DAILT CAPITAL JUCKX.U, ' RALEH, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER . 1011. one's lil I! 1 THINKING of Christmas turns thoughts towards Salem's Big Depart ment Store; the place where up-to-date Holiday and Novelty Merchandise of Quality can be purchased at lowest department store prices. WATCH OUR WINDOWS, READ OUR ADS AND INSPECT OUR COMPLETE HOLIDAY STOCKS. Toyland, Second Floor Today 563rd Wednesday Surprise. Crystal glass Candlesticks at 10c each. Very neat in two styles. An extra value at the price. Tomorrow 1 Oc each. None sold before 8:30. No phone orders. The House of Quality 222333322: AS The Christmas Store At bazaar la Episcopal church Thursday. Quotes Best Rates On groceries,, both fancy and sta ple, and makes all possible efforts to give satisfaction at all times. J. M. Lawrence, corner Ferry and Com mercial streets. Fine Play Coming Among the fine plays coming to the Grand soon is "The Fortune Hunter", a typical American story, dealing with American types and having a wholesome theme. The play Is writ ten by Winchell Smith and has ' pleased and delighted big audiences j wherever shown. It Is splendidly j staged and Is presented by a strong company. It will be at the Grand ; Monday, December 18. Nat Duncan , plays the leading role, "The Fortune Hunter." You Will Find I Home made candy, useful and fan- jcy articles fur sale. Bazaar, Episco 1 pal church. ! The SmiM-t (irwry Will move to their new location soon after the first of the year. Our bread sales are increasing, there's a reason. Our bread Is made by the New York bakery, of Portland, with the latest machinery and In a bakery that is as clean as your parlor. Institute Dates Fixed j December 18, 19, and 20 have been ; fixed as the dates for holding the ; county teachers' institute at Tilla mook. State Superintendent Alder man will attend, and so will his wife who will give demonstrations in j drawing. I The Bazaar At Episcopal church will be in ses sion Thursday afternoon and. evening. Be on Time, 2 j. m o With the fominsf of Middle Aire There is a letting down in the physi cal forces often shown in annoving and painful kidney and bladder "ail ments and urinary Irregularities. Fo ley Kidney Pills are a splendid regu lating and strengthening medicine at such a time. Try them. H. Jerman, Red Cross Pharmacy. J. R. Mathews, of Albany, Is In the city ' Gorden Potter and wife, of New York, are looking up business inter ests In the city. G- A. Werner, who lives near S Hvr Creek Falls, has sold his fine 120 acre farm to John Keough, of Walla Walla. Mr. Keough's family will ar rive soon and will make their home on the farm. Ebert Downing, one of Sublimity's prosperous farmers, is transacting business in the city. Mr. and Mrs. "Bill". Miler, of Hope well, are doing their Christmas trad ing in the city. William Morrow, the fancy stock breeder, of Rickreal, is attending to business in the city today. M. S. Ramp, of Brooks, is rtgis tered at the Salem hotel. Charley Townsendl the well-known prune grower of Rosedale, is looking up some of his Salem friends. Ward Manning, of Gervais, Ore., is looking over Christmas fixings. i Mrs. .VI. Walling and Mrs. ' Peck i Walling, wives of prosperous Lincoln j fanners, are doing their holiday shop, j ping In Salem today. . George Conkey, of the firm of Con i k y. Walker & Lehman, merchants ' of Independence came down on the ! morning boat from Independence, on I his way to Portland, where he has urg ent business. He will return tomor row in time to catch the 4 p. m. boat for his home town. George Bray, warehouse man, of Independence. Is in the city today on business. FANCY KING APPLES We have a very choice lot of them, fancy packed.. .. A choice lot of R. I. Greenings "".,". perfcl (These apples in any market but Salem would brine $1 x per box. Get a busy.) '- The large size. Naval Oranges Ripe Olives SOc Per doj. Wa np Klinvvlncr snm.) nf tha finest' Rino Olli-ao .I,-. s 0 lutll av ouunu uu luc . uiiut. uani mjic ITOin ZoC )?t hint trtd for a 2G-oz. iar. Rioe Olives are within ri, .... Sl)c . - u ui eieryone. p. - e win make special nrieti per nan dozen or one-dozen lots. you CITY NEWS. SDe0,al Dieting of De tU'jt Molay Comamndery, No. 5, K. T., this .ev ening. Work In the Order of the Temple. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. Catholic Bazaar The German society will sing to night at St. Joseph's hall. Loyal Order ot Moo Banquet and election Thursday eve. Politician's Dream A Vltagraph comedy, featuring John Bunny, at the Grand tonight. t'hlcs Club to Meet The Civics Club will hold Its regu. Iar monthly meeting at the office of State Superintendent of Public In struction Alderman on January 2. The mibject to be discussed Is "a uniform high school course of study. Politician's Dream A Vltagraph comedy, featuring John Bunny, at the Grand tonight. Catholic Iliizaar Cooked food sale December 6 and 7 at St. Joseph's hall. A free ring will be given away each night. Hotel Marlon Merchants lunch, 50c, from 12 m. to 2 p. in.; grills open from 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. m.; Sunday dinner, 5:30 to 8 p. m., 75c eod-tf The Mi'Nhiiiiii'h Urol hers Are in Jail at Los Angeles, and, lif ter their gtreimous experience, would no doubt enjoy a Bon Ton cigar the best S.cent "cigar made. Many Applicants County School Superintendent Smith is making preparations for the state teachers' examinations to be held In the county on December 20. He reports that there are now over 100 applicants. The examinations will probably be held In the Methodist church. Have You Been In Our Store? We have the finest display of JEWELRY, SILVER ware, and CUT GLASS ever seen in Salem. Christ mas Time is nearly here and you will find that we have anticipated your every thought in the jewelry line. Come in and let us help you with your Holiday shop ping. We can save you time and money. Barr's Jewelry Store t Sues to Quiet Title W. T. Given today commenced a suit in the circuit court against John T. Foster, et al. The purpose of the suit Is to quiet title to certain real property. To Open Rids The state land board will tomorrow open bids for wood to be supplied the state institutions for the next six months. Bids for general supplies for the Institutions will be opened December 21. The I, miles Of the Jason Lee M. E. church will hold a bazaar at Josse & Moore store, December 7, 8 and 9. On Sat urday they will also hold a cooked food sale. 12-6-3t "Lost 111 the Juiijrle" As seen by the writer, "Lost In the Jungle," now shown at Ye Liberty is surely a treat, as it is so true to na ture. The leading lady in the play Is lost In the jungle and set upon by a wild animal. She comes out win ner, but almost exhausted. Her pet elephant being driven away from home by Its keeper, later finds her In the jungle and kneels down for her to mount and carries her to safety. The entire program Is a good one. Will It be ii Merry Xnias or n Merry Ha! Ha!! Let the Tog gery Bird be Your Santa Claus Every gift purchased at the T o ggery will give the recipient a Merry X m a s b e catise e v e ry ar ti c 1 e is a p r a c 1 1 c al present of worth. No, we don't han dle k n u c k- kmu-ks or gee-haws which are more than useless to the average person. A bright new store, full of bright new merchandise, awaits your approval. SEE THE STORE NOW Our Cleaning ind Pressing De partment is awaiting your order. We call for and deliver your gar ments. THE TOGGERY Phone tt. 187 Commercial St DATE YASTIS AL HCKST- (To be Continued) . . STATISTICAL ft. DIED. HASKIN At the Salem .hospital. Sa lem, Oregon. Tuesday morning. December 6 1911, Arthur Haskin. the son of Sir. and lrra- Haskin, of 1715 North Liberty street, aged 3 years and 9 months, or spinal men- ingltis. The funeral was held from the un. dertaking parlors of Lehman & Clough today at 2 o'clock, with inter ment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. .)(,(, PERSONALS. Mr. Chas. A. Endicott leave tdiight after a busines9 trip to Southern Ore gon. Grant B. Dimick, Oregon C'ty's popular mayor, Is In Salem on busi ness . George W. Knight came down from Hubbard yesterday to attend the K. P. convention. S. B. Lowenberg, head of the Low- enberg stove works, of Portland, Is a business visitor in the city. C. F. Stone, of Klamath Falls, is registered at the Hotel Marion. J. S. Winters, of Portland, who has the contract for Salem's new library. Is looking over the ground with his superintendent T. H. Pearse. prepara tory to commencing work. L. Kenney, of Portland, who Is in the city on business, Is registered at the Bllgh. J- E . McCarter and A. P. Star, of Dallas, are stopping at the Bligh, while attending to business in the city. Mrs. M. B .Ketter, of Portland, is a guest of the Bligh. D. S. Gibson, a larger farmer, of Polk county. Is bringing in consider able poultry for the Christmas market. BARGAINS GOOD HOUSE and lot close in, with well of water, can be bought for $500, if sold soon. 166 ACRES; 5o acres In hops; good hop house; all fine river bottom land. 136 acres In cultivation. $100 per acre. OLMSTED LAXD CO. 12-4-nt GRAND OPERA HOUSE Moving Pictures Tonight PROGRAM The I! lit lit nine hut the Wrong Man Selig. The Politician's Dream Vltagraph comedy. A Romance ( the Sixties Lubia i Life Boat Vltagraph. Sonar Hiram Ellis MUSIC BY ORCHESTRA Opposite S. P. Passenger Depot WOOD COAI lne 210 Rock Springs and Standard Coals CAPITAL FUEL COMPANY OTIfE Of Appointment of Viewers on the 0K'iiinir, Widening; and Extension of Cherry Avenue, from Hiirliland Avenue in North Salem to the North City Limits, in the City of Sulem, Oregon. Notice is herebv given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, did on the 4th day of Decem ber, 1911, duly appoint J. A. Baker, John W. Roland and T. E. Caufleld, viewers to ascertain and apportion the damages accruing to the owners of property on account of the open ing, widening and extension of Cher ry avenue from Highland avenue In North Salem to the north city limits in the city of Salem, Oregon, and to make an assessmert of the benefits accruing to the adjacent property on account of such opening, widening and extension of said street and that the 20th day of December, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the of fice of the city recorder at the city hall in the city of Palein, Oregon, has been appointed as the time and place for said viewers to meet and make an assessment of the damages and benefits to the adjacent property on account of the opening, widening and extension of said street. That the private property which will be appropriated by the opening. widening and extension of said street and the names of the persons pur porting to be the owners thereof are aa follows, to-wit: Oregon Electric Railway Company: Commencing at the intersection of the north line of Highland Avenue, and the east line of Cherry avenue in the city of Salem. Oregon: thence east along the north line of Highland avenue eight feet; thence north and parallel with the east line of Cherrv avenue 233.64 feet; thence west eight reet to the east line of Cherry ave nue; thence south along the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet to the place of beginning. H. E. Pemberton: Commencing at a point on the north line of Highland avenue eight feet east of the intersection of the east line of Cherry avenue and the north line of Highland avenue; thence east along the north line of Hieh- land avenue two feet; thence north and parallel with the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet; thence west two feet; thence south and par allel with the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet o the place of be ginning. Willamette Construction Company commencing at a point on the east line of Cherry avenue 233.64 feet north of the north line of High land aveue; thence east 10 feet thence North and parallel with the east line ot Cherry avenue, 1247 36 feet to the center line of Locust street, said center line being the north city limits; thence west along the center line of Locust street 10 feet; thence south along the east line of Cherry avenue 1247.36 feet to the place of beginning. CHAS. F. ELGIN. 12-6-llt-dly city Recorder. Smyrna and Candied Figs This year we are better prepared than usual to supply with very best In all kinds of Figs. Let us please you. ' Supreme and Sinclair Hams This is the Ham season. Let us send you one. if thev n nl mm n c iLimi uic) nuuuiu uk, jour money win De refunded ham replaced. The price Is only o( c per lb. ROT Ul GROCERY COMPANY GRAND OPERA HOUSE: SATURDAY, DEC. 9th. ALSO MATINEE at 2:30 P. M. ; FREDERIC THOMPSON IDA ST. LEON (The Gnus Riding Gil): la Amerleu's Greatest Success J POLLY of the CIRCUS; A HEAL tlKlUS OX THE STAGE ! NOTE A reception will be held on the stage after the matinee ! Bring the children to romp and play with Polly, her ponies and ! horses. All are Invited. i Prices: Night, 50c to $1.50. Matinee, 2oc to $1.00. ! MMtMH MM Hf Prepares yonng people for bookkeepers, stenographers and general oik work. The development of the Northwest will afford opening. I. thonsands w the next fm years. Prepat, now. Send for catalog W. I. STALEY. Principal Salem. Oregon it NEW TODAY. HOT CHICKEN TAMALE Phone Main 2048; at night, 81; Sunday, 100. Remember Madison Lunch Wagon. Butter sandwiches. 12-5-5t WONEY TO LOAN on good real es tate security. See Homer H. Smith, McCornack building. 11-24-tt FOR SALE Good four room dwelling close to school and carline, store and paved street; $75 down, bal ance $12.50 per month. See Homer H. Smith, McCornack building. 12-1-tf FOR SALE Six nice young rose comb R. I. Red cockerels. Also six S. C. Comb R. I. Red pullets. Inquire at 2398 Trade street. 12-6-5t HAIR SWITCHES Farmers 188. made. Phone 12-6-lwk .-0- YE LIBERTY PROGRAM VOll TODAY AXD TOMORROW "Lost In the Jungle," one of the greatest wild animal pictures ever produced. Duet Earl and Traxier "My Brother Agastlno" Lubin (Drama) "That Sweet Italian Waltz".... Gretcheu Knorr Mandolin and guitar accompaniment. Utagraph Monthly Review, showing the Austin Flood, Championship Ball Games and many other vital happenings. Chang ot Program Friday. WANTED By business man, single, comfortable room, with use of bath in home of cheerful people. Refl erences given. Address "P," care Journal. 12-6-3t $500 CORNER LOT on ChemekA street, 58x100. Small one m house on lot. $75 down and bal ance at $10 a month. The how rents for $4 a 'month. All assesi ments paid and sidewalks la I Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commerciil street. 12-1-tf- FOTl S i I F General niprclinnrllso stnrp at Mfhl. ma. Including house, barn, and ok block of ground. 'Postofflce and loif aistance telephone located in store. The Rlnek TSnfla mining tiondnnir tei-s are being moved from Gates U Mehama, which means a large li crease of business for Mehama. Ttl. l UI ... In At,A,11 x ijhuu ui mis propeny ih tticaj' It will be on the market for only 1 1 short time. See us at once. E. HOFEU 4 S0S 213 S. Commercial Street. Norwich Union Fir a InsiirnariP Snripfv. Bnrghardt Ac Meredith, Resideat if 885 STATE STREET. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K, FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, 0 MONEY TO IONS ai ui rruiieiij, juuu . w" & Co.. over th.. Chicken Store. S lem, Oregon. Phone 1552. WANTED $1200 on real estate rp curity; first mortgage. Applv to I Meyer & Thielsen, 162 North Commercial street, upstairs. 12-61tf FOR SALE Five, acres good, dark loam, nearly clear, running water, ii miles out, good road. Price $750, $25 cash, balance $3 per month- No interest for three years Address John Van Laanen, Fair Grounds) Oregon. 12-6.3t l Talmadge Printing Co. New White Building, 2oltf State Street. SOCIETY AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING. GItc an Iowa Printer a Call. FOR SALE Hop roots, best English Cluster. Phone Main 432. Salem, 0regn- 12-6-lw WANTED Delivery boy at the Peo ple s market, 173 South Commer cial street; must have wheel. 12-6-3t MONEY TO LOAN On good Real Estate security. BECHTEL A BYJiOX 347 State Street WANTED Man and wife want farm work. Apply at West Salem gro-cer-v- 12-6-3t BUFF ROCK pullets and cockerels for sale. My chickens are from prize winning stock. I will sell a few if taken at once. F. D. Stone, Fair Grounds, Oregon. 12-6-3t TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented Repaired Ribbons Rollers HnDDlieS Srw Ma Rofnn. Von Da Alirtbinf C. M. LOCKW00D rhone VtiM MjIb 2t4-l V. Con Re 01 Journal Want Ads Brtm RM1U