. i 111 -i .ii .i-i- - r- nil fill ITinH - ira MjnnnT-T rmrl I "i i ' Mill I f mil li HUB I ri"'"i "I I iiliITi"! I "ll " ' ' 1111 1 III I I mm Ml I ' -iimtlmmLmmmmmmmmmm 1 ' f PAGB EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MOXDAT, DECEMBER 11, 191 U u 1 People prefer the name of "Meyers" on their Christmas Gifts, be cause it's a sign of Quality. Salem's Big Department Store is the Christmas Shopping Place of the Willamette Valley. Bring the Children to Toyland, second floor. Furs for a Gift Special reduced prices on all Furs. A most complete assortment In sets and separate pieces. Neckpieces, $6.67 to $18.34. Muffs, $5.00 to $22.00. Fur Sets, $20.00 to $33.34. Gloves for a Gift A great collection of Kid and Silk Gloves. Long and Bhort styles, black, white and colors. Short Kid Gloves, $1 to $2. 1 6-button length GJomf $3.50 to $4.00. Short Silk Gloves, 50c and 75c Long Silk Gloves, $1'to $1.50. 564th Wednesday Sale of Glassware A beautiful glass creation; Fruit Bowls, Nappies, Handle Nappies, Vases, etc, Many designs and colorings, Special Wednesday only, your choice, 9c each, None sold before 8:30, No phone orders taken, (Second floor) . A Grand Showing of SparkPg CutGlass A most acceptable gift, A com plete assortment of articles at extremely low prices, Be sure and see the display on the sec ond floor, . BlNCOVPOHATTn 71 A Great Special Sale of Hand Crocheted Doilies and Centers Made by Armenians and Egyptians in the old .countries, Beautiful pat terns, specially priced this week, An elegant gift, Small doilies, 15c, 2 for 25c; others priced according to size at 19c, 39c, 50c, 59c and $1,89 each, These will go rapidly at these prices, See window display, Court street, EEBBBE5EZ8SBSEER39EEBB3 tmmmmmmmmmmmm iiii.ii.i i , ;..v;' : " '....f;-.' CITY NEWS. Hold Xarlon Merchants lunch, EOc, from 12 m. to J p. in.; grills open from 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. m.; Sunday dinner, 5:30 to 8 p. m., 75c eod-tf Wantd Divorce Nora D. Kobow Saturday filed a alt for divorce against Louis F. Ko bow. she charges cruel asd Inhuman treatment as the f round for annul lug the marriage bonds. Ilartlt-y RUltnce Completed Dr. and Mrs. S. Z- Bartley moved Into their new( residence on Fir and Wilson streets Saturday; The resi dence l8 in the nature of a bunga . low, and Is modern' throughout. The doctor established : himself In the elty a number of months ago, and baa already succeeded In building up a rood practice. Sudden Insanity Bob Wolfe was examined before Judge Bushey Saturday as to his san ity, and was committed to the asy lum. He was taken violently in sane while in a hotel room at Jeffer son, and was firing everything In the room out of the window, when seized and overpowered. He came from Centralis, Washington, recently. Hailquet Col. Applcgate The Salem lodge of Elks Saturday evening gave a banquet at the Hotel Marlon in honor of Col. C. L. Apple gate( a trustee of the order, and who, with others, has been In Port land making arrangements for' the convention to be held there in July of next year. . August Huckesteln act ed as toastmaster, an4 speeches were made by Judge Benson, of Klamath Falls; Charles Burgraff, of Albany; Acting Governor Olcott, Mayor Lach mund, Charles L; McNary, Dr. Carel ton Smith,, Frank ,WrIghtman, Dr. W. H. Byrd, Hon. P. H. D'Arcy and ohtesr. New Depot for Latham The Oregon Railroad Commission received advices today from the Southern Pacific Railroad company that, pursuant to a request made upon It by the commission, that It will at once commence the construc tion of a depot at Latham. Woodmen Elect The following were elected officers of the Modern Woodmen of America at an election held last week: A. H. Bunn, V. C; E. J. Lally, W. A.; T. J. Day, banker; F. A. Turner, clerk. R. A. Grant, escort; W. W. Hill, watchman;' F. A. Baker, sentry; L. G. Altman, E. E- Fisher, O. B. Miles, W. S. Mott, camp physicians; H. H. Stanton, trustee for three years It Will Not Go According to a report submitted to the Oregon Railroad Commission by the Bureau of Ra'lroad Statistics, a vast number of those killed by rail raoad trains are trespassers. The re port shows that during 10 years JoMh Bill Bay logs "I lab the Rooster for 2 IblnRN For the r r o w thuts I n him and fur the spurs that lire mm him to link up the crow with." Our Customers Say They like The Toggery for two things "For the store's appear lce and for the 'classy' merchandise we carry to back up the store with." , Our new show windows are solving many a perplexing Xmas problem. Following are a few practical suggestions: Bath Robes with Slippers to match $8 to $10 Combination Box of Tie- and Sox to match ..$1 and $1.50 Cuff Link and Tie Pin Sets f,0c to $5. Everwear Hose, Bix pair In neat Xmas box $1J0 Silk Umbrellas $3 to $7.50 Handkerchiefs 15c to $1.50 Collar, Tie and Cuff Sets $5 to $10 Walking StlckB .Vic to $1 Collar Bags $1.50 and $3 Toilet Sets $5 and $8 Gent's Gloves (also Indies)) $2 and $2.50 Suspenders 50c to $1.50 Knit Silk Mufflers. ...50c to $ Wool Mittens 50c to $1 Tie Pins 50c to $5 Shirts $1 to $0.50 Reiser's Neckwear. . ..50c to $3 Arm Bands 10c to 50c Fancy Vests ....$3.50 to $12.50 New Knox Caps $1.50 and $2 Sweaters $3.50 to $7.50 Gaiters 10c to 50c Gee! Whli ! ! Folks only 12 more shopping days till Christ, mas. Bert Shaw Says Our Sanitary Cleaning and Pressing Department will smooth out your wrinkles and clean right. Jiiwt phone will do the rest. your garments PIIOSE 830 THE TOGGERY (To be Continued) 17 COM'L ST. from 1901 to 1911 that 50,708 trespassers were killed and 54,183 were injured. The report suggests that a law be passed In the state for bidding pedestrians using railroad tracks. Were Salem Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Williams of Hotel Bowers, and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cubberly, of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Savage of the Marlon on Sunday. Mr. Williams was steward of the Marlon a year and Is getting a fine run of Salem people at the Bowers, which Is only a block from the Oregon Electric on Washington. Prefers Oregon I B. F. Goln, who Is a Mlssourlan of 50 years' residence, and who stopped over In Colorado four months, and in Idaho, 14 months, as long as he could stand It In either place, and then came to Oregon last July is delighted with his last stop ping place.' He says rilany of his old friends" In Missouri are coming this way. They like Oregon. It Is a kind of second ' home to them', and It Is where' they want to go to when they leave Missouri. They look to Oregon as almost next to heaven. About Street Cars Another double-truck car was brought up from Portland Friday and is now running on the Comerclal street line. Traffic to Salem Heights Is so light that the company may dis continue th's service. If it does, It might bf Indeed would be, a good proposition to bave the cars on'air lines run on the same schedule, so that they would all meet at State and Commercial streets, and transfer without annoying waits could .be made, and, more than all. could be depended upon. The reporter kn0ws of people living In South Salem, who, If they want to get over Into the neighborhood of the state house, walk, because they can .make H more quickly than by waiting for the cars, both at the starting point, and for the transfer at State street I At the Grand Moving pictures tonight. A Big Time For everybody at the old time dance, December . 12, at the Armory. John SIgmund I The newly elected councilman, will take with him on the night of his installation a box of Bon Tons, the best five-cent cigar on earth. At the Grand Moving pictures tonight. Wanted We can use more good poultry. Telephone Main 131. The Sunset grocery. When . buying bread, you will want the best Try our bread one trial will convince. We move to our new location sron after the first of January. Instructs Clerks- Secretary of State Olcott has Is sued a letter to the county clerks of the state Instructing them relative to sending In addresses of registered voters. At the last election the clerks sent In the precinct Instead of the postoffice addresses of the voters, with the result that in thousands of cases the printed election pamphlets never reached them. Got tine Property Chas. Spltzbart today got posses sion of the S. S. Martin corner, Mis sion and South Commercial streets, from the heirs. The property was sold by the probate court of Marlon county and is about 100 by 220, with two houses on It. Jap Hop King Frank MItomas, the Japanese hop king,' of the Willamette valley, was In the city this morning. He cleared nearly $100,000 this year on his hop yard on the river bottom across the river from Halls Ferry. He says all reports about Horst brothers offer ing him J250.000 for his property are false. He will not sell his prop erty this year. - There is only a lim ited amount of deep rich river bot tom land suitable for hops, and he has some of the best ALL YOU NEED IS CASCARET TONIGHT No Sick Headache, Billons Stomach, Coated Tongue or Constipated ' Bowels by Morning. Turn the rascals out the head' ache, the biliousness, the Indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascareta. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stomach. Don't put In another day of dis tress. Let Cascareta cleanse and rug. ulate your stomach; remove the sour undigested ana rermeating rood and that misery-making gas; take the excess bile from your liver apd car ry out oi me system an me aecom posed waste matter and poison in the intestines and bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10- cent box from any drug store means a clear head and cheerfulness for months. Children lore to take Cascarets because they taste good never gripe o- sicken. o Bon't Forget The old time dance at the Armory, December 12. Admission, gents 50c; ladles, free. , The Last Mght- Of Capt. Case, the greatest animal picture ever shown, at "Ye Liberty." Good Music By a five-piece orchestra at the "Old Time Dance", Armory hall, Tuesday evening. FOSTER BAKER ! f Groceries5 Have to be bought every da- k Is not every day that m ' j coffee for 35c per mm a bV good as most 45c ooff,.. " H by ordering our "Best Bniw 35c. ' u'm - 10c, Home made Hominy... Country Kraut (try in Mince Meat In bulk. V,. R Pickled Pork & Wis. Brick Cheese COUNTRY MEATs' Every Wednesday and Saturday orders delivered promptly 0iir delivery stands "back of this J? menu "We love our horses, 2 fore, Oh you Automobile'" 339 Jf. rom'l St ' Phone & If you are troubled with ' constipation, the mild and g feet of Chamberlain's Tablet, 1? them especially suited to yL For sale by. all dealers. n It Is easier to make wound, tw to heal them. K, NEW TODAY. , t WONEY TO LOAN on good real tate security. See Homer H. Smiti McCornack building. 11-24-tf MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. John H. Scot & Co., over th Chicago Store, Sa lem, Oregon. Phone 1652. FOR SALE $4 per cord chlttt, cord wood. Geo. Krenn, Salem. ' ' 12-ll.Ji FOR SALE By owner, 15 , practically all clear, gently slopi red hill fruit land, elegant loa. tion and buldlng site snow-ca mountain view, fine neighborhood. 3 M mlleg from Salem, on g00j rock road. Price $1600, cash ot equivalent. Call or write Jjj South 13th street. 12-ll-3t FOR SALEGood four room dwellloc close to school and carllne, Hon and paved street; $75 dowa, bal ance $12.50 per month. See Homer H. Smith, McCornack building. 12-W- WANTED $ 1200 on real estate, curity; first mortgage. Apply ti Meyer & Thlelsen, 162 Nortl Commercial street, upstair. " . 12-6111- $500 CORNER LOT on Chemekdi street. 68x100. Small odd mob house on lot $75 down and btl ance at $10 a month. The how rents for $4 a month. All mm meats paid and sidewalks In. I Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial 8treet. ' - t FOR RENT Furnished housekeef lng rodms. Phone 1538. 356 South Seventeenth street;'"" 12-ll-2wb FOR SALE or trade for cow, good work horse and top buggy. In quire at 755' Bellevue street or phone 1559. FOUND Small neckpiece of mini fur with heads and talis. Call and pay for ad at this office. 12-1M Norwich Union Fire Insurnanp Snriptv Burghardt Ac Meredith, Resldeat Agt. 883 STATE STREET. ' ' MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem. Ot 1 " 01? 001. 1 iias some or tne nest """ ' ' - ' Our Men's Store offers many suggestions for gift giving. IVc an established fact that the name "Meyers" carries quality with .it. This department is overflowing with holiday gifts, all ready for your choosing. Shop as early as possible. RWs Fancy Vests New exclusive styles- Many prices-Hats, Very best makes priced $2.50 to $6.00. Men's Hose, silk, wool and cotton, 25c to $1.50. Urn- 7 4 WANTED To trade good oats aid Vetch hay for good milch cow. H L., care Journal office. 12-11-31' WANTED I want a small nUIlinerr business. Apply confidentially to "XXX", Journa office. 12-U-lt ROOMS for housekeeping, $8.00 and up per month. 597 North Liberty. Phone 1044, 12-11-tf WANTEDTurkeys, ducks and geese at Jones Commission house, Hig street. Will pay highest cash price. Telephone Main 430. 12-11-tf brellas, best qualities, $1.00 to $10.00. Neckwear in a wide assortment, 25c to $1.50. Jewelry, pins, buttons and sets, 25c to $3.00. Shirts, a large range to pick from $1.00 to $5.00.-Sweater Coats, popular style, 1.00 to 6.50. Suspenders or combination sets of supporters & suspenders 25c-1.50 Hose, ties, suspenders, supporters in Com bination Boxes, 50c up. Bath robes, a splendid showing-something that will please him. House coats, Newest styles, $5.00 to $12.00. Rain ?TT practical gift $6.50 to $30.00. Caps. New English styles r a;a cor io A hart achattner and Marx Suit for a gift. Gloves, in all qualities from 25c up. Handkerchiefs, silk cotton or linen, some in Holiday box all prices. 1 MMKlMHMMMaa Underwear, a very accept able gift; best quality Tn i inn i twti...i( .,1 ROOMS and board. $5.00 per weet 211, corner High and Court. 12-U-3: FOR SALE Hop roots, best English Cluster. Phone: Main 432. Salem, Ore., or address "C. A. E. Hop!." 12-11-1 wk- W1R1XG, ELLTTItIC SITPLIiS. ELECTRIC FIXTURE and Supply Co. 130 North Liberty street. Elec tric contracting, Inside wiring, supplies and fixtures. Telephorw Main 263. 12-1Hf MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estute security. BECHTEL & BYJiOX .847 Stale Street TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented Kpalrtd Ribbons Holler SoppUe Km Ma Rotor You Do Anrthlm C M. LOCKW00D Phone fl" Ma, 814-1(1 V. Com H. v sag