MAS IS NEAR Tr IT 1 Tav I Si ! ' 1 r C TUITO) I JUIW TTTsJ A r: n M H 11 M M 11 H Si II M M M 11 It tl (I tl M 11 tl II M II II II tl M tl II M n n tl ft 3-- AND WE ARE READY with the most complete assortment and strongest line of useful Xmas Presents we have ever had the pleasure of offering the people of Salem and the sur rounding vicinity. Rock Bottom Prices marked on every article during this sale to make fast selling. Do your trading at Salem's big store, with the big stock and small prices. ttgffi i r. - -V ' J ft m ,' i'.i I" - -i,-: -V- 14 r T 1: Ft-if. TiH'ii Great Hosiery Useful Xmas presents are fine hosiery and underwear for ladies, misses and children. Come here and see the best 1 , , r.n In Cnlmii I All kinds shown. tl tl 11 Underwear Sale tl SILK UNDERWEAR tl WOOL UXDERWEAU tl MERINO UNDERWEAR W COTTON UNDEIJWEAR Shown In all styles of garments. Union 11 Suits all kinds. Shirts and Pants all M kinds. Come here and look through a this great stock. We can please you, hnth tn nnnlltv flnlnh nnrt nrlnft. LADIES' UNION SUITS 49c, li.'ie, 75c and up LADIES' SHIRTS AND DRAWERS L'.'k', !", 49c and up WINTER UNDERWEAR 15c, .'.")(, 35c and up tl II II tl tl II M T ti f USEFUL XMAS GIFTS NOW ON SALE German Silver Mesh Bags Velvet Shopping Bags New Kid Gloves New Silk Gloves New Silk Hosiery New Golf Gloves Ladies' Bells, all kinds Dresden Ribbons New Lace Collars Silk Auto Scarfs Fine Silk Umbrellas Do your trading at Salem's Greatest Xmas Store SANTA CLAUS IS HERE ONE WHOLE FLOOR DEVOTED TO SASTA'S SHOW X. Dolls, Toys and Games We don't carry Toys for the purpose of profit making. It is just the Xmas spirit to have toys for the little folks. Come here and look the line over and see the great saving you can make by buying at the CHICAGO STORK. DOLLS Each, 5c, 10c, 25c and up (JAMES Each, 5c, 10c, 15c and up .MECHANICAL TOYS 25c, 35c, 49c up ! a i i A V j r rpp Yr I 1 i j Of High Class Xmas Merchandise now on display, all underpriced for fast selling. We do the business j A clean sweep made on all our CLOAKS AND SUITS during our XMAS SALE. No mercy shown to prices. Buy now and save money. LADIES' TAILORED AXD COATS-SOW ON SALE Ik SUITS i i t t tl I E t M II II I I I I II H n li tl M II 11 11 M 11 El ii l The biggest bargains ever offered in Salem for STYLISH. GARMENTS, f a Come and see $12.60 and $15.00 SUITS, now UM $18 and $20 SUITS, j now fH.50 tin (1 $10.50; $25 and $27.50 SUITS, now only $12.50. Don't watt Ii until they are all sold: they won't last long at those prices. We want V 1 our XmaB sales to make a clean swoep of our Cloak nnd Suit Department. because we give the best values. 11 Buy Here and Save Money The following goods are all underpriced for Xmas selling Fancy Hair Combs Fancy Cuff Links Ladies' Silk Hose Supporters Beautiful Dress Silks Fine Wool Dress Goods Lace Curtains, all kinds Turkish Tapestry, Portieres and Table Covers Men's Dress Shirts Silk Suspenders in Boxes Men's Fine Hosiery and Ties Men's Silk Hdks., Linen Hdks. Gloves and Sweaters Ladies' and Men's Suit Cases Come here and save money Nothing more appropriate for a nice Xmas present than a SET OF FURS a fur muff or a neat FUR NECKPIECE. We are now selling them regardless of cost, as we wish to clear out the entire line before Xmas, iry o Now s on Sale Buy now, while the stock is fresh and new. We are cer tainly giving the bargains $3.50 MUFFS, now $1.45 $3.50 NECKPIECES, $1.45. All our Fine Furs priced away down, . "ill: 4 mm I 1 B I I I I 1 I i i i I i I I 1 l I I l HTHL - Ol CJjl. C!l ? P jl jl ID vO i 1 ii oe oicago otore is oaiems uurcciLCbc oargain uivers n i I -ft ti Si I'' ti ti a , -tl ti l L We have made a great hit this season with our Silk and Wool Onc-Piccc Dresses They are .certainly classy garments, only shown by the CHICAGO STORE, We are Salem's agents, Come and look the line through, You will be in terested at once $12,00 values, now $6.90 $15,00 values, now $8.90 M 7 I A A very appropriate Xmaa present U a alee Silk Um brella. We show a com plete fine, in colored silk and black, nifty handles. Umbrella Bargains Come nnd see the great values we are giving. Gold-Handled Umbrellas 98c, $1.25, $1.49 and up BEAUTIFUL XMAS PRESENTS OW OX SALE LADIES' BATH ROBES LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS FIXE FREXCH PERFUMERY FIXE SILK KIMOXAS LADIES' IIAXDKERCHIEFS (All kinds) OUTIXG FLAXXEL GOWXS MEX'S SMOKIXO JACKETS MEX'S AXD BOYS' ULOTHIXG FREXCH AXD WILLOW PLUMES We make the low prices for Salem HI Come here for bargains In Wool Sweaters for men, women and children Great Sweater Bargains Ruff-neck and all the other styles selling at less than cost too many. Ladies $3.50 values, f 1.49 Children's, 25c, 85c nnd 49c All Goods Sold Exactly as Advertised Glhieago toir Salem Oregon THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Trade at4Salem's Best Sotre BOYS, SUITS! at Barg Prices a B am s 0 B A dandy fresh line g to select from, q $4.50 values, $2.45 g $7.50 values, $3.90 3 a El nvFRCQATS now $2.90, $3.50 and up. MEN'S PANTS 98c, $1.35, $1-49 and up. H WW 'I'M m m mm mm 1