Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 05, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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b linn niiivn i .
The Store Is Full of
Christmas jjovelties
Many of them specially priced for the
Waists, Furs, Dress Goods, Silks, Petticoats
Women's Suits, Shoes, Hosiery, Aprons
Table Linens, Ribbons and many other lines
of interest
Reduced in Price for Christmas
We have been making an extreme effort to
please the public this year, and many of
these spceial prices, are the results of our
You will find our Christmas Novelties
very beautiful -- and Splendid Values
(..lams lass. (jr., l),.c. a.in the
battle of the Smiths for mayor of this
f'ty, Attorney K. q .Smith captured
the plmn by just three votes, with
Dr- J. C. Smith second and E. V.
Smith, Socialist, a close third. So
cialist candidate for city treasurer.
George P. Jester, won over James
Holman. G. A. R. veteran and incum.
bent. Of four couneilmen elected,
two are Socialists.
irxrrep r:s isahfs stiriI
ashiuptun, Dec. f. President
Tuft's message on the anti-trust
statute the Sherman law was sent
to congress today. In a brief pre
amble the president announced that
his nnssage was the first of a series
to be sent to congress before the
Christmas adjournment. His mes
sage went into the complexities of the
trust situation at elngth.
H. L. Rets, of 0. A. C. f.epartment
of plant pathology, is making a state
survey of the fruit pests, and is car
rying on some important work at
Salem and vicinity. Mis special work
here is an investigation of winter in
jur! (. to fruit trees, cankers on the
bark, and after-effects on sun-scalded
prune trees. He is making con
tracts for a five-year test of orch
ards, and has already secured the co
operat'on of County Fruit Inspector
C. C. Constable. His large orchard
will be put into the nv-year test, if
all the financial arrangements can
be made.
Hall of Record, Los AngeKs, Cal.,
Dec. 5. A most sensational state
ment was given out by Judge Bord.
well today. He declares that the
bribery cases and nothing else caused
the pleas In the MyNamara cases.
In a lengthy statement he attacks
Lincoln Steffens, charges him with
being an anarchist, and intimates
that they had no right to Interfere In
the McN'amara cases.
London, Ore., Dec. 5. The late Sir
Samuel Wilks, the emigrant physi
cian, who died at Ilampstead last
week at the age of 87, had the cour
age to undergo an operation for ap
pendicitis when in his 80th year. Sir
Samuel was physician-extraordinary
to Queen Victoria, and had all the
honors possible to one of his calling.
He was the despair of the scientific
"If a faddist tells you to take an
ounce of albumen, an ounce of starch,
and so much water, and all that sort
of thing, just you go and get a nice
chop." That was Sir Samuel's ad
vice. "Follow your own Instincts,"
he said.
lie subscribed to Jenner's disbelief
in the need for violent exercises.
With the great physician he said, "I
never walk at all, except from my
house to my carriage. I hate walk
ing, nnd if I could I'd get my ser
vants to carry mo to bed."
t Skin oT Beauty is a Joy Forever
Kt, and Divn,
oa pvtry Difmia
on jeautr, and d
fleatVlectioo. It
bat Mood U ittX
of at) jtn, and
U to bartuleaa t
tatf it totwramt
It pivprrly tua1.
Acctpt no couuif r
fftt of almUar
cam. Dr. L. a.
Sir aid to a
lajy of tht hiut
tn U pftikot):
" At you ladlM
wlU im them.
mad freim' aa th lUt htrmftit nf all tK
Ik id preuamioM." ul by all dnufirt and Fancy.
IWU Dtaicn in the I'UteU titataa, CmiU attd Euros.,
fdlT.HOPllHS, Pnp, 37 Grut Jone Sired, InTol
Try. This Famous Pinex
"Pint of Cough Syrup"
A Family Supply for 50c, Saving $2.
The Surest, Quickest Remedy You i
Ever Used or Money Refunded.
A couch remedy that naves you $2, ind
is guaranteed to Rive quicker, better re
ults tlinii niivtliiiiK else, is Hurelr worth
tivinc And one trinl will show you why
l'inex is used in more hunics in the V. S.
ami I'nnmlu than any oilier couch remedy.
You will he ph a.iiillv surprised liv the
way it Pikes risht hold of n couli. aivini!
almost insoint relief. It will usually stop
the most obstinate, deep-seuted nuiah in
L'4 hours, nnd is unequalled for prompt
results in whooping couch.
A ."itl-eent iMiltle of l'inex, when mixed
with home-mnde linear syrup, makes u full
pint of the best cuuh reim-dy ever usitl.
Easily prepared in live minutes direc
tions in package.
The tnste is pleasant children take it
willingly. Stimulates the appetite and is
slightly laxative both excellent f en t u res.
Splendid for rnmp. hoarseness, 'asthma,
bronchitis and other throat troulili's, mill
a highly successful remedy for incipient
luiiK troubles.
l'inex is u special and highly concen
trated compound of Norway White I'ine
extract, rich in guaiaiol and other natu
ral healing pine elements. Simply mix
with sugiir syrup or strained honey, ill n
pint bottle, and it is ready for use.
l'inex has often been imitated, hut
never successfully, for milium: else will
produce tl same results. The genuine is
punrantieil to give absolute satisfaction
or money refunded. Certificate of guar
antee is wra;"ed in each package. Your
druggist has l'inex or will gladly get It
for you. If not, genii to The l'inex Co.,
l't. Wayne. Ind.
Xl-'.W YOliK SI Mil Mi
Chronic catarrh, often a most
loathsome disease, is In Its first
stage merely a cold in the head.
When neglected this becomes worse
and worse until what might easily
have been cured becomes a chronic
disease simply because it was not
checked in time. It doesn't pay to
neglect a cold.
We have many good remedies for
colds and catarrh on our shelves but
we have never found a remedy that
gave such instant and positive relief
as Mentholyptus.
We have tried It and the report is
the same from everybody the effect
of Mentholyptus is instantaneous.
Just inhale the pleasant vapor and
use a little of the soothing salve and
the cold disappears. No more suffer
ing from inllamcd tissues, splitting
headaches, watery eyes and all the
other disagreeable accompaniments
of a hard cold, if you use Mentholyp
tus. We are so sure that Mentholyp
tus will give you instant, relief that
if the first package does not do ex
actly as we say it will not cost you
a cent.
Better drop Into our store today
and find out about this wonderful
new remedy for colds and catarrh.
J. C. Perry, Druggist.
rwiTjn rnr.88 lf.akei wtni.1
Xew York, Dec, Sung to the
tune of 'Glory, Glory, Hallelujah."
the suffragette battlf anthem, called
"Victory," for which Mrs. 0. H. Bel
mont paid $150. Is the hum of New
York today. The political equality
league here sang it for the first fine
at the dedication of the new suffra
gette headquarters on East Four
teenth street last night.
"In the West the light is broken,
greet Its coming with a song,'' is
part of the first verse.
The divorce court is busy hi cause
there are such a lot of people who
are fond of matrimony, but who pre
fer to sample It continually instead
of giving a long-time order.
If you are troubled with chronic
constipation, the mild and gentle ef
fect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes
thera especially suited to your case.
For sale by all dealers.
A Des Moines man had an attack
of muscular rheumatism in his shoul
der. A friend advised him to go to
Hot Springs. That meant an expense
of $150.00 or more. He sought for a
quicker and cheaper way to cure it,
and found It in Chamberlain's Lini
ment. Three days after the first ap
plication of this liniment he was well.
For sale by all dealers.
Gill Mill Kun Airain.
Seattle, Dec. 5. Hiram C. Gill, the
former mayor of Seattle, who was re
called as a result of the expose of
the vice syndicate, has announced his
intention of running for mayor again.
He will begin his campaign during
the latter part of this month.
The Oroirnn Arrives
Bremerton, Wash., Dec. 5. The
battleship Oregon arrived here yes
terdav from San Francisco, carrying
a detachment of naval prisoners an;
Journal Want Ads Bring Results) supplies for the navy yard.
18 Years of Continuous Dealing in
Honest Goods at Honest Prices
I want to maintain closer relations with my customers, not simply to
sell yoa goods but to SERVE you, and to further these relahons and
1 J b t i it? - JnuA o larrrpr irinrf beautl-
Keep your custom. 1 nave mis ywi auc- -r r f,
fuland popular priced line for your inspection than ever before, tor
instance a nice neat looking
Diamond Ring or Pin from $1 1.00 up
20-year guaranteed Ladies' Gold Wa J 9.50 up
wSWatches ' ' 8jup
Coral Rings, Pendants, Brooches and Stick Pins at Reasonable Pnces
Remember the 10 per cent Discount. At any rate when you get
readyt Vy hi in andsee; glad to see you any way buy or no buy.
- f rm Jeweler and
Chas. H. Hinges, optician
1 r m
Only One nnj tommeraai street
A fire in Tortlnnd Sunday night
did some rather unusual stunts, the
story of the incident in a Portland
paper says:
"Two firemen were rendered tem
porarily unconscious and a woman
and her baby in arms were carried
down the fire ladders suffocated, when
the basement of the n. F. Jones drug
store, on the ground floor of the Ho
tel Clark, Tenth nnd Stark iitreets,
took fire lato Sundry night.
The fumes of what Is believed to
have been blazing opium stored In
the basement of the drugstore", af
fected a large number of firefighters,
several of them becoming almost de
lirious, while resident of the hotel
were carried out absolutely intoxicat
ed by breathing the smoke, which
spread right through the hotel.
V Common Sense Treatment for Ca
tarrh nnd Asthma (ilves Instant
John Majors, the negro who raised
so much excitement several months
ago by assaulting women, was tried
In Polk county, and yesterday was
found guilty on two charges. He was
given a sentence cf ten years on one
charge and from one to' ten years on
the other. He waB at once brought to
Salem, and ytstenlay evening was
placed in the prison.
No matter how mlsernblo you are
with catarrh or a cold In the head,
nose stopped up, throat Bore, eyes
running, dull pain In the head, dry
cough, fever, breath foul, Ely's Cream
Halm will give you Instant relief.
It gets right at tho root of the
trouble, cleanses, heals and strength
ens the raw, sore membranes, stops
the nasty discharge so that, you are
not constantly blowing tho nose and
spitting. In a few minutes after ap
plied you can feel It doing its work
of clenring the head, tho pain and
soreness are relieved, the breathing
becomes natural nnd the stuffed up
feeling Is gone. This cleansing, heal
ing, antiseptic balm contains no mer
cury, cocaine or other hurmful drugs.
It is easy to apply, pleasant to use,
and never falls to give relief, even in
the worst cases.
Never neglect a cidd, and don't
sutler the miseries of catarrh, nor
disgust your friends with your hawk
ing, spitting and foul breath. Get a
fiO-cent bottle of Kly's Cream Halm
from your druggist, nnd start the
treatment at once. You will llnd that
it will be the best Investment you
ever made. If you prefer a spray,
ask for Kly's (Liquid) Cream Halm.
I) IK I).
BERCI.OSr: At tho state hospital for
the Insane Monday, December 4,
l'.tll, Mrs. Josephine Derclose, aged
47 years.
The remains were shipped this af-
, ternoon by the Itlgdon Undertaking
; company to Portland.
w Incorporations.
The following articles of Incorpor
ation were filed by the secretary of
state yesterday :
First Presbyterian church of Pros
per: Prosper. Charitable.
Portland Fluff Hug Manufacturing
company, Portland; capital stock,
The Ieet I'nlon Co., Portland; cap
ital stock, $1,000,000.
Malheur County Agricultural Asso
ciation; increase, $10,000 to 125,000.
The State Bank of Talent, Talent;
Increase, $10,000 to $20,000.
Waste of effort makes a good share
of the grourhiness in this world.
"Ilig bead" is a bad disease, but
it's not nearly so bad as "little bead."
W. F. Malloek was Monday elected
mayor of Pendleton by a close vote
after a hot campaign. A big vote,
1085, was cast. The commission
government lost.
Grant Dlmlck was yesterday elect
ed mayor of Oregon City.
Sulherlin at the city election yes
terday voted $30,000 bonds for a wa
te system.
V. A. Koser, of Ttlckreal, has a fine
Cots wold sheep In the exhibit at the
Chicago Iind Show, nnd expects to
carry away a prize.
At a mass meeting Sunday both the
! Socialist local and the Labor Council
of Medford, adopted resolutions con
demning the McN'amara broth- rs and
Clarence. Darrow. Tho members of
the Labor Council also asked that
"Justice be meted out" to all the
gulliy persons and added that the
MrNnmaras hail dealt labor the hard est
blow that any set of Impostera
could have been guilty of.
Wasco county hops captured the
first prize last week at the third In
ternational Hop and Malt exhibition
In Chicago.
The O. It. & N. will try putting oil
on the sand at Iilggs In an effort to
keep It off the railroad tracks.
I'llf Cored In Six to 11 Day.
Your druggist will refund money
f Pazo Ointment falls to cure any
case of Itching, blind, bleeding or
protruding plies In six to 14 days
50 cents.
TheyVe the greatest of all comfort chairs.
By simply pushing a button you can place
the back in any position you wish without
getting up. We show these chairs in a
variety of styles and finishes with or without
magazine rack and foot rest.
Visit our store and test the comfort of a
Portland, Or., Dec. 5. Informed
that tho McNamaras had been given
prison sentences today, Mayor Rush
light, who was elected by organized
labor, said: j
"The sentences are unsatisfactory.
They should have both been hnnged
for the diabolical acts they were party t
Work Will Soon Start
nfter you take Dr. King's New Life
Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their
fine results. Constipation and Indi
gestion vanish and fine appetite re
turns. They regulate stomach, liver
und bowels nnd Impart new strength
and energy to the whola system. Try
them. Only 25c at J. C. Perry.
Wlns Fight for Life. 1
It was a long and bloody battln for
life that was waged by James II. Mer- .
shon, of Newark, N. J., of which he
writes: "I had lost much blood f rom j
lung hemorrhages, and was very weak .
and run down. For eight months I was
unable to work. Death seemed close .
on my heels, when" I began, three!
weeks ago, to use Dr. King s Now
Discovery. Hut It has helped mo
greatly. It Is doing all that you
claim." For weak, soro lungs, obsti
nate coughs, stubborn colds, hoarse
ness, la grippe, asthma, hay-fever or
any throat or lung trouble It's su
preme. f.Oc and $1.00. Trial bottle
free. Ouaranteed by J. C. Perry,
With the Coming of Middle Xge
There Is a letting down in the physi
cal forces often shown In annoying
and painful kidney and bladder ali
ments and urinary Irregularities. Fo
ley Kidney Pills are a splendid regu
lating and strengthening medicine at
such a time. Try them. H. Jerman,
Red Cross Pharmacy.
Much Sicklies Rue to Howel Disor
ders. A doctor's first question when con
sulted by a patient Is, "Are your
bowels regular?" lie knows that !)8
per cent of Illness Is attended with
Inactive bowels and torpid liver, and
that his condition must be removed
gently and thoroughly before health
can be restored.
Rexall Orderlies are a positive,
pleasant, and safe remedy for consti
pation and bowel disorders in gen
eral. We are so certain of their great
curative value that we promise to re
turn tho purchaser's money In every
case when they fall to produce entire
Rexall Orderlies nro eaten like can
dy, they act quietly, and aid In pro
ducing n soothing, strengthening,
healing Influence on the entire Intes
tinal tract. They do not. purge, gripe
cause nausea, flatulence, excessive
looseness, diarrhoea, or other annoy
ing effect. They are especially gooil
for children, weak persons, or old
folks. Three sizes, 10c, 25c and 50c.
Sold only at our store The Rexall
Store. J. C. Perry. Druggist.
6-ltOOM IKM'KK, hath, toilet, sewer
connections, two blocks to carllne,
In good neighborhood, for only
$2500. Will sell for $500 down;
balance In monthly payments like
rent. House Is located on Che
meketa street, near 15th. Home tine
bearing fruit tree.
HOrSL'H TO KKNT In all parts of
the cltv.
LOTH FOR SALE in all the best ad
ditions. F.nsv 'eiiiis.
MODERN HlN'i'ALOW on Liberty
and Market streets, $2500. Easy
terms. This place has bath, toilet,
sewer, good lot, electric lights,
close to car line, within walking
distance; a real good place,
S.MALE TRACTS In South Hollywood
on easy payments. This land ad
joins Hollywood, which In the last
year lias built up llnely. (iood soil,
close to school, easy terms and low
prices. Five and 10-acry tracts,
Just the thing for fruit, berries,
vegetables or chicken ranches.
225 ACRES In Polk county at $.'!0 per
acre. SO acres timber at $00. IjuuI
in Howell prairie In tracts of 40 to
500 acres at prices ranging from
$100 to $150 per acre. See us for
farms; we ran suit you.
347 State Street. Tel. Main 452
New Tuberculosis Remedy
Based on Medicine
To uny tlint ft ipeclttc eiWtn for ttm
cure of CoDMiitntluii 1 iierhtiim tm stnmtC
ft BtatHiiPnt, hut tn l'kmtih'ft Alterative
we Imve n iimmIIcIiio that lutt ln'tMi tlie
iiu-anu of nnvliiK nmuy a life to yenv
uf tmi'fulncHH, mid in pcriuniK'ntly curing
n larc nuniluT of t'ntiMiitniidvt'H.
C'urtainly a pprnon nriUotiMl wlttt ft wnnt
lit UlmMtHtt Hltnnht liu wil) fl with
wtioli-HiiiiM', nourish imr food, hut fro
iiiiriitly itiw I'L'trH In (luniitltteti ettuwe
tlltft'iftlve brwikilowii, ami tlnii no food
nourlNlieti. Ah for milk, a very kooiI tmn
for iniuiy, but a producer uf liltluiisueKit
for floiiic.
Anv diet thitt kMt ft Consumptive well
nnm lulled n thn rlxht one, but what M
Kohitf to cure tho (tatlt-iit? Ikiiinn'ti At
ttTiitlve hart nirod nml I curing imuty
a rune of Comminution. I, ft those penk
who know. Morn In u nN'limii :
1M Himmmiti Ht., KocheNlcr. N. Y.
"(Irntlcineii: On June It, ',M7, I wnn
operated upon for Tulicreular perltoul
tU, at Ht. Mury's Hoxpltal, ftm Imnifr.
N, Y. After the operation my pliyslHatt.
Kiive mu up it h tiopihHH. I wus then
urio-d by ft prleMt to litk Hckimin'ft Al
terattve, whim 1 did. My weight at the
time waft VI ll. 1 lutcaii to Improve fltirt
Meadlly triilmil in health And Ktrentftli.
1 now wr lj:h I'Jft Ibii., nnd am ahsolutely
cured. Hellevlntf I owe It to tnynvlt and
uthen I nirtkf this Htntement."
(KlKiied AMdavlt) CI-NA FIN7,KIl.
Krkinnn'H AltornHvo U effective In liron
rhltlH, ANthiiiH, liny Fever; Throat nnl
I.iintf Trouble, and In uphulMliitf Ho
ly litem, lioei not eoiitnlu poison, opiate
or hublt forming driiKH. Atik for booklet
of cured en nml wrlto to K'kmnn
Laboratory, )'blladolidiln, I'a., for timr evl
deuce Fur inle by nil lending drutctfUts andi
J. C. Pnrry, Rnlnm. OrPKon.
Great Chinese Doctor
L. M. Hum
Has medlclno which will cure nny
known dlKenso. He makes a special
ty of and guarantees to euro eafarrh,
aHthmn, lung, throat, rhounintism,
debility, stomach, liver, kidney
troubles, also any blnrkened or
swollen soreness, broken limbs;
smallpox epidemic; all kinds of
bolls, lost manhood, female weak
ness, hernia troubles ami pnralysls.
Consultation froe. Care of Ylrk S
Tonjc Co., Cblr.eHo dniRS anil herbs.
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and
I to 7 p. m. Olflce open Sundays,
153 Hlifh street, upstairs, Salem.
t I ? ;
it L !.-1Wf.i..'iII. " 5-, ' '
111 ' Tt wtwi t ; w
V'- -; I , ?'!U!'i"-"'-C l
vj V:'" f -'rf: I
Children Cry
Celebrated Lennox Furnare.
The Best Heater
It will sare you money every day
you own It. I will sell and Install
the best Let me give you figures.
See Me
About an individual lighting- plant
for your home. The best thing la
the market for cooking and lighting.
A. L. Fraser
Faonc 135. V$ Slat Street