Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 11, 1911, Street Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Burton t. The Recorder's Coort of
Yale, Ore, e al, Malheur County
Decided December 5, 1911.
T. A. Barton, appellant, v. The Re
corder's Court of Vale, Oregon Z G
Wilson, Recorder and J. j Doian
Marshal, of the said city, respond
ent. Appeal from the circuit court
for Malheur county. The Hon Dal
ton Biggs, Judge. Argued and sub
mitted Nov. 2. 1911, at Pendleton
Geo. V. Hayes and (Brooke & Torri
linsoa. on brief) for appellant R
M. Duncan (McCulloch, Soliss & Dun
can on brief) for respondent. Eakin
C. J. Affirmed. '
Eakin, C. J. This Is an anneal fm
a judgment of the circuit court in a
proceeding to review a judgment of
the recorder's court of the city of
Vale, Ore., wherein plaintiff was
found guilty of selling intoxicating
liquors within the city, without hav
ing obtained a license therefor. I
It appears that prior to the general
election of 1910 the sale of Intoxicat
ing liquors was prohibited within the
city of Vale and the result of that
election was against prohibition;
that, the city being without an ordi
nance governing the subject of the
sale of intoxicating liquors, the com
mon council on December 15, 1910,
for the purpose of perfecting some
plan by which the council could dis
pose of licenses for the Bale of, and
tne iramc in, intoxicating liquors,
adopted a resolution that the council
proceed at once to receive open com
petitive bids for liquor lionises for
the ensuing two years and award a
license to the best bidder, reserving
the right to reject any and all bids.
Thereupon there was Introduced by
Councilman H. H. High an ordinance
covering "the liquor question" which
was read before the council. The
council then adjourned until 7:30
o'clock p. m. of the same day, at
which time the mayor announced
that the council was ready to receive
bids, and Mr. Thomas bid J3.000,
which bid was accepted. Thereupon
the rules were suspended and the or
dinance above referred to was passed.
The ordinance fixed $5,000 per an
num as the price for liquor license in
the city of Vale.
The foregoing Is all that is dis
closed in the record as to the ordi
nance or its terms. It was not ap
proved by the mayor nor vetoed until
at least after the 19th, of December,
1910. As disclosed by the record the
council on December 19, 1910, met,
pursuant to the call of H. H. High,1
president of the council, who was
acting as mayor, Mayor Clark being
absent from the city, and stated that
the object of the meetine was to con
sider, pass or reject an ordinance
regulating the sale of intoxicating li
quors and to grant a license for the
sale of the same in the north pre-
clnct of the city of Vale. After the
ordinance was read before the coun
cil, which had been submitted to it at
a previous meeting by Councilman
H. P. Osborne, some changes and
amendments were made, and It was
passed and approved by the acting
mayor. A copy of the ordinance ap
pears in the record, and is referred
to therein as ordinance No. 68.
On December 27, 1910, Mayor Clark
filed with the recorder a message to
the council, vetoing ordinance No. 68,
referring to the one passed December
15, 1910.
Section 1 of ordinance No. 68,' be
ing the one passed on Dec. 19th, pro
vides: "That no person, firm or cor
poration, shall within the corporate
limits of the city of Vale, directly or
Indirectly, in person or by another,
sell, barter, exchange, deliver, or give
away, with the purpose of evading
this ordinance any spirituous,
malt or vinous liquors, without first
obtaining a license therefor, as here
inbefore provided in this ordinance,"
and proceeds to provide for ths issu
ing of licenses under certain circum
stances and conditions; how a sa
loon shall be conducted and requir
ing a bond for the faithful perform
ance jf the terms of the ordinance,
and provides penalties for violation
of any' of the provisions of the ordi
nance; and that the license shall be
issued for the term of two years.
The assignments of error involve
four questions. First it is contended
that the ordinance Is void because it
contains a clause declaring an emer
gency and providing that the ordi
nance shall be In force from and after
It is approved by the mayor.
"Whether an emergency clause In a
statute Is valid or not affects only the
time It shall go Into operation, and
If invalid does not render the statute
void. This is the effect of the hold
ing In Sears v. Multnomah county,
49 Or. , 42, and the defendant's viola
tion of the ordinance occurred long
is Not waste when
you telegraph.
Western Union "Day
Letters" and "Night
Letters" save waste.
Telephone the West
em Union any time.
after it would have taken effect with
out an emergency clause Thert
fore . that objection 13 without meriT
tJ rnd 1uesoaI8, whether
he ordinance creates a monopoly of
the liquor traffic In Vale, and is there-
Hn , w ralSe "t QUPS
tion. There is
no controversy here
as to his rleht tn u... v,.
charged with th,lolaUou of 'ther
!th, selling liquor within the
ciiy without & hn i- ..
only question the validity of that pro-
rpu TJ, T wunuyi a license.
ine third Question i wi.an.
ordinance as a whole is void, because
vtafate,8.!! """"Pol that pro
vision of the ordinance Is void it
does not thereby render void the 'in
dependent portions thereof that are
not void in themselves.
In State v. Wiley, 4 Or. 184. 187,
Mr. Justice McArthur quotes with ap
proval from Mr. Sedgwicy as follows:
The principle that a statute is void,
only so far as Its provisions are re
pugnant to the constitution, that one
provision may thus be void and this
not affect other provisions of the
statute, has been frequently decided "
And quoting from Fisher v. McGirr
(1 Gray 22) he says: "That -where a
statute has been passed by the legis
lature under all the forms and sanc
tions requisite to the making of laws,
some part of which is not within the
competency of the legislative power,
or is repugnant to any provision of
the constitution, such part thereof
wm De adjudged void and of no
avail, whilst all other parts of the
act not obnoxious to the same objec
tion, will be held valid and have the
force of law."
Mr. Justice Burnett, In Flelschner
v. Chadwlck, 5 Or. 152, quotes with
approval from Commonwealth v.
Hltchlngs, 6 Gray's Mass. Rep. 485:
"That where part of a statute Is un
constitutional, that will not authorize
the court to declare the remainder of
the statute void, unless all the provi
sionsare connected in subject mat
ter, depending on each other, operat
ing together for the same purpose, or
otherwise so connected In meaning,
that it cannot be presumed that the
legislature would have passed one
without the other."
Sec. 1 of. the ordinance forbids the
sale or barter of Intoxicating liquors
without first having obtained the li
cense therefor and section 9 provides
for the punishment of every person
who violates the provisions of Sec. 1.
These sections are valid and enforcl
ble, Independently of whether the
provisions, placing the liquor busi
ness in the hands of one person, are
valid, and which we deem is unnec
essary to decide here.
As to the fourth objection, that the
ordinance is Invalid by reason of the
veto of Mayor Clark, it appears that
Mayor Clarke was out of the city on
December 19. How long he had been
away or remained away does not ap
pear. It does not appear that the
president of the council was properly
acting as mayor when ordinance No.
68 was passed- and approved by him.
By Sec. 36 of the charter (Laws
1905, 133) the president of the coun
cil in the absence of the mayor has
the power to perform all the duties
of the mayor. Therefore, In approv
ing ordinance No. 68 he was acting
within that power. Mayor Clark did
not attempt to veto the ordinance
passed December 19th. The affidavit
of the city recorder states that the
message of the mayor vetoed the or
dinance passed by the council on the
15th day of December, 1910, and it is
not contended by either plaintiff or
defendant that that ordinance ever
became a law and therefor it has no
bearing upon the Issue here. So far
as the record discloses the ordinanc
passed December 19th was regularly
passed, and was approved by the act
ing mayor and became a law 30 days
after its Approval, viz; January 19,
We find no error in the ruling of
the circuit court and the judgment Is
Fnrdv v. Tnnliwen, Grant County.
Decided December 5, 1911.
Jesse T. Purdy, respondent, v. Jud
son H. Vankeuren, appellant. Appeal
frnm fSmnt eountv. The Hon. Geo. E.
Davis. Judce. Submitted on brief
November 2, 1911. Cattanach &
Wood, for respondent. Hicks &
Marks, for appellant. McBride, J.
Thlsi Is an action to recover for la
bor and services. The complaint al
In onhatnnre that on or about
January 14, 1907, plaintiff performed
labor and services for defendant in
Grant county, Oregon, and that de-
rv .
Ladv.Baltimare Quia
Tk Most Fopol., Caks Thla S.uoi
WafAV"-"'7'. Htor of
M Boston Cooking Sckool Magazine
This L Mlffl rMskM4 V . 1
. . ""m'-j uy many coouni?
authorities the finest cake that can be
dSl1ngh reaUty ft U not
I C Bajtiasoc Cak
One CUt butter- J r,.A, l.l-J
sugar; 1 cup milk; Uaspoonful rose
t , I. J?X F jwur; j level teaspoon.
'fifi beaten dy.
Cream tie butter and beat In the rorar
gradually. Sift together, three time,
the flour and baking powder, and add
to the butter and sugar, alternately with
the milk and rose water, tastly, add
the egg whites. Bake in three-la ver cake
pans. Put the layers together with the
following frosting.
Women', bxchange. for jjjo.
F roftlB for Udy Baltimore Calu
tufchotKi Hui-meaU; St cut i thin tliui.
Stir the sugar and water until the
wgar is dissolved, then let boil without
stirring until the syrup from a spoon
will spin a long thread; pour upon the
whites of the eggs, beaten dry, beating
constantly meanwhile. Continue the
beatinsr Until the frnatincr rsr.1,1. .,1,1
the fruit and spread upon the cake.
C Cook's Book contain, ninety Just
na pastry. You can accure a copyrw by scud-
of KC Bakmr Powder to the Jaouks Mro.Co..
rhlrniTA Small A... A .... n.
Book certificates.
$200, and has not paid the same nor
any part thereof, and concludes with
a prayer for judgment for ,200 with
Interest at six per cent from. January
The answer denies each and every
material allegation of the complaint,
except as alleged in the further and
separate answer which states, that in
1906 and 1907, plaintiff, defendant
and Jay A. Higbee were residents of
Idaho; that plaintiff was eniraeed in
business as a timber locater in Grant
county, Oregon, and elsewhere; that
in July, 1906, plaintiff agreed with
defendant and Higbee that, in con
sideration of their sending to him
The Doctor's Answers On
Health and Beauty Questions
By Dr. Theodore Beck
The questions inawered belo ire feneral to character)
the symptoms or diseases are flrea and answers will apply
to any case of similar nature
ThoM wishing further advice, free, mi raddreu Dr. Tbeo.
Beck, CoUejre Bid., Cellene-Elwood Bts, Dayton, Ohio, en
closing self-addressed envelope for reply. No questions will
be answered unless full nam and address la alien. Initials
or nom de plume will b used Id aniwera. ' Tne preacrlp
tlona can bt Oiled at any well stocked drag itore. Any
druggist can order of wholesaler.
fox u
Adam E.: Your symptoms plainly
indicate catarrhal trouble. Begin
ning with nasal catarrh the disease
has affected your stomach, causing
foul breath and Indigestion, gas, etc.,
while the kidneys and bladder are In
bad condition, causing minting, pain
ful, freauent and uncontrollable urin
ation with dull headache and back
ache. For nasal catarrn, oDtain i
ozs. antiseptic vllane powder. Put a
half teaspoonful in a pint of warm
water, snun tne water irom me
naim nf rha hand thrnnfirh the nos
trils two or three times daily. Then
use a level teaspoonrut or me pow
nt vnitellna. mix and
apply a small portion into each nos
tril. Also taKe a leaspoomui lour
times dally of the following: Syrup
sarsaparllla compound 4 ozs., comp.
fluid balmwort 1 oz., and fluid extract
buchu 1 oz. Mix and shake well.
Wolr. Vnn nn InrrpnSA votir
weight and strength and Improve the
general health greatly by a tnorougn
course of treatment with three-grain
hypo-nuclane tablets. Take one af
ter each meal and one at bedtime,
n-inir niontv nt wntfr rIowIv. be
tween meals. You should not expect
a great increase in weigut qmuwj.
hop It takes time to change
the cells and tissues of the body, but
you can depend on it as a inorougiuy
effective flesh producer.
Susan: Write me more fully or
send for my free examination chart,
and I will gladly do my best for you:
always give full name and address. I
never publish the correct name.
R. M.: Do not delay using the fol
lowing treatment If you value good
health. You need a good, mild laxa
tive tonic and blood purifier to cor--rtnf
y,rnnn rnnnlfnfttinn and the
general debility of which you com
plain. The weakness, aunian, iu
of appetite, headache, neuralgia and
faint spells can be corrected by us
ing three-grain sulpherb tablets
(laxative), as per directions accom
..,in(r nrt bIhd the following:
compound syrup hypophosphites 6
ozs., tincture caaoniene cumijuuuu 1
oz., and compound fluid balmwort 1
n aii. shake well and take a tea-
spoonful before meals and at bed
Thla la a valuable tonic, and
will vitalize the nerves, Increase the
strength, calm the mind, Improve the
.mam v nf the blood and remove the
exhaustion of body and mind.
Bronchitis: A cougn or any kiuu
should be promptly treated. Asthma
tic patients have obtained wonderful
relief by the use of a splendid and
cheap home-made cough syrup pos
sessing laxative properties, in fact,
this makes one or tne tesi nousenoia
remedies for colds, coughs and asth
ma that I know of: Obtain a oz.
parka ge of essence of mentho-laxene
and make into a pint of syrup as per
directions accompanying the package.
X. y. Z. Your questions and symp
toms have been answered and ex
plained several times heretofore In
these columns, but as they may have
escaped your attention I will repeat
my advice, ss I have for many oth
v Hmsirlsf rnuld obtain anr-
' thing I have prescribed In tbese ad-
persons who desired to enter Umbr
lands in Grsuit county, he -would pay
to them $100 for each person to sent
to him and by him located; that de
fendant and Higbee sent five persons
to him, all of whom plaintiff located
on timber lands in Grant county, pri
or to January 14, 1907; and that
plaintiff thereby became indebted to
defendant and Higbee In the1 sum of
$500, or $250 each; that on or about
January 14, 1907, plaintiff located the
defendant on a timber claim in Grant
county, Oregon and his - labor and
services In doing so are those men
tioned in the complaint and were
rendered and performed by plaintiff
for defendant In full payment for the
services performed by defendant for
plaintiff in procuring the Ave persons
to enter and locate timber lands, as
above set forth; that plaintiff then
and there accepted the services and
labor of defendant for his services;
that defendant accpted the services of
plaintiff for defendant's services.
The reply denied the accord and
satisfaction pleaded in the answer;
admitted that plaintiff located defen
dant on atlmber claim In Grant coun
ty, as alleged, and admitted that his
services In so locating plaintiff were
the labor and services referred to In
the complaint.
A jury trial was had and there was
a verdict and judgment for plaintiff.
Defendant appeals.
McBride, J. The validity of defen
dant's objections to the ruling of the
court excluding certain portions, of
his evidence hinges upon a single
proposition. Could he, after pleading
an accord and satisfaction, as Is done
here, introduce evidence tending to
show that plaintiff's services were
rendered gratuitously, It will be
seen that defendant does not posi
tively deny any specific allegation of
the complaint He denies only such
as he d em a material and these only
In so far as they are not referred to
In the answer. In other words he
says, "The contract was not as plain
tiff states It. but aa I state It" Con
ceding that defendant had the right
to plead the general Ibsuo and also
an accordand satisfaction of the
claim, he could only do this by an
absolute denial of the contract, cou
pled with a plea of accord and satis
faction of the plaintiff's demand.
The pleading In the case at bar
falls short of thla. The defendant
could not in any event under a gen-
leral denial Introduce evidence that
plaintiffs services were rendered
gratuitously. The law presumes that
services performed by one at the re
quest of another are performed for
hire and implies a promise to pay
, vices from the wholesale firms. In
I slat on his doing so, or go to a large,
'up-to-date store and get it.
(Z.) The treatment for Itching
scalp, falling hair and dandruff which
you refer to Is called plain yellow
mlnyol, packed In 4-ounce Jara, di
rections accompanying This cures
dandruff, makes the hair glossy, fluf
fy and free from excessive olllness,
and I have been thanked by scores
for discovering and proclaiming Its
A Wife: (1) Write to r my exami
nation chart (free) and arlve name
and address. (2) Lucorrhea or
"whites" Bhould be treated as fol
lows: Obtain one ounce tannic acid
and two ounces vllane powder. To a
quart of water add a half teaspoonful
of tannic acid and . a teaspoonful of
vllane. Use twice dally as an in
Jectlon with syringe. Continue for a
month after cure Is established to
prevent a return. I received In to
day's mall three letters from women
who used the above and now report
they are cured.
Help: The larger drug stores can
supply you with this excellent speci
fic treatment for the stomach disor
ders, common to so many, such as
pain under the ribs, belching, bloat
ing, wind, gas, heart .palpitation
shortness or breatn, etc. Obtain a
package of trlopepttne tablets and
use pink after breakfast, white after
dinner and blue after supper. Trlo
pepttne will correct most any atom
ach disorder, help digest the food,
tone up the stomach, Increase the gas
trie juices and enable you to eat
whatever you like.
Stubborn: For ulcers, running
sores, pimples, sore eyelids and oth
er symptoms of scrofula use the fol
lowing: Syrup Trlfollum compound 4
ozs., compound fluid fialmwort 1 oz.
aromatic fluid rascara 1 oz. Mix.
Shake well and take a teaspoonful
after meals and one at retiring. The
dose after the first week may be In
creased gradually to two teaspoon
fuls. This Is effectual In chronic or
Inherited blood disorders. Thla treat
ment should continue 4 to 6 months,
and sometimes longer, to thoroughly
eradicate the disease.
Aged: You say you are 45 years
old and your symptoms are extreme
nervousness, weak, tired, worn-out
feeling, timid, irltable, no enerny or
ambition to act naturlly under all
circumstances as others do. The
leant exertion tires, and the limbs and
body are often numb or aching. R"g
ular dally calisthenics or txerelne
which calls Into play every muscle of
the body should be followed. Also
take the following: Tlnture cado
mene comp, 1 oz., comp. essence car
dlol 1 oz eyrup l-ypophosphltea 6
ozs. Mix and take a teaspoonful be
fore or after each meal; after the
drift week gradually Increase the
dose to two teanpoonfuls. .. Continue
two or three months.
A, M.: A pleasant and effectual
non-secret remedy for chronic consti
pation Is called Cascaroyal pills.
Miss R.: A very prompt and effi
cient, though harmless headache and
neuralgia remedy Is sold under the
name of Pain-Away pills.
for tb.m: Lavrson on Contracts. Sec.
To overcome- thla promimptlon, and
to fairly apprise plaintiff of tne de
fense he intended to Interpose, de
fendant should have plead especially
that the aervices were performed
gratuitously. The brief of defendant
contains a discussion of the evidence
submitted, and it must b confessed
that the evidence Is exceedingly con
tradictory and unsatisfactory ; but
there was evidence, suttlclent to sub
mit to a Jury, which sustained plain
tiff's theory and the Jury having
found in his favor we are prohibited
by Sec 3 Art VII of the constitution,
as amended November 8, 1910. from
disturbing their verdict.
The Judgment of the lower court
Is affirmed.
Following letter will be of interest
to persons who ire Interested In the
study of modern languages and mu
sic. The gentlemen referred to has
come to our city to make his 'home,
and Is. worthy of the good Hung said
about bim:
Hoard of Education,
Salem, Ore., Nov. 21, 1911.
To w h om It m a y concer n :
This will certify that I am ac
quainted with tho qualifications, the
methods and the skill of Mr. Paul
Schwabe as a teacher of modern lan
guages. Mr, Schwabe is but recently
from his native country (Oormany).
He is. a gentleman of gracious man
ners, of thorough scholarship, tand of
unusual energy and Industry. If I
can find the time I shall tmrol.llnone
of his conversational classes In Ger
man, It seems to ma that any one
who is desirous of gaining a working
vocabulary la German or French,
and the ability to use the same inor
dinary conversation, would be fortu
nate to come under the tutorage of
Mr. Schwabe.
Mr. Schwabe la also a plant-st and
a piano teacher, with the knowledge,
skill and the enthusiasm which are
bound to win him success at a teach
er of this subject
I take great pleasure In commend
Ing Mr. Schwabs to tho general pub
lie as a man Worthy In every re
spect of its esteem, and desorvlng of
patronage. Very reepectfuly,
' Teachers' Einmlnntlons.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the
county superintendent of Marlon
county will hold the regular examin
ation for applicants for state and
county papers at the First M. E.
church, Salem. Oregon, as follows:
For StaU Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, December
20th, at I o'clock a. m.. and continu
ing until Saturday, December 23, at
4 p. m.
Wednesday forenoon Writing, U.
8. History, Physiology.
Wednesday afternoon Physical
Geography, Reading, Composition,
Methods In Heading, Methods In
Thursday forenoon Arithmetic,
Civil Government, History of Educa
tion, Psychology, Methods in Geogra
phy. Thursday afternoon Grammar,
Geography, . American Literature,
Physics, Methods In Language, Thesis
for primary certificates. .
, Friday forenoon Theory and prac
tice, Orthography, English Literature.
Friday afternoon School Law,
Botany, Algebra.
Baturday forenoon Geometry geol
ogy. Saturdny afternoon General His
tory, 13ookkeeilng.
, W. M. SMITH,
County School Superintendent.
12-9-1 Ot-aad-lt-wkly
Journal Want Ada Urlnj Results
Children. Cry
All patent medicine or niedlclnetad
rertlsed In this paper are for tale it
Drug Store
Rule hi, Oregon
Dr. Ntone's
A snow white medicine, contains so
sugar of lead, opium, nor other poi
sonous drugs. Applied every hour It
at once relieves, and soon cure In
flammation of tbi tic In generally
known aa l'ulson Oak. 25c and SOc
I " j
Hand Bags at
Entire Line at
Xmas Suggestion)
Back Combs
Toilet Sets
Silk Hosiery
Mesh Bass
Muslin Underwear
Table Cloths
December Clearance of Suits and Coals
Regular pr.cies $8.50 to $10.00, Special s 5.00
Regular prices $12,50 to $15.00, Specials 7.50
Regular prices $1 7,50 to $20,00, Special $1 0.00
U. G. Shipley Company
lnlNf Pennlnr
DEI 145-147 North
MtKLUAfliusK Between lltato and Court. PKICE8
When atOSPortlandii
n k
i it i 6
. n s;
' ' B K lii I
1 1 1; t; cub (
A m i m vt m a
'-it ,wr ,
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.... : ..'
For Us splendid hostelrlea, its varied attractions. Us fine beaches,
hot springs and pleasure resortn All thane cna be reached with
ease by the 1
"Itoad of a Thotmind Wonders"
ItoutH of Shanta Limited
Excursion Tickets Costing $55.00
Portland to Los Angeles and Return.
On sale dally, good six months with stop-overs coins or returning.
Corresponding low fur? a from other Oregon polnta. Call on our
agents for
Dexcrlblng Ban FranrUco, Oakland, Hlanford I'nlvcrslty, Lick Ob
servatory, ftanU Cruz, Del Monte, 1'hbo Kobles Hot Kprlnga, Santa
Marbnra, Ioa Angele, Long Delicti, Han Diego, The Old Spanish
Missions, yoeemile National Park and Dig Trees, and other placet
of Interest In the Goldon Klate; or write to
General Passenger Agent. Portland, Ore.
Reduced Prices j
nave you seen our
comprehensive display
of fine hand bags?
Nothing nicer for Christ
mas presents.
Real Seal. Goat
Walrus, Satin Velvet, X
Suede and fur mated- t
als. The very latest in
style and best of work- r
manship, fitted with
long cord and leather J
Reduced Prices.
Sweaters Neckwear i
Manicure Sets Bed Spreads
Stationery Beaded ,Bag
Lisle hosiery Handbags
Umbrellas Scarfs
Waists, Kimonas Guest Towels
Lunch Sets Gloves
liberty Street. &
For Chrlatmaa from the Capital bak
er; 1b sure to be the center of attrac
tion, not only because tt looks good,
but bocauae It will taste aa good as
It looks. And ao it Is with all our
plot, pastry and Christmas goodlea-
delicious and wholesome. Send la
.. your Christmas orders early to insure
4!it Court Btreet
Phone 154
to the
Rates $1,00 up. Break- x
fast and lunch 50c, Din- i
ner $1,00, Also a la J
Carte servb in grill, One ':
block, from Oregon Elec- -
trie on 11th and Wash- J
Ington streets. Salem
people cordially invited to t
I.- L- il. .(.. T
; mane our nouse xneir t
. i , ,
formerly with Marion i