THE Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results On f"l a word to flrit Insertion. One-bilf cent a word for exh iuvirtlon rherndM'. No dverttMment Uko for )fta tba V. Oust tlx words to tin line. ACCTIOXIER. JOHN GREMMELS, general auction eer of merchandise, household goods, livestock, real estate and ' (arm lands. Sales booked any where. Reasonable figures. Twen ty yeara experience. 638 State street Fbone 636. Residence 1356. S-8-tf BAKERIES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries (or hlgteet grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders a specialty. We make dally deliveries. SI 9 N. Commercial, phone 103; or 12th and Cbemeketa, phone 961. 1-7-tJ BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth more than any other read, yet the price la no higher. For sale at your grocer's. California Bak ery, Thomas ft Cooley, Props. BUSINESS CARDfl. PIANO TUNING Lutellus L. Woods, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 608. Shop, 630 N. Winter streat 2.2-lyr SALEM TAMALE factory, wholesale and retail. If your wife or you want a good lot Mexican Spanish chicken tamale, call Main 2048; night phone, 81; Sunday, Main 100. Delivered to any part of the city. Be sure and stop, look and get the best ln Oregon. The Madison Sa loon Lunch Wagon. Meat sand wiches, fried ln butter, always. No stop if you are looking for a cheap lunch. . 12-16-lmo CARRIAGE TRIMMIXG AND PAINTS F. W. BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. - I am carrying a full line of Masurey's house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial. . . 12-1-tf CHINESE PHYSICIANS. JAY KING Our remedies are com posed of the choicest roots, herbs and barks and are sure to cure to stay cured. All chronic diseases of nien and women a specialty. If you -aunot tell, send for symptoms blank. Jay King, care Bow Wo Drug Co., 167 S. High St., Salem. Or. 8-25-tf CLEANING AND PRESSING. JAPANESE PRESSING! PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladles' silk&, laces and gloves riven special attention. Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. We are cleanerj and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors 823 Center street. Phoae Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC eUPPLY HOUSE. H. H. HUNTER Electrical supplies and wiring our specialty. We will give you an estimate on your wir ing and electrical work. Our work Is guaranteed; n -e rural tele phones. Office and supply room 129 South Commercial street. 6-2-tf FOUNDERS. SALEM IRON WORKS -Shand ft Marcus, proprietors. Front and State street. Iron and brass Cast ings. flr hvHrant. hon bulers. saw mill machinery, etc. Phone 909. 8-26-tf, GERMAN AND FRENCH TEACHER. GERMAN and French teacher Mr. P. Schwabe, good experience ln teach ing. Single or in classes. Moder ate terms. Address, 1156 South Thirteenth street. ' 10-25-tf HAIR DRESSltCG. 8CALP AND SKIN SrECIALIST Hair dressing, manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Combings bought and made up. We make a specialty of hair dyeing. MlssOra Poage. rooms 318-319 U. S- Bank bldg. 3-7-lra INSTRUCTIOX IN MUSIC. PIANO LESSONS Mr. P. Schwabe, trained in. Berlin, Germany, experi ence in teaching. Moderate terms. Address 1156 South Thirteenth street 10-25-tf JUNK DEALERS. JUNK DEALERS Highest price paid paid for cast Iron and all kinds of metals. Hides, pelts and furs bought Oregon Junk Shop, 430 Court street Main 399. 8124-tf LIVERY STABLE. POSTOFFICE LIVERY aud Sale Stable, Second band vehicles of all kinds sold. Best of turnouts, aulck . bbi4ioa! rates reasonable. ' For anything ln livery ud )0rd' ins:, call or nhons Main 188. Gillian. Prnnrietor. Ferry street LAUNDRY- CLOTHES LAST WNGER--Wlk onr all hand work; established 20 years, 226 South Commercial street. Phons 11.6. Boj 'g, j I , . j i -1 "' "' ""'W " -"Wiwi t j t, ,,.iMI""llrff" ' "L"' ""' '' """'"' '"T " "" " Plil" CLASSIFIED AD SECTION LIQUOR MOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTB Fine wUesi liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg an(j Castle whla kles. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught 8ooth Com mercial Street FAMILY UQUOR Store-All stand" mJ brands of nQnori kept ln tock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle ot ewe. Free delivery in the city limits E. Eckerlen. 206 N. Commercial street MASSAGE PARLORS. MEDICATED PLASTIC CAST3-Th latest French method of removing black heads., plmpltf and wrinkles. Call at the Banltary Beauty Par lors, Room 16. Steeves Block. I-4-tl MECHANO THERAPEUTIST AND SUGCESTIONI8T. DR. H. H. SCOVELL Mechano Therapeutist and SuggesUonist Located ln Salem. .Inlr ioni Treats chronic and acute diseases. Office and residence, 267 Liberty street Phone 1332. Consultation trr- 9-20-tf VOCAL INSTRUCTION. VOCAL INSTRUCTION Mrs.' Eliza beth Hon Ayer, pupil of Karleton Hackett, of Chicago. Voice plac ing a specialty. Studio, 150 N, wgnteenth street Telephone Main 2154. 12-12-lmo NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS HIGHEST price paid for second-hand rurnlture, ranges, hardware, tents. etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at ine lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St 8-25-tf NURSERIES CLEAN NURSERY STOCK Larae variety of all kinds of fruit and or namental trees and shrubs. Fruit land Nursery Co., Asylum road, ! miles east of Salem. R F D. 6 Box 87. Phone Farmers 23X-2 7-29-tf ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO. Gar den seeds of all kinds in season. Large stock fruit, ornamental trees. Contract landscape work for city or suburban home. Office, salesyard, 491 Court St, Main 937, Farmers 44x1. 8-25-tf OSTEOPATH. DR. R W. WALTON, Osteopathic phy sician; acute and chronic diseases . treated; consultation tree. Office rooms 12 and 14 Breyman block. Phone 1951. 8-25-tf OSTEOPATHY. DR. B. H. WHITF Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate of the American School of Osteop athy, Klrksville, Mo., poBt-gradu- atf and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angoles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases Consultation (res. Lady attendant. Office 505-606 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Xesidonee 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469 PAINTERS, PAPBtv HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first-class work done. I D. Driver, 617 North Capitol street, Salem, Ore. Phone 926. 6-26-tf. PLUMBERS. THEO. M. . BAR- Plumbing, hot water and steam healing and tin ning, 164 Commercial Bt Phon Main 192.- 9-1-1 tt. OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing heating, gas fitting; prices rea sonable; work guaranteed; estL mates furnished. Phone 373 1066 Cheinekota street 4-17-tf FINLAY & REYNOLDS Plumbing, heating and general repamns. water pipe and sewer connections. Estimates fi rnlshed free en any nf vour work. Phone 51, 325 Center --street. S-18- KAUFMAN & BROWN, 270 Chemek- eta street. Phone 947. Flumomg, tinning and general jobbing; pumps, tanks and windmills. Warm air heating (our motto). Best work at -nnhi Drices. Let us - figure 3 2-7-tf with you. PORTLAND HOTELW. NEW MATTHIESEN f ad cold water lm HI 76 oay and nlgH Boom 6. i Also Hotel Harrison. 41 to Vo7 "tree. Johjjjjatthie sen, proprietor both h.uees. jM SIGN PAINTERS. nnuuivrrc. the sign man Air br sh. show cards and bann r. Bulletin, snd wall lip Autoand J:L. minting- 260 Chemeket. CttllB" J - street 6-26-tf - RESTAfgATTS. merclal street, j n,.. ciass service. t m7m . , ' -.ts. Schneider ft Lebraaa. proprietors. SHBELLA CORSETS FITTED. SPtELLt CORSETS Measures ten by Alice A. MUes, 1106 "reei, at home Thursday af ternoon. Phone 1088 11.91.. TINNING AND ROOFING. BADERT3CHER ft FTJIiLER Hot air neating; furnace work; tin ning and rooflag centos work of all kinds. l8 goat Liberty street. .. on.! f,00- "W o sontrmcta cheerfully given. All work gnar Mteed. tint UPHOLSTERING, RENOVATING F. B. MERRY ft CO. Vacuum pet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered- aud laid; mat- trPRSAa marla o .i , - J . . I - u wuu icuuvaieu, I u I - ; niture re-covered; Bhades and awn-' lngs made and altered. Northeast 1 corner Court and High streets. ' Phone 568. 7-22-tf HOUSE CLEANING ror the holidays' wui soon start. Have your furni ture and upholstering work attend ed to by men who know how All work guaranteed. E. L. Stiff, cor ner Court and Liberty. Phone 941. 9-21-lmo REED ft Z WICKER. Cralv steam 1 carpet and feather renovatlag plait In city. Power vacuum cleaning, i Matresses reaade and upholster-' log. Furniture repaired. Work guaranteed. Works Fourteenth ' Allli Wllhlifi Dhvn. 11EJ ' 8-31-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN ft CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. C;ougr, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the protection employed 445 Court street 9.20-tf. W. T. RIGDON, undertaker and em balmer, 252 North High street, op posite city hall First class in ser vice, equipment and stock. Lady assistant when desired. Only un dertaker who has commodious apartments purely on residence plan. 5-12-tf WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. For water service apply at office. BII'b payable monthly in advance. WATCHMAKER, U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House block, 484 Court ' street 10-6-tf. WIRING, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE and Supply Co. 130 North Liberty street. Elec tric contracting, inside wiring, Bupplles and fixtures. Telephone Main 263. 12-11-tf WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under shelter. I handle Koplah coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Pacific coast Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and in the dry. Satisfaction guar anteed. See my stock. 752 Trade street, or phone 629. Mark Slddall. FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. Sols agests for the famous Rock Springs coal aad the Wash Silver lamp Cord wood and mill wood inlesgtha to suit. Reasonable prices. Freapt delivery. Main office 279 North. Commercial street. Phons 813. 10-2-tf CAPITAL FUEL CO. J. J. O'Neil, proprietor. All kinds of coal. Sole agents ' for the famous Rock Springs coal. All kinds of wood rut tn order. Yard opposite S. P. passenger depot Phone 210. 12-4-tf LODGE DfRKCTOKY. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular meetinge first rnd third Tuesdays. Masonic Hall. Mrs. McCauley. W. M.; Ida M. Babaock. '"" WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Holman Hall Geo. H. Deacan, C. C; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk- 1-10-09 MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6248. Meet every Thursday evening ai 8 o'clock ln Holman Hall. W. E. Vincent Consul; F. A. Turner. Clerk. 8ALEM LODGE KO. 4. A. T. ft A y state communication n first Friday In each month at 7:1' p m., ln Masonic hall. McCornacI block. James Plant. W. M.; John Bayne, se retary. ... nnvrvrmnV T sj PA A. O. V. rnuifi'"-'" " No. 2 meets every Monaay even- ir it 8:00 p. m. Hall, comer State and Liberty Sts. U Westfall, M. W, Recorder. D. P. Wright 5-21-tf aiT. HUMANE SOCNETT-D. D. Keeler. president; Mrs. Lou Tilson. secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be repotted t the society ir gatien. LODGE DIRECTORY (OoaUniied.) ' SALEM GRANGE NO. IT, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets in Hurst ! Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday ot each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome. F. A. Myers, master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 13-31-lyr PACIFIC LODGE, NO. SO. A. F. A A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. Wilson, W. iL, Lot L. Pearce. sec retary. 8-1-tf MULTNOMAH ROTAL ARCH CHAP- ter No. 1. Maaonlc hall second Friday of each mcnth, at $ p. m. M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest Lot L. Pearce,' Secretary. 7-9-tf DNITED ARTISANS Capital Ae- sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening In I. O. O. F. Temple, Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey. M. A.. & R. Vail, secretary, 168 S. Cottage street Phone 1214. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, Cherry City Lodge No. 498, meets every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. Temple, corner Court and High streets, D. R. Yantls, Dicta tor; H. H. Turner, secretary, 135 8. Commercial street REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE About three acres close to R. R. station, choice soil, wat ered by spring brook, small house, barn, chicken house, good assort ment of fruit Price, $1,000; half cash. The Square Deal Realty Co. Room 304, U. S. National Bunk building. Phone Main 470. FOR SALE by owner 7-room mod- em house, lot 75x160, at 162 West Lincoln street, Falrmount Park; grand view of mountains and city, Two large porches, bath, toilet, hot water, stationary tubs; everything convenient ' This is a bargain at $3,000 for short time only. Did ask $3500. Terms. Don't miss this. 12-9-lmo TEN ACRES Only 8 miles from center of town, -mlle from car line. Nice little four room bouse, almost new. Five acres under fine cultivation. Small orchard ot all kinds of ' fruit Price $3,000. Terms, If desired, on part of price. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Commer cial street 11-15-tf GOOD SNAP 5 acres 2 miles east of Salem, good buildings, good orchard, some berries; as good soil as there is ln Oregon. Must be sold soon. Price $2600. Olmsted Land Co. 12-22-lw. FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUSE And three lots on Eighteenth street just off from State. Woodshed and garage combined. Price $2250. House and one lot for $1600. Terms, $800 cash and $15 a month. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Commer cial street 12-7-tf v FOR SALE Five acrs all under cul tivation; fine BlI; Just iVt miles south of Salem on Jefferson road Price $750; $500 cash. Balance to suit. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street 12-27-3t FOR RENT We have a 6-roora house with city water and electric llghtai good garden, woodshed and large chicken house, with chicken corral for $10 a month.unfur nlshed, or $15 furnished. Location South Sixteenth street. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 South Commercial .street, or phone Main 1152. 12-14-tf ILLIS ft WOOD Real estate loans and Insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau, Phone 664. 476 Court St., Salem, Ore- gon. Ticket office Hamburg-American steamship lines. 11-1-lyr. FOR SALE Five room house only two ycrs old. Lot 50x13714. Small barn. Walks all In. Assessments paid. City water. Fruit trees and berries. Location four blocks from carline ln growing district Price for cash only $1100. E. Hofer 4 Sons. 213 S. Commercial street 12-18-tf BEST EASTERN OREGON LAND We have several pieces of the best Eastern Oregon land for $12 to $30 per acre. One piece of 320 acre b,as ditch and water enough to Irrigate whole piece, with 100 acres in clover and timothy; wire fenced, with house and barn. An other piece has running water with 100 acres of meadow land and good improvements. These pieces are some of the choicest In this new country, that is Just starting to develop. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 riouth Commercial street. 12-15-tf $$2750 For a strictly modern story and a half shingled bunga low, one-half block off State street, and two lota 50x180, east front. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 South Commer clal street. 12.2-tf TWO WORK HORSES for sale cheap, with or without harness and wa gon. Inquire of Ed. Schralr. 294 Twentieth and Trade streets. 12 20-tt Journal Want Ads Bring Kesniu REAL KSTATE (Continued.) FOR SALE 5 4 acres all under cu'- tlvatlon; ne soil; Just 3H miles school and Just 3V& miles south of Salem. Price $750; $350 cash; bal ance at 6 per cent Interest Ore gon Realty Co., 275 State street 12-27-St FOR SALE Small house and two lots In West Salem. Good location. Price, $675. Only $275 down. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Commercial street ' 11-15-tl FIVE ACRES Nicely Improved. near car line, good 5-rom house, barn 16x24. Fine well, 100 fruit trees( all fenced. P ice $2500. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 South Commer cial street. 12-15-tt FOR SALE We have some fine Ave acre tracts all under cultivation. First class fruit land, just four miles south of Salem on good road. Price $150 per acre; $25 down aud five dollars per month without In terest for three years. Come In and see us about these tracts. Or egn Realty Co., 275 Stat street 12-27-31 FOR SALK. FOR SALE Largs body fir, oak grub and ash. Now taking orders for summer delivery. Phone 1417 or 1283. Downing ft Eoff. 4-29-tl HORSES FOR SALE Good livery. delivery or express team matched grays 6 and 7 years old. Price $100. Also some other horses and mares. 803 Broadway street 11 -tf FOR SALE. Young Jersey cows. White Plymouth Rock cockerels; eggs for hatching and Homer pigeons. T. H. Blundoll, Morning side. Phone Main 1372. 12-26-3t FOR SALE Well known suburban store, with 12 years established business; Including 2 lots 66x132 and good 7 room house, barn and woodshed. Store fixtures Includ ed. Street assessments paid. Own er must sell on account of health. Price $3500. Stock, f wanted, goes at invoice. E Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Commercial street 12-12-tf FOR REyr. ROOMS for housekeeping, $8.00 and up per month. 697 North Liberty. Phone 1044. 12-11-tf FOR RENT We have a nice 5-room flat for rent; well located. Price reasonable. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 South Commercial street. 11-22-tf FOR RENT Fine turniBhed room for man and wife at 465 Center street 12-22-td FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms and sleeplvg rooms, electric lights, bath. Inquire at 444 South High street 12-21-lm PASTURAGE FOR RENT, runnlag water. Horse. $1.60; cattle, $1.00 per month. Independent Market J5R Forrv street J JI-O WANTED. WANTED Five acres unlraproYM land within two miles of city. Must be cheao for caab. E. Ko'er ft Sons, 213 Commercial street, Salem 12-22-tf WANTED TO BUY A mare, weight 1500 to 16005 to 8 years old. Call on or address R. II. Campbell, 2005 Ferrv street Salem. 12-27-3t WOMAN WANTS position In family no objection to children. Good worker. Do all work. Phone Fiirmcrs 23-X. 12-27-3t A rbnrmlntr Woman Is one who Is lovely In face, form, mind and temper. Hut it's hard for a voman to be charming without health. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constlpa tlon and kidney poisons show In pim pies, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Electric mttprn alwavs Drove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate stomach, llvor and kidneys, purify the blood; give Btrong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion and perfect health. Try them. 60c af J. C. Perry. Great Chinese Doctor L M. Hum Has medicine which will cure any known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to curs catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, debility, stomach, liver, kidney troubles, also any blackened or swollen sorenese. broken limb; smallpox epidemic; all kinds of bolls, lost mannooa, remaie nees, hernia trouble and paralysis. Consultation free. Care of Ylck 8e Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs Office hours from 10 to 12 s. m. and 1 to 7 p. m. Office open 8undys. 153 High street, upstairs, Salem. CHICHESTER S PILLS If IrtHA. fc. souniaraisflunaux MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Floir, rteO, I to. Wheat Export nasis: Bluestem, 82f?84c; club, 79S0e; red Russian, 7778c; valley, 7980c; forty-fold, awe. Flour Patents, $4.50 per barrel; straights, $4.05; exports, $3.S0; Val ley, $4.50; graham. 94-65; whole wheat $4.85. .... Barley Feed, $3435 per ton; brewing, nominal. Hay No. 1. E. O. Timothy, $18319 No. 1 Valley. $15$16; alfalfa, $130 14: clover, $11012; grain, $11012. Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per ton. MillBtuSs Bran, $23 per ton; mid dlings, $30; shorts, $24; rolled bar ley, $3738. Oats New white, $31031.50 per ton. Dairy and Csiatry Troiace. Butter City creamery, extra, land 2-pound prints, ln boxes, 36c per pound: less than toxes, cartons snd delivery extra. Eggs Oregon ranch, 42 Ho. Cheese Full cream, twins 17 He per pound; Young America, 18c Poultry Hens, 114J12o, springs. uiruc; ducks, young, 1617o; geese, UH12c; turkeys, alive, 20c; dressed, choice, 23 24c v"eal Fancy, 8a to ii pounds. 13013 He per pound. Pork Fancy, HCP9c per pound. Groceries, Dried Traits, JEte. Dried Fruits Apples, 13 O 14c per lb.; currants, lOo; apricots, 16i18c; peaches, 12yi4o; prunes, Italian, 10(fllo; silver, 18c; figs white and rlack, H07Ho; rants, lOCHo; retains, loose arnso tel. 6 H 07 He; bleaohed Thempaw HHc; unbleached Sultanas, lh seeded, 9HOKo, Coffee Roasted, ln drums, 26940c Dir pound. Nuts Walnuts, 16016Ho per lb.; Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts, 15c; almonds, 18019c; pecans, ISo; oocoanuu, uoi per aosen. 8alt Granulated, $16 per ton; halt-ground, 100s, $8.60 per ton; 50s, $9 per ton. . Beans Small, white, 4Ho; larg -hlte, 4Hc; Lima, Ho; pink, 6Ho; red Mexicans, 6 He; bayou, 6o, Sugar Dry granulated, $6.40; fruit and berry, $6.40; beet, $6.20; extra C, $5.60; powdered, barrels, $6.65; cubes, barrels, $6.80. Rice No. 1 Japan, c; cheaper grades, $3.6004.66; Southern head IH07O. Honeys -Choice, $1.71 per ease trained, I He per pound. Vegetables ana Frelts. Fresh Fruits Pears, 6Oc0 $1.60 per box; grapes, $101.75 per box; Al- cranberries, $12.60013 per barrel. Apples Jonathan, $1.5002.25 per box; Sultzenberg, $102.50; Baldwin, 75c0$1.6O; Rod Cheek Pippin, $1,250 1.76; Northern Spy, $1.2501.76; Win ter Banana, $203; Bellflower. $10 1.25. Tropical Fruits Oranges, navels, $2.7503; Valenclas, $5 per box; Cali fornia grapefruit, $3.6004; Florida grapefruit, $5.50; bananas, 605 He per pound; lemons, $405 per box; pomegranates, $1.60 per box. Vegetables Artichokes, 90c per dozen; beans, 10012a; cabbage, lc IHo per pound ; cauliflower, 6Oc0$l per dozen; cucumbers, $2.60 per box; egg plant 12 Ho per pound; garllo, 8010c per pound; lettuce, 90&'9Uc per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $1.25 per box: peppers, Siiluo per pound; pumpkins, 101 He; radishes, 12 ttc per dozen; sprouts, 809o per pound; sqush, 1 HOI Ha per pound; toma toes, $1.75 per box. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.00 per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1.(0. Sweet Potatoes $2.4002.50 per crate. Potatoes New Oregon, 6Oc0$1.2O per hundred. Onions California, $1.50 per bun dred. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1911 crop, 440450 per pound. Weel Eastern Oregon, 9016o lb.; Valley, 16017s. Mohair Choice, 35fl37o. Hides SalUd hides, 11c per pound salted calf, 10 17c; salted kip, lOHc; salted stags, Iftc; green hides, 9e; dry bides, 18c; dry calf 19 0 20c; dry stags, 12013 He. Prortstuss. Hams 10 to 12 pounds, 16017c; 12 to 14 pounds, 16017c; 14 te 16 pounss, 1&17c; 16 to 18 pounds, 16 017c; skinned, 17c; picnics, llttc; cottage roll, 18 He Bacon Fancy, 26c; standard, 22c; choice, 20c; Kogllsh, 17c. Dry Salt Cured Tteguiar short clears, dry Bait. 12 Ho; smoked, 13 He; acbks, llgUt, salt, 13c; smoked 14 He;; backs, heavy, salt, 120; smoked, 14c; export, salt, 13 He; smoked, 15 Ha Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 75c; Jrled boef tts, 22c; outside, 20c; iOHldes. 23c; knuckles. 21c- Plckled Goods Barrels, pigs feet, $14; regular tripe, $10; honey comb 'onguei. $40 trip, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' Lard Kettle rendered, tierces, 13c; tubs, 13 He; standard, tierces, 11 He; tubs, 9 Ho; shortening, tierces, 9c; tubs, tKc. Looal WaoUsals KarkoL Bran. 127.00 Flour, hard wheat $46504.60 Flour, valley $4 09 Sboru $28.00 Wheat, bushel Oats, bushel Hops. 1911 crop 40 0 41c CkltUm bark 4H06c Casears Bark 6a per lb. Potatoes, per bu 75c Hay, timothy IH Oat and vetch $10 00 Clover hay 00 Cheat hay $9.0001000 Bitter aa tn. Butter creamery 36c Eggs, per dosea 22c Butter fat.-....,, ............i;o Country butter 3;,c Poultry. Fryers and hens 13C Roosters .....8c Geese, live n0 Turkey, live ; isa Turkey, dressed 22c Ducks, live mo Ducks, dressed ia LlvestocK, Steers (under 1000 To) . . . $5.50 0 6 Steers (100O to 1200 lb) .. $4.50 S $ Cows. $3.60$4.3 Hogs, fat 707H Stock IHO70 n-wee, ft Spring lambs U Veal, according to nuallty K Pelts Dry, kc; salted, country pelts, 65c0$l per pound; iamb pelts. K. You will find ttiat rtriiei where sneak well of f liinhrinirr Cough Remedy. They know from long experience In the sale of it that ln cases of coughs and colJs It can al ways be depended upon, and that It Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. Many a woman sits up late In the nights before Christmas engised ln making a hem for a him. With the Corulnsr ef MMJIe A There la a letting down In the physi cal iorces orten Shown ln annoying and painful kidney and bladder ail ments and urinary Irregularities. Fo ley tuuney rills are a splendid regu lating aud strengthening modiolus at such a time. Try them. II. Jerman, Red Cross Pharmacy. RAILROADS. SOUTHltKN PAOTIO. SootbbooBd. No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 2:81a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m. No. 17 Boseburg Pa-Stager 6.21p.m. Ne. UPhsjiU Limited .. 7:43p.m. No. 27 Eugene Passenger , 1:26p.m. No. 16 California Express. 9:66p.m. No. 334 Way Freight .... :50a.m. No. 222 Portland Fa Fit 10:15p.m. Northbound. No. Xt Oregon Express 5:15a.m. No. 14 Oregon Express 6.43a.m. No. 28 Portland Paanengor 8:30a.m. Ne. 13 Shasta Limited ..12:36p.m. No. 18 Portland Pasengnr. 2:66p.m. wo. x romand Passenger. 7.43p.m. No. 225 Way Freight . . . No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. :43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Leavs Salem. Arrive Portland. Train 6, 6:36 a m 8:30 s.m. Train 8, 8:66 am 11:00 a.m. Train 10, 11:15 a.m. 1:15 p.m. Train 12, 2:00 p.m.,,..... 4:00 p.m. Train 14. 3:40 p.m . 6:10 p.m. Train 16, 4:00 p.m f 00 p.m. Train 18, 6:0 p m. p tn. Truln 20, 8:66 p.m 10:45 p.m. Arrive la Salem. Train 1 8:30 a.m. Train 1 1:50 .ui. Train 6 10:30 a.m. Train 7 1:00 p.m. Train ..... 4:15 p.m. Train 11 6:00 p.m. Train 15 8:35 p.m. Train 17 11:111 p.m. o Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leave west Salem for: Dallas, Falls City snd Black Rock , 1:00 a. m. Dallas and lislls City . , 1:30 and 4:35 p. m. Sunday trains ror: Dallas and Black Rock ......9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains arrive at West Salem from Dallas 8:15 a. m. Black Rock and Dallas. .12:30 p. m. Falls City snd Dallas .... 4.15 p.m. SALE INDEPENDENCE BOATS. Ths launches Independence snd Louise will Irave their wharf at the foot of Trade street for Independence at the following hours dally except Sunday. Leaves Independence 8:30 a. nt. Leaves Salem 4:00 p. nt. o T Try Dr. M1IW Una live TU'.U. O , , J Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A O. C. T. CO.'S Steamers Pomona and Oregona leave for Portlund Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m.; for Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. in, M. P. BALDWIN, Agent Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire I Fencing. Hop Wire, Barb f Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin- X gloa, Malthold Roofing, P. ft. B. and Ready Roofing. All at the lowest price. CIUS. D. MULLIGAN K6u Court street. Phons 124 -e-.eeo ONION and CELERY LAND 57 acres, near a good town, on county road, 28 scroe of level bot tom land, 22 acre rolling land !'.t pasture, 11 acres of bottom laud un der cultivation, a fine stream of water flows through this land and could be used for Irrigation, 4 -room houne. small barn, 100 4-year-old, extra large peach and apple trees, 1-4 acr In logan and blackberries. If you aro looking for choice land do not fall to see this farm, as this bottom land Is as good as the best. Price $50 per acre, $1450 cash, bal ancyn very easy terms. COURTER & VICK Room No. 1, Ladd ft Busb Bank Bldg Satem, Oregon.