Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 20, 1911, Street Edition, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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(Continued from Page 3.)
being all the land In section 28 that
Is Irrigated by the Joseph Cuhna
ditch and land in cultivation. In
section 27, the northwest quarter of
the northwest quarter there Is 32.96
acres and there is 2.12 acres of or
chard, and .9 acres of grain, and 1.29
acres being leveled In the south
west quarter of the northwest quar
ter of section 27 tr-re is 2.6 acres of
alfalfa, no orchard, no grain. In the
northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 27 there Is 1.20
acres of alfalfa, 2.20 acres of or
chard, and 9.91 acres being leveled
at this time. In the southeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter of sec
tion 27 there is 15.47 acres in alfalfa,
no orchard or no grain. In the south
west quarter of he northeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of Bection 27
there 7.2 acres of alfalfa, no orchard
or no grain. This being all the land
that Is under the Joseph Cuhna
ditches, or that 1b n cultivation."
It will be observed that Canfleld's
testimony as taken and reported by
the stenographer makes hlra say, re
specting the irrigable land in the
southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section ?2: "There is .54
acres of alfalfa, no orchard and 55.5
acres of grain." As the area thus
noted would make a 40-acre tract con
tain 56.04 acres, it is very evident the
stenographer made a mistake In the
decimal point. The sum of the areas
of the irrigable land on the various
tracts as noted Is 154.23 acres In
awarding to defendant 150 Inches of
water it is believed the trial court
took the area thus computed as the
basis of the quantity reasonably re
quired for Irrigation. By moving the
decimal point one Integer to the left,
changes the 55.5 acres to 5.55, thereby
reducing the irrigable land (o 104.28
acres as the proper sum of the several
tracts. This view Is confirmed by an
examination of the map prepared by
Canfleld from his measurements of
the land which shows a very small
part of the 40-acre tract referred to
as susceptible to Irrigation.
Predicated upon the award made by
the court as apolicable to 154.23
acros, the actual area would be en
titled to 101.41 Inches, and we believe
100 inches is sufficient properly to
irrigate the defendant's land.
The determination of the lower
court will therefore be modified and
100 inches of water will be given as
the measure of the defendant's right;
but in all other respects the decree
Is affirmed.
Mr. Justice Bean took no part at
the hearing or in the consideration of
this cause on appeal.
o . ,
recalls It's for One Thing Only, and
Salem People Appreciate This.
Nothing can be good for every
thing. Doing one thing will bring success.
Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing
They help sick kidneys.
They are for backache, other kid
ney Ills.
Hore is Solera evidence to prove It
w. C. Johnston, 1021 Mill street
Salem, Ore., says: "Abut a year ago
I- had an attack of lagrlppe and upon
recovering I noticed that my kidneys
were disordered. I suffered from
pains In the small of my back, es
peclally severe at night, and when I
arose In the morning I was very
lame and sore. I became tired enal
ly, felt languid nearly all the time
and was also subject to headaches
and dizzy spells; The kidney secre
tions were irregular in passage and
otherwise unnatural. Doan's Kidney
rills were finally brought to my at
tentlon and I began their use. The
contents of the flrrt box, obtained at
Dr. Stone's Drug Store gave me great
relief and I am now in excellent
health." (Statement given March 30
On Nov. 20, 1D09, Mr Johnson said:
"The statement I gave for publication
three years ago, recommending
Doan's Kidney Pills still holds good
I will always thin)' highly of this
For Bale by all dealers. Price, 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Peilfues run not He fnr.il
by local applications, as they cannot
reacn tne diseased portion of the ear
There is onlv one war to cur. df.
ness. and that Is bv constitutional
: remedies. DeafnesB is caused by an
lnnamea condition of the mucus lining
of the eiiBtnpliInn tiihn Whan thla
tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing, and when
It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the
result, and unless the Inflnmmntlnn
can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever; nine cases
oui or ten are caused Dy catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness (caused hv
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
llall s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Portable Electric
Complete Line
$5.00 to $15.00
j 1HE next three days will be the busiest ones of this year. Let us assist you to make your
shopping and buying easier.
At this Great Store we have an assortment of Novelty articles as well as the heavier pieces
in furniture that will fill the want of any gift you desire to make to your family, relative or friend.
Besides this, they are the useful kind of gifts you ought to make, and you can obtain here "The
Best for the Least"
Fumed Wicker Rockers and Chairs, $20.00 to $35.00 I Magazine Stands ... $ 1.75 to $ 8.50
(Leather Upholstered) I
Cellarettes " . . . . 8.50 to 30.00 . Wood Rockers . 1.75 to 15.00
Shaving Cabinets : 6.50 to 12.00 I Leather Rockers .... 7.00 to 55.00
Footstools ... . . 2.00 to 6.00 1 , Reed Rockers .... 3.00 to 12.00
Shoe Boxes, leather upholstered . 4.00 1 Dressing Tables .... 12.50 to 25.00
Wicker Wood Baskets . . . 3.50 to 6.00 I Library Tables . . . . 8.00 to 37.50
Writing desks .... 8.50 to 30.00 Carpet Sweepers . . . 3.00 to 4.75
Slipper Rockers . . . . 1.75 to 8.00 Center Tables . . . . 1.75 to 12.00
Portable Electric Lamps . . 5.00 to 12.00 Book Cases . . . . ; 12.50 to 30.00
Music Cabinets .... 10.00 to 25.00 Children's Rockers . . . 1.25 to 5.50
Sewing Cabinets .... 6.00 to 19.00 Children's High Chairs . . . 1.25 to 6.50
Pedestals . . . . 3.00 to 19.00 Buffets . . . . . 18.00 to 75.00
' Piano Benches . . . .14.00 and Up China Closets . . . .. 18.00 to 40.00
Slumber Rockers , . 12.50 to 60.00 Dining Tables . ... 7.00 to 50.00
Morris Chairs . . . . 12.50 to 40.00 I Dining Chairs . . . . 1.00 to 6.00
Library Table Book
Pay a visit to our
Art; Room.
You will find some
thing of interest.
As low as 50c up
to $10.00.
Ir Mrinintare
Suggestions For
H 1 1 1
. : " ; - aasaw3ii!BiSs
"Salem's Greatest Furniture Store"
CWisimas Gifts
Rack Free
liraitlire Comnamr
"WTI'-Triir ill ii II I H
Your, Approval
to Every
at a
$2.50 to $9.50
Get your wife
a "New Acorn
Range." Every
one guaranteed
$28.50 to $50
ran urn i' i i ii i