Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 20, 1911, Street Edition, Image 1

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    Edition vM ylr M hi T 'rrltvffr I rtlTTTff?rftrfn ; '
VOL. XXL ' ' ' ' . L
"" BAT CH nnrnnv H'vtw.n .... ' " - ' ' '
av, nt..,uoiMi, UJMK.MIIKU 20, 101t. "
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T " w T T T I
. M ant Government Line.
Sacramento, Dec. 20. Sen-
ate joint resolution No. 9, me-
nionaiiztug congress to give the
Pacific coast the same govern-
mental steamship service from
Contracts Were Signed Last Night and Ground Will Be Brok
rnnro M?6 Ways Building Will Be of Reinforced
Wi 71 ul ?dher"innEvfy Respect--.Two Entire .Floors
S lJl,ih 0r ?. for. L Purposes, Others for
rrtn. Ru m 5 Tr Tor Stores-One of the Finest
Lodge Buildings in the State.
cally seven stories, and costing more can buy. Y
tnan iuu,uuo. it will be completed
by September 1, 1912, according to
the terms of the contract and will be
The building will be of reinforced
concrete, absolutely fireproof and of
VAH1I 1 1 J
absolutely fire nroof. Th. mn... . " ""U8U' "esign, with an abun-
the part of the Masonic fraternity
has been uder way for some time,
and would have been carried Into ex
ecution, perhaps th's year, had not
the committee In charge recommend
ed some radical changes, and the
whole Masonic fraternity been Im
bued with a determination to have
the very best, and only the best.
The contracts were signed last
night and every ove of them from
foundation to decorations, calls for
"the best there is."
The building will occupy the cor
ner of State and High, one of the
heat- and most centrally located
points In the city.
The lower floor will be .used for
stores; the second, third and fourth
floors for "office rooms and the fifth
and sixth, for lodge purposes, one to
be used as a banquet room, and It
certainly will be a fine one.
The general contract was awarded
to Bartlett, Roth & Co., of Portland,
and calls for the completion of the
bdllding by September 1, 1912. The
wiring contract was given to H. H.
Hunter & Co., and the plumbing to
Theo. M. Barr, both Salem firms.
The heating and elevator contracts
ventilation. If
will be an ornament to the city, and
will do away with the at present
most unsightly corner In the busi
ness district. The Masonic fraternity
In its varied branches, Is very strong
In Salem one of the first orders In
the number of Its members, as It
does In Its age, which Is truly vener
able, Justly entitling It to the term
used In an editorial In today's Jour
nal, "The Mother of all Orders."
The Masons are to be congratulat
ed on their new and permanent home
now assured, a home of their own,
and the city on the acquiring of an
other splendid building approaching
the sky scraper class.
There will be something doing
along about September next when the
"boys" old and young, proceed to
have a house warming.
the western port of the Panama
canal as la contemnintoH Am
the Atlantic coast, was today
unanimously concurred In by the
The resolution asks that a
government steamship line be
operated from the canal to San
Francisco and other Pacific
coast ports upon completion
the Panama canal.
Capitol, Sacramento Cal., Dec. 20.
By a vote of five to four, the elec
tion laws committee of the state sen
ate so amended the Youug assembly
bill as to require that when women
Toters register they shall declare
their age.
The minority members argued that
women In buslnesp employment often
would endanger their livl'hood by
confessing their years, and that in
case of seeking employment the wo
man voter who was registered .is be
ing 50 years old would be under a
serious handicap.
In conscience of this action, a
mlnoriy report to the senate v. Ill ask
that, for the protection of the na
tional and economic rights of women
the right to. .preserve youth and an
Income the amendment be stricken
To lift up Is better than to look
forward. Both are necessary to
a forward-moving life.
Socialist National Cou vent Ion.
Chicago, Dec. 20. The next
Socialist convAilon will be held
aa Oklahoma City,- beginning
May 12, according to announce-
ment from the national soelal-
1st headquarters here today. The
selection Is made ai the result of
a special " referendum vote
taken from all over the country.
Indianapolis Is second and Ctn-
clnnatl third choice.
Three hundred delegates are
expected to attend tne conven.
tlon. The representation will
be on the basis of one delegate
at large from each state, nd
one. delegate to each 400 Soelal-
lsts paying due Into the organ-
To show you the finest line of Xmas
Footwear found anywhere.
Reinhart's Shoe Store
11 o
ny o sue
who will call at the Journal
office and pay $2.00 on
their subscription we will
give absolutely
One Copy of HAMMOND'S
This Offer Absolutely Closes
January 1. 1912
Steam Schooner . Fort Braaa.
Near San Francisco, Almost
Wave That Broke Over Her.
Hem Were Calm When Kudilenly the
Mnter Wave Nwcpt Out of the
Darkness and Jlroke ' Over the
Hrher, Sunulim H-r Cabins
and Bulwarks, and Currying Away
the Smoke Htack IVobaltly Was
Caused by KHrilMiiake.
M A IP"!
mm or hill
m. mm mm -.
W m UN
She Is "Going Some."
Canton. 111., iw in 1 a
grandmother at 29 year, moth-
er of eight children and Bister-
In-law to her own daughter 1
the record held today by Mrs.
William Golden. She was mar-
Tied when 13 vears old tn Henrv .a.
' J T
Bird. Bird died and In July,
1910, Mrs. Bird and her eldnnt
daughter, then 14 years old,
married Floyd and William
Golden, brothers.
. Mrs. Golden's youngest chil
dren are twins, born last Satur
day. Her grandchild Is six
months old.
Witnesses Saw Harvey Leave the Train the Night of' the
Murder and Go Toward Delks House, Where the Axe With
Which the Murder Was Committed Was StolenHis Moth
er Murdered, It Was Thought by a Son Who Suicided
His Father Murdered Shortly After Deeding Property to
His Sons Girl Found Outraged and Murdered Near Their
Portland. Dec. 20 After arrest-
views from Hon. Geo. J. Cameron.
iouih utiviuvT, ailU riUU, IV, L.. I " -v- --.b.i micfli.
Stevenr., sheriff of Multnomah tonn-i'ns J. 'Nathan Harvey, suspected of
... 1 . p , I tha fflll .., . . .l ... .11 1 . . .
iy, 111 wnicn it u staien mar y. v. 1 """" i .iueuwaiu iasi
Hawki is a fair Bample of the pr0-lJune' th herllt said he had proof
ducts cf Governor West's well-oiled tnat Harvey came to Portland the
Parole machine." As will bo Been the da7 following the Hill murders and
article was fi'se and mlsleadlnc. It Vacei a mortgago of 20,000
wag stated that 'he had served i.fcout
a year when Governor West re-
lennerl him 'mi nnmla 1 Tha .i.r...l
by TremendQUS jRDOWS thttt he as released from re-
m I hnpHnff until if I. to 1 m mi.haIa
during Ue laHt days of the adminis
tration of A't ng Governor B.iwcv
inan. "Thla administration had no
knowledge of Hawks' ever having
been In the penitentiary. When he
was arrested In Multnomah count v
recently, no Multnomah county offll
clals notified this office of the fact
that he was either a paroled con-vlct-or
that he had" violated' his par
ole. "The statement that a paroled
prisoner must be convicted over
again before his parole la re
voked la not In accordance with the
law, for ample authority Is given
under the statutes for the revoca
tion of a parole, as had been re
peatedly demonstrated ' since the
enactment of the parole law several
years ago. ' "
Ioxitid pins Uiiid wins J
San Francisco, Dec. 20 Battered
and smashed by a heavy wall - of
water, the steam schooner Fort Bragg
rs laid up for repairs In port here to
day, and will not put to sea again (or
two weeks.
The Fort Bragg was bound for
Eureka, In charge' of Captain Ahls
trom who was making his first trip
in the vicinity with six passengers
aboard besides the crew. In the
darkness a wall of water 40 feet
high suddenly rushed down upon
the vessel, completely overwhelm
ing It. Cabins were smashed, bul
warks carried away, the smoke
stack wrecked, the engine and din
ing rooms flooded and the hurri
cane deck swept clear of everything
movable. No one was Injured. The
Fort Bragg beat about, all night in
the heavy sea, making port today.
roim,.M ovkii oxk I'.v-
Receiving advices that W. C. Oitj
son, who was granted a conditional
pardon by liowerman when he was
acting governor, had violated It. and
also that J. F. Hawks, who was given
a parole by ex-Governor Chamber
lain, had broken Its terms, Acting
Governor Olcott today revoked both
of them.
Gibson was sentenced to a term of
15 years In the penitentiary for rob
bery. He was recently arreted for
larceny, but Is now out on bonds.
i Hawks was given an (nd'-termlnat
sentence In the penitentiary for the
larceny of a home. He was arrested
recently In Portland on a minor
In speaking of the parole of the
latter, Ralph Watson, private secre
tary to the governor said:
"The at'ention of th's oflW na
beert called to an article In the
Evening Teh-artm of December
19th, Included In which are Int -r-
Dellingliam, Wash., Dec. 20 --In a
fist Bght with his partner,. K'ibert
Johnson at Anacortes, . !hh night,
Alex Austin, proprietor of Wilson's
Cafe, fell Inscnxlble to the concrete
floor of his establishment from a ter
rific, blow on the point of the Jaw
and died this morning without regain
ing consciousness.
Johnson has been placed under ar
rest pending the mult of th,e coro
ner's Inquest this afternoon. The en
counter between the two men was
brought nbout by a dispute over the
dlvl i;n of the receipts uf the cafe,
In v hich tliey were equal partners,
liotli iren became heated In language,
epltl;eti were exchpnged and finally
blows. It Is bi'llevcd tliut Austin's
death In due more to the force with
which hlM bend wa" sent against the
concrete floor than to the blow Itself.
Both men are prominent In Skagit
county affairs. Their homes are at
AiiKtin leaves a widow. Johnson
alinoHt rollapMed when told of the
death of his partner.
Chicago, Dec. 20 Announclnf that
the government hud In It pogseHxIon
the minutes of secret meeting held
by the directors of the Natlonel Pack
ing company, and charging that
some of tlte meetings of the board
constituted conspiracy, t'nlted States
Attorney W'llkersnn continued today
his argument against the beef jaron
In the government prosecution here.
Wllkeraon declared that the min
utes now In the government po
eKnlon bur tb. signature of Presl-
against his farm. Sheriff Mas as
serts that It la his belief that thla
was done to provide funds for his
defense In case he wero arrested or
accused of the crime. Suspicion
was not directed against Harvey for
10 days after the murder.
Furthermore Mass asserts that he
has proof that Harvey was In Port
land on the night of June 8 and
that he took - the lust , train for Ar
denwaid tliat night'! which brought
hhn to the station at 12:25. The
murdera were committed a few
minutes after thlB hour , Mass as.
Witnesses have been found who
saww Harvey leave the train ' that
night and walk In the direction of
the Delk house, where the axo was
A serleg of crimes has followed
the Harvey family throughout the
present goneratloa. Nearly every
member of the family who has died
within the last 20 years, met vlo
tent Deaths, and In two cases
least, the authorities assert, tuapl
clou pointed toward Harvey,
Sheriff Mass said unexpected.
velopmenta yesterday made Uar
vey'n arrest necessary. He declined
to gay what the development wnre.
' Harvey expressed no nurprlae
when ho was taken Into custody,
He accompanied the officers quietly
and refused to talk beyond remark
ing. "I ought not to be heri,"wben
he was placed In a cell.
Fifteen years ago Harvey'i moth
er was murdered by the accused
man's brother, who committed tuil
clod In the same room wliore the
suspected . murderer was retvdlng
when the officer arrested him,
In Iowa Harvey's father wit
kllld the day after he had deeded
over his property to hi bob.. N.
than, now undr arrest, and Dan.
Nullum, It U said, was supeotd.
Seventeen year ago, Manila
Welch, an 18-year-old girl, wmi out
raged and murdered In a itrawbpr.
ry patch adjoining the Harvey
home. Her body was drazwd
across the road where It wai found
th next day.
dent Tllden of the Nntlonal, company.
The beef trust, Wllkerson declared.
Is responsible for he high cost of
living. He concluded his argument
shortly before noon.
Announcement wis then made that
the opening . statement for t.ie d
fense will be made by Attorney
George Buckingham, counsel for
l-oiils Swift, this afternoon.
New York, Dec. 20. Holding that
Referee Kolley permitted I!plon Sin
clair, author of the "Jungle" and
noted American novelist and voclal-
Ist worker, to exceid legal limita
tions In testifying relative to the re
lations between Mrs. Blnclnlr and
Harry Kemp, the "tramp" poet, su
preme court Justice Davis today re
fused to confirm the referee's n com
mendation that Sinclair be given a
divorce, and denied the motion for a
The "Cherry City riob".
Salem's select social set, the "Cher
ry City Club," met In the hall room
of the Marlon hotel last evening for
the second of their big social affair.
The room was beautifully decorated
with red Christina bells and holly.
Stepping to the time of soft low mu
sic, the smartly gowned wonw and
faultlessly dressed men mad n pret
ty scone, and every ona bad a moat
enjoyable time. Halom's "m" con
sists of about 70 members, but itiuny
friends were entertained luKt even
ing and when the hour aped i round
to closing time, many remained ton
served with a dainty mipper In the
grill rooms.
It Is the Intention of th :lub to
have such it fete each month until
the close of the season, and iu auc
ceHsful have prevlo'v entertainment
been that friends and member of the
organhutlon are beginning to look
forward to each affulr with eve
greater expectations.
Practical Men Wan
Practical Things
Give him something he can use
every day-something he can wear.
We've a store full of things a man
It will be easy to please if you buy
your goods here.
We issue merchandise orders.
Salem Woolen Mill Store
Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing