Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 23, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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imub num.
When at Portlahri!
Pastor Russell's Seraioni
Go to the
His Kingdom on Earth StiaP Be
Pittor Russell 8ay Mankind Erred In
Its Early Interpretation of the Divine
Plan of Salvation The Pretent Age
Not the Lord's Time For the Redemp
tion of the World It is the Period In
Which the Few Shall Be 8electd to
Receive tha Bleieing of the Messiah.
t '
: I',
Mt-rtik, b!i
Honolulu. Ha--wallan
The Internation
al Bible Students
Committee of For
eign Minions In
vestigation stop
ped at Honolulu
nnd made obser
vations. Pastor
llussell, Cbalrmaa
of the Committee,
delivered a public
nddress. He bad
a large audience
and htteutlr bearing. Ills text was
from Ittala ti livl. 8. respecting tne
birth of a nation In a day. He sald:-
In my childhood days every penny
1 could save eras devoted to Forebja
Missions. Tbe Hawaiian Islands and 1
the FIJI Islands were prominent be- I
fore tbe Christian world as missionary
fields. I remember well that the es
tablishment of a civilized government
In these Islands was balled as tbe ful
filment of the text I have chosea-"a
nation bora In a day.'- Tbe thought
then was that thus speedily tbe world
would bo converted and tbe glorious
promises of the Hebrew prophets ful
filled, (low earnestly we labored and '
prayed. "Thy Kingdom come," think
ing all the while tbut we were bring--Ins
tbe Kingdom of God to earth and
fulfilling tbe Lord's Prayer!
Alas! we are having a rude awaken
ing from such dreams. We are finding
thnt If the Kingdom of God must be
established by human power It will
never be established. We are finding
that tbe world's population is doubling
every century. If we double our mis
sionary enterprises every century we
would only be keeping pace wltb the
natural Increase of the human family.
Statistics show us that there are
twelve hundred millions of heathen
today and that a century ago there
were only half as muny. Alas! those
missionary hopes of ours bave gone
But the awakening bas done us good ;
It has taught us to tbluk a little. We
are now sensibly Inquiring. Suppose'
we should convert all tbe heathen and
make tbe whole world a Christendom
of the same sort tbut we have In Eu
rope and America! What then? Would
God's will be done on earth as It is
done In heaven perfectly? Could we
thus hope to bring in tbe glorious con
ditions prophesied. In which not only
tbe knowledge of God would Dll ttie
whole earth, but additionally every
knee should bow and every tongue con
fess In such a munuer as to be to the
glory of Clod? We see that such hopes
would be worse than foolish; they
would be ludicrous. Thus our awaken
Inn has done us good, and sent us again
to Cod's Itook to see wherein we eireo1
In our expectations,
' What Say the Scriptural?
The disillusion respecting great works
of our own humbled us before God and
made us realize our depeudenco upon
1 1 i m for the fulfilment of tbe glorious
prophecies. We have rend our Bibles
afresh. We have taken from our minds
tbe spectacles of our forefathers wltb
tbe color and gloss which they handed
down to us. We are now rending God'a
Book lu Its own light, ullowlug God to
be Ills owu Interpreter, aud Himself
to make It pluiu. And whnt do wi
flud? Ah! wonder of wonders! We
find tbe Divine Plan wider and dcegxjr
nnd higher than we had ever dreamed.
We And thnt the present Age, from
Calvary aud Pentecost to the second
coming of Jesus. Is not Cod's time for
dealing wltb the world, opening tueir
blind eyes, unstopping their deaf ears
and making every knee to bow and ev
ery tongue to confess. It Is merely
His time for the gathering out from
every nation, people, kindred and
tongue a "little flock" of such as have
tbe henrtng ear nnd the appreciative
henrt, to become the Rrldo of Christ
and His Joint-heirs In Ills glorious
Kingdom, tbe establishment of which
will mean the blessing of all the fami
lies of the earth, as wns promised to
Father Abraham.
Well may we reason that if our God
waited for four thousand years before
lie sent fits Son to redeem the world,
and has since waited two thousand
tuore for the selecting of the Bride of
Christ, He must Intend that tbe great
Kingdom of His Son. the Messlniilc
reign of a thousand years. Is to do a
(treat work for mankind in general.
Such broad foundations, such deep laid
plans and arrangements foretell
grand and glorious outcome. Evident
ly Cod's Word shall be fulfilled, which
He spoke, saying, "My Word thnt go
etb forth out of My mouth shall not
return unto Me void, but It shall ac
complish thnt which I please, and shall
prosper to the thing whervunto I sent
Tbe message went forth In a primary
aensttn Eden, when God declared that
eventually "the Seed of tot woman
bonld bruise tbe serpent's bead"
should crush evil. Ills Word wenut
forth still more distinctly to Fatbe-?r
Abraham, assuring talm that he wonlad
have two seeds. Iwo posterities, one
"as the stars of hea-ven and theothear
-as the sands of the seashore." Thue
Church, with Christ her Head, consti
tutes this heavenly, starry Seed oaf
Abraham, as saltb the Apostle (GilQ
tlans 111, 10. 20); and with the comple
tion of the Church will come tha seoc
ondary blesslng-the development of
tbe seed of Abraham as the sand of
the seashore for multitude, every knee
bowing and every tongue confesstoag.
to the glory of God
But this secondary seed of Abraham,
the earthly seed, Is to receive Its bless
ing from the Uea-venly Seed, hence
everything waits now until the Church
shall bave been completed until ttne
"very elect" shall have been gathered
"from the four winds of heaven"-urn-tll
all the followers of Jesus shall ba we
been changed, "In a moment, In tttie
twinkling of an eye," as partlclpants
In tbe First Resurrection,
Then, ob, glorious Day! the Bun -of
Righteousness will shine forth-Cnrlist
and Ills faitbfnl Bride to chase awssay
the darkness. Ignorance and supers-tl-tlon
from the world and to fully en
ligbten mankind oC every nation, peo
ple, kindred und tongue. In thatglorrl
ous work of enlightenment the natucal
seed of Abraham will have a bless-ed
share, and Abraham, Isaac and Jac-ob
and all the Prophets shall be "Princes
In all the earth" trsalm xlv, 16), peer
feet men, representatives of thsglo-rl-ous
Messiah and Ills Bride In the
earth, administrators of the Law,
which will go fort h from the gloriwus
Christ, Invisible to men.
Ab! that will be Earth's Jubilee! .As
In olden time, la the Jubilee vesnr,
tbe Israelites returned to their ovn
possessions, to their own homesteads,
so In tbe Antitype, only tbe latter will
be still more grand: Tbe human fa.-roily
will come back Into possession of
its own that which was lost by aaaln
and Its penalty, that which was recov
ered by Jesus, that which will be re
stored by resurrex?tlon power during
the Messianic reign.
The Nation Born In a Day.
But what about our text? Did we
misinterpret tbe Divine statement
when we applied it to the acceptance
by a people of civilization? Ahly es;
we made a very foolish mistake; the
wish was father to the thought. Our
misconceptions blinded us to tbepr op
er Interpretation of that Scrlptare.
What then does It mean? How she uld
our text be applied? Ah, Beloved,
that Nation to be born In a day la "the
Church, tbe Holy Nation, of which St
Peter spoke, "Ye are a Royal Prlaeet
bood, a peculiar people, a Holy Illa
tion." (I Peter II. 0.) The oejrtftoc of
this Holy Nation began at rentec-ost,
and has continued down through the
succeeding eighteen centuries sand
more. Tbe birth will be the resurrrec
tlon. All who now receive the begetfJtlng
of tbe Holy Spirit are reckoned . as
members of this Holy Nation, but
their membership In It is dependent
upon their fnlthf ulness; as we raead,
"To him thnt overcometh will I gsrant
to sit with Me In My Throne." The
present life la to every one of ttfaese
royal priests, or priestly kings, as - we
may choose to express it, a period of
probation. Will we or will we not
"make our calling nnd election surre?"
Not at tbe beginning nor at tbe time of
our consecration Is the matter decLded,
but after we "have fought the sood
fight and finished tbe course" and won
the crown, by obedience even vunto
For nearly nineteen centuries t-hese
royal priests have been testifying: for
the Lord, each In his turn. Foar all
the faithful there Is a crown of right
eousness laid up; as St. Paul ssald,
"Henceforth there Is laid up for cue a
crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous Judge, will give
me nt that day" early In that dnmy of
Messiah, In tbe resurrection morning.
All these bave a part in the rFlrat
Resurrection, and will be membeara of
that Holy Nation, that royal parlest
hood; as we read, "Blessed and holy
are- all they thnt have part la. the
Chief Resurrection; on such the Sec
ond Death butt no power; but they
shall be kings and priests onto God
and unto Christ and shall reign with
Ellin a thousand years."
Thus will thatt Holy Nation which
God has been gathering and electing
during the nineteen centuries, oeut of
all nations, peoples, kindreds and
tongues, from Jews and Gentiles, bond
and free, be born In a day come forth
perfect and complete, the Holy NTatlon
of Divine promise which, as God'esi spir
itual Empire, la to take over thea con
trol of the world for a thousand years
and rule It In righteousness, to frre all
from the power of Satan, tin and
death, and to lift up again as many
as are willing to tbe Imnge and like
ness of Cod. a nd to destroy am who
love unrighteousness and worBc In
iquity. .
This is the Kingdom of Messiah,
whose dominion Is to be established
on the earth, and for which Jesus
taught us to pray. "Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be don on earth, asltlss done
In heaven," It will require the entire
work of a thou sand years to fuLiy ac
complish all of this glorious prose hecy,
but we have tbe Divine assuranc-e that
by that time God's will will be ass per
fectly done on this earth ailtlss- now
done In henvett Itself.
Prdie of the Paoifia,
I can now well understand wtry your
beautiful Island has been descrlttoed as
tbe Paradise of the Pacific. I note your
wonderful climate and everything
which co-operates with It to bring
about this Parndlse likeness. 1 : say to
myself, flow gracious is ourQocl! Not
only has He provided a heavenly- Para-
else for the Church, that tbey should
be sharers wltb their Lord on tbe spirit
plane, partakers of tbe- divine nature,
"far above angels, principalities and
powers," but how gracious bas God
also been in Ills provision for tbe
world nt large Ills promise of an
earthly Paradise for such of humanity
as, when brought to a knowledge of
Himself and His requirements, shall
gladly, heartily accept tbe same!
How wonderful is the Wisdom and
Power of God by whir- h He can make
use of even the reign of sin and death
to teach great lessons both to angels
and men respecting tbe exceeding sin
fulness of sin! And how merciful and
gracious la the arrangement He bus
made that wben this reign Of sin and
death shall have accomplished His In
tended purposes, He will bring It to an
end. Those twin mona rcbs which have
ruled the world for six. thousand years
Sin and Death-shall be vanquished:
and ultimately every member of Ad
am's race shall be delivered from theh
power. For tbe willing and obedient,
the earthly Paradise, bumai perfec
tion, tbe Image of God In tbe flesh, Is
to be the reward-an earthly reward;
and for tbe rebellious, the Second
Death, from which there will be no re
demptlon, no recovery, and In which,
thank God! there will be no suffering,
for they shall perish like the brute
beasts, as St. Peter declares. II Peter
Restitution Will Bring Real Paradise.
Much as your Island may resemble
the Garden of Eden, it is not Pnradise.
and cannot be Paradise so long as you
bave sin and sorrow, puln and death
amongst you. One of the first objects
that greeted my sight us I landed was
your cemetery, and I snld. Oh! yes.
death is here, und ccrrywhere God's
curse, decla ring that no imperfect be
ing may live. Well, I thank God fo1'
that, too. Centuries of life with imper
fection would doubtlss be too much
for us to enjoy. Far better is it as Di
vine Wisdom has arranged it a birth,
a struggle for existence, a battle with
self and sin, tbe world, the flesh aud
the Devil, und then a falling nslecp la
death, until the morning of the resur
rection. There will be no conscious
ness of even a moment's Intervening
until the glorious day shall buve dawn
ed, and the new ordor of things shall
bave been introduced und established;
and then the sleepers will come forth
to see a brighter side than any that
they havp previously experienced or
ever heard of.
The Kingdom of God's dear Son and
His elect Rrlde will be In power and
nothing shall hurt or destroy in all His
holy Kingdom. Tbe blessing of tbe
Lord shall be upon man, and bis earth
ly dominion. Restitution Influences
will beat work for the bringing of
everything to perfeetlon-especlally for
the bridging of man up, up, up out of
sin, weakness, degradation and death
to the full glory of perfection of mind
and body and vitality the image and
likeness of God, as nt first, before sin
Rich atnd Poor and 8ooialism.
Tou still bave your rich and poor:
there still is caste nmongst the chil
dren of the one parentnge: but when
the uplifting Influences of Messiah's
reign shall have done their work, tbese
things will 'all be in t be past. "He that
sltteth upon the Throne shall say, "Be
hold, I make all things new.1" In that
glorious time then will not be rich
and poor, there will be socialism in
the proper sense, as the Scriptures
clearly point out; they say, "Eveiy
man shall sit under bis own vine and
under his own fig tree; and none shall
make them afraid." And again, "They
shall not build and another inhabit,
they shall not plant and another ent
the fruit thereof." There will be no
tenantry, no landlordism then.
Do not understand me to be Inciting
dissatisfaction with the present condi
tions, in many respects what we have
today Is the very hest possible thing
under present conditions man's fallen
nature nnd selfish temperament taken
Into consideration. The counsel of
God's Word Is that all who tnist In
Him are to wait for Him to bring In
the better conditions. Some very well
lntentloned people are making a sad
mistake; Just as the morning Is about
to dawn about to bring in the great
blessings of restitution, socialism, etc..
they blindly look In another direction
and declare thftt unless they bring so
cialism to pass It will never come. We
grant, Indeed, that it would be foolish
to expect that the rich would brliijr
about the wonderful chnnges wlildi
the Bible foretells It would be con
trary to human nature to so expect
But we do say that those who think ti.
bring about socialism by human wis
dom and human strength are deficient
In wisdom. They do not see that whnt
they propose Is nbssolulely Impossible
their eyes are holden.
The Bible alone shows us what will
be tbe outcome of the present unrest
and selfishness nnd dissatisfaction
Tbe Bible tells that what will start as
socialism will eventually develop Into
anarchy. The Bible shows that those
Who tblnk they can brlnjt In the lies
slanlc blessings by carnal weapons arc
deluding themselves-they will Instead
bring upon themselves, as well ' as
upon the rich, the great and nwf ul
trouble which the Scriptures furotell
as being now Imminent "a time of
trouble such as wns not since there
was a nation." (Daniel xli.. l.i Our
Lord Jesus quoted this passage nnd
added to it the words, "N'o. nor ever
shall be." (Matthew ulv. 21.1 Thank
God! that this one. great, awful con
flict In which every man's hand shnll
be against bla neighbor nnd against
his brother, will be the last. It will be
so awful as to miike the entire world
sick of strife, or selfishness, of sin
Thus It will act as a prent plowshare
In the hearts of mankind In general, to
break the hard-hearted aud to turn all
hearts In expectation to the Lord and
HI glorious Kingdom '
-W L1!
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M , t0 d life Si -I'
AVgetabL? R-pparalion CrAs
ling the Stomadis mdBowM
ness andltestlontalns ncithtr
Opiura.Morphine norMotral.
not Narcotic
Bra itOUDcSMUimm.
PLKxin Srtd-JhMltUft-
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Rates $1,00 up,
fast and lunch 50c, 0h- :
ner $1,00, Also a b i
Carte service in grill, :
block from Oregon Fi '
; on 11th and VS!
ington streets, $a!-:
people cordially invited to :
F. P. WILLIAMS, formerly with Marii
General Grocery Store !
We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, !
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akes life more pleasant and
cheers the heavy heart,
1 i
rings good fellowship to all
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ndows existence with hopes
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estores man to fulness' of
strength and activity.
In Choosing a Gift
For Xmas
Why not give something that will
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ly during the entire year. . Any
Instrument from our unexcelled
line pianos will make the ideal
present. Edison phonographs and
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hornles8 talking machines. Sure
ly you want one of these little
wonders for Christmas.
247 N. Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon
Resident Piano Tuner, best in the State.
miiitiiumiu. tlfttttlltlimtlliu
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begins Jan. 3, Continues Four Weeks
(2tw till 12-31)
Every citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to
ancim ilo uurt courses or me Oregon Agricul
tural College, beginning January 3. Eleven dis
tinctive courses -will be offered in Agriculture
Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art, Com
merce, Forestry and Music. Every course Is
designed to HELP the student in his dally work
Make this a pleasant and profitable winter out
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For beautiful illustrated bulletin, address '
H M. TENNANT. Registrar. Corvallis, Oregon
Farmer s Business Course by Correspondence,
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Pumps, Etc.
Pulleys, Gears, Shaf ting, B
' . ' '.
Anything Made of Iron
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Front and Main Streets.
Portland, Oregon
The House of a Million Bargains
L444i4444iasiAai4aitAi a jvavaaaaa.aa.aaj
Pianos and Organs f ' Edison, Victor 2
1 1 1 -mil A
Columbia Tai
A full stock of Recorii j
. GEO, C. Will
from !,ic cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Sewing Machines j Latest Sheet fa:
Genuine needles, oil and
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machines. Sewing ma
chines rented.
Piano and Organ Sti
Violins, Guitars, J
Mandolins and B'
'"'Hiimm mMHt)MIIHH
H ! Me Hvvrt",
iloliday Round Trif
Portland . $2.00 Forest Grove . $
Orenco . $2.15. Hillsboro .
Woodburn . $ .75 Beaverton . ?H
Tickets will be sold
ber 21, 22,23, 24, 25,;
January 1.; good rew
January 2, 1912, ... j
Round trip tickets
sold to other poinst at one-
one-third fare, minimum round trip fare 50c.
Details, train schedules, etc, will befurnislw j
quest, :
Gcn'l Freight & Pass. Agt. Agent O-tW
Portland, Oregon Salem,