PAIU CAPITAL JOURNAL. OMBOOS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER g, l. FAGS riTS We have a f tvur 'I-.1'"" " !"" 1 1 u mi y line all-wool Bats which well price ridiculously low for a few davs to oW , a . ui tne line. eauitiful Christmas B resents W E especially invite you to come to the Stockton Store betore Lhnstmas. a i .i .., .. ,i i j . ' , " "F'w"y miea witn the msst beautiful dainty and appropriate Christmas presents. Come and look them over we think it will be a pleasure to you, and you are welcome whether you buy or not PRETTY APRONS 20 LESS We have a large and very pretty assortment of little white aprons made of the sheerest materials, trimmed with fine laces or em broideries and pretty ribbon bows. For the CHRISTMAS SALE Alt values above 50c 1-5 LESS We call attention to our 50-cent values for 29c 25c Talcum Powder 19c Pillow Slips 1 2k Each Misses and Children's UNDER GARMENTS 25c Values, now 19c DAINTY NECKWEAR The recipknt of a gift of our dainty neckwear will certa'nly be pleased the prelty jabots and side frills are delightful creations. I,et us show them to you. Fancy Silks, values to $1.2,1 74c PER YARD Fancy and Plain Silks, values to 75 cents 49 c PER YARD Ribbons up to 6 inches in width 17 c This quality Is ex"ra good, and It meant a great effort on our part to secure this great value for you. Especially fine for Christmas fancy work. , HANDSOME Dress Goods 10o LESS If you are looking for the most handsome dress goods, in Salem come to Stockton's .We especial ly call your attention to THE FORSTMANN AND HOFFMAN Broadcloths These are supposed to be the finest In America. We have all of the dainty tvenlng shades.' .We received a very late shipment of novelty goods, and In order to close these out before January 1st we offer them. : 10 9 LESS How about a new dress as an ac ceptable Christmas present? Saturday Special 18c Large White Turkish Bath' Twels, 12 H -inch. Sale begins at 9 a. m. (Limited four to a customer) GRAHAM GIRL CAUSES DIG . SENSATION 1SAYS HKU SISTER VARXK1 HKK ! AG.VIXST . STOKES, BKCAI SE ! SHE :thovuht HE HAH KILLED A I : ADAMS, WHOSE DEATH HAS BEEN ONE OK NEW YORK'S MYSTERIES. Ichitcd rusa LUID) V1U.1 New York Dec. 8. 'My sister told me to be careful of approaching Stokes because she believed he had killed Al. Adams, the millionaire pol icy king," was the statement of Lil lian Graham, testifying In her own defense against the charge of at tempted murder of Millionaire V. E. t. Stokes, which caused a great sen sation In court here today. While Stokes was testifying of his relatmg with the Graham girl and Ethel, Conrad, her co-defendant, At torneys for the girls tried to get him to admit that he was with Al. Adams at thq time of the policy king's mys erlous death, the true facts of which have always been one of New York's unsolved puzzles. The Graham girl's sensational ref erence came In connection with what was designed to show that Stok had not 'only Injured but robbed her. "Stokes told me,' she swore, "that he had lost 11700 of my money In Wall street. I and my sister, Mrs. Singleton, never bel'eved that he ac tually lost the money. We thought he only said he did. I wanted to go to him and demand my money back, but my sister told me to be careful approaching Stokes, because she be lieved that he had killed Al. Adams." A CHANCE It is a chance, to buy your Christmas presents at the Kemova I. Sale :AT: Dealers in Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Music Rolls and Bags. We move to the block with the many new changes 432 State Street. 7 T7Enr Bligh Theatre A CRANK AND ; Metropolitan Stock Company HIS MONEY ARE PARTED englishman leaving mg es tate wol'ld like to iios.s it ... for a century or two ak. Iter he is dead" and gone, when if he had rr he would HAVE "MONEY TO IIURN." TTWil1irL"m,'"'"tggBag New Incorporations, The following articles of Incor poration were fllad today with the secretary of state: Rainier Lodge No." 151, Independ ent Ordar of Odd Fellows; charitable, Rainier. r . . -' " Fuller-Furst-Burdick, Portland, cap ital stock, $15.0000. . v' ' Cahtollc Women's League 'Assoc' ates, Portland,, charitable. " Northwest Plaster & Lime com pany, Portland capital stock; $5000. The Universal Sash and ' Door company, dissolution. California Furniture company, dis solution. . The lost and found columns havo Bo message for th man -who has lost his nenre. Lake county's assessed valuation is $8,359,299. i TWmlfiil Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or ot any oiner uaiui, uc- j tpaatmfnt wlt.h BUCK- mauus piuiuyi. u"v ., A len's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene, us me qwe.t, surest healer for all such wounds, as - K,ng hniu. sores, skin erup- tions, ecwma, chapped hands, corns or piles. Wee at J. U rerry. o- Eugene Is the fourth city In the state In the use of autos. Salem and Medford only, besides Portland hav ing more. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets Drugsists refund money if It 'fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 23 cents. o Even the man who can make a decent living doesn't like to work that hard. - McXiiimir Wauted Money's Worth. Indianapolis, Dec. 8. What pur ports to be a confession of Ortie Mc Jlanigal, in jail at Los Angeles for complicity In the Mc.N'amara dynamlt ings, is published in a morning news paper here today. The confession details dynamite tabs in Toledo, Cleveland, McKees Rocks, Kansas City, Peoria, Milwaukee and Spring field, Mas.". it declare" tha' John J. McNa inara went to the scene and looked 'over the wrecks in some cases before he would pay for the jobs. If you are troubled 'with chronic ' constipation, the mila and gentle ef fect or Chamberlain's Tablets makes I them especially suited to your case. tor sa:e i;y an .-.-. flood humor is hard to control. cat'-HIng, out Is ttmmD fuss uum wiu . London, Dec. 8. Colonel Thomas Myles Sandys, of Graythwalte Hall( Ulverson, a member of the house of commons, who died last August, has left an estate worth $3,656,000 and a curious will. , No person being or becoming a Ro man Catholic, or marrying one, shall succeed to the Gra'thwalte Hall es tate, and In the event of such a per Bon being In line of succession the estate would pass on as if such per son were dead. To Impress this pro vision upon, his successors, .he re quested that this portion of the will be read In family conclave once a year, on the anniversary of h's death. Coione ISandys evidently feared premature . burial, for he .directed that, after Jils supposed death, a sur geon should open an- artery In Ills arm. He further asked that the lid of his coffin should not be closed' un til his body showed sJns of . puteje-factlon- , - ' He hoped that those who succeed ed to the estate would avoid betting, gambling,..' horse racing and card playing. ..' MARSHAL KILLED If i Gl)!l FIGHT The Big Laughing Hit "A Gay DfeceweF Lower Floor g Balcony 10 Matinee Tomorrow ! fi If UNT si on AUSTRALIAN COAL n,v. will soon bs up. still continues me xv,- wii. v,. Order m now. rnonc aw Falls aty Lurnoer Co. . . i i e fhr Wood Oak Wood-m iengrns iu phone gl3 (DKITSD riCSS LUHD ttl. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 8. As a re sult of a gun fight between a posse of ,1'nited States marshals and rail road guards In the Conconnah yards of the Illinois Central railroad, United States Deputy Marshal Vic tor C. Iicnner Is lead today, and Deputy Marshal George W. Dimaway and Charles Mi Calman, a railroad guard, are serious'v wounded. It Is thought that the marshals mistook the guards for a force of negroes which they had been called out to disperse. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most Infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria i and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's i Cough Remedy will quickly cure a ; cold ana greatly jreu iuc uanger ui contracting these disease. This rem 1 edy is famous for Its cures of colds. i It contains no opium or oiner nar code and may be given to s child with j Implicit confidence. Sold by all I dealers. 3.1 i. Starting Tomorrow Night FIRST TrOi X! iraMM niiAiir A SHOW Doors open 7:00 o'clock Sunday--MOTHER AND SON A GREAT PLAY SEEL TASTE, SMELL AND HEARING GONE iK-xtroyeU by ( atari li (an lie (Quickly Itrntored liy I'siiiK Kly's ' ('n-m llaliu. The thousands who suffer the mis eries of colds and catarrh and ciuini they havo never found a cure, can get instant, rcllff by simply annoliit lng the nostrils with Kly's Cream Balm. Unlike Internal mixtures which upset the stomach, or strong Bnuffs which only aggravate the trouble, this cleansing, healing, antiseptic balm Instantly reach's the Beat of tho trouble, stops the naaty dis charge, clears thft nose, head and throat, and brings back the sense of taste, smell and hearing. More than this, it strengthens the weakened and diseased tissues, thus prolwtlng you agalnst'a return of the trouble. This remedy will cure'a cold In a day, and prevent IU becom'ng chron ic or resulting in catarrh. Nasal catarrh Is an Inflammation of the membrane lining the air pas sages, and cannot be reached by mix tures taken Into the stomach, nor can It be curel by snuffs and powders which only cause additional irrita tion. Don t waste time on mem. tiei t 50-cent bottle of Ely's Cream Dalm from your druggist, and sfter unlng It for a day you will wish you had tried it sooner. If your case requires a spray ask for Ely's (Liquid) Cream Balm. Mothers should give the children Ely's Cream Dalm for colds and croup; It Is perfectly harmless, and pleasant to tu'ne. - .o . Uiere the Locality Does 't Count. Wherever there are people suffering from kidney and -bladder' ailments, troin backache, rheumatism and urin ary Irregularities, Koley Kidney Pills will help them. Ilelvlilere, 111, R. A. Kelly, an ex-englneer, says: "Three years ago my kidneys bpcamn ro bad that I was compelled to give up my engine and quit. There was n severe aching pain over the h'liH followed by an Inflammation of the bladder, and always a thick sediment. Koley Kidney I'llls made tno a sound and well man. I can not say too much In their praise." Tonic in action, quick In results. Will cure any case of kidney or bladder dlsordor not be yond the reach of medicine. No new! to say more. II. Jermnn, Red Cross l'harmacy. It may never be to: a'o try nu nd, but. it Is generally too laf? to bo oay, Hunting for trouh'i doesn't re quire tno aid of a sleuth. ISAVE YOURSELF There is no reason why you should always be a slave. If you aro desirous of saving yourself or a friend from a drunk ard's grave, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity offered at the Hot Lake Sanatorium for the cure ot the liquor und drug habit. Hot Lake mineral baths prepare the body for the teattuunt and then sooth the nerves and actually remove the deslra for tha liquor or drug. Hundreds of happy homes in Oregon and Washing ton today bear witness to the efficiency of the Hot Luks treatment One week will in most cases effect a cure. Sometimes longer is re quired, but not often. The best of cars Is given the patients. For full information, address Hot Lake Sanatorium. Hot Lake, Oregon WALTER M. PIEKCE Pres. and Mgr. Main Office 279 Nl Commercial ou