n M j DA1LY CAPITA J0CRXAL- SAUEM. PRECOX. THTRSDAY, DECEMBER U 1011. i "ILL BE OPI,SFVFI 15 Christmas Linen Sale Fancy Drawn Work Battenburg and Japanese embroid ery pieces, Dollies, Center Pieces and large Cloths, all handsomely made and very acceptable Christ mas presents. Specially Priced for Christmas $5.00 values '. $3.99 $3.50 values $2.99 $2.50 values $1.98 $1.75 values $1.49 $1.50 values $1.29 $1.25 values $ .99 35c Dollies $ 9 Look them over. Beautiful Patterns and Quality Table Damask that can not fall to please provided you give table linens for Xmas. $3.00 values vaue !!!!!"!! :I39 l.o0 values $ J 19 jl.25 values MM !; va ues .M 1.00 values $ j4 75c values !!!!!!.'$ M 60c values !!!!!" 1(5 40c values !!!!.'!!!'.! j ia Napkins also for less. Table Sets If you have not seen our Table Sets we will be very glad to show them to you. We are Justly proud of them. Priced for Christmas $14.50 values $12.50 $13.50 values $11.50 $11.00 values $ 9.90 $10.00 values $ 7.90 on Fancy Aprons 1-3 off On our guaranteed FURS 25 to 50 percent Reduction on Women's TAILORED SUITS 10 percent Discount on Dress Goods $3.00 Sweaters $1.98 Christmas Shoppers' Memorandum Diamond Rings Watches Vest Chains Coat Chains Ladies' Fobs Gent's Fobs Neck Chains Lockets Scarf Pins Mesh Bags Umbrellas Cut Glass Silverware Plated and Solid Toilet Sets Clocks Magnifying Glasses Cuff Buttons 10 Per Cent Off on Every Article Umbrellas, Cut Glass, Mesh Bags, Silver Hollow Ware, 25 Per Cent Off Everything New Styles Unsurpassed CHAS. H. HINGES Jeweler and Optician Next Door to U. S. Bank BIdg. I STATISTICAL. MAKKIEI). D'VELL FLANNERY. At the. min ister's residence, In Salem, Ore gon, December 13, 1911, Edward Janus DeVell and Martha Flan nery. both of Marlon county, were ; united In marriage, Rev. P. S Knlgbt performing the ceremony. The young people's residence Is to be on Mission Bottom, north of Salem. , Grand Opera House. Monday, Dec. 18 SEATS SELLING SATURDAY PRICES: 50c to 12 COHAX & HARRIS' MASSIVE PRODUCTION OF WIXCHELL SMITH'S COMEDY IKllira The Fortune Hunter With FRED SIBLO and the Original Company, including MISS JOSEPHINE COHAN. Sow playing In Portland. Read ivlmt the papers say about this wonderful performance NEW YORK FIRST TO BE CAPTIVATED! Read what the pnners said : Best written, and delightful comedy of the season. Herald. Brought chuckles from the rise of the cirtala. Sun. Continuous rapid fire of laughter. Weld. New York tas rarely seen a better play. Journal. Cleverest of American come dies. Times. It Just bubbles with laugh ter. Commercial. Clean, wholesome and de lightfully acted.-Telegram. Most arousing play of the season. Mall. CHICAGO NEXT TO BE ENRAPTURED! Read what the papers said: One of the' best American comedies for years. Inter Ocean. The idea Is clever and novel. Tribune. An evening of good sense and fun. Record-Herald. A delightful entertainment Don't miss this play.-Amerl-can. Everything points to a long run for this delightful play. Newa. You can't sit it out without deciding to turn over a new leaf. Tournal. A vindication of public taste. Post A play you can t forget Ex aminer. COHAN . HA,, .--V-T nor will not, send oui auy - K"-.-'1' "" - - tomedles on the American stage. F. L. WATERS, DIED. HECKMAN At the family home at Seventeenth and Bellevue streets, Wednesday, December 13, 1911, at 7:30 p. m., H. Heckman. Funeral announcement later. REISER At the Oregon state hos pital Wednesday, December 13, 1911, at 2:30 a. m., Jacob Reiser. The remains were sent to Orenco yesterday for Interment. PUTNAM At he home at Independ ence!, last evening, Mrs. Nancy Putnam, aged 79 years. She is survived by five sons, W. P., of Montana; J. H., of Fossil; J. B., of this city; W. N., of Independ ence, and Marion, of Polk county. The funeral announcement later. PERKINS At her home on South Sixteenth street, last evening, Mrs. Hannah Perkins, aged 65 years. Her husband died o'O .November 23 of this yer( and grief over.hls 'death hastened the end. She leaves to sur vive her Mrs. Edna" Shaw. Mrs. Iva Shaw, Rex Perkins, of Portland, and Alonzo Perkins ',of this city. The funeral will be held from the chapel of the Rigdon Undertaking company at 3 o'clock Friday after noon. Rev. Bowersox, of Portland, will officiate, and interment ."will be made in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. No. 66. lt'prt of the Condition of The Turner State Bank, at Turner, in the state of Oregon, at tho close of business December 5,. 1911: Resources. Loans and discounts ....$20,579.09 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 28.71 Bonds and warrants .... 1,231.35 Stocks and other securities 15.00 Banking house 3,281.90 Furniture and fixtures... 1,667 02 Due from banks (not reserve banks- . 2,290.81 Due from approved re serve banks . . . 24,546.44 Chocks and other cash ' . Items . . . 61.13 Cash on hand 3,643.31 Total : . . .'. 'VV. 57,344.76 ' Liabilities. Capital stock paid In ... $10,000.00 Undivided profits, les sex- penses and taxes paid 126.87 Individual deposit subject to check . . . , 46,499.49 Certified checks 718.40 Total $57,344 76 State of Oregon. '" County of Marion, ss: I, H. R. Crawford, cashler of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above staetment Is true to the best of my knowledKe and belief. H. R. CRAWFORD. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of December, 1911. H. L. EARL, Notary Public CorrectAttest: THOS- EDWARDS, S. M. ENDICOTT, Directors The man who leans on somebody else will sooner or later find himself in the mud. Piles Cared In Six to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles in six to 14 days. 50 cents. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Die Kind YotiHavs Always Bought Bears the Signature PERSONALS. J. H. Albert, the well-known bank er made a business trip to Portlaud yesterday, accompanied by his wlfn, C, K. Spauldlng, the lumber man, went to Portland yesterday on busl. ness. Kittle Harboard. Salem's lady mTn ber o fthe staet board of pharmacy, is visiting in Portland. O. P. Hoff, state labor commission er, Is in Portland on business Mr. and Mrs. H. Henderson and children are visiting In the city, from Rostsland, B. 'C. Leo Block, representing tho Na tional Conservatory of Music, has been spending fveral days looking over the Capital City, and will start teaching here In a short lme. Mrs. Wm. Hoppe, who lives north of Rickreall, was visiting In the city yestedray. John Brakke, of Lyle. Wash.. Is i hooking over Salem and other part ef the Wlllametet valley, from a business viewpoint. R. B. Wlnslow, of Dallas Is regis tered at he Marlon. R. A. Campbell and son, of Sheri dan, are visiting fa Salem. John Cupp, prominent logger of Jefferson, Is a guest at the Marlon H. Overton. Woodburn's popular city attorney, was a bushns9 visitor In the city yesterday. Airs. A. Kawson and Mrs. N. P. Rawson, of Portland; are guests at the Marion. Mrs. George Potter, who lives in Polk county's beautiful hills, was shopping In the city yesterday. Bill Townsend. station agent for th Corvallls & Eastern, returned yesterday from a pleasant visit to his Spring Valley farm. Mrs. Wayne Henry and Mrs. L. Purvine, wives of prosperous Spring Valley farmers, were shopping in the city yesterday. Mr. C. J. Selbel, of Sublimity, has been In the city for some time, at tending his wife, who recently under went a severe surgical operation. J. D. Thomas, of SUverton, came In after a piano for Mr. Rice yester day. Mr. Paul Larden and sister. Miss Roda, well-known young people of Pratum. were in the city shopping yesterday. Mrs. Hal Sheton, of Howell, was visiting In the city yesterday. A. M. Patrick, a prosperous Polk county farmer, spent Wednesday In the city on business. Mrs. Walter Lehman, of SUverton, was visiting In the city yesterday. John Anhock, a young Turner farme was in the city yesterdny, looking up a team of horses. Mrs. Clark and son w-ore In the city from Rosedalo yesterday. George Wltheral, grain farmer, liv ing eight miles south of town Is is the city. Philip Evendeon and wife of Ger vais, are guests at the Salem. Etta Olverson, of Fruttland, Is vis iting In the city. Ray Sanders and n'ifo, of Indepen dence, are registered at the Salem. J. N. Flock, of Falls City, is a guest at the Salem. W. H. Robinson, of Oregon City, Is a city visitor. H. T. Bruce, successful farmer liv ing some distance north of the city, is registered at the Bllgh. J. K. Humboit, superintendent of the state rock crusher at work east of town, is a guest at the Bllgh. H. 8. Rees, of Corvallls, who is in terested in the construction of the Oregon Electric south, is In the city. Jaa. E. Baxter, superintendent of a Black Rock sawmill, IB In the city, K. C. Eldridge, proprietor of the Independence Creamery, Is In the city on business. ' Mrs. Patrick, wife of a prosperous Independence farmer, is visiting In Salem. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williamson, well known residents of McCoy, are visiting relatives In the city. Charley Thomas, the North Salem wood ' dealer, is smiling present prices are the cause. Mrs. E. J. Hamer, wife of the prom inent Eola farmer, is visiting in the city. Miss Lillian Montgomery, daughter of the well known feed store man, of Independence, is visiting la the city A. A. Zlelesch, of Rickreall, brought his two-year-old daughter to the city today for medical treatment Will Taylor, the ' prominent horse dealer of McMInnvllle, Is In the cii? on business. Mars. John Walling, wife of the prosperous Lincoln farmer, is shop ping In the city. Mr. Bradley, of Pratum, is a busi ness visitor. Carl Russ drove in from the moun- WOOD BIG REDUCTION until Xmas. We will sell Mill Wood $1.75 per Load in 5 Load Orders, and $2.00 per Load for single toads The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Office Front and Ferry. Phone Main 1830 MMMMMIMtttt .liinAtii.i.t ffi.ii USE SAGE AND SUL PHUR AND HAVE HEALTHY HAIR Osier Isn't the only man who turns down old age. In the business world the young man" Is always the one who picks the plums. It Is an age of "new thought", "new talent," etc., and the old man Is. passed, by in the race. One of the first signs of coming age Is the appearance of gray hairs. When you see them, act promptly. Wyeth's Hugo and Sulphur Hair Rem edy will correct this sign, which so often deceives people Into thinking that age Is really upon them. It Is a well-known fact that Sage and Sulphur will darken the hair. Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur combines these old-time remedies with other agents, which remove dandruff and promote the growth of the hair. The manufacturers of this remedy authorize the druggists to sell It un der guarantee that the money will be refunded If It falls to do exactly as represented. Don't look old before your time. Get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur today and see what an im provement It will make In the ap pearance of your hair. This preparation is offered to the public at 0 cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all drug gists. Special Agent, J. C. Perry. o . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A MtlHitttHtM The Straight Forward Business Methods Followed persistently by us during the past tweuty years In Sa lem have gained for us the confidence of the eutlre community. We have carefully avoided the plan of advertising followed so gen erally by merchants nowadays of making exaggerated statements of values and ottering imaginary reductions. There Is every reason to believe that a merchant who will misrepresent In his advertising will misrepresent In his store. We may be a litle "old-fashioned" In dealing with this problem, but we. credit the buying publirt with enough common sense to kuow that calling a BO-cent article a $1.00 value and reducing It to 69c or 63c doesu't Increase the value of the article. ! i ReliableMerchandise Sold at the lowest possible price consistent with efficient store ser vice is what we ifftr you. We consider QUALITY FIRST lu buying. That's why our goods give such universal satisfaction. Just now you will find a splendid line of Holiday Ncjveltie On our counters. . Articles esptclally suitable for Christmas presents: Everything is marked in plain figures at prices figured on the spot cash plan. ' We are glad to see that so may are buying practical presents. Your friends will appreciate a pair of shoes, a suit of clothes, a suit of undorwear, a pair ,ot blankets, or any of the many articles of every, day use which they need. While you have caBti to Bpend, trade at ., t a?) 1 AJars'sied' (oaAis OOWS I Our store closes as usual at 6:30 every evening excepting Saturday IAS . S i tains today with a load of chlttem bark for which he received flvtf- cents per pound. Mrs. Jim Edgar, wire of the well known Polk county farmer, is Christ mas shopping In the city. Charles La Follette, fruit grower of Mission Bottom, Is preparing to win ter spray his entire orchard. John Taylor, carpenter of Kngel wood, has deserted his trade and Is movng to a farm near Albany. Dell Needham, prune grower of Rosedale, and bis wife, are In on hol iday business. I.OUIMKR ('ASK IS NEARINQ THE KND omitsd rum laincD wim Washington, Deo. 13. Senator Dil lingham, of Vermont, announced to day that all parties to the long drawn out Investigation into the election of t'nlted States William Lorlmer, of Illinois, had agreed . to bring the probe to an early end. Lorlmr prob ably will testify In the near future and the case thereafter will be rushed to a vote. Good men are bated because their lives make bad men ashaiued of themselves. ., Than a good, Juicy SUPREME 11AM T Made from young c0rn-fed hogs, cured in the most modn way. Tender 'and Juicy. Baited Just to suit the tasto. A nice niedlum-slwt ham. The same price you pay for ordinary ones 20c a pound. . NOW IS TI1K lUUIIT KKAHO.Y FOK HAMS. COUNTRY CURED HAMS Smoked In the old-fushlnued way. We have them. Small onos, medium size, and largo onin. They are elegant 2Uc pound. We have built up a reputation for fine hams and w propose to keep it. It will pay you to soe us for your next bam. HOME-MADE BAUER KRAUT 10c qt SEE US FOR BP1TZBNBERO and BALDWIN APPLES. A box of Oregon Prune s a very appropriate gift for an Emtern friend. x Roth Grocery Co.