fAOE EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOUKXAL, 8 ALEX, OKEGOX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1911. Friday is Remnant Day All Rennnair&ts 1 -2 Price Not only is this our regular weekly Remnant Day, but it is our GRAND ANNUAL CLEAN UP. An event occuring only once a year. To miss Today's shopping is to lose an opportunity of the year. Although we have extra clerks, the response will be great so we advise early shop ping. This is the event that many people wait for. Our 32d Annual Year-End Sale is on in full swing. Remarkable price reductions reign in a veritable sea of bargains in our Ladies Ready to Wear section. The House of , Quality Jl I? WSi ' Joint installation of officers of Chadwlck Chapter, No. 37, 0. E. S., and Multnomah Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., this evening. Visiting companions welcome. Davis barber shop, 344 State street. Davis cigar store and shining stand. Sundajr baths and papers. Phone Ml. 9-8-fri-tf The Snnset Grocery Can supply you with your Sunday chicken and poultry, and the depend able groceries. Bread that hag no equal In Balem. Phone Main 131. l'liijH Only One Some men try to play many parts In the world, but C. L. Lansing is satisfied to grow and sell good nur sery stock at the Quaker nurseries. Hoh'l Marlon Merchants' lunch, 50c, from 12 m. to 2 p. m.; grill open from-6i 3D a, in. to 12 p. hi. Sunday' dinner, 5:30' to 8 p. in., 75c. eod-tf Jack Johnson Is again coining Into the limelight. Mr. Johnson lb now negotiating with Klynn for a bout. Men of his class are not satisfied unless they get the best. They all smoke when In Snlein, the Tashmno 12V4c cigar. F. E. Shnfcr Has Just Rewired A fine line of leathur goods for "Xmns presents: pocklboolts, music rolls, belts, and other leather novel ties. Buy thorn of the nan who has the goods an-1 the experience In the loafer line. The Saddle and Har mess Man, 187 So. Commercial street. '2-15-tf 15? unutf hard h hf.kt fif PATtWT f ST IS immuiiiimii W IKUUU. 111)11 Five full bushels of the best of wheat usd In each barrel of Flour, all mnde from only 4 4 bushels of wheat that's the reason Helmet makes 4 milroa and naatrv t Milled under the most perfect simlhiry conditions by wntor power, hence the most HEALTHFUL and I XUTKIT10CS. -r J Sold at $1.40 the Sack t T A special Introductory price. In stock hoot nlth your grocer. ! ' I Rickreall Milling Co., Ricbeaii, Ore. Dancing Clans Tonight At the Armory. Miss Cronise. The Dully Jieeds u : Of your honie . 1 table " can best be tilled at J. M. Lawrence's. Only high grade groceries and vegetables. Cor ner Commercial and Ferry. ' For 8 uperlor Work In the cleaning and pressing line, give us a trial. The Electric Clean ing a Pressing company, room 6, up-stavlrs, 147 North Commercial street. Phone Main 542. Deielopment of the Northwest The development of the Pacific North -west Is calling for hundreds of well trained young men and women In business. Are you ready to an swer the call to the most profitable place and receive your reward? Such a training may be had in the Capita. 1 Business College. Next week will te a good time to begin. See the principal this week. Day and night sesssions. Many to lie Dissolved Pour hundred and' ninety-nine cor porations will be "dissolved by the governor soon for failure to pay their licenses 'according to a statement prepared by the corporation depart ment of the secretary of Btate. Could the state collect the licenses now due from them, they would aggregate over $ 100,000. See the Tramp There will be no Increase in the prices of admission for this stupen dous attraction, prices will remain as usual and reserved seats can now be secured at the Orand Opera House. Remember "A Millionaire Tramp," will only appear here one night,, to night, this Benson, so avail yourself of the opportunity of seeing this com edy trnt. HELMET!: Blended Hard Wheat FLOUR, j Made from Selected Bluestem and White :: Winter Wheat : The Home of Satisfaction mine off por a tfTwI inctmpfm Arm 21 Bring Your Children They can see the big show at the Bligh Theater for Ave cents. Renders an Opinion . Attorney-General Crawford, at the request of State Engineer Lawis, today rendered an opinion as to what fees might be collected from- irrigation companies, under the state law. He gives It as his view that where water was hot applied to the land prior to May 22, 1909, that a license fee can not be exacted by the state. Angels Secure Light Residents of Mt. Angel, who com plained to the railroad commission that the Southern Pacific Railroad company was falling to provide lights at the depot, today advised the com mission that the company had com piled with the order of the commis sion and Installed them. More Heat (or Cars Responding to a request made upon It by the railroad commission, the management of the Oregon- Electric to day advised the commission that heat ers had been placed in all the com pnny's cars on the Salem-Poilland line and that other Improvements have been made for the accommodation of the passengers. YE LIBERTY PROG It. I .V FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "Seeing Japan" Sellg "Seeing CincimmtP Selig Solo ,...Miss Earl "Rill's Flute" Kalem "John Brown's Heir" Edison A dandy Western Comedy. "Wnke l'p Sisters and Have Your Rights,'' by Gretchen S. Knorr. BIG MATINEE TOMORROW 2 P. M. residue going to feed most flour Is the purest, whitest and best bread, Children i , ' Big show at the Bligh, five cents. Sunday, Dee. 31, 2:30 p. m. ' All Socialists are earnestly re quested to be present for the pur pose of electing officers for the yenr 1912. Musical Program There will be a New Year's musi cal service in Fir Congregational church Sunday evening, which prom ises to be. one of t'e best presented this season. The choir will be as sisted by some fine outside talent. The program will be , published in Saturday's Issue. Store' for Rent On State street; good lease. See Bligh. Socialist Speaker Wlnfleld R. Gaylord, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one of the Socla'tsts' greatest financiers and workers of the Milwaukee Socialist movement, will speak in Commercial hall Mon day evening, 8 p. m January 1st. Everybody invited to hear this able speaker. Wants Right of Way A. O. Harris, right of way agent for the Oregon-Washington Railroad com pany, appeared today before Secretary of the State Land Board Brown rela tive to the company securing right of way across lands in Eastern Oregon upon which the state holds first mort gages. The rights of way are desired by the company for the extension of its line to Vale. After considering the Subject the secretary decided to send State Land Agent , Rlnehart to ' the scene, to make an examination of the lands affected. Wants Convicts Judge Worden, of Klamath Falls, Is holding a conference with Governor West today relative to securing con victs from the state penitentiary fer road work In his county. The county authorities contemplate much road work during the coining year, and are anxious to obtain as many convicts as possible. ' . STATISTICAL HORX. THIELSEN. To Mr. and Mrs. H. William Thlelsen, at their home on Thirteenth street, Thursday, Decem ber 28, 1911, a daughter, whose name Is Gretchen. ' . '. o ' ' New Incorporations. The following articles of Incorpora tion were filed yesterday with the sec retary of state;- ' Rogue River Coal company, Med ford, capital stock, $25,000. The Crescent Irrigated Land com pany, Eugene, capital stock, $10,000. Digesto CIgar & Tobacco company, Portland, capital stock, $10,000. Portland Label company, Portland, capital stock, $20,000. WAS BAD COOK BUT GOOD SHOT WITH HIS GUN Seattle, Dec. 29 William Shriner, cook at a resort half a mile east of Green River Hot Springs, who shot and, killed Chester Raymond, aged 21, last night, following the latter's. al leged attempt to "shoot up" the house, was brought to the county jail here this. morning. Shriner voluntarily gave himself up to Deputy Sheriff Star wlch at Lester. It has come to our atten tion t h at c o m p etltors of ours are knocking the greatest mod ern machine of the age for the sani tary care of garments. The Hoffmann With this In vention it is impossible to burn or We're Put. ting All Knockers on Our Pay Roll scorch the cloth, as is often the case with hot iron pressing, but we increase the life of the gar ment by the use of dry stcum only.' We guarantee .you better work or your money back. Therefore every knock for "The Hoffmann' is a boost. All knock ers get on our regular nay-roll. OUR SALE GOES MERRILY 0 All $8 Stilts now . .$10.00 All $30 Raincoats now .$17..0 All $ 5.00 Shoes now t 3-0 All $ 1.50 Shirts now $ 1.10 Etc., etc., etc., etc. THE TOGGERY Phone 336 167 Commercial St Dure Yantls AL Hurst ft! PERSONALS. Phil Metscham, Sr., of Portland, is visiting friends here. F. W. Mcintosh, one of Salem's at torneys, is in Portland on business. - Dr. W. Carlton Smith and wife, went to Portland yesterday for a short visit C. K. Spauldlng, president of the Spauldlng Logging Company, is in Portland on business. Mrs. C. D. Buchner, of Seattle who was formerly Miss Mabel West, is visiting friends and relatives in the city. A N. Moores and family have e turned from a pleasant visit In Port land, where they were, the guests of C. B. Moores and family. W. D. Rees, of Bakersfteld, Colora do Is stopping at the Marion. Robert Ankeny. member of the well known Ankeny family, has re turned from an extended business trip. Chas. H. Smith, of Airlle, Is regis tered at the Salem. F. V. Roth, the Portland contractor who Is to build the Masonic temple, is in the city looking over the ground, preparatory to starting the work. . Harris Thompson, well known farmer of Waldo Hills is here on business. , Walter Jones, farmer living east of the city, is visiting friends here for a few days. H. C. Conklin, of Turner, is stop ping at the Salem hotel. . Walter Pugh has secured the con tract for repairing part of the old Highland road, . and will . commence work soon. M. Martin, of Greenwood, is mark eting a fine flock of turkeys. G. Johnson, of Gervais, is in the city on business. Garnett McCrow, of McCoy, whose wife has been seriously ill for some time, reports her health Improv ing rapidly. Mrs. Jack Patton, wife the well known Waldo Hills farmer, is visiting In the city. John Capllnger, who lives adjacent to the city, Is in on business. Dr. Helwarth and wife, of Falls City, who are en route to Portland, stopped in the city for a few hours to look up friends at the state house. Martin Doerfler, of the Waldo Hills, drove in this morning on business. H. E. Cross, attorney, of Oregon City, is here looking after matters rel ative to cases which he has before the circuit court. George W. Wright, of Albany Is in the city on business at the court house. Henry Smith, constable of Stayton, was a witness before the grand jury yesterday. J. B. V. Butler, vice-president of the state normal school at Monmouth, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Portland to attend the teachers' convention. Miss West, teacher In the Independ ence public schools returned to that city last evening, after visiting friends in Salem and Albany. Leonard Krebs, one of the Krebs brothers, large hop growers near In dependence, was In the city yesterday, and stated that the present high price of hops has greatly increased the de mand for hop lands, many acres of which are being cleared along the riv er. Miss Wilcox, of The Dalles, has been visiting In Independence, her former home. Miss Cronise has been visiting In dependence friends for a few days of the Christmas holidays. O. A. Kraemer, merchant of Iride pendence. is In the city on business. , ' K. C. Eldrldge, proprietor of one of the largest creameries in the state, is down from Independence on business. Conrad Dillman has taken a large stump puller to his Polk county farm, where he intends to clear about 25 acres of land. Will Emery, who has a large grain farm in the famous Waldo Hills, is a business visitor In the city. Optical Should be attended to by an expert Your eyes are too important to take any chance with the work you have done for them . . . You run no chances with our opti cians. Our reputation is behind our work ' KILLED BY PORTLAND STREET CAR fONITMD uai LBASKD VIM. Portland, Ore., Dec. 29. Four-year-old Evelyn Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Erickson, of 532 Marion avenue, who was Injured by a street car, died yesterday. The child, according to the Btory told by witnesses, was playing In the street, and attempted' to run in front of the moving street car. GOVERNOR SUGGESTS A REMEDY ICHITSD Mill UU1IU WIU.1 Portland, Or., Dec. 29. "There is no excuse for having an unemployed problem either in Oregon or Port land," declared Governor West, ad dressing the annual banquet of the Travelingnien's Protective Associa tion of America today. "There is a Job waiting every man who will work, if he can only be called ' up with .the job. ' Here is a chance for those who have been cry ing for cheap labor to get Into the game and offer employment to these men." The governor suggested a solution for the problem an all-state free em ployment agency to keep record of all positions open in every locality and to send there qualified applicants as they come looking fqr work. -o ' SITUATION IS VERY BAD IN PORTLAND DNIT1D PUSS UBAS1D WHS. Portland, Ore., Dec. 29. Several hundred men, without employment, and with families to support, lined up at the city hall today! each hoping that he would be one of the 25 chosen to go to work on the Mount Tabor road by the authorities. The first 25 in line got the Jobs and the names of the others were taken. They will be given work as soon as possible. Mayor Rushlight said this afternoon that he expected that from 100 to 150 men would be put to work Monday SPEED MANIA CAUSES MANY MOREARRESTS ONiTio rmi Latsin wisa.) Los Angeles,- Dec. 29. "Speed mania" the twentieth' century craze, Police Chief Sebastia today charges, is largely responsible for the 20 per cent increase or arrests here In 1911 over 1910. To date there have bem 31,243 arrests this year, against 25, 017 last. Infractions of the. speed law comprised about 20 per' cent of the offenders, and 50 per cent of the balance were persons who like to "look upon the wine when it Is red and white." ...o Speaking of aids to agriculture, there Is a cut-worm which volunteers to cut the farmer's corn long before he is ready to do It himeslf. M Work...... I Barr's Jewelry Store BLIGH THEATRE 'Where Everybody Goes' Vaudeville Oounan. & Phillips . 'Song, Talk and Dance John Chick & Co. A Comedy Musical Oddity . "The Politician" 3--PICTURES 3 Comedy, sensational, edu cational. Featuring Good music by a real Orchestra Admission 5c, 15c & 20c Matinee Daily E. W. Black, ofBahdon, In a fit of despondency Wednesday, committed suicide, shooting- himself. : 6 - NEW TODAY. ' LOST Gold cross with name of "Catherine" on. Return to 457 State street. Reward. 12-29-St FOR SALE Five acres, 10 room house, barn,' one mile east of city; on installments, $2,000. Will con sider trade of $800. See A. Ollnger 961 Mill.' Phone 647. 12-29-?,t AFTER JANUARY 1 We offer apple and peach trees at greatly reduced prices to close out 1911 stock. Roses, ornamental shrubberies, etc.; all lines complete. Quality unsur passed. Cherry City Nurseries. J. H. Lauteramn, prop. Temporary office 960 Broadway. Phone 678. ' . ' 12-29-tf FOR SALE A S-room cottage with good lot, full depth to an alley, on State street, all street improvements paid; walking distance, , $2000.. Ap ply to XXX, Journal. 12-29-2t FOR SALE OR RENT Four-room house, barn and chicken house; two lots. Price $600. Terms. Rent $6. Call at 890 North Fourteenth street. ' 12-29-3t FIELDING & CROWDER Real es tate, rentals, employment agents, ce ment and plastering contractors. 120 North Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 2160 Main. 12-29-lm WANTED To buy a fat beef. Ad dress 960 Highland avenue, Salem. 12-29-3t FOR SALE Excellent new five room bungalow, cabinet kitchen, bath, toilet, , stationery wash bowl, base ment, screened In back porch, lot east front, one block "from school pavement, carline, stores and meat market This Is a snap. See Ho mer H. Smith, the Insurance Man. McCornack building. 12-16-U HON. J. W. MORTON of Hood River county, will open a law office In the U. S. National Bank building, room 212, about the 1st of January, 1912. 12-18-2wks- MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate security. BECHTEL A BYNOX 347 State Street MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, Of MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. John H. Scott Sc. Co., over thv Chicago Store, Sa lem, Oregon. Phone. IB 5 2. Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Bnrghardt Ac Meredith, Resideat Agu 885 STATE STREET. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented paired Ribbons Rollers guppllea u See Me Before Yon Do Anything C. M. 1OCKWO0D riione 868 Mala 21i-l . Com St. Salem. 01 (To be Continued)