvallis has had an exciting week, with Dr. Calvin S. White anti bis Hopkins there at the same time. The Spectator wants to know if a silver thaw was so expensive 10 Portland, what a golden freeze would cost? Douglas county stage robbers got 10 vears apiece and will help im prove some of the Kate roads in this state. Clackamas county Pomona grange condemns the use of money by tne Fels committee to carry single tax in Oregon. After waiting four years for a freshet, John C. I-ais lost l,uUU,.'UU feet of logs by the flood in Silver Creek Friday. A Portland Judge was acquitted on a charge of soliciting a bribe be cause there is no law making it a crime. Thin ice. Oregon City officers continue to serve in spite or having Deen re moved and their successors appoint ed by Mayor Dimick. o X-RAYS AND SMILES. The Nebraska secretary of state holds that Roosevelt and Bryan can withdraw their names from the Ne braska ballot and do not have to run for the presidency. They can but what the politicians would like to know; will they? Mr. Wilson's letter to Adrian H. Joline in which he wanted "Bryan knocked once for all into a cocked hat," illustrates the foolishness of writing letters especially to a man who has not an innate sense of de cency enough to prevent him giving a private friendly letter to the pub lic. So far the transaction shows Wilson an ass and Joline a cur. The women writing to Postmaster Hitchcock trying to persuade him to marry are taking lotig chances on be ing arrested for "using the mails to defraud." The ship subsidy advocates are out with a new scheir". by which they hope to tax the people for the bene fit of their business. Taxes are high enough when collected for public pur poses only, but once give certain gangs of private individuals the right to levy taxes, and property owners will trade off their lands for a yel low dog, provided they have enough coin left to buy a gun to shoot the dog or the ship subsidy crowd. Seventeen of the 27 counties in Ida ho are "dry". Thus fades the glory and romance of the penny-a-liner's West. The horse editor desires to qualify what he said about the cluster lights at the depot. With the present char acter or amount of juice furnished, no one will ever see them but if they should brighten up a little, they will be taken for red danger signals. They give about as much light as a lightning bug in a black bottle. YOUR IDLE MONEY WILL FAUX INTEREST AT the rate of Four IYr Cent per annum for each month It is on deposit In our Smiiies Do pnrhuent. It is subject to jour withdrawal at any time. This U a good place (0 tCco fuuds which yon may Imtc on nand awaiting an opportunity for luTPstment. CAPITAL NATIONAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT J. H. Albert, E. M. Crokm, ''' Vice. Pres. Js. II. Albert, Cashier. SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Banking Business. Open an account with us, and we will extend you every favor con sistent with good banking prin ciples. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON SAVINGS Liberty Street, Just off State J. L. AHLERS, President, W. G. EAST, Cashier, S. 8. EAST, Vice-Prw. DR. L. B. STEEVES, i. H. ROBERTS, Directors. Headquarters for Woven WIr ! Fencing. Hop Wire. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shli gles, Malthold Roofing, p. ft, B. and Ready Rooting. All at X the lowest prices. t CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court itreet Phow 114 E CHICAGO STORE THF HOUSE OF BARGAINS Far Greater still the values in the second week of our big STOCK REDUCING SALE You will open your eyes in wonder at the big reductions. SPECIAL DRESS GOODS Wool serges "1' Mohairs 43c yd ALL COLORS SPECIAL SILK GOODS Wash Silks,'35c and 40c value . .2.'le Dress Silks, 90c values lie YOU WILL HAVE TO COME EARLY SPECIAL CORSETS NEMO AND WARNERS 69c SPECIAL Apron ginghams 3c yd Percales, dots, stripes and figured 1-f J'l Flannelettes, dols, stripes and figures lie yd SPECIAL HOSIERY Men's, women's and children's hosiery bargains galore. Come get your share SPECIAL KNIT SHAWLS .10c values lite S5c values 4ilc $1.49 values !)Sc All Furs Go Now at Wonderful Reductions EVERY FU! SET, NECK I'lECE, FI R MI FF HAS 1IEEN RERICEED TO A LOWER TRICE THAN YOl HAVE EVER KNOWN FOR SUCH STANDARD, STAPLE yi'ALITIES. WE ARE DETERMINED TO EFFECT AN IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE, AS WE NEED THE ROOM FOR SPRINU AND SI MMER (iOODS. DIAGONAL SERGES .MOHAIR-PANAMAS .MARQIISETTES . CREPE DE PARIS EXTRA SPECIAL 79c YARD COLORS OF CREAtf, GRAY, RED, TAN, BLACK ITRPLE, BROWN, HU E, PLAIDS, PLAIN CHECKS Extra Special SPECIAL ONLY A FEW LEFT, LADIES TWO-PIECE SlITS SERGES MOHAIRS ft m f ( VOILES PANAMAS PANAMAS 111 ft ALL COLORS PLAIN P TANS $m vim 59 tentsMCT-a SPECIAL I REMEMBER Remnants of aUkind8 at ridic Every article is a Bargain. AI1 WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM THE CHICAGO STORE TIptfE TO BUY A BAD COLD IS EASILY BROKEN There is not one erain of nulnine in Pane's Cold Compound, which, when taken every two hours, until three consecutive doses are taken, will surely end the grippe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. It nromntly relieves the nmst mia. erable headache, dullness, head and nose sturfed up, feverishness, sneez ing, sore throat, running of the nose, catarrhal affections, soreness, stiff ness and rheumatic twinges. Pape's Cold Compound is the re sult of three years' research at a cost of more than $50,000, and con tains no quinine, which we have con clusively demonstrated is not effec tive in the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made anv where else in the world which will cure your cold or end Rrlnne mi.-. as promptly and without any other nisuiuce or oati atter-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist in the world can supply. Perfect Collar Laundering t X Every collar and cuff that we X ,'"'lcr is guaranteed to be perfect. We use the same equipment nntl methods that the largest j rt.iuir nun curt factories are us- in?. made or other tailor shops in Salem. and my stock is the largest in the city. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR iMiutits THIS flKKK. i D. H. MOSHER Merchant Tailor for Men and Women. PhrtllP l7(,("in!-'' Crossing and Repairing , r r , Cl rnone mt ih)m ltt connection. 456 Court St. old collars : t We are making J look like new. I Eierjnne piis through n pro. I a cess that moulds the edges as t T smooth as new. J X We shape turn down collars I without cracking. I I May we have a trial from jon i this week? t i Salem X Laundry Co, 1M-W S. HBERTY ST. l TELEPHONE MAIN" 25 j The Dunger of La Grippe is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cure your la grippe coughs take Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound. R. E. naiiei, vvasnington, Kas., says: "I was troubled with a severe attack of la grippe and nothing I used did me any good and I was threatened with pneumonia. A friend advised me to use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and I got some at once. I was re lieved frointhe. very first, ny the time I had taken three bottles my la grippe was gone. I believe Foley's Honey and Tar Compound to be th best medicine I ever used and always keep a bottle with me." Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A H i ty- Take me l ! home ana Ijj , uy me i ah I Edison, Victor, Columbia Come in and let us show you the Famous Packard We also have sev eral other kinds of excellent pianos. Terms to suit everyone. The Wiley B. Allen Store t CHERRINGTON & PETERS 247 N. Commercial Street. Salem; Oregon jDiiiij; uuuui Are uere in the latest colors and designs. I am better prepared than ever to supply the wants of patrons who desire Stylish, Well-Tail-ored and perfect fitting gar ments at a motlearte price. All my woolens are exclusive In design not being found In ready- They are of the highest grade 4 .1 Y