1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAXj, ' SAIJEM, OKEGOS, THXESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1911. rAGi rocn The Handy Heater Perfection You often need some heat in early Fall, when you have not yet started the furnace. , In whatever part of the house you want it, you can get it best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection it the mod reliable heater on the market, and you can move it wherever you pleaie. Suit it in bedroom or bathroom, and you drea in comfort oa the toldea morning. Talc it to the dining-room, and eailjr brtakiait becomea a pluun. coecr meal. A touch of a match at dutk, and all U mug f or the ereiung. The Perfection Smokeleat Oil Heater U beaimlully pnuhed-an omunent anywhere. Drums of plain iteel or enamelled in blu : nickel trimmings. A special automatic derice malea smoking iropotaible. Burner body cuaot become wedged. All parU eaiily cleaned. Damper top. Cool handle. CaaWt wrjwhu or write for dWriptnre circulir o air ageocj of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) WILLAMETTE TEAM SHOWING GOOD MATERIAL With a good bard schedule being arranged for them by Mannger Bel linger and with the prospects of tak ing a long trip shortly after the Christmas vacation, the Willamette quintet Is practicing every evening In the gymnasium In order to be In the best of condition when called upon to act All of last year's team are back on the floor and by the playing seen In the first few practice games, It Is evident that Willamette Is to have a winning team this Tear. The boys are shooting baskets from almost any position and It Is Impossible for the second team men to hold them down, although fresh men are played against them everv five minutes. The members of last year's team, Twho are endeavoring to hold down their positions are, Mclntyre Panl Horn an forwards, McRae center, Gib son and Scbram ' guards. A good string of second team men are out every evening trying to dislocate the "stars" from their, lofty positions among whom are Cummlngs, Steel hammer, Mlnton, Hepp, Hewitt and Praff. The schedule has not as yet been definitely arranged but Manager Bel linger Is negotiating contracts with all of the big schools of the North west and it Is possible that Willam ette may have some very Interesting games on the home floor. Coach Sweetland Is a "shark" at the basket ball gamo and will have the toys In the best condition before every con-; test The first games will probably be played with the Chemawa Indians the latter part of nevt week. 6 Do; Lives High. DMTED r8S LttBtD WIBB.l San Francisco, Dec. 14. $50 per day Is the price Anna Held will pay for the privilege o' bousing her pet dog In a private Pullman car during her two weeks' engagement, here. The St Francis hotel refused the dog quarters, , - ' ' i v. A LITTLE DANDERINE WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR LUSTROUS, SOFT,. FLUFFY, ABUNDANT Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and . Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff If you Wish to Double the Beauty of your Hair in Ten Minutes surely , Try a Danderine Hair Cleanse .Your hair becomei light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appear! a toft, lustroui ana beautiful ai a young girl's after a Danderine hair cleanse. Juit try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments1 you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A ' delightful surprise awaits particularly those who have been careless, whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Betides beautifying the hair ' at once. Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff 1 cleanses, purifies and invigor ates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. . . , . Try as you will, after one application of Danderine you cannot find any dandruff or a loose or falling hair, and your scalp will never itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually Me new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting all over the scalp. Danderine makes the nair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'i Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter, and just try it. 'ii'iy J, J DALRYMYLE DIES AT HOME OF JOS, H. ALBERT James J. Dalrymple, a pioneer merchant of this city, passed on last night about midnight, (December 13,, 1911.) from the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Jos. H. Albert, of this city. For several years he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Griffith, and for some weeks has been stopping with the Alberts. Mrs. Dal rymple died In September, 1907, and he has one other daughter living at Portland. Mrs. O. E. Krausse. Mr. Dalrymple was about all yesterday, and felt as well as usual when he re tired last night, and his earthly ca reer was closed without any suffer ing whatever. He retired from busi ness about seven years ago( when he sold his large dry goods store, on the site of the present Chicago store, to J. L. Stockton, of this city. Mr. Dalrymple was a native of Sa lem, Mass., "where he was married, and brought his family to Salem, Or., in 1866. He found employment in the general merchandise business of R. M. Wade & Company and after a few years became a partner. He was one of the best business men In this city, and very successful in his un dertakings. He was not a member of any church, but was a charter merober of the order of Elks, and of the llllhee club. Of a strong social nature, he formed warm friendships and attachment, and was possessed of a high sense of honor In all his deal ings with, others. He was very fond of children and young people, and took a great Interest in field sports and bench shows( having a passion for fine hroses and dogs, and being a prize winner at many exhibi tions. Mr. Dalrymple was baloved by all who knew him, and did many acts that remained unknown to the gen eral public. He took a dwp Interest In public affairs frcVn an Independent Democratic standpoint, and was a great admirer, of Senator Chamber-) Jain and Governor West. The funer al will be conducted Friday at 10 o'clock, Rev. Babcock, of the First Presbyterian church officiating, from the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. J. C. Griffith, 1367 Court street. The remains will be burled at Salem, o HIS OUTFIT WAS WIDELY DISSEMINATED At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "I30ILIG.'S" Thi Original and Genuine MALTED MILK - The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountain. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORLKK'S." Not In Any Milk Trust CAUSES MUCH DISEASE Advice About Stomach Troubles and How to Relieve Them. Do not neglect . Indigestion which may lead to all sorts of Ills and com plications. An eminent physician once said that 95, per cent of all the Ills of the human body have their or igin in a disordered stomach. Our experience with Rexall Dys pepsia Talbets leads us to believe them to be among the most dependa ble remedies known for the relief of Indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredients are soothing and healing to the Inflamed membranes of the stomach. They are rich In pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. 'The relief they afford Is very prompt. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time tends to bring about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help to Insure healthy appetite, to aid diges tion, and thus promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith In Rex all Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you the money you paid us for them, without qi-estlon or "formal ity. They come in three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. Re member, you can obtain them only at our store The Rexall Store. J C. Perry, Druggist. 4fi , A rather serious accident occurred near Rickreall last evening, when a team belonging to Ab. West, brother of Bovernor West, became .unman ageable and made a break for lib erty. Mr. West was thrown from the. rig. and, though not seriously In jured was somewhat dazed for a time. When he came to himself he informed! neighbors, who started -a search for the missing horses and rig. The rig was finally located near the Ankeny place, and was in a di lapidated condition. Neither of the horses were located until this morn ing, when one was found in the streets of Salem. Tne harness was a complete wreck, and but little of It was left on the horse, which was Identified by a former owner, and re turned to the Center feed shed where Mr. West keeps his horses when in the city. Up to a late hour today nothing had been heard of the other animal, and Mr. West Is quite, con cerned, lest he be hung Up some place by some part of the harness. . o 1 CHINAMAN GOES THROUGH BANKBUPTCY unitid raaas lsuiio wiaN.l Helena, Mont, Dec. 13. For the first time in the history of Montana since the passage of a bankruptcy law, a Chinaman has taken advan tage of its provisions. A petition in bankruptcy will be filed by Charlie Wan Luk, proprietor of a "chop house" at Havre. His lia bilities are given at $589 and assets at $1.2S0, the greater part of which Is of doubtful value. Why Do You Pay Rent When you can buy a cozy and neat, up-to-date c6ttage built for a home and in a good location. Small pay ment down and the balance same as rent' and In three years will double in value. Think it over and call on Bechtel & Bynon. They can show you some of the best bargains In th city. AISO Some choice vacant lots and small tracts of land on very easy pay ments, suitable for chicken fruit or garden truck. FARMS We have Just listed one of the best farms In Howell prairie, which has never been offered for sale before, 160 acres, all under cultivation, beau tiful location and view. Will cut to suit. For particulars see Bechtel & Bynon. ANOTHER OSE Of 200 acres, well Improved on North Howell prairie for only $95 per acre. Easy terms. 40 ACRES Fine 40-acre tract improved on How ell Prairie. Price, $6000; terms. BECHTEL & BISON 847 State Street Tel. Main 152 NOTICE Of Appointment of Hewers on the Opening, "Widening and Extension ol Cherry Avenue, from Highland Avenue in 'orth Salem to the North City Limits, In the City of Salem, Oregon. Notice Is herebv given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, did on the 4th day of Decem ber, 1911, duly appoint J. A. Baker, John W. Roland and T. E. Caufleld, viewers to ascertain and apportion the damages accruing to the owners of property on account of the open ing, widening and f itenslon of Cher ry avenue from Highland avenue in North Salem to the north city limits in the city of Salem, Oregon, and to make an assessmert of the benefits accruing to the adjacent property on account of such opening, widening and extension of said street and that tie 20th day of December, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., of Bald day, at the of fice of the city recorder at the city hall in the city of ?alem, Oregon, has been appointed as the time and place for said viewers .to meet and make an assessment of 'he damages and benefits to the adjacent property on account of tne opening, widening and extension of said street That the private property which will be appropriated by the opening, widening and exter-Mon of said street and the names of the persons pur porting to be the owners thereof are as follows, to-wit: Oregon Electric Railway Company: Commencing at the intersection of the north line of Highland Avenue, and the east line of Cherry avenue in the city of Salem, Oregon; thence east along the north line of Highland avenue eight feet; thence north and parallel with the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet; thence west eight feet to the east line of Cherry ave nue; thence south along the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet to the place of beginning. H. E. Pemberton: Commencing at a point on the north line of Highland avenue eight feet east of the Intersection of the east line of Cherry avenue and the north line of Highland avenue; thence east along the north line of High land avenue two feet; thence north and parallel with the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet; , thence west two feet; thence south and par allel with the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet o the place of be ginning. Willamette Construction Company: Commencing at a point on the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet north of the north line of High land aveue; thence east 10 feet; thence North and parallel with the east line of Cherry avenue, 1247,36 feet to the center line of Locust street, said center line being the north city limits; thence west along the center line of Locust street 10 feet; thence south along the east line of Cherry avenue 1247.36 feet to the place of beginning. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 12-6-llt-dly City Recorder. o With the Comma- of Middle Aire There is a letting down in the physi cal forces often shown In annoying and painful kidney and bladder ali ments and urinary irregularities. Fo ley Kidney Pills are a splendid regu lating and strengthening medicine at such a time. Try them. H. Jerman, Red Cross Pharmacy. The wages of sin is death, even If the sinner does pay big pew rent. S IH M M M t M lit 1 I ttt t ttttl ft t 1 1 1 tt t M M I IIIITu H M MM Direct Money Saving Sale i; at C. B. Measor's 841 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. Commencing Saturday, December 16, 1911, and confining for SEVEN DAI'S. The entire stock of new and secondhand goods will he sue rlflced at cut ite prices. Furniture, Rug, Art Sqonres, Matting, Linoleum, Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Hardware, Crockery and Granite Wiire, Cream Separators, Bicycles, Trunks, Suitcases, Sewing Ma chines, Sideboards, Book Cases, etc.. Don't forget the date and the place. , , I0U DOLLARS WILL DO DOUBLE DUTY HERE STORE OPEN EVENINGS MM M MM MM MMM MM MM MMM Try this test in a "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensil MI"fH. I Wa efAoenlaH in a "Wn Evr" saanpan withool frefmj. Without erfAnf water mill oeet f faw trt, without dining. Ckoaiali will ml bmrn. BECAUSB aluminum heats quirker and retains beat longer than oiher materials of which cuuking utensils are inade, you cn save at leaat five minutes in cooking each meal. 90 hours off your year's fuel bill. "WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Ctokin Utensils save iodj iuu, ,nu cMc"ao i replacing utensils worn out or burnt out. t Hey r aracnVofy Mtitnctiblt. X " WEAR-EVER ' ware cannot nut, is unaffected by burning, ia strong, light to 1 handle sad most durable. With aluminum there is no danger of poisonous compounds forming with acid fruits or foods. w-. . '1 .1 . . - ... lAepiace utensns mat wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever." Lat ausuDDlT tou with " WEM-WlT th oae-quart aavuee nn adnrtiaad ill the women publication T A T il Cn nH ahnw VOU' OUl .. v - temsil bearing the SRy Wear-Ever" trade- J3I k. ttmnrutvr -.tut mnmm :; We Have :Just Received. MM a Inrge shipment of "Wear-EVer" Aluminum. Many of the pieces would mil lie very acceptable Xmns gifts. See window display. Ill -HIIMH MMMMMMMMMM M M M M M M HHtm MMMMM MM4MMMMMMMMMI HlltIH Christmas Holiday Fares on the 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC Account the Christmas and New Year Holidays, a speclaD rata for students and others has been authorized from all points oC OJiE AND 0XE-TH1RD FAKE FOR ROTJJiD TME" Sale Dates for Students From Albany, Corvallis, Forest Grove, Mt Angel: Dec. 20th and 21st. From McMinnvIlle and Salem: Dec. 21st and 22nd. From Dallas: Dec. 22nd and 23rd.. From Eugene: Dec. 16th and 17th. Final return limit Jan. 8, 1911. OTHER SALE DATES ; Between all Stations In Oregon and California where BofBlaasiir Fare Is less than $15.00. ' December 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31, 1911, January 1, 1912, Final return limit Jan. 2, 1912. For full particulars call on nearest S. P. agent, or writes to JOHX V. SCOTT-, i General Passenger Agent, Portlaxmd, Ore. MMMMIM - MIU a, I l XI all II 1 'TiTI tu,r ."vyifl .. ..... ina ..m i tin f i nr riiTi'niiiiaintiiffirBillT jJIBi-'-iiiJaitkaMaMia1llJfil Hi"in'ljVmiiiaiia UaBBXBggJMiJUJiakiimujiimaijj THT) TT Try TrJ rr vri II s r I 1 jr I I S 11 FI SI t 1 LLrd W4! LARGEST AUTOMOBILE FACTORY IN THE WORLD Will be Seen in Salem When the Studebaker Corporation Presents their Famous Motion Picture Films, Under the Auspices of the E. M. F. Motor Sales Company ' "From Pig Iiron to Finished Automobile" The public will be taken on a trip through the enormous C M F and FLANDERS factories and every detail of construction of ihpw famo..c . L ... described by a factory expert, as shown in the motion pictures U1 incse Iamous ca wll be explained and Six Thousand Feet of Films :z Two Hours of High-Class Entertainment :: Grand Opera House, Friday Evening at 8 (Mock vimuiui miiuu tv uui uMiuiiiiu uaiicsa uiwin(iaiiicu (laicius, Juuiiutaujoi s. ill I nriv s ori.LO AJn iYIlIUn nU I tl, U S NATIONAL BANK PFRR ' "ww BANK, PERRY'S DRUG STORE. X t. 1