DAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1912. fags rnx El FLYIJ TO FIGHT mmhmhmmm"m W IP PER CENT LESS ON ANY AND ALL WHITE ARTICLES OUR ANNUAL Clearance and White Sale is a Hummer great values in every department. Our Annual Embroidery Sale is better than ever. We are Selling Good Shoes RSBKSBSSBSi Muslin Pelticoats Trimmed 'with wide, beautiful embroidery. Values to $1,50, now 98c Muslin nightgowns. Values to $1,50 98c Narrow Wash Laces Suitable for Underwear 3c Per Yd. Wide Torchons 5c Per Yd. ATTENTION LAWYERS We publish legal notices as required by law, furnishing affidavit and proof of pub lication. Fine Brief Work Is our specialty. Let us figure with you on your next case. Capital Journal SALEM, OREGON THE NAMES HAD TOO CLOSE RESEMBLANCE (CNITBD FBESS LIASKP WIBI.1 Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 6. Secretary of State Jordan turned articles of in corporation for the Independent Or der of Moose of the World, organized at LoLs Angeles; on the ground that the name was too much like the name of the existing lodge of Moose, in op position to which the new order was formed. o The Cottage Hotel, at Halfway, Baker county, was burned January 11, according to the Herald which is cer tainly news up-to-date. REAL ESTATE BULLETIN E. HOFER & SONS INVESTMENTS RESIDENCE PROPERTY. No. 95. Eight room house and cor ner lot, 75x100. House modern anl almost new; $1850. No. 96. Six room house and largo corner lot. House renting for $10 a month; $1250. , A good 10 room house on South church street only four blocks from State on lot 90xl6& for only $2,000. Nn. 103. Eight-room house and property 116xl36 feet, on car line; house only three years old and re painted last summer. All assesmerts paid. Price $1500. - No. 98. New 6-room modern cottage on good corner for $2500. A new five room house and large lot In Nob Hill Annex for $700. $300 down. ALMOST AN ACRE. No. 105. Nearly an acre Just few steps off carllne. Five room plas tered cottage. Large barn and chick E. HOFER & SONS 213 S. Commercial Street $1.00 SILKS 59c Some very choice pat terns in 'fancy silks The new novelties in stripes is demanded for spring Values up 'to $1,00, now 59c MERCURY MffllH CELLAR Here are some below zero tempera tures : LaL Cross, Wiss., 23; Milwaukee, 16; Minneapolis, Minn., 28; Battleford, Canada, 34; Bismarck, N. D., 34; Du luth, Minn.,' 32; Grand Forks, N. D., 30; Havre, Mont., 20; Omaha, Neb., 14; Toronto, Canada, 22; Medicine Hat, 14, and Calgary, 24. o : DEMOCRATS GATHER IN WASHINGTON ICNITRD I'BKSS LEASED WIBE.l Washington, Jan. 6. Hundreds of leading Democrats are either here to day or due to arrive for the national committee meeti J) , and the Jackson day banquet on Monday. It is evident that William J. Bryan Is again the central figure, and the big question confronting the leaders of the "un terrified" Is, "what will Bryan do?" Bryan ' .will arrive here Monday. Woodrow Wilson arrived this after noon. His adherents are busily laying wires to get the Bryan support. o ' : '. ; It is easier to stir up than to build up. en house, Inside city limits in growing district. Price, $2700. IX WALDO HILLS. 106 acres In Waldo Hills only 2 miles east of the asylum farm for $60 per acre. TEX ACRES. No. 70. Ten acres near 15-mlnut! car servicet good house; about five nrren cultivated: some timber, 00 large bearing fruit trees and as many more small ones. Best kind of soil and sightly location. Price $3000 FIVE ACRES. No. 69. Five acres near street car, with modern five room house, Darn and eood well, family orchard and 100 small fruit trees; $2500. FORTY ACRES. No. 102. Forty acres finest fruit land about five miles south of Salem on good rock road. All cleared and cultivated except about eight acres of timber ad pasture. $150 per acre, MBROIDERY 7c Per Yd. up to 12-inch in width only t YARD , , Embroidery 14c; up to 18-inch in width, now 14c Per Yard, RECEPTION VVASASGOLl AS WEATHER DNIT1D 1'IEBS LEASED WIBE.1 Danville, 111., Jan. 6. A frosty greeting, both literally and figu.-a tlvely, was extended to Senator Roh ert M. LaFollette here today when he stepped from the train to continue his Illinois campaign for the Repub lican presidential nomination. The first thing the recepton com mittee did was to inform the Wis- consln senator that while they were glad to welcome him to Danville, It must not be construed that they were committed to "LaFollettiam" merely because they constituted the recep tion committee. Despite the extremely cold weather and a driving snowstorm, many tier sons heard Senator LaFollette speak in the grand opera house. o TWO ELSIES BDT ONLY HAD ONE HUSBAND UNITED PBESS LEASED WIBE.l Springfield, Mo., Jan. 6. Two Mrs. Elsie Halls met here, laughed over the situation, and naturally talked 'hub- bv." Descriptions were identical. "Gracious! the same man," they said So it was. Hall is gone. SEATTLE HAS PACE MAKING SCHOONER Seattle, Jan. 6. Having sustained her reputation as the fastest vessel of her rig afloat, ' the four-masted schooner Wtlbert L. Smith arrived this morning 41 das from Callao, Peru. Captain A. S. Ross Is her skipper. 0 , PREACHER IS SOMEWHAT OF A BIGAMIST Columbus, Kan., Jan.. 6. Rev. J. E Hansman married so many couples that he got the habit himself. Three times he heard the "oh, this is so sud den." Then he was fjned $600 for big amy. 1 Shows Big Profit Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 6. In spite of many extensions Vancouver's munici pal water department shows a profit of $200,0000 for the year. It is prob able there will be a reduction to the consumers. 0 SO tJNITID I-BESS UiRED WIU. Chicago, Jan. 6. JimFlynn, of Pueb lo, this afternoon agreed to a finish fight with Jack Johnson for the heavy weight championship of the world July 22, at some point in Nevada, not more than two hours' ride from Salt Lake City. Johnson is guaranteed $30,000 and one-third of the moving picture re ceipts and $1000 for training expenses. Tim Sullivan, of New York, will probably be tempera f and permanent stake-holder. Both Flynn and Johnson were pres ent when the agreement was reached. o THE RAILROAD WAS BUILT IN SINGLE NIGHT rtJNITSD FBESS LEASED WIBI.l Fairfield, Cal., Jan. 6. Fairfield awakened today to find a new rail road that It did not want had beon built over night by the Southern Pa cific,. 200 men Betting a spur track from the main line to the Pionear Fruit company's plant, a distance of one mile. Fairfield is opposed to the line unless given a station of her own, the town being the county sent of Solano county. The railroad re fused to grant the depot owing to the proximity of th town of Sulsun. o TROOPS ARE ALL READY TO SAIL FOR CHINA 1UNITED TRUSS LEASED WIBE.l Manila, Jan. 6. Troops here are In readiness for immediate ordors to sail for China, should the war de partment at Washington order Amer ican soldiers to the far east to keep open the railroad ' from Pekin to the coast. It is believed that the Fifteenth in fantry will get th duty, and officers have made all preparations, so that there shall be no delay. o HER BABY HAD A BLACK SPOT Oil EACH SIDE Los Angeles, Jan. 6. "I've lost my baby, sobbed Mrs. Virginia Malcorn to the police. "He had a black spot on each side." Investigation revealed the baby Is a fox terrier puppy. o Amibtion may cause a man to make a spurt, but it takes a family to make him hang on. George KcMy In "The Virginian iiiik:iiiii Itiilipi y,kfVi v... . 1 I I i I I I II 1 it 1 1 ' - f : I ill X - ' ' ..., V . A I At VERY LOW YOUR HEALTH BY PUTTING YOUR f Money and Into a Pair RIGHT Oregon Shoe Company. 175 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET A MONSTER PROGRAM AT THEM A REGULAR SAX FRAXCISCO XV DIEXCE GREETED THE GEM! IXE "BIGGEST CITY'' PROGRAM ITT OX AT THTi1, BLIG1I DOST No- 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. ,,,,,. 1T OREGON ELECTRIC) RAILWAY CO juss u. Leave Salem, Arrtre Portland. I Train 6, 6:30 a.m 8:30 a.m. , 'Train 8, 8:55 a.m 11:00 a.m. "A regular San Francisco audi-( Traln i0 11:15 a.m. 1:15 p.m. ence" was the way many visitors at Train 12, 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m. L AU . . , .. . Train 14, 3:40 p.m 5:10 p.m. the Bllgh theater spoke of the crowd ( Tra) 16 im pm f.0 m present because of the forcible man- Traia 18, 6:05 p ru S '. p nt . , , . . Train 20, 8:59 p.m 10:45 p.m ner in which they expressed their, Arrive In Salem. hllaritv when, as a climax to the Train 1 8:30 a.m. . .. y . rousing comedy put on by the John Chick Comedy Five presenting "School Days," Mrs. Chick, the se vere old school ma'am, leaped into a sensational dance. The audience went farther than mere clapping, stamping and whistling dozens of voices yelled "come back, come back." The Comedy Five consists of John Chick, Mrs. Chick, Mabel Al berta, Elmer Ballard and Frank Bllgh. A most pleasing surprise was In store in the "Romlg Twins," the sub stitutes for another act that did not pass Inspection by Manager Bllgh s keen eye. Two charming little In dian maids danced onto the stage and in melodious notes and harmonious steps sang and danced a weird Indl in ballad. A shift brought them back with "The Husking Bee." Their act ended with "Billy McGee" which was clever, charming, and beautiful. The orchestra music, not elsewhere In! Salem, and the unusual pictures on this week, add to the program in making It one of unusual merit. 'A life for a Life" and "The Maid at the Helm" are two of the masterpieces of the film of making art. $3206.75 IN DIVIDENDS O UR Savings Depositors have Just been cred ited with the sum of $3,2,)6.75, same being the semi-annual interest on their balances to January 1st, 1912. If you are a depositor In this Department, kindly present your book so that interest credit may be en tered therein. United States National Bank SALEM INSURE. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m. No. 17 Rosebure Put-singer 6.21n.m. ' No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43p.m. No. 27 Eugene Passenger . 8:26p.m. I No. 15 California Express. 9:56p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:50a.m. No. 222 Portland Fa Frt 10; 15p.m. i Northbound, No. 16 Oregon Express 5:15a.m. I No. 14 Oregon Express 5.43a.m. ! No. 28 Portland Passenger 8:30a.m. 'No. 12 Shasta Limited ..12:35p.m. i no. is Portland Pasenger.. 2:56p.m, mo. 29 Portland Passenger. 7.43n.m. No. 225 Way Freight ....12:35p.m. Train 3 9:60 a.m. Traln .5 10.30 am Train 7.!.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'!!!.'.'! 1:00 p.m Train 9 4:15 p.m. Train 11 6:00 p.m. Train 16 8:35 p.m. Train 17 11:10 p.m. o The things that you are going to do are the only sort of actions that in any way keep pace with the things you ought to do. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Slj? SL5j-eF Signature of larfffl!UcM Lest You Forget 'Remember this is the time r ,..'J il. J-. .... onu uvuiu me ueiay or waiting tor your car wnen trie roads are good. Remember the E. M. F. MOTOR SALES CO. are always in the lead. Remember, we have just received that new 1912 Flanders "20" Roadster Which we can put on the market at $925, fully equip ped, with silk-mohair top, zig-zag brass bound wind shield speedometer and. Presto-o-gas tank, You not will have to take any man's dust in this car. Classy and nobby in ap pearance, Looks as if it had cost four times as much, and will give a like account of itself in any test. Call and see it, We are booking orders now for spring delivery; so you will not have to wait, or can make imme diate delivery if you wish, on any of our E. M. F. 30 tour ing car, roadster or demi-tonneau. Flanders 20 foredoor touring car, runabout, roadster or suburban. E. M. F. Motor Sales Co. C. L. ROSE, Manager. 246 SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST., - SALEM, ORE. Prices Feet NOW! TO-NIGHT BLIGH THEATRE Where everybody Is going today that wauls to see a good show. PROGRAM 5-The Comedy Five -5 IX SCHOOL DAYS. 2-Romig Twin Sisters-2 HARMOXY, SOXG AD DACE. 3-Feature Pictuies-3 COMEDY, SCEXIC, SEJiSATIOXAL. ORCHESTRA MUSIC. Snlem's only Sanitary, Steam Heated Theater. Guard your health and life and patronize the BLIGH To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. ' E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25 cents. Persons troubled with partial par alysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thor oughly when applying Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all to order your Automobile r ri .. i :