fUK KlUHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, - OREGON, SATCRDAT, DECEMBER 9, 1911. I h-,..-..,..- m IB Pastor Russell's Sermon THE HARVEST RIPE FOR GARNERING Fruitage of This Age Soon to Be Harvested. . fcAsiog. gussmj fipT TO CONVERT THE HEATHEN Pattor Rutiall't Viiit to Hothen Landi Doei Not Imply Hit Hop For th Convtrion of tht Heathtn th Meant For Inaugurating Metiiah'i Kingdom, but tha Ravarea Tha Kingdom Muat Ba Eitabliahad Befora Evary Knaa Will Bow Haathen Hva Mora Than Doubled In Latt Cahtury, Brooklyn, Dec, 3d. -The pubUc was not made aware of Pastor Russell's p r e ence In our city today. No adver tisements were given forth be cause the Acade my of Music was not obtainable. and the Taberna cle would not accommodate the crowds, as It was. however, the Tnbernncle was crowded. Ills text wuh. "The harvest Is past, the sum mer Is ended, mul we are not saved." iJoremluh via. 20.1 The Pastur seemed suechWlv to en joy the nenil-prlvncy of this meeting with the Tabernacle congregation. As Is generally known be Is about to start on a tour of the world in company with a Committee of six gentlemen of affair of which he Is the chosen Chairman. The Committee was ap pointed some months ago by the In ternatlomt Bible Students Association to visit heathen lands, to Investigate conditions there and to report to the Association nnd to the public their findings along the following lines: Tha Committee'e Inatruotions. (1 Are the Foreign Missions being conducted ulong Christian business lines? (2) To what extent are the methods used successful In reaching the hea then peoples and In bringing them to Christianity? (3i What are the tcnch!ngs, what the Inducements to accept Christianity, and how enduring are the results? ' (4) What Is the attitude of Heathen dom to the missionaries and toward Christianity and what are the pros pect for Foreign Missions becoming self sustaining? (fit What. If any. changes could be mndo in tenchlng or in financial ad ministration to make the foreign mis sionary work more successful In the . future? 0 What hope is there for the con version of the world in this generation as proposed by the Laymen's Mission ary Movement with its thlrty-milllon-dollnr endowment? (7) To what extent do the monies donated benefit the heathen and could any Improvement along this line b suggested? The personnel of this Committee Is Interesting. They nre all deeply inter ested In Christian work, both at borne and n broad. Xhey are Christian men of the highest typo, and have long been contributors to the spread it the- uosm?i. 'i hey me as follows: Pastor Russell. President: Prof. V. II. Rbbison. Secretary; (Sen. W. P. Hall, V. S. A.;: Mr. -J. T. IV Pyles. Washington, D. , C., Merchant; Mr. K. W. V. Kuchn,. Merchant, ' Toledo, Ohio; Dr. L. W Jones, Chicago, Illinois, and Mr. R. B.. Maxwell, Merchant, Mansfield, Ohio. The report of this Committee will be awaited with great Interest by many. fi Pastor liiiNsell will vlait classes oC Rllile Students en route and will ad dress the public next Sunday in Los Angeles, California;" , Arrangements, are perfected whereby we will be in touch with him throughout his Jour ney. Ills addresses will be reported from Japan. China, Manila, Travan core, Madras, Calcutta. Cairo aud Cor inth. Discussing bis text the Taster de clared that as there was a harvest time, a reaping time, In the end of the Jewish Age. so also there Is to be a harvesting u the end of this Gospel Age. The fruitage of this Ago will be gathered luto the heavenly "garner," by the glorious change of the First Resurrection. The Lord's words wore.. "The harvest is the end of the Age." By mistranslation 11(a) words were .reudered. "The harvest Is the end of the world," and thus many have been misled Into a fear that the second com ing of Jesus will mean the end of all things, for all except the saintly few. Rather we should understand that: as the Jewish Aye ended with a har vest, and Its ripe fruitage was gath ered luto the "garner," so the garner ing of the Church. In the close of this Age. will menu the Inauguration of the New l)lsnsmtIou of Messiah's Klngdom- n New Age of blessing to the world in general-to all the fami nes of the earth. The glorified Church, in association with her Lord nnd Re- , decmer. will reign for a thousand ' years, as kings and priests unto God : and unto Christ, for the world's up- . lifting out of sin and death conditions. Only tha Church Harvested. The Pastor reminded his hearers that i he believes the Bible to teach that we re now lu the Harvest time of this Age. Consequently none should mis- aeglect of His Word has led to dege. nnderstnnd thA viait tn haathan l.nila I .Mfl- I - - - " u awuus viblj, ucvaf luai uie iul.cib u& to imply any expectation on his part I worldly ambition, pride, wealth, show that the heathens must be converted I etc.. hav been riiltlv.ii,..! m.tu-ith. before this Age will end Tbat such I standing all of the trying experiences would be an impossibility Is shown by I which might have served to prune tne government statistics to the effect these. It will be shown that many of that the numbers of heathen have don- tha nmnhets nf rtnhvinn urn fnltao what be does expect is. that as there guided the people and. instead of bles- mu. S S 1 At .11 la -. . . denominations of Christendom, now to lightening, have blinded It will be be garnered, so also there are a few manifested that many of them are rav- sainciy ones amongst tne neatnen wno i enlng wolves in sheep s clothing, bun have accepted Christ including some I gry with ambition for fame and proml- of tha missions rlea. ThA "hnrvMt" must cover as wide an area as did the aowlnir nf ttiA Rnsnel seed. To inma extent the message of the Kingdom has been preached amongst all na Hons The Bible is the sneclal nrocla matlon of Messiah's Kingdom as the hope of the world, and contains the "call" of the Church to Iriint-helrahtn with her Lord In tbat Kingdom, which will bless the world. The essence of this Kingdom mes sage, however, has been somewhat confused by reason of the many false notions set forth In our numerous false creeds of the DusL In his discourses in heathen lands the Pastor intends to lay stress upon the Kingdom feature oi tne uospei message. While it will be bis Drlvileee to Droclalm the Klne. dom message, be recognizes that only those who have the "ear to hear" will be able to appreciate and receive It Ills message Is one of the Bible, to which all Christians may rallv. If thev are rid of denominational ties: "The Church of the First-born, whose names are written in heaven," and whose Harvest time has come, are the Lord's, wholly irrespective of the denomina tions witn wnicn tney are affiliated "Harvest Past, 8ummor Ended." The text points out a lesson. - Not all who have professed to be followers of Christ will be amongit the blessed ones of the "harvest," who are to be transported by the First Resurrection to glory, honor and Immortality as their reward. The words of Jesus here cited in corroboration of tills are: "Many shall say unto Me In that dnv. Lord. Lord, have we not taught many, and in xny name cast out devils, and done many wonderful works?" Mnnv who thus hope will be disappointed will be snut out oi tne kingdom class. Another of the Redeemer's parables the Pastor said, clotures tha onnnA- crateo. saints of God In this "harvest1 time as "virgins," But some were wise and some foolish. The masses nf man kind, yea, the masses of Christendom, are omittea from tnis parabolic picture. Only the . "virgin" class is dealt with at all. and it is divided into two narts ana only the wise, the faithful, "more than, conauerors.'' will have the hnnm of entering into the wedding with the unaegroom and becoming "the Bride the Lamb's Wife." Then the door will be shut No more will ever enter that door. No more will ever be added tn the Bride company the number of the -eiect;' win nave been completed, The parable shows that later on. the "foolish virgins" pass through great tribulation and obtain the nil and the light which they should have uaa before. But It will then be too late to become of the Bride. ' Thev will knock, saying, "Lord, Lord, open unto usl" but the Bridegroom will declare. "I do not recognize you." as members of My Bride. However, the Scriptures snow us that these "foolish virgins," passing through a ereat time nf trthn. lation, will be called to "the marriage supper or the Lamb" and be present Derore tne great King as the virgins. tne urine's companions, and subordi nate helpers. Psalm vl. 13-15. une lesson, said the Pastor. Is that it is not sufficient that we say. Lord Lord that we publicly proclaim our selves Christians nor Is it sufficient that we be engaged in good works. casting out demons and healing the sick and teaching the people. These things In their way are good, but God has His own test as respects those who shall be accepted as members of "the Bride, the Lamb's Wife." Obe dience to the Word and Spirit of the Lord, loyalty to the Master, and to all Ills followers, faithfulness to His lead. lngs, through evil report and through good report, will be required The greatest work of which any of Christ's followers are capable is the conquering of self the development of the fruits and graces of the Holy Spirit Our privilege of belna- cola borers with the Master In the nrocla matlon of His Message is not granted because He needs us. but because we need the opportunities thus afforded ror the development of His character- UKeness in our hearts. "I Never Knew You." Our Lord Implies' a great number of nominal followers devoid of His Spirit, who in the end of this Age would not be bringing forth the fruitage that He desires, who would uot be members of His called aud chosen and faithful class, though outwardly, nominally, all of these. He points down to our dav. saying, "in that day"-iu the closing or this Age, in the testing time, In the time when He shall come to make np His jewels, and to glorify them as His uride, His members, His associates In the Kingdom. Many at that time In our day will profess that they know me Lora. tnat they are prophets or teachers, tbat they are casting out devils, opposing sin and multitudinous forms of evil, and that they are car rying on mighty works, benevolent In stitutlons. colleges, seminaries, etc.. In nis name. The Revised Version gives, "by Thy name," intimating that the name or Christ is used rather as a charm, to conjure by. But the testtug time Is near. The Lord will Inquire respecting the fruit of these. He will not be de ceived; yea. lie will expose the bad fruit, that all may see that His lude. meat Is just It will be manifest that nence and honor of men, and willing to barter the Interests of the "Dock for their Personal accraudlzement. It will be shown that much of this conjuring In the name of Jesus has been merely a cloak, under which, de ceiving and being deceived, sectarian fruitage, and not the love. Joy, peace and holy Snlrit have been cultivated "The day will declare it" will show it will manifest it. The whole world shall be witness eventually that God's name was dishonored, and His Word misrepresented, because false teachers were looting every one to gain from his own quarter his own dennmina- Hon. Isaiah Ivl, 11. The Lord never knew the sects He never recognized them. He never an thorlzed them; they are of men. and ror men, not of the Lord nor for the Lord's glory. Claiming that all there is or Christianity Is due to themselves. tney are proud and boastful and realize not that the Lord s true cause would have flourished far better without them, in the simnllcltv of the o.nriv Church one In redemption through the precious blood and In consecration to the Redeemer. The gathering out of the Bride class and the leaving of the remainder will be saying in effect. "1 never knew you, never recognized you. never authorized you;" aud these un authorized sects will go down In the great "time of trouble." We are glad, however, that the thou sands and millions who have been de ceived by these false systems will hnve a glorious opportunity during the In coming Age to come to n knnwlprtca nt the Truth and a right understanding of the character of God as revealed in the fulfilment of His gracious plan. Thus many who miss the creat "nrlze" mnv still have a glorious opportunity for the lesser prize of God In restitution, etc. 'Depart From Me, Ya That Work In iquity." We believe that there are active workers In the sectarian systems call- ed "Babylon" who will yet be reached by the knowledge of the Truth and de livered Our Lord Intimates this, say ing, "Come out of her, My people." Some of His people evidently are in Babylon, and It is our oreseAt mission In the name of the Lord to call these out through the presentation of "Pres ent Truth." which will show to all who are truly the Lord's where they stand. and their duty. Others of the active workers in the lnlauitous systems. which are counterfeits of the true, mis- representers of God's Message and binders and enslavers of the Lord's people, because not at henrt loval to Him, will not come out of Babylon, and therefore will share in the condemna tion coming upon her. They will go into the great time of trouble, and for a season at least be cut off from all fel lowship with the Lord. These work ers of Iniquity will have their hands full of the trouble which they have helped to bring upon the world of mini- kind by their misrepresentations of the Divine character and Plan. It will be a terrible chastisement, and our- hone for them Is that "when the Judgments of the Lord are abroad in the eiirtb. all the Inhabitants of the world will righteousness." Isaiah xxvl, 9. On the Rook or on the Sand? The picture or parable of one hnusn built upon the rock aud the other house built upon the. sand refers uot to the Church and the world, but to two parties in the Church. None nre in the parable except "those who hoar these sayings of Mhie." The world hears not our Lord's niessnne nt nil. As the Apostle declares, the world is both deaf aud blind to spiritual things. Those who hearken to and app.eciate the Lord's sayings represent at least a nominal Church, and amongst those of the nominal Church are some who are obedient to the Lord's Word, while others are disobedient. The obedient are built upon the rock, the dlsobedi- ent upon the sand. Those Who build unon the rock our Lord explains to be such us not onlv hear His message, but are obedient thereto to the extent of their ability. Let us remember the words to which He refers they are the niessnge of tne sermon on the Mount, which show the things which are blessed of God in contradistinction to the thlugs which would not have His approval. Those who hear the Master's words and say, "Yea, Lord," but who do not put His teachings into practice, are not built properly upon the rock of Truth, upon Christ. Thev nre building their hope, their faith, their trust, upon a foundation which will not 'stand. When the time of trouble comes n nan such their hopes will lie undermined. heir faith will collapse. We thank God that although ninnv of the nominal professors of Chris tianity and teachers aud philanthro pists will not be accented amoiiL'st the elect Bride class, nevertheless! they are rar too good, too noble to merit eter nal torture. Nuy. the Lord will not even consign them to the Second Death, to annihilation. Rather. He will provide for them, under Messiah's Kingdom, a gracious opportunity of at- talfluni and denjon-aUng a still Wgh er type of love an,l loyalty than they have yet experiem-ed or manifested. In proportion na any shall even then faithfully use the great privilege ac corded him. his ultlmntff iwrfm-tioa asd salvation will be assu pd. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You llaye Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the sig-natnre of and has been made tinder his per rV-ZyW , sonal supervision since Its Infancy. J-cctcAtM Allow no one to deceive youln this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Jixperunents that trifle with and endanger the heulth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 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FA'CY CAKE For Christmas from the Capital bak ery la sure to be the center of attrac tion, not only because it looks good but because it will taste as good as It looks. And so it is with all our pies, pastry and Christmas goodies delicious and wholesome. Send in your Christmas orders early to Insure fulfilment CAPITAL BAKERY VIA THE I0GDEN & SHASTA) ROUTES AND Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. Trains will run daily, except Sunday, on the following schedule: Lv. Portland 7:20 A. M. Lt. Hillsboro 8:50 A.M. Ar. Beach Points ...1:20 P. M. Ar. Bay City .......2:04 P. M. Ar. Tillamook , 2:25 P.M. Lv. Tillamook 7:55 A. M. Lv. Bay City ...8:15 A. M. Lv. Beach Points.... 9: 00 A. M. Ar Hillsboro 1:25 P. M. Ar. Portland 4:10 P. M. ton hRrtr!i6(h Uck6a on aaIe at cltr et orace, Third and Wash!n- YamhUl Ptartlfulars from th city tcket agent or agent, Fourth and .inHM CrfkTT A ,.1. UW f t General Passencpr Aomt. Portland, Ore- 439 Court Street Phone 954 O J - W