1 i i i i i 4 i! THE Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One Kit a word for flrtt Inaertlon. One-half cent a word for earb SS thereafter. No adTertleeoient take for lm tbiui c Ceuat six wordi to the llo. . . AUCTIOSEEB. JOHN GREMMELS, general auction- ad nt T11ArhanillA i . . . - --.vauiM uousenoia goods, livestock, real estate and farm lands. Sales booked any where. Reasonable figures. Twen ty years experience. 638 state street Phone 636. Residence 1356 9-9-tf BAKERIES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest gTade bread and ps tries. Wedding and party orders specialty. We make dally deliveries 319 N. Commercial, phone 903; or 12th and Chemeketa, phone 961. 1-7-U BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other ")read, yet the price is no higher. Tor sale at your grocer's. California Bak ery. Thomra ft Cooley, Props. BUSINESS CARDS. PIANO TUNING Lutellus L. Wood, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 608. Shon. ssn N. Winter street 2.2-lyr CAERIAGE TRIMMING AJfD PAISTS F. W. BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full line' of Masurey's house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial. 12-1-tf CHINESE PHYSICIANS. JAY KING Our remedies are com posed of the choicest roots, herbs and barks and are sure to cure to stay cured. All chronic diseases of men and women a anerlairv if n cannot tell, send for symptoms' 1.1. ..1 T.. T-( ( uiauo. ga; aju(, uare COW WO Drug Co., 167 S. High St, Salem, Or. 8-25-tf CLEANING AND PRESSING. JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladles' silks, laces and . glove given special attention. Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. We are cleannrj and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlors 323 Center street. Phone Main 2044. 9-22-tf ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE. H. H. HUNTER Electrical supplies and wiring our specialty. We will . give you an estimate on your wlr-' lng and electrical work. Our work is guaranteed; h -e rural tele phones. Office and supply room 12! South Commercial street. ' 6-29-tf FOUNDERS. SALEM IRON WORKS Shand ft Marcus, proprietors. Front and State street. Iron and brass cast ings, lire hydrant, hop bulers, saw mtli machinery, etc. Phone 909. 8-26-tf GERMAN AND FRENCH TEACHER. GERMAN and French teacher Mr. P. i Schwabe, good experience In teach-. lng. Single or ln classes. Moder ate terms. Address, 1156 South Thirteenth street. 10-25-tf HAIR DRESSING. SCALP AND SKIN SOCIALIST Hair dressing, manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Combings bought and made up. We make a ; specialty of hair dyeing. Miss Oral Poage, rooms-318-319 U. S. Bank j bide. S-7-lm INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. PIANO LESSONS Mr. P. Schwabe, fmlnAit In Rarlin HprmnnV. ftXDerl- I ence ln teaching. Moderate terms, j Address 1156 South Thirteenia street. 10-25-tf JUNK DEALERS. jttmw nnAiuBS Mtehest rirlce raid paid for cast Iron and all kinds of . metals. Hides, pelts and furs bought Oregon Junk Shop, 430 j Court street Main 399. 8124-tf LIVERY STABLE. POSTOFFICE LIVKRY and Sale Stable. Second hand vehicles of all kinds sold. Best of turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable. Tor anything in livery and board ing, call or "phone Main 188. B. F. Gillian. Proprietor. Ferry street LAUNDRI. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial street Phone 1158. Hop Vtf LIQUOR BOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTB Tine wiaes, Uquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beer ' constantly on draught South Com mercial Street If you want anything say o in the JourvaL sad get It CLASSIFIED AD SECT LIQUOR HOVSES (Continued) FAMILY LIQUOR Btor-AU stand ard brands of liquorB kept ,n stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot- u" m Free delivery ln the -.. .iioii k. Eckerlea. 206 N. vAimmerciai street MASSAGE PARLORS. MEDICATED PLASTIC CASTS The latest French method of removing " , impie ana wrinkle Call at the Banitary Beauty Par- InPfll Cam. .ft r-. . iwuui xv. oteeves Block. . i-4-a MECHANO THERAPETJTIST AM) DR. H. H. SfnvriT fr! rtTuu" ana Suggestionist tmea m salem, July, 1901 Treats chronic and acute diseases.' u.o ami resiaence, 267 Uberty street. Phone 1332. Consultation lrBe- 9-20-tf VOCAL INSTRUCTION." VOCAL INSTRUCTION Mr- m,. beth Hoyt Ayer, pupil of Karleton aacKett, of Chicago. Voice plac "8 a specialty. Studio, 150 N. r.iBieentn street Telephone Jllun 21ai- 12-12-lmo KEW A .VP SECOND-HAND GOODS HIGHEST price paia for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete of above articles ln town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 Bonth Commercial St 8-25-tf KUBSEKIES CLEAN NURSERY STOCK-Large variety of all kinds of fruit and or namental trees and shrubs. Fruit land Nursery Co., Asylum road, S uiiien east or Baiem. R F D. 6 Box 87. Phone Farmers 23X-2 . 7-29-tf ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO. Gar den seeds of all kinds in season. Large stock fruit, ornamental trees. Contract landscape work for city or suburban home. Office, salesyard, 491 Court St, Main 937, Farmers M- 8-25-tf OSTEOPATH. DR R. W. WALTON, Osteopathic phy sician; acute and chronic diseases treated; consultation free. Office rooms 12 and 14 Breyman block. Phone 195L 8-25-tf OSTEOPATHY. DR. B. H. WHITF Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate of the Americas School of Osteop athy, Kirksville, Mo., post-graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases Consultation free. Lady Attendant. Office 605-506 U.' S. National Bank BIdg. Phone 859. Residence 346 North Capitol street. Fhone.469 PAINTERS, PAPBiv HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first-class work done. I D. Driver, tl7 North Capitol street, Salem, Ore. Phone 926. 6-26-tf. PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BAR Plumbing, hot water and steam besting and tin nlsg, 164 Commercial St Phont Main 192. 9-1-1 yr. OTTO MUELLHAUPT PI am blag seating, gas fitting; prices rea sonable; work guaranteed; est!, nates furnished. Phene 371 1966 Chemeketa street 4-1 7-U F1NLAY ft REYNOLDS Plumbing, heating and general repairing; water pipe and sewer connections. Estimates fi rnlshed free ea any of your work. Phone H0; 32$ Center street -10- KAUFMAN & BROWN, 270 Chemek eta street Phone 947. Plumbing, tinning and general jobbiig; pumps, tanks and windmills. Warm air heating (our motto). Best work at reasonable prices. Let us figure with you. 12-7-tf PORTLAND HOTELS. NEW MATTHIESEN HOTEL Cor ner Front and Columbia, at Ore gon Electric depot. Steasi heat, net and cold water in all rooms. Open day and night Rooms 69, 75 and $1. Also Hotel Harrison, 401 to 407 Front street. Jahn Matthie sen, proprietor both houses. ia-i- SIGN PAINTERS. DORRANCE, the sign man Air brush, show cards and banners. Bulletins and wall signs. Auto and carriage painting. 260 Chemeketa street RESTACrtANTS. BETTER than the best beat it Scott's 30 cent dinner for 20 cenu; 11:00 a m. to 7:30 m Board, $3.60 per week. 1.9 South rnmmerclal. Phone 4tl BISMARK RESTAURANT 184 Com mercial street near eTTf?. First class servica Bert meal in city. 20 to 25 centa Schneider Lehman, proprietors. - Journal Want Ads Bring Rstalti DAILY CAPITAL' SPIRELLA CORSETS FITTED. tSent, CORSETS - Measures taken by Alice A. Mtles, noe Leslie street, at home Thursday af ternoon. Phone loss. U-23-tf rofXLVQ AND ROOFTXar .7. V TOXER-Hot Lj ?1HaA nng wrlce or of all kind 188 South Uberty street eh- ?,00- on wnYraS. atUl ' SlTen' AJl k w UPHOLSTERIXQ, RENOVATING" B. MERRY ft CO.-Vacuum car-! pwi cleaning, on or oft the floor; carpets altered and laid; mat tresses made and renovated; fur niture re-covered; shades and awn ings mads and altered. Northeast corner Court and High streets. Phone 668. 7-22-tf HOUSE CLEANING ror the holidays ouuu Biarx. Mave your jurnt. ture and upholstering work attend ed to by men who know how All work guaranteed. E. L. Stiff, cor ner Court and Liberty. Phone 941. 9-21-lmo REED ft ZWICKER rwt. T( carpet and feather renovatlig plant In city. Power vacuum cleaning. Matresses remade and upholster ing. Furniture repaired. Work Suaran,te,ed- Works Fourteenth nuuur, rnone 1164 8-81-tf UNDERTAKERS LEHMAN ft CLOUGH n. J. Th man, A. M. Cough; morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profewlon employed 445 Court street 9.20-tt T. RIGDON, undertaker and em- oauier, zoii worth High street, op posite city hall First class ln ser vice, equipment and stock. Lady assistant when desired. Only un dertaker who has commodious apartments purely on residence j Plan. 5-12-tf. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade sta corner Commercial and Trade Sts. or water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House block, 484 Court street 10-5-tf. WIRIXG, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE and SuddIv Co. 130 North Liberty street Elec tric contracting, inside wiring, supplies and fixtures. Telephone Main 263. 12-11-tf WOOD AND OOAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under shelter. , I handle Kopiah coal, and Imported British Colum bia Wellington coal, the best on the Pacific coast Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned and in the dry. Satisfaction guar anteed. See my stock. 752 Trade street, or phone 529. Mark Slddall. FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. Sole agents for tie famous Rock Springs coal and Ue Wash Silver lump. Cord wood and. mill wood lalengtas to suit, ReaMsable prloea. Prompt delivery. Main offloe 271 North Conmerclal street. Phese IIS. l-2-tf CAPITAL FUEL CO. J. J. O'Nell, proprietor. All k'nds of coal. Sole agents for the famous Rock Springs coal. AH kinds of wood cut to order. Yard opposite S. P. passenger depot Phone 210. 12-4-tt LOUGH DIRECTORY. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. 8. Regular meetings first rnd third Tuesdays. Masonlo Hall. Mrs. McCauley. W. M.; Ida M. Baeeock. wrauirv WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:39 o'clock in Holman Hall fieo. H. Deacna, C. C; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk. 1-10-09 MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ln Holman HalL W. E. Vincent Consul; F. A. Turner. Clerk. 8ALXM LODGE KO. 4, A. F. ft A it, State communication oi flrtt Friday in each month at 7:1 t m., la Masonic hall, MeCoraarr block. James Plant, W. M.; John Bayne, se retary. A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge No. 2 meets every Monday even ing at 8:00 p. m, ln Holman Hall, corner State and Liberty Sts. B. P. Donaldson, M. W. D. P. Wright, Recorder. 5-21-tf SALEM HUMANE 80CKETT D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Ttlson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for Investigation. JOURNAL. OREGOy, LODGE DIRECTORS (Cob tinned.) SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets ln Hurat Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome. F. A. Myers. master. Zella B. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 0. A F. A A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. Wilson, W. It, Lot L. Pearce. sec retary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP ter No. 1. Maionle ball second Friday of each mcnth, at 8 p. m. M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest Lot L. Pearce, Secretary. 7-9-tf UNITED .ARTISANS Capital As sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening ln I. O. 0. V. Temple, Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, M. A, S. R. Vail, secretary, 158 S. Cottage street Phone 1214. LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE. Cherry City Lodge No. 49S. meeu every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. ln I. O. O. F. Temple, corner Court and High streeU. D. R. Yantls, DIcU tor; H. H. Turner, secretary, 135 S. Commercial street. MISCELLANEOUS. ARE YOU RUPTURED, I make and fit trusses of my own. Inven tion that will cure ruptures of five years' standing. Tils Is no hum bug Prices reason tie. Exam ination free. Satisfaction guaran teed. Albert Moore, 90 Oak street. 11-2 3-1 m P.EAL ESTATE. FOR SALE About three acres closo to R R. station, choice soil, wat ered by spring brook, small house, barn, chicken hose, good assort ment of fruit Price, U.OOO; half cash. The Squaw Deal Realty Co. Room 304, U. S. National Bank building. Phone Main 470. Uno c.,w v ' 7 lF0R ALE or owner 7-room mod em house, lot 75x150, at 162 West uncoin street, Falrmount Park; grand view of mountains and cltv. Two large porches, bath, toilet hot water, stationary tubs; everything convenient This la a bargain at $3,000 for short time only. Did ask $3500. Terms. Don't miss this. 12-9-lmo TEN ACRES Only miles from center or town, -mue from car line. Nice little four room house, almost new. Fire acres under fine cultivation. Small orchard of all kinds of fruit Price $3,000. Terms, if desired, on part of price. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Commer ' cial street 11-15-tf FOR SALE 10 acres close In for $2300. Five acres of this ln 4-vear. old fruit trees. Small house, chick en house and fine well. Only about 2V4 miles south of center of town. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 8. Commer cial street , 11-25-tf FOR SALE -208 acre ln Lincoln county. 65 acres bottom land; 25 under cultivation. On good road four miles from railroad and one half mile to school. Good house and barn. Wagon farm Imple ments and rcw boat go with this place. Price $4500. a. Hofer ft 8ons, 213 S. Commercial Btreet, 11-21-tf FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUSE And three lots os Eighteenth street juBt off from State. Woodshed and garage combined. Price $2250. House aand one lot for $1600. Terms, $800 cash and $15 a month. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 9. Commer cial street 12-7-tf FOR SALE Five room house, barn, woodhouse, etc., on good corner on Capitol street Two lots 65x150 each. Large fruit trees. On street car line. Prlca $1450, which In cludes all street and sewer assess ments. Half casb. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Coniernrcla! street 12-7-tf FIVE ACRES Nicely improved. near car line, good 6-rom house, barn 16x24. Fine well. 100 fruit trees( all fenced. Pice $2500. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 South Comra r clal street. 12-15-tf FOR RENT We hae a 6-room bouse with city water and electric lights, good garden, woodshed and large chicken house, with chicken corral for $10 a month.unfur nlshed, or $15 furnished. Location South Sixteenth atreet. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 South Commercial street or phone Main 1152. 12-1 4-tf ELLIS ft WOOD neal estate loans sad InsuraBce, notary pub lic, employment bureau, Phone E54. 471 Court St, Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office) HamburgAmer lean steamship lines. 1 1-1-1 yr. FOR SALE Lot, three room new house, woodshed and pantry, six blocks from carllne. Price, $400, $100 casb. Balance easy monthly payments. Add real John Van Laanen, Fair Grounds, Oreg. 12-1 5-3t Dr. Miles' Anti-fain Pills for sciatica. MONDAY, PECEMBEK 18, I8U. I OK REAL ESTATK (Continued.) FOR SALE 160 acres 8 miles south ui Newport ana h mile from Bea ver Creek. Fine soil and best kind oi aairy iana. rrlce, $10 an acre E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commer cial street Phone 82. 11-27-tf FOR SALE Small house and two lots ln West Salem. Good location. Price, $675. Only $275 down. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street 11-15-tf $$2750 For a strictly modern story and a half shingled bunga low, one-half block off State street and two lots 50x180, east front E.' Hofer Sons, 213 South Commer cial street 12.2-tf FOR SALE One bay horse, weight 1325, price $160; one horse 12 years old, -weight 1100, price $60; transfer wagon, good as new, cost $250. Will take $100. would make flrst-class fruit or vegetable wagon; als set of doub'ie work harness. A. O. Petenon, 2395 Maple street, Highland. 12-15-3t FOR BALE. FOR SALE Larre) sodv fir. nak grub and ash. Now taking orders for summer deliyery. Phone 1417 or 1283. Downing ft Eoff. 4-29-tf HORSES FOR SALE Good ltverr. delivery or express jam matched grays 6 and 7 years old. Price $100. Also some other horses and mares. 803 Broadway street 11-8-tf FOR SALE OR RENT A nice five room cottag-e near the high school on Church street. Inquire of F. X. Albrlch. 12-16-lw FOR SALE Six R. C. R. I. R. cock erels, beet stock, took premium at recent poultry show. Also have eggs for setting from stock that took first premium at last state fair. Inquire at 2398 Trade street. 12-16-3t FOR SALE Well ksown suburban store, with 12 years established business; including 2 lota 66x132 and good 7 room houBe, barn and woodshed. Store fixtures includ ed. Street assessments paid. Own er must sell on account of health. Price $3500. Stock, if wanted, goes at Invoice. E Hofer ft Sons, 213 8. Commercial street 12-12-tf FOR RK.TT. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep . ing rooms. Phone 1538. 356 South Seventeenth street 12-ll-2wks FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, basement, bath, eloctrlo light, all modern Improvements, 485 South Commercial street. 1 2-15-3t FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms. 143 South Thirteenth street 12-15-3t ROOMS for, housekeeping, $8.00 and up per month. 697 North Liberty, Phone 1044. 12-11-tf FOR RENT Six room house with modern Improvements, close In. $13 a month. If Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Commercial street 12-7-tf FOR RENT We have a nice 6-room nat ror rent; well located. Price reasonable. E. Hnfer a Ron 313 South Commercial gtr!t. 11-22-tf FOR RENT Small house and barn, also furnished rooms, 961 Mill. Phone 647. 12-16-3t PASTURAOB FOR RENT, running water. Hor, $1.50; cattle, $1.08 per moitn. Independent Market. 256 Ferry street. l-81-tf WANTED. WANTED Turkeys, ducks, geese, highest prices. Independent Mar ket, 255 Ferry street. Phone 729. 12-15-3t WANTED A young, blocky horse,' welt broke, weight about 1160. Thos. Holman. Phone Farmers' 81. 12-16-3t LOST. LOST A little girl's rain cape, at Leave at this office; 12-16-at opera house, reward. STRAYED From slaughter house. near Turner road, black sow. weight about 300 pounds; reward for Information. Indepndent Market Phono 729. 12-15-31 ft Ism, IW Imaf sW Iwiimw iinwm, tif (i imw a ti r ail. kh ' - im JtuasiWi Nesir KAsM. fcWa L IWlMrsj. ia immW tftsM will. ! p4 iVi r !. Vfm. If yssMsV tr tftraj es4 fesjrsfAssr tf Ik Sold ill S!tm fry Pr, t. C 5toM CHICHESTER S PILLS 4 b4- :ivx . . mt V m i k mm m m in r m i a m I aama " ' MARKETS. PORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain, Flotr, rW It. Wheat Export tiasls: Bluestem, SS84c; club. 79ff80c; red Russian, nfl. c; valley, 79180c; forty-fold 80c. Hour Patents, $4.50 Per barrel: straights, $4.05; exports, $3.80; Val- iey, .du: granani. $4.65; whole wneai, 14.85. iiarlev Feed. i:uw ,,. brewing, nominal. May No. 1. E. O. Timothy, $1819 vaney, iiay iis; alfalfa, $13 14; clover, $11012; grain, U12. torn Whole, $37; cracked. $38 Der ton. Mlllstuffs Bran, $23 ner ton: mid dllngs, $30; shorts. $24; rolled' bar ley. $37 38. uais new wnite, $31031.50 ner ton. Dairy and Csantry Produce. Butter City creamery, extra. 1 and 2-pound prints, in boxes. S6o Der pound; less than Boxss. cartons and 4ellvery extra. Eggs Oregon ranch, 42 He. Cheese Full cream, twins 17 He per pound; Young America, ISc. PoilltrV Hena. lllf?12v anrlnira U(g,12c; ducks, young, 1617c;' reeso. lH4Jil2i! tirltov Ht 90n. dressed, choice, 23 24c. Veal Fancy, 89 to ilS p.unds. 13013 He per pound. - Pork Fancy, 8H9o per pound. Greeerles, Snefl Tntta, t. Dried FrulU Apples, 13 & 14c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots, 1618c; peaches, 12014c; prunes, Italian, 10 11c; silver, 18c; Oga. white aid clack, H07Hoi cm, rants, 10011c; ratslns, loose kmno tel. I K 7 He; bleached Thompaw 11 Ho; unbleached Sultanas, 8 Vie, seeded, 9ttG9Ko. Coffee Roasted, in drums, 2640o per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 1616Ho per lb.; Brazil nuta. 16c; Alberta, 15o; almonds, 13lSc; pecans, 18o; aocoanuts, 0o$l per floien. Salt Granulated, $15 per ton; halt-ground, 100s, $8.60 per ton; 40s, $9 per ton. Deans Small, white, 4 He: large white, 4 Ho; Lima, t)V4o; pink, lo; rea Mexicans, ottc; bayou. 6a Sugar Dry granulated, $6.40; fruit and berry, $6.40; beet, $8.20; extra C, $5.90; powdered, barrels, $6.65; cubes, barrels, $6.80. Rloe No. 1 Japan, 4Ac; cbeanei grades, $1.60 04.55; Southern head H07o. Honey- -Choice, $.1.7 per ass atralsed, 8 He par pound, Yegetablet aaa Fmlts. Fresh Fruits Pears. KOr.fill Kft nAr dox; grapes, lliai.15 per box: Al cranberries, $12.60013 per barrel. appies jonaman, ii.bo3.J5 per box; Bplttenberg, $12,50; Baldwin, 75c$1.60: Red Cheek Plnnln tl 9Kn 1.75; Northern Bpy, $1.251.75; Win ter Banana, $23; Bellflower, $1 Tronlpal ITrlllta flnnm nauli $2.753; Valencjas, $5 per box; Cali fornia grapefruit, $3.50 4; Florida grapefruit, $5.50; bananas, 605 Ho per pound; lemons, $4 5 per box; pomegranates, $1.50 per box. Vegetables Artichokes, 90o per dozen; beans, 1012c; cabbage, lc lV4o per pound ; cauliflower, 60c$l per dozen; cucumbers, $2.60 per box; egg plant, 12 Ho per pound; garlic 8&10c per pound; lettuce, 900c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $1.25 per box; peppers, 810o per pound; pumpkins, 11Kc; radishes, 12 He Der doren: snrniitn H0nn nr nnnnd' sqush, 1V1Ho per pound; toma toes, si.70 prr Dox. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.00 per sack; turnlpa, $1; beets, $1.00. Sweet Potatoes $2.4O2.50 per crata - Potatoes New Oregon, 90c$1.20 per hundred. Onions California, $1.50 per hun dred. ' Halt, WseL Hides, Etc. Hops 1911 croD. 44046a nr poind. Weel Eastera Oregon, 9 Olio la; "alley, li(17i Mubalr Choice, 35ff37o. Hides Salted bides, lie oer dous4. salted calf, l(ll7c; salud kin. 19 He; salted stags, 6 He; greea hliu tn- dr-m lillu Ho- A rm K 19C2o; dry sUgs, 'l213Ho. Prentmias. IlaDll 10 1a 12 nniiDdn. Il(7i17n- 12 to 14 pouads, lit; 17c; 14 to II pounds, 16017c; II to 18 pouads, II ttna iklaard 17o! nli.nl.. 11 cottage roll, II He. Hacos Fancy, 26c; standard, 22c; choice, 20c; English, 17c. Dry Bait Cured rtetruiar short clears, dry salt 12 He; smoked. It He; acbks, light, salt 13c; smoked itnc ; necis. ntavr. sa t lZttc: eaiaktd. 14e: exnorta. ult. UUn: siswked, 16 Ha Smoked Meats liwf tonKuns. 76c: Irled beef swu, 22c; ouUldea, SOc; lasldes, 23c; knuckles, 21o. PlckUd Ooods Barrels, pigs feet 114; regular tripe, $10; honey comb 'wuuM, $40 tripe, $11; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' Lard Kettle rendered, tierces. 13c; tubs, 13 Vic; standard, tierces, 11 He; tubs, 9 a; shortening, tierces, 9c; tuba, 9c. Leeal TfkeUsale Karket Bran $27.00 Flour, hard wheat $4 65iQ4.(0 Flour, valley $4 00 Shorts $28.00 Wheat bushel 80c Oats, bushel 40c Hops, 1911 crop 4041c ChltUa bark 4H6c Cascara Bark 6e per lb. Potatoes, per bu 75c Hav. tlmathT ...11JM Oat and veu.h $10 00 Clover hay $9.00 Cheat hay $9 90010.00 Eatler sal Xg. Butter creamery Eggs, per' doion ..Sic ..S3e PACK EE-S Butter fat ?-- Country butter .. ..V.V.V." . ...3 ia rnmtrj. Fryers and hens 12 c Roosters ga Geese, live llo ISO 22e 13o ltic Turkey, live Turkey, dressed Ducks, live Ducks, dressed Livestock. Steers (under 1003 ib) . . . $5.60 I Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) . . 14 Sftff s CowS. 13.60 0? 14.5 ft Hog, fat 707V4o stock HQ7e Ewe e Spring lambs ii Veal, according to nualitv l. Pelts Dry, 8c; salted, countrv pelts, I5cg$l per pound; iamb pelts. IS. Best en Eartrl.', This Is the verdict nt R T i?n,uit Tracy, O., who bought Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for hla wlr "n case was the worst I have ever aeen, and looked like a sure case of con sumption. Her lungs were sore and she couched her voice was hoarse and weak. Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound brought relief At nnpA Mnrl 1ab (ham three bottlea effected & rnmnlot a cure." Without opiates or harmful drugs of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Comnnund atnna rnnirha mi ,.rQ. colds. Do not accent mr niihqtltnto H. Jorman, Red Cross u RAn.ROABS. SOUTH fclt.V PACIFIC. No. IS Ban Fraaclsco Exp.. 8:31atn. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:59am. r. ii Koseourg Fatnger .21p.tn. No. 11 Shasta I.ltnltH 7.11 No. 27 Eugene Passenger . 8:I6p.rn. No. 15 California Express. 1:66p.m. No. 218 Way Freight .... 9:50a.m. No. 121 Portlaad Fa Frt 10:i6D.m. Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express 6:15a.m. No. 14 Oregon Express K.4.tam. No. 28 Portland PtuunnirAv () m No. llShaat Limited ..12:85p!m! No. 18 Portland Pasenger. 1:66p.m. No. 29 Portland Ptunnnr 1 i)n No. UK W Er1rti 1" .'ti:'' No. 121 Portland Fast Frt. I:43a!n! OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO tesvs salem. Arrtve Pertland. Train 6. 6:39 am.. 8:30 am. Train 8, 8:65 a.m... Train 10, 11:16 a.m... ...11:00 a.m. .. 1:15 p.m. ... 4:00 p.m. . . 6:10 p.m. Train 13, 1:00 p.m... Train 14, 8:40 p.m.., Train 16, 4:00 n.m... f '00 p.ni. Train 18, 6:0S piu. p m. iram zu, :6 p.m 10:45 p.m. Arrive la Salem, Train 1 8:30 a.m. Train 3 9:60 a.m. Train 6 10:30 am. Train 7 1:00 p.m. Train 9 4:15 p.m, Train 11 s-nn m Train 15 8:35 p!m. iraia 17 11:10 p.m. o , Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leaves West Salem for: Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas and Falls City ..............1:31 and 4:36 p. m. Saaday trains ror: Dallas and Black Rock ..... .9:09 a m. asd 1:35 p. m, Trains arrive at West Balera from Dallu 1 K rv, Black Rock and Dallas. .12:30 p.' m. Falls City and Dallas ... 4.15 p.m, SALES IJiDEl'ENPESCB BOATS. Tie launches Independence and Louis will leave their wharf at the tnmt nt TmriA ItmAf fnr IndnnAndnnrA at the following hours dally except aunaay. Leaves Independence 8:30 a. m. Leaves Sulem 4:00 p. m. ' o When you have ablllous attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are excellent For tale by all deal ers. 1 o ConatlpattdT Try Dr. Mllw' Iaiatlve TullvKi n 1 Ohildron Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA O. C. T. CO.'S Steamers Pomona and Oregona leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and FrhtnY at 10 a m TiiHi1av. Thursday and Saturday at 6 a ru.; ror Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. in. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent I Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wlr fencing, Hop Wife, Barb Wire. Poultry Netting, Shin, flea, Maltaold Roofing, P. aV. B. and Ready Roofing. All at the lowest prices. I CLUS. D. MtlLIOAN 160 Court street Phone 114 68 ACRES IV miles from a good town In Polk county. 20 acres vader cultlvutioq and In crops, 40 acres of extra good Or timber, $ acres slashed and' seeded to grass. There Is a fine stream of water flows through this farm; also two good springs, family ochard, 6 room honse, S barns and 2 poultry houses. This land Is extra good garden land and has Irrigating ditches dug to Irrigate 10 acres. Price $59 per acre, $2200 will handle this farm; balance on long time. COURTER & V1CK Room 1, Ladd A Bosh Build ha.