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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1911)
COUNCIL NAMES THE OFFICERS CAUCUS HELD LAST NIGHT AND OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR SELECTED PAGE FOR ATTOR SET, 8AVAGB FOR FIRE CHIEF WON IN A CLOSE FIGHT. After a fight that was so close and bitter that It looked for awhile like It would be abandoned and taken to the floor of the council next Tuesday evening, the new councllmen. In cau cus assembled last night, nonnated Rollin K. Page, former manager of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company over Grant Corby for the of fice of city attorney. The city attorneyship was the first office considered. The ballot was se cret, and when It had been counted the first vote showed a tie. After an effort to break the tie, the councllmen again took a vote, and again It was a tie. Convinced that It could not be changed, a motion was made that the appointment be postponed, and carried to the floor of the council, and It car ried. After nominating a few more of ficers the Page following, after taking Inventory of its strength, again re verted to the city attorneyship, and this time the tie was broken and Page elected. The argument used to defeat Cnrhv was that the new council con templated much legislation agrnst the Portland, Railway, Light & Pow er company during the year, and Page, because he Is familiar with tne worn Ings of the company. It was asserted -would be a most valuable man. Savage Wins by Margin. Mark Savage was re-elected fire chief only after the hardest kind of a battle. Wra. Iwan appeared as. a can didate against him, and when the first vote was taken it was a tie. The sec ond was then taken and again it was a tie. Before the third was taken the Savage men turned loose their flood of oratory, and won. There has been considerable insubordination In the ranks of the firemen, and It Is to this that Wm. Iwan owes his defeat, as the new councllmen felt that It muBt sus tain the chief that to do otherwise would be to encourage dlssentions. Axe to lie Applied. After the election of the fire chief the matter of electing firemen was taken up, but after a discussion, It was deferred. This postponement wna New tia?i 1912 Greater Salem and Weifam Oregon' De cilopminl Edition Daily Capital Jeumat-.-baturday, December. 30J IIOIIOR MAN made because the councllmen felt that the chief must be responsible, and that he should be allowed to select his own men. He has been given to under stand that all discord and insubordi nation must be weeded out, and certain it is that upon the heads of at least two, and probably three, the gilded ax is destined to fall. Inspector Long Loses. Sanitary Inspector Long lost his fight for re-election as sanitary in spector, S. P. McCracken winning over him After two ballots the contest was simmered down until It lay between Long and McCracken. In an adroit and indirect way the opponents or Ixmg leveled their guns upon him ana the shoU fired had a telling effect, for the vote stood 9 to 5 in favor of Mc Cracken. Had Easy Sailing. Engineer Skelton sailed back Into effice again without even so much as an unfriendly wind blowing against him, and so did Street Commissioner Zwicker, and Health omcer u. a. Miles. Chief of Police Hamilton's recom mendations with relation to the po licemen were observed, and bam Burkhardt was re-elected as day or flcer, and Jack Whltlatch, Walter Thompson, Frank Shedeck and w. w. Gaines, night patrolmen, ana . v. Nelson, desk sargeant. E. Erwlnwas re-elected poundmaster without oppo sition, j o Lehman & Clough, Undertakers. Lehman & Clough, funeral direc tors, Is the pioneer establishment of the city and during all the years of their existence, they have turned out such satisfactory work that all of their old patrons patronize them when occasion demands.. ' i - Mr. Clough has been In the busi ness for 34 years, and for. 18 years has been county coroner. Mr. Leh man has been In and around Salem since 1873 and for the past three years has been connected with Mr. Clough. Both these gentlemen, are good, substantial business men, and strong Salem boosters.- They are firm be lievers in Salem's future. This firm has a very complete es tablishment. The stock of goods and equipment are most comprehensive and of the best. Their methods are strictly modern, and thus they are able to render the public services of the very highest order. These gentlemen have a very hand some chapel in which to conduct fu neral services and are prepared at all times to take entire charga of fu nerals, everything being furnished, Including the use of their, handsome funeral equipage. ' ' . Messrs. Lehman & Clough are lo cated at 445 Court street. o Journal Want Ads Brln Results v O ?W Vfc ' . ' ' - ...... - ..... -.-.,-- i i I ' L'J 1 VI"" 'H '1'" 1 1 mm rT.M. w? .in. .iW.Tr r-w'jr.rT rn - j i. i n 1 ill i i i i' -m frn . . i i f i i i t m-wr m - KH WtwtI VIkCK WSJ On Christmas Morning as on any other winter dayi you can make your home more comfortable and cheery by using a Perfection Smoke less Heater. tRFECTIO iWHIUIH S Its genial warmth i quickly at your service, ready for u in any emergency. You will need it a supplementary heater when thoso extra cold ipells come. Later you will find it just the ihing for the changeable weather of early spring. ' ' , The Perfection Heater it fight and easily carried. It it safe in the hands of a child the safest and most reliable heater made. Drums finished either in blue enamel or plain teel .wth nickel trimmings an ornament to any room. 'A special ulomtic device makes smoking fimpouiUe, All prti CMilr cleaned. Gallon font 1 bums nine hours. 'Cool handle ; damper top. Dian mrywnera or wril. for iWnptrn cirtUr to dt tfexy 4 irx Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) THE FARMER TALKS I made up my mind, long last spring, To purchase an auto was the proper thing, My neighbors have them and go whizzing by, Throwing mud on the fences and in my eye. I said to myself, I've as much right as they To enjoy myself about the sabie way. So I hitched up, and Into town I went, Lookln' over the different kinds, the day I spent. I finally decided on a neat little car, The neatest and nicest I had seen by far. The agent said: "There's nothing shoddy, From the small cotter pin to the touring car body," And stepping up he took off the hood And explained In terms that I understood, About the crank-shaft running through, Which the four pistons are fastened to; v And made of the finest Vanadium steel, '' With a dandy magneto the shape of a wheel. The transmission and bearings run In oil bath, In an aluminum case as light as a lath; With two speeds forward and one reverse, And the price Just about fitting my purse. He said : "Get In ; see what It will do" We took a long ride and at times fairly flew. Then slowing It down, and still on high, I could have walked fast and passed It by. I wouldn't to back to the poky old way, With the old horse and four-wheeled shay. When you want to be right, do like me Purchase a good car, a Ford Model T. From Ford Times, by W. W. S. H. S. BELLE & CO., 'Agents. Ford Automobiles and Supplies. Salem, Ore. E. H. Whiteside, Sales Mngr. One of the oldest and myst reliable contracting firms In Salem Is E. Joseph & Sons. These gentlemen not only build houses, but do the architectural work and all designing. Many or tne mosi oeauurui nouses in oaieiu navo been designed and built by them. The above picture is a good sample of the work which they do. Francis L. Joseph, one of the Junior members of the firm, was the designer of the above residence. The modern Ideas of the young gentlemen In the firm, together with the substantial old-school building Ideas of their father, Insure a combination that is bound to please any one for whom they design or build a house. MADE GOOD ALL RIGHT True to the trust reposed In him, William Mack, - the life-termer and "honor" man, who was released from the state prison last June by Gover nor West In order that he might pay off the mortgage of the home and provide supplies for his family dur ing the winter, returned yesterday afternoon and surrendered himself to the prison authorities. Mack was convicted of the murder of George Carter, a bartender at Grants Pass. The father of Mack's wife, though aged and feeble, mort gaged the home In Washington to de fend him. Upon Mack's conviction, the family's source of support was taken away, and during the Bprlng the wife and two children came to Salem to Interview the governor. After considering the -subject, Gov ernor West decided that he would re lease Mack from the penitentiary lone enough to earn money to pay i off the mortgage and secure supplies for the families. This Mack Just suc ceeded In doing tbo other day by working as a blacksmith and yester day' he returned and surrendered, and today Is wearing the prison garb again. A HEW WAY OF ADMINISTERING CHLOROFORM Knees Became Stifr Five Years of Severa Rheumatltn- The cure' of Henry J. Goldstein, 1 Barton Street, Boston, Mass., la anoth er victory by Hood's Saraapurllla. Thla great medicine has surceeled In many cae where others have utterly failed. Mr. Goldstein says: "i ,Uf. teied from rheumatism live -years It kept me from business and caused ex cruciating pain. My knees would be come as stilt as steel. I tried many medicines without relief, then loot Hood's Barsaparllla, soon felt mucn better, and now consider myself en tirely cured. I recommend Hood's" Get U today In UBual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs ........".r - . . ;i --'' -".",.r -"""''T"" i 1 ' ".-' : 3 This high school occupies a full half block of groohdi about '360 feet long, and has about, 40 rooms, w)th as sembly hall of 2000 seating capacity! It in heated and -ventilated-perfectly with furnaces and electric fans sys tem, manufactured and installed by the W. G. McPherson company of Portland. Their system is used in other Salem school buildings, and has been tested for ten ysars and gives perfect satisfaction from sanitary and eco nomic standpoints. . j.. . . , j I- 111? Mi I'M -i UNITED FBISS UiSBD WISH. New York, Dec. 30. Discovery of a way by which cloroform and ether can be administered without the death risk and nausea, made by Prof. Charles Baskerville of the chemistry department in the College of the City of New York, today Is a sensation In medical circles here. The method has come into general use. It is called "vapor anesthesia." The surgeon supplies the vapor of the sleep producer through warmed water.' The gases In this way reach the patient at blood heat, and the wa ter absorbs all poison. The odor so annoying to the patient Is avoided by pouring upon his or her face a few drops of spirits of orange. o : If you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle ef fect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case, For sale by all dealers. CITY SUPT. POWERS WAS - HONORED City Superintendent J. M. Power of the Salem public schools. n highly honored Friday at the meet ing of high school superintendents lit Portland for standardization of courses of study In Oregoa hisrh schools, by. being elected president of the organization of city superinten dents for Oregon. His " course of study adopted for the Saleru schools Is considered the best and liioat com plete and most practical of any In the state. Supt Powers and Geo. L. Schrelber, . supervisor of art and' drawing, delivered addresses at the conference. , -o . With the Coming- of Middle Age There is a letting down In the physi cal forces often shown In annoying and painful kidney and bladder ail munts and urinary Irregularities. Fo ley Kidney Pills are a splendid regu lating and strengthening medicine at such a time. Try them. H. Jerman, Red Cross Pharmacy. Get the Original and Genuine EIOEILIGECS MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. For Infants, Invalids, and Growing children. PureNutrition,upbuildingthevholebody, Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged, Rich milk, malted gram, in powdet form. K quick lunch preparer in a nutate, fate no substitute. AskforHORUCK'S. ff.'of in Antf f7r Trust A j 1912 GREETINGS TO ALL 1Q1 ? ! ley posts now maintained In the city and ask that laws be passed substi tuting ornamental Iron posts. Wants Occupation Tax. He will declare himself a believer In a general occupation tax and rec oramend that the council pass a meas ure covering the subject. He will maintain that such a tax will be nec essary In order to Increase the reve nues of the city and place it on a cash basis. While extolling the work of the present fire department, he will call attention to the fact that better fire protection is needed. Two features upon which he will lay special empha sis Is the lack of protection provided in theatres and other places of amuse ment for the public. : A Scavenger Needed. Recommendations will be made for the improvement of the sanitary con ditions prevailing In the city. Credit will be given Sanitary Inspector Long for his work, but he will Insist that the salary paid this officer Is too small, and that there Is much need of devising ways and means for get ting the garbage oft the streets, and suggests the creation of the office of scavenger. The Home of Fine" Footwear i V. ' Geo. W. Post ; Mr. Post is the leading architect In the city of Salem. He came to Sa lem two years and nine months ago from Pittsburg, Pa and until opening up for himself, worked under another architect Last February he started out for himself with offices In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street. . ' Mr. Post has planned during the past 10 months 14 residences, the most Important ones are the. Rodgers' residence, which is located at Cottage and Court and Is reajy a work of art the other Is the big double house of Catlin. The plans for the alteration and addition to the Salem Woolen Mills store, this included also a new front. This work has caused quite a bit of comment on account of the great lprovement and the al teration and addition including . a new front for the : Toggery. Also a new front for the White House restaurant, is some of the work done by Mr. Post. The plans made for Clarence Hamilton's new three-story building was also made by him. This building will not b erected for a little while yet Probably the most Important work Mr. Post is doing at the present time Is the Carnegie library. This building will be located at State and Win ter streets. The building Is classical in style and one that will attract a great deal of attention. The plans sent to the trustees of the Carnegie fund for approval were returned without alteration this is the first time that this has happened in the Northwest and speaks very highly of Mr. Post's ability. The library Is now In course of construction and should be completed by May 1st It Is almost impossible to more- than mention some of the work done by Mr. Post Though mention should ba made of the beautiful brick en trance of Klngwood Park, which was designed by him. The cottage for contagious and Infectious diseases located on Asylum avenue near the Salem Hospital, was designed by him. It was erected by the city and county. Mention Is made elsewhere - of this beautiful and up-to-date building. Another piece of work done Is the pergola' and aviary for Mr. E. P. Mc Cormack this has, on account of its beautiful and graceful lines, caused a great deal of praise. Elsewhere, there Is a blrdseye of the Salem Brew ery Association which was done by Mr. Post and which speaks for Itself. Wishes You AH a Happy and Prosperous New Year The Oregon Shoe Company MESSAGE OF MAYOR. (Continued front pace 1.) favor of reopening negotiations for the purchase of the plant He will recommend Its purchase on condition that it can be secured at a reasonable price, and the bringing of condemna tion proceedings, if it can not. He will also recommend the enact ment of legislation providing for the Installation of a filtration plant, the extension of the water mains, and all else that is necessary to give the city pure water and an abundance of It. Wants Gas Flant Itotrnlated. ' He will charge that the present gas company is providing a poor quality of gas and chargtng an exorbitant price for It, and recommend that leg islation be enacted looking to the reg ulation of both these features. - He will take a good and hard rap at what he terms "a forest of poles upon which wires are strung In the city, and recommend that laws be en acted providing that all wires be placed underground. Until that Is done, he will assert, there Is but little use to endeavor to beautify the city He will take exceptions to the trol HAPPY NEW YEAR ONLY 12 MORE DA YS TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN, SEWING MACHINE OR VIOLIN at the Removal Sale of I Ol TH5 Tl jiVUilLV'o- w HMIIMIMI 1 1 1 M I M M M III 1 1 M ( ttlii M I i M M M M WO L