9ULY CAMTAL JT15AU glim. THC1SMT. BECM1BB tS. Mil. pi S3 rr -'.3 I 1 HE ANSWER TO wFyTwI n M 11 rriday, Dec. "MMm " 1 1 Wlt.-.M --- ' . "" WlMillMiMlii I I I II I III 1 1 ! - " " ' ! ' " ' I AM UP i ; I- n f ; i j M 5! n ! j .1 1 ! i n ii i n Friday, Dac. 29, 8 a. in. 29, 8 I a. m. y anup to date House THE CMUf". AtfO s m K J f 1 n ii El M El El II El n ii El M 11 11 El 11 II II El II II II 11 II 11 n n ii ii n XX7 .1 vve must nave the room for our Great White Sale hen thi hir krm.: i- if . ! eVerypage nths W it would not be large enough to print ons half of the bamains Ave have to piace before you for your consideration. We urge you to come and see for yourself. This Coupon and 45c will buy large size Ladies' Hand Bags This Coupon and $3.90 will buy Ladies' long Coats, up-to-date, latest styles and cloths, cheap at $20 This Coupon and 23c will buy pair Ladies' Gloria Silk Hose This Coupon and $1.49 will buy Ladies' Raincoats, hobby and up-to-date This Coupon and $4.95 will buy Ladies' two piece suits values up to $22.50 This Coupon and $5.90 will buy Ladies' one-piece Dresses, Panams and Serges only a few get them quick. i i i i i i i I Economy the Dominant Note of This Sale ii This is not a catalogue of the entire stock, only a few prices taken at random to give you an idea. A Feast of Bargains Will You Come. ri m El El II EI M 11 rj ri ii El El El El E1 11 El II U n El El El 13 El El El 13 El Ll ra El ll II ri ti ii ri ii El E1 El El II 11 El Ei El tt El 11 El 11 II El M EI El 11 11 E1 11 El 11 n m- El El El E1 U El E1 M M El 11 M n 13 n El 11 11 n Willow Plumes 10-in plumes,. regular $8,50, for ..$4.95 14-in plumes, regular $16, for ..$10.00 19-in plumes, regular $20, for ..$12.90 Aigrettes all colors ...25c Heavy Black Wing, pair ...98c Pom-Poms, assorted colors -...50c Fancy Novelty Feathers 65c Cotton Batting, 1 -pound rolls 4c Corset) R. &. 6. Corsets, the very latest in style and shapes T 95c Warner's rust-poof, long and short.95c Also a large lot of broken sizes, Nemo and Warners, values to $5, for 69c. Look for Our Rem nant Tables of Silk and Dress Goods. Furs French. Coney. Muffs, while they last $1.45 Black Fur Scarfts and Boas 45c Notions 100-yard spool silk 3c Cloth Buttons, dozen . 21 -2c Bone Buttons, card 9c Ladies' Garters :23c Skirt Bindings 9c Children's Garters 4c 1000 vards outing flannel, out it goes at yard. ..3c Apron Ginghams, while it lasts ...5c Serges, all colors (have you seen them), yard .23c Mohairs, black, blues and cream (you can't beat them), at, vard .75c nave to come early to get tirst choice), at, yard .... 50c :93c n . . ranamas (you win nave to come eany to get rirsi cnoice;, at, ya Broadcloths, greens, black, blues, tan, browns and reds at, yard . -BILKB China Silkt assorted colors and widths, sale price, yard .23c Poplins (your last chance to get them at this price) .. yard .33c Foulards (you can't lose money buying these), yard .75c AT SUCH PRICES YOU SHOULD SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS FOR MONTHS TO COME Girls' Rain Capes, only a few. .-..-$1.25 Boys' Raincoats, 6 to 12 years, out they go at .$2.75 Children's Sweaters, at all prices; -large assortment;' we have put them all in at.L ...... - -49c Ladies' Sweaters, all colors and values up to $6.00, out they go at ........$2.79 Children's Capes -$2.95 Big opportunities often knock, but they don't beg to get in, Silk Dresses, princess styles .....$5.79 Silk Waists, out they go at .$1.98 Wool Waists, now is when you want them, sale price 69c Ladies'. Shirt Waists, while they last 79c Voile and Panama Skirts $3.25 You can't beat them. .Extra Salesladies Wanted. :or this Great Apply side door between 9 and 10 a. m. Thursday, Dec. 28 Our Opening Day, December 29th, We Will Give Away Free to all ladies entering our door a piece of hat trimming, well worth the trouble to come after in itself, We do not ask you to take our word for any statement made. We might say right here and now, you be the JUDGE, come and see for yourself, look over the great bargains offered, and see if we are not making prices which were never before made in this store or anv other store in this town. This is not a profit making sale. Mothers, bring your children! Husbands bring your wives! Wow is the time to ouy quantities ror nuie muney; E AND a. IB- FENNY WISE Friday, December POUND FOOLISH 9, 191 1 8 a. m. ErToJ H 'If u .i m (C ' TUJ TT Jillii O CD n an i a ii hi i ! " '" " n !i N U Li M ,1 5 N ll II H II Ii M I ti M M II I i 1 1 , n n a i n r -M M M :( J M i 3 ,M I I ,M .11 ti n M h h i.i M 1 1 I ' 1 ti t 1 11 ti n M M M t? M ii ii r. it ii t ! i i M M t ! ( ! Ii Ii M ii t i i ; I i H 14 ti M 1 1 n El n ii i i M ri ii w