daily capitai journal, OREGON, TtESDAV, DECEMBER 5, 1911. THE Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results On cent a word for first Insertion. nn-blf cent a word for each liivrtloo thereafter. No advertisement takf for li than ,lsc Caunt all wordi to to line. ArCTIO'EER. JOHN GREMMELS, general auctlon eer of merchandise, household goods, livestock, real estate and farm lands. Sales booked any where. Reasonable figures. Twen ty years experience. 538 State street. Phone 636. Residence 1356 9-9-tf OAKERIES. BTH1TE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders t specialty. We make dally deliveries SI 9 N. Commercial, phone 903; or 12th and Chemeketa, phone 961. 1-7-tl BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other read, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's- California Bak ery, Thomas & Cooley, Props. BLACKSMITH AN HOnSESHOE ING. FOR GUARANTEED WORK By ex perts In horseshoeing, 'carriage work and general blacksmlthlng go to Relgleman ft McKen, 344 Chemeketa street, Salem, Oregoa. "The shop for satisfaction." Phone Main 327. 7-20-3m BUSINESS CARDS. PIANO TUNING Lutellus L. Woods, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 608. Shop, 630 N. Winter street 2.2-lyr THE BAKER HOUSE 645 Ferry street. Home cooking, table set family style. Rooms day or week, with or without board. 11-1-lmo ANY TOWN in Oregon can have our Mexican Spanish chicken tamales. Good money in It. If you like to have them In your cafe, send an order to the Salem Tamale Factory, Salem, Oregon. Be sure and ring up 2048 for retail. Night ring is 81; delivered to any part of the city. ll-ll-lm CARRIAGE TRIMMING AD PAIXTS F. W. BLISS Successor to Walker; carriage and automobile trimming, carriage trimming goods, new work and repairing. I am carrying a full line of Masurey's house and buggy paints, brushes, oils and the very best varnishes. 304 S. Commercial. 12-1-tf CHINESE PHYSICIANS. JAY KING Our remedies are com posed of the choicest roots, herbs j and barks and are sure to cure to stay cured. All chronic diseases ofj men and women a specialty. If you cannot tell, send for symptoms blank. Jay King, care Bow Wo: Drug Co., 165 S. High St., Salem, Or. 8-25-tf CLEANING AND PRESSING. JAPANESE PRESsSlNd PARLORS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladies' silks, laces and gloves given special attention. Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. We are cleaner, and repairers. Try us. Goods called for and delivered. Parlor. 323 Center street. Phone Main 2044. - 9-2 2-tf ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE, H. H. HUNTER Electrical supplies and wiring our specialty. We will give you an estimate on your wlr- ing and electrical work. Our work Is guaranteed; h 'e rural tele phones. Office and supply room 129 South Commercial street. 6-29-tf FOUNDERS. SALEM IRON WORKS- Shand & Marcus, proprietors. Front and State street. Iron and bras, caat- i n fa Bra Imil.Bnt linn lii Inra aft W- mil machinery, 'etc. Phone 909.1 GERMAN AND FRENCH TEACHER. GERMAN and French teacher Mr. P. Schwabe, good experience in teach ing. Single or in classes. Moder ate terms. Address, 1156 South Thirteenth street. 10-25-tf HAIR DRESSING. SCALP AND SKIN SPECIALIST Hair dressing, manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Combings bought and made up. We make a specialty of hair dyeing. MissOra Poage, rooms 318-319 U. S-. Bank bldg. 3-7-lm JUNK DEALERS. JUNK DEALERS Highest price paid paid for cast Iron and all kinds of metals. Hides, pelts and furs bought Oregon Junk Shop, 430 Court street Main 399. 8124-tf INSTRUCTION IN MrSIC. PIANO LESSONS Mr. P. Schwabe, trained in Berlin, Germany, experi ence in teaching. Moderate terms. Address 1156 South Thirteenth street 10-25-tt LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial Strftet Vhnna 11K Hon Lee. CLASSIFIED AD SECTION UQrOR MOUSES. WILLIAM BITTB - Fine w! , " liquors and cigar,. We hand grated Kenogg aad castle wis! es. Cool and efreshlng beer costly on draught mercial Street. PAJdlLY LIQUOR" Store AH stand- wd brands Of llailnrs i. Btock. wines by the gallon. Hot-",f-!.e- f ree deliry m the E. Eckerlen, Commercial stret 206 N. LIVERY STABLE. '"t,? o UVKRY Md 2f ! hani Tenlcles of all kinds sold. Best of turnouts, Quick service; rates reasonabls. For anything in livery and board ing, call or phone Main 188. E. P Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry street MASSAGE PARLORS. MEDICATED PLASTIC CASTS The latest French method of removing black heads, pimple, and wrinkles. Call at the Sanitary Beauty Par lors, Room 10. Steeves Block. J-4-U MECHAXO THERAPEUTIST AND SUGGESTIONIST. DR. H. H. SCOVELL-Mechano Therapeutist and Suggestionist. Located in Salem. ii ir.m Treats chronic and acute diseases. UIHce and residence, 267 Liberty street Phone 1332. Consultation free. 9-20-tf , NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS ! HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St. 8-25-tf JiCHSERIES CLEAN NURSERY STOCK Large variety of all kinds of fruit and or namental trees and shrubs. Fruit land Nursery Co., Asylum road, 3 miles east of Salem. R. F D. 6, Box 87. Phone Farmers 23X-2 7-29-tf ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO. Gar den seeds of all kinds in season. Large stock fruit, ornamental trees. Coitract landscape work for city or suburban home. Office, salesyard, 491 Court St., Main 937, Farmers' 44x1. 8-25-tf , NEW AND SECOND-HAND CLOTH. ING. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cloth Ing and shoes. Highest cash pr'ce paid for old clothing, shoes, etc. We also have all kinds of clothing, and can fit any man. B. Gollob, proprietor. Phone Main 552 312 North Commercial street 10-1 2-tf OSTEOPATH. DR. R. W. WALTON, Osteopathic phy sician; acute and chronic diseases treated; consultation free. Office rooms 12 and 14 Breyman block. Phone 1951. 8-25-tf DR. OSTEOPATHY. B. H. WHITE1 Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate of the American School of Osteop athy, Klrksvllle, Mo., post-gradu-atf and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases Consultation free. Lady Jtttendant. Office 605-606 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Xesldance 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469 PAINTERS, PAPBn, HANGERS pifrER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first-clas. work done. I D. Driver, 617 North Capitol street, Salem, Ore. Phone 926. -M-tf- ROBINSON & FULLER Painting, paper hanging and hard wood finishing. Office 304 South Com mercial street. Phone 14 45. ll-6-lm PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DR. J. OLIN VAN WINKLE-Phy-slclan and surgion. Office 602 U. a Mot rnnl HaHK. DIUK. iuuiio " o. nowu. Residence 615. 8-9-tf PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BAK' riumu.u, . . wt hni wator ana sieam u-'-o . haar nff inn Liu nlng, 164 Commercial St. Main 192. Phone 9-1-1 yr. OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing heating, gr fitting; pnee. sonable; work: guaranteed; esd. mates furnished. Phone 373 1066 Chemeketa street 4-17-tr FINLAY & rtEYNOLDS-Plumbing, heating fcad geral repairing; water pipe and sewer connections. . i-niaW free on any JUSlimaieo 1. of your work. Phone Center street 510; 325 6-10- RESTArit AM'8. 20 cents: 11. w a. m. w KO ner week. 179 oO"J rntnmerctaL PhoneJ r-TtANT-184 Com- BIS uf rert. n-ar corner Ferry, mercial street n.ar ,n First class "Welder ft PORTLAND HOTELS. XEBWr MATTHIESEN HOTEL Cor ner Front and Columbia, at Or. !aStrlfdep0t- Sheat h and coid water In all room.. Open day and night Room. 60. 76 in? m S0 Hutel Haakon, 401 to 407 Front street. John Matthie sen, proprietor both houses - 10-5- 9ALEM FUEL TARDS. WOOD FOR SALE Can deliver hard and soft woods. In 12 and 16-inch and 4-foot lengths to all parts of the city. My wood Is well sea soned end under shelter. Price, .caauuauie. saiem Fuel Yards. Phone Main E29. Office. 752 Trade street SIGN PAINTERS. I DORRANCE, the sign man Air brush, show cards and banners. Bulletins and wall signs. Auto and carriage painting. 260 Chemeketa street. 6-26-tf SI'IRELLA CORSETS FITTED. SPIRELLA CORSETS Measures taken by Alice A. Miles, 1106 Leslie street, at home Thursdav af ternoon. Phone 10S8. 11-23-tf TINNING AND ROOFING. BADERTSCHER & FTJLIiER Hot air heating; furnace work; tin ning and roofing cornice work of all kinds. 188 South Liberty street. Phone 600. Figures on contract, cheerfully given. All work guar anteed. 8-30-tf ' CI'HOLSTK RI NO, RENOV ATI NO F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum car pet cleaning, on or off the Door; carpets altered and laid; mat tresses made and renovated; fur niture re-covered; shades and awn ings made and altered. Northeast corner Court and High streets. Phone 568. 7-22-tf HOUSE CLEANING ror the holidays will soon start. Have your furni ture and upholstering work attend ed to by men who know how All work guaranteed. E. L. Stiff, cor ner Court and Liberty. Phone 941. 9-21-lmo REED ft ZWICKER. Only steam carpet and feather renovating plant In city. Power vacuum cleaning. Matressea remade and upholster ing. Furniture repaired. Work guaranteed. Works Fourteenth and Wilbur, Phone 1154. 8-31-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN ft CLOTJGH TJ. J. Leh man, A. M. Cough, mortician, and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 445 Court street 9.20-tf. W. T. RIGDON, undertaker and em bahner. 252 North High street, od posite city hall. First class In ser- vice, equipment and stock. Lady assistant when desired. Only un- dertaker who has commodious apartments purely on residence plan. 6-1 2-tf WATCHMAKER, . S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at eastern prices. 1 Opera House diock, 454 court street 10-6-tf. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS Fuel kept under Bhelter. I handle , Kopiah coal, and Imported British Colum-. bia Wellington coal, the best on the I Pacific coast Also hard and soft wood, cut to suit, well seasoned I and in the dry. Satisfaction guar- anteed. See my stock. 752 Trade 1 street, or phone 529. Mark Siddall. FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. Sole agent, for the famous Rock Spring, coal and the Wash Silver lump. Cord wood and mill wood inleagth. to suit. Reasonable prices. Prompt delivery. Main office 279 North Commercial street. Phona 813. 10-2-tf WOOD SAWS. HAVE YOUR NEXT WINTER'S supply of wood sawed by the "old reliable" sawyer, J. A. Poage. Your orders will receive prompt attention. Phone Main 1313. 8-29-tf WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial ana "lraae bis. For water service apply at office. Bil's payable monthly In advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. 8. Regular meetings first nd third Tuesdays. Masonic Hall. Mrs. McCauley, W. M.; Ida M. Babcock. aecretary. SALEM GRANGE NCr. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets In Hurst Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome F. A. Myers, master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Holman Hall Geo. H. Deacaa, C. C; L. H. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 LODGE DIRECTORY (Continued.) MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Holman Hall. W. E. Vincent. Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk. SALEM LODGE KO. 4, A. F. A M. State communication oi first Friday In each month, at 7: It p m.. In Masonic hall, McCornacl block. James Plant, W. M.; John Bayne, sen-etary. a. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge No. 2 meets ever;' Monday even ing at 8:00 p. m.. In Holman Hall, corner State and Liberty Sts. B. P. Donaldson,' M. W. D. P. Wright, Recorder. 6-21-tf SALEM HUMANE SOCNETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tllson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for Investi gation. PACIFIC LOPGE, NO. tto. A. F. ft A. M. Maoonlc hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. WllBon, W. M Lot L. Pearce, sec retary. 8-1-tf MULTNOMAH ROYAL. ARCH CHAP- ter No. 1. Masonic hall second Friday of each mcnth, at 8 p. m. M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest. Lot L. Pearce, Secretary. 7-9-tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital As sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening la I. O. O. F. Temple, Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, M. A., S. R. Vail, secretary, 158 S. Cottage street Phone 1214. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, Cherry City Lodge No. 498, meets every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. Temple, corner Court and High streets, D. R. Yantls, Dlcta- tor; H. H. Turner, secretary, 135 8. Commercial street MISCELLANEOUS. ARE YOU RUPTURED I make and fit trusses of my own inven tion that will cure ruptures of five years' standing. This Is no hum bug. Prices reason ble. Exam ination free Satisfaction guaran teed. Albert Moore, 90 Oak street. ll-23-lm REAL ESTATE. $2300 BUYS 10 acres one mile from Commercial street car line. Six acres in cultivation; fruit, apples and cherries; small house, good well, two acres timber; balance pasture. $800 cash; balance six per cent interest. Square Deal Realty Co., 304 U. S. Bank building. Phone Main 470 $1250 HOUSE on Seventeenth street, just off Asylum avenue, east front, E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commer- cial street. 10-13-tf FOR SALE 10 acres close in for $2300. Five acres of this In 4-year-old fruit trees. Small house, chick en house and One well. Only about 2 miles south of center of town. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commer cial street. 11-25-tf ELLla ft WOOD Real estate loan, and Insurance, notary pub lic employment bureau, Phone 664. 478 Court St., Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office Hamburg.Amer Ican steamship line.. 1 1-1-1 yr. FOR SALE 160 acres 8 miles south of Newport and Vi mile from Bea ver Creek. Fine soli and best kind of dairy land. Price, $10 an acre. E.-Hofer ft Sons, 213 S- Commer cial street Phone 82. 11-27-tf TEN ACRES Only 2 miles from center of town, 4-mlle from car line. Nice little four room house, almost new. Five acres under fine cultivation. Small orchard of all kinds of fruit Price $3,000. Terms, If desired, on part of price E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commer cial street. 11-15-tf 5 ACRES OF FINEST BERRY AND FRUIT LAND Just IV miles from end of fine paved street on good rock road. Nice 6 room house, good barn, wood house, chick en house, etc. Fine well; 45 big bearing apple trees, loganberries, black berries, strawberries and grapes; garden tools, Including plow, cultivator, harrow, etc., go with place. Also two tons of feed in barn and four cords of wood. Price, $2700. Let us take you to spe It. It is well worth the money. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 8. Commer cial street. 11-28-lwk FOR SALE 6 room bungalow. Nice location in East Salem. New. Price $1800. Good reduction for cash. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street. 11-25-tf CHOICE LOTS in Rona, Texas, first chance, $10 each. Price will soon advance. Remit to C. A. Van Cleve, 860 N. Liberty street. ll-29-9t FOR SALE 208 acres In Lmcol. county. 65 acres bottom land; 25 under cultivation. On good road four miles from railroad and one half mile to school. Good house and barn. Wagon farm Imple ments and row boat go with this place. Price $4500. E. Hofer Sons, 213 S. Commercial street, o-'-m. 11-21-tf Journal Want Ad. Bring Results REAL ESTATE (Continued.) FOR SALE Rooming house of 11 rooms, completely furnished, cen trally located. Owner leaving city. Will sell cheap If taken at once. 384 State street, upstairs. 11-30-lw FOR SALE Modem five room bunga bungalow, $300 down; balance like rent. E. Hofer ft Sons, 213 S. Com mercial street. ll-8-tf $12750 For a strictly modern story and a half shingled bunga low, one-half block off State street, and two lots 60x180, east front. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 South Commer cial street. 12.2-tf FOR SALE Small house and two lots in West Salem. Good location. Price, $675. Only $275 down. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street. 11-15-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Cook stove cheap. Ap ply at 1141 Chemeketa street. 12-2-3t FOR SALE Oak grub wood, second growth. Ferguson & Clement, Route 2, Box 58. Phone Farmers 506. ll-25-2-ks FOR SALE Large body fir. oak grub and ash. Now taking orders for summer delivery. Phone 1417 or 1283. Downing ft Eoff. 4-29-tf HORSES FOR SALE Good livery, delivery or express team matched grays 6 and 7 years old. Price $100. Also some other horses and mares. 803 Broadway street. 11-Mf FOR SALE Good team of work horses, weight about 2600. Also harness. D. P. Covey. Phono 637. 12-4-3t FOR REirr. FOR RENT We have a nice 5-room flat for rent; well located. Price reasonable. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 South Commercial street, 11-22-tf FURNISHED and unfurnished house keeping apartments for rent. 597 North Liberty street, corner Union. Phone 1044. 11-29-tf FOR RENT Two furnished lower rooms, for light housekeeping, for one or two persons. Inquire at 818 Liberty street. 11-22-tf FOR RENT Large rooms, private family, with or without board. Electric light and bath. Close In. 365 North High street ll-29-2w PASTURAGE FOR RENT, running water. Horse, $1.50; cattle, $1.00 per month. Independent Market, 255 Ferry street 8-31-tf WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED To carry side line of manufacturers, Indies' dainty neckware; soli llvo mer chants and department Btores only. For particulars adddress H. Selig man Novelty Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED CIdor and vinegar ap ples wanted; sack, furnished. Gideon Stoiz Co., near curner ef Mill and Summer .treat.. Phone Main 26. 9-2 2-tf LOST. LOST Pearl necklace with pearl pendant. Finder rturn to Journal olllce. 12-4-3t An Alarm at Night That strikes terror to the entire house hold Is the loud, hoarse and metallic cough of croup. No mistaking It, and fortunate thfn the lucky parents who keen Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound on hand. ' H. W. Casselinan, Canton, N. Y., says: "It Is worth Its weight In gold. Our little children are troubled with croup and hoarse ness, and all we give them Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I always have a bottle of It In the house." II. Jennan. Red Cron Pharmacy. ffl FRENCH FEW ALE I APILLS. 1 f),v., rmi Hm.ii. Kr BirrrmMoo M.MTMt.no.. fLil.ti (,..ar,i,14 or Montr K.fnti'ltd. rWnl ,r,f,l . fur fl.W lr bus. Will wnd tnrnMi irl.l.to t (.i4 W- a r,!l,fr4. Hwnpb-, f re. II fvul drugl.. dww Mt m.fb mnwH Ta f.ll ft.r.l url Hi!rl Httl,. h.v, urn Mud rur .riuri w UM VkiTCD MCtlCAL CO., JOX KbMIITM, P. Sold In Silem by Or. S. C. Stoat Gold Dust Hour Made by the SliDSEY POffEB COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Family Use. Ask your grocer for It Bran nd Shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Bhla gles, Malthold Roofing, P. ft. B. and Ready Roofing. All at the lowest prices. CBAS. D. MULLIGAN 260 Court street Phone 114 ' MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Elotr, Ttea, Etc. Wheat Export nasls: Bluestem. 82ff84c; club. 79 0 80c: red Russian, 778c; valley, 79180c; forty-fold, 80c. Flour Patents, $4.50 per barrel; straights, $4.05; exports, $3-80; Val ley, $4.50; graham, $4 65; whole wheat $4.85. Barley Feed, $34f35 per ton; brewing, nominal. . Hay No. 1, E. O. Timothy, $18019 No. 1 Valley, $15$16; alfalfa, $13 14; clover, $1112; grain, $1112. Corn Whole, $37; cracked. $37 per ton. Mlllstuffs Bran, $23 per ton; mid dlings, $31; Bhorts, $24; rolled bar ley, $34035. Oats New white, $31031.60 per ton. Dairy and Cointrj Produce, Butter City creamery, extra. 1 and 2-pound prints, In boxes, 36o per pound; less than Coxes, carton, and delivery extr.. Eggs Oregon ranch, 60c. Cheese Full cream, twins 16c per pound; Young America, 17c. Poultry Hens, 11 12c, Bprlngs, W2c; ducks, young, 16017c; geese, HH12c; turkeys, alive, 20c; dressed, choice, 23024c. Veal Fancy, 8t to i.is peunds, 12013c per pound. Pork Fancy, 8W9o per pound. Groceries, Dned Traits, Etc Dried Fruits Apples, . 13 14c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots. 1618c; peaches, 1214c; prunes, Italian, 10011c; silver, 18c; figs, white and nlack, 6H07c; cat rants, 100) 11c; raCslna, loose &rna.v tel. 6 14 7 He; bleached Thompson 11 He; unbleached Sultanas, 8 be. seeded, 9Vi9c. Coffee Rousted, In drums, 26040c per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 1616Ho per lb.; Brazil nuts, ' 16c; filberts, 16c; almonds, 1819c; pecans. 18c; oucuauuis, yucgpil per aoron. Bait Granulated, f IS per ton; half-ground, 100a,' 18.50 per ton; SOs, $9 per tou. Beans Small, white, 4c: large white, 4Hc; Lima, 6V4c; pink, 6c; red Mexicans, 6 He; bayou, Sc. Sugar Refinery prices: Dry gran ulated, $6.70; fruit and berry, $6.70; beet, $6.50; extra C, $6.20; powdered, barrels, $6.95; cubes, barrels, $7.10. Hlce No. 1 Japan, o; cheaper (rades, $8.60 4.66; Southern kead IH07o. Honey -Choice, $l.7 per wis: trained, 8 Vie per pound. Vegetables ana Frills. Fresh Fruits Pears, 60c$1.50per box; grapes, 75cff$1.25 per box; Al merla grapes, $6.60 per barrel; cranberries, $12.50013 per barrel. Apples Jonathan, $1.60 2.25 per box; Spltzenberg, $12.50; Baldwin, 75c$1.50; Red Cheek Tlppln, $1.25 1.15; Northern Spy, $1.2501.75; Win ter Banana, $23; Bellllower, $1 1.25. Tropical Fruits Oranges, navels, $3.50; Valenclas, $5.00 per box; Cali fornia grapefruit, $4 5; Florida grapefruit, $6; bananas. 65Wo per pound; lemons, $6 per box; pome granates, $1.50 per box. Vegetables Artichokes, 76o per dozen; beans, 10 12c; cabbage, lc lHoper pound ; cauliflower, 60c$l per dozen; cucumbers, $2 50 per box; egg plant, 12V4o per pound; garlic, 1012c per pound; lettuce, 80090c per dozen; hothouse lottuce, $1.25 per box; peppers, 810oi per pound; pumpkins, lftlVic; radishes, 12V4c per dozen; sprouts, 89c per pound; sqush, 114 lc per pound; toma toes, 50c $1 per box. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.00 per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1.00. Sweet Potatoes $2. 152. 25 per crate. Potatoes New Oregon, 90c$1.20 per hundred. Onions California, $1.25 per hun dred. Hops, Wool, Aides, Etc. Hops 1911 crop, 4445o per pound. Wool Eastern Oreron. 92116a lb.': Vallay, 1617c. Mohair Choice, 35?37c. Hides Salted hides, Ho per pound, salted calf, 16 17c; salted kip, 10c; salted stags, 6 Vi c ; greea bides, 9c; dry bides, 18c; dry calf 19tf20c; dry stags, 12013 Vic. Prennvna, Hums 10 to 12 pounds, 1617c; 12 to 14 pounds, lti17c; 14 to 16 pounds, 16 17c; 16 to 18 pounds, 16 17c; skinned, 17c; picnics; 11 Vic; cottage roll, 16 Vic. Bacon Fancy, 26c; standard, 24c; choice, 21c; English, 17c. Dry Salt Cured Regular short clears, dry salt 12 Vic; smokad, 13 Vic; acbks, light, salt, 13c; smoked 14 Vic;; backs, heavy, salt, 12 Vic; smoked, 14c; exports, salt, 13 Vic; smoked, 15 Vic. Smoked Meats Ilettf tongues, 75c; 4rled beef 'lets, 22c; outalclm, 20c; ItihldeH, 23c; knuckleH, 21c. Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet $14; regular tripe, $10; honey comb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' 'onguss, $40 Lard Kettle rendered, tierces, 13 c; tubs, 14c; standard, tierces. 14 c: tubs, 12 Vic; shortening tierces, 8'Xtc; tubs, 9c. Local YV'solaIe Market Uran $27.SU Flour, hard wheat $4.45 4.60 Flour, valley $4 00 Shorts $28 50 Wheat huBbel 80c Oats, bushel 40c Hops, 1911 crop 40041c Chlttlm bark 4Vi5c Cacara Bark per lb. Potatoes, per bu 75c Hay, timothy $13.50 !Oat and vetch $10.00 Clover hay $9.00 Cheat bay $3.00010.00 Batter and E(s. Butter creamery 36c Kggs, per dozen 44c IluttiT fat 35c Country butter 35c F0BK17. Fryers and bens 10 11c Roosters 7c Turkey, live 18c Turkey, dressed 22c WkEST SA'LEM TRANSFER Passengers Baggage Connecting with all trains at West Salem tor Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 3:40 a. m., 13 m., 1:10 p. m and 4 p. m. ev ery day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Monmouth and McMlnnville. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1.00 p. m. and 5:15 p. m. Calls st hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. Phone 82. NO ORDERS TAKEN FOB CALLS MORE THAN THREE BLOCKS EKOM CORNER OF STATE AND COMMERCIAL STREETS UNLESS AR RANGED FOR IN ADVANCE. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. Geese, live I0e Geese, dressed 14c Ducks, live l3o Ducks, dressed ,...16o Livestock. Steer, (under 1000 Tb)...$5.5O0 Steers (1000 to 1200 lb). .$4. 6005 Cows 3.5O0$1.5O Hogs, fat 7 0740 Stock 6 Vi 7o Ewes Ie Spring lambs ' 60 Veal, according to quality llo Pelts Dry, 8c; salted, country pelts, 65c0$l per pound; iamb pelt, 25. "Host on Earth." This Is the verdict of R. J. Howell, Tracy, O., who bought Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for his wife. "Her case was the worst I have ever seen, and looked like a sure case of con sumption. Her lungs were sore and she coughed almost Incessantly and her voice was hoarse and weak. Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound brought relief ut onco and less than three bottles effected a complete cure." Without opiates or harmful drug of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops coughs and cures colds. Do not neenpt any substitute. II. Jerman, Red Cross Pharmacy. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 3:31a.m. No, 19 Ashland Passenger 10:59a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Pa-stoger 6.21p.m. No, 11 Shasta Limited ..1 7:43p.m. No. 27 Eugene Passnger , 8:26p.m. No. 15 California Express, 9:66p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:60a.m. No. 122 Portland Fa Frt 10:16p.m. Northbound. No. 14 Oregon Express .. 6:43a.m. No. 28 Portland Passenger 8:30a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited . .li:35p.m. No. 18 Portland Paaenger, 2:56p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. 7.43p.m. No. 225 Way Freight ....12:36p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Leave Salem. Arrive Portland. Train 6, 6:30 am 8:30 am. Train 8, 8:66 a.m 11:00 a.m. Train 10, 11:15 a.m. 1:15 p.m. Train 12, 2:00 p.m...,..,. 4:00 p.m. Train 14, 3:40 p.m 6:10 p.m. Train 16, 4:00 p.m f '00 p.m. Train 18, 6:05 p u - p m. Train 20, 8:66 p.m 10:45 p.m Arrive In Salem. Train Train Train Train 1 8:30 a.m. 3 9:50 A.m. 6 10:30 a.m. 7 1:00 p.m. 9 4:15 p.m. Train Train 11 8:00 pm. Train 15 8:36 p.m. Train 17 11:10 p.m. 0 Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leaves West Salem for: Dallas, Fall. City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas and Fall. City 1:30 and 4:86 p. m. Sunday train, ror: Dallas and Dlack Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:85 p. m. Train, arrive at West Salem from Dallas 8:15 a. m. Black Rock and Dallas. .12:30 p. m. Falls City and Dallas .... 4.15 p.m. SALEM I.tDEPEXnEffCE BOATS. The launches Independence and Louise will lrave their wharf at tbs foot of Trade street for Independence at the following hours dally except Suaday. Leaves Independence 8:30 a. ra. Leaves Salem 4:00 p. 111. . o . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A O. C. T. CO.'S Steamers Pomona and Ori-gona leave fur Portland Monday. Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m.; for Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent $750 Buys 70 A. Farm 70 acres located 2 '.i miles from a good tow In I'olk .flinty; 35 acres under cultivation; 10 ucres of extra good second growth fir timber; bul uneo In pantur. praly cleared; has a good stream of running water; also spring water piped to the house. Ex tra good buildings consisting of 8 room house, largo barn, wagon shed, smoke house, rhltkeu house, etc., plenty of fruit for fnnilly use. This farm Is located on a good county road. Prlco $."5 per acre; $750 cash, lalanre to suit purchaser. COURTER & VICK Room 1, Ladd A Bush Bulldtaf. cy 20 to a Lehman, proprietors. - 7-25-tf