FAGK TWO. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1911. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' THE ROUND-UP At Fouii tains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLICEI'S" Tha Original and Genuine HALTED 173 1 Lit The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountain. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say UOFUCaY Not in Any milk Trust . HOFER, Editor and Proprietor. R. M. HOFER, Manager Vlent Newipapex Derated to American Principle and the FraKTeu and Drrelopmant of All Oregon Make it short, Mr. Taft, If we are to read it St Joseph's bazaar, otb, 6th and Ttb at Salem. Eugene Commercial Club has house warming Friday night. Annual school meeting Salem Fri day night Woodburn has sold 25,OO0 water bonds at par. The Tribune charges that the Wood burn city council holds secret ses sions from which the people and the WHY WE DO IT uuulud Wvary EvenM: Except Sunday. Salem. Ore. ii0aiPTION RATESi (Invariably In Advance) Bttj. hf Carrier, per rear $6.00 Per month Daily, by Mail, per year 4.00 Pel month Weekly, by Hail, per year- 1.00 Six month i FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT CHAPTER 27. A. bad habit is like a small fire, at first easily quenched, but suffered to live increases beyond control and and ends in making ruin. SALEM LEADS THE STATE. By deliberately adopting the non-partsian primary the city of Salem has shown a progressive spirit. By adopting the amendment giving preference to laborers who reside in the city Salem shows good sense. The editor of this paper went before the commission charter board and plead for both these amendments. But they were ruled out, and were the prncipal cause of the rejection of the commission charter. Now Salem leads the state in getting rid of a primary law that compelled nominations for city offices to be made on party lines, The independent candidates were defeated because they were not the regular nominees at the partisan primary that was held. Hereafter there will be no party nominations at city elections, and the independent candidate will stand some show in the race The Capital Journal rejoices in the great step in advance tak en by this city in protecting home laborers against unfair com petition. ' Outside contract labor is unfair and unjust to the man who lives here, and wants work on city contracts. The plan of the committee to consolidate the Board of Trade and the Illihee Club into a Greater Salem Illihee Commercial Club are being formulated and will bear fruit in a greater pub licity movement. The Capital Journal believes if the Business Men's League and the Board of Trade would arrange for a Monday noonday lunch at the Marion hotel it would be a great harmonizing and unifying movement for this city. If one hun dred business men and professional men of this city would start off each week with that kind of a jolly-up better results would follow better understanding. The fifty-cent business men's lunch at the Marion is unequaled in the state, and the average Salemite has fifty cents left on Monday to begin the week with. He would get his money's worth, and if he happened to have an idea lying around loose in his cranium he could spring it on the rest of his fellow citizens. The community spirit would be kept alive, and there would be no great expense connected with it. In fact that should be done in every city of any size in the state of Oregon. , . ; 0 THE ANNUUAL SCHOOL MEETING. On Friday night of this week the annual school meeting will be held at the high school building to hear the report of the di rectors. The recommendations for the coming year will be made and the people should take a deep interest in this matter by attend ing. There are so mnay demands made on the public schools by parents and teachers and pupils that it is almost impossible to keep taxation down. Everything under the sun cannot be taught, and everybody, from the janitors up, cannot get their wages raised and keep taxation down. The school district has got behind trying to meet the demand for progress in the schools and the growth of the district. These matters should all be gone into fairly and fully, and there should be no hasty action that will hurt the schools. On the other hand, the taxpayers must take an interest in the financial affairs of the district, if they want reform. -0' The last city administration left the city with a ten thousand dollar deficit, in violation of the city charter, which provides that no expenditures shall be authorized beyond those provided in the budget. What will be the result of the present city ad ministration after the first year is not yet known. o . GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT CAMPBELL. The new general superintendent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon has been on the job a month. Supt. Campbell has been in the railroad game all his life, and for many years resided at Portland. He comes back to Portland to take charge of the S. P. lines after a number of years residence at Seattle. He was placed in charge of the construction of the Ilarirman line from Portland to Seattle, expending $23,000,000. He is now placed in charge of a seventy million dollar field, comprising fourteen hundred miles. The first month of his work has been getting over the field and getting in touch with the situation. He has had to organize a corps of assistants and select his most important aides in handling this property. He has the breadth of view and the experience that will en able him to deal with the problems that arise intelligently. Supt. Campbell is not a stranger in Oregon, although his former railroad work was on the 0. R. & N. lines. Mr. Campbell has already been at Salem several times and takes a friendly interest in the Capital City. FOUR HUNDRED NORSES BURN IH STABLES tumricD muj Laaaco wiim.l Jersey Citr. N. J., Dec. 5. The principal plant of the United States Express company for the service of Mew York ami vicinity was swept by fire yesterday, and virtually the whole delivery equipment, consisting of 400 horses and severi' hundred wagons, was destroyed. The loss Is estimated at $1, 000, 000. Fred Ockray. the night watch man, who gave the alarm, couii n t be found after the flames subsided, and he probably tost his life In trying to rescu some of the horses. reporters are barred out. Baker county assessment almost 118,000,000. The standard of living has gone up more than the cost Dr. J, C. Smith, Attorney R. G. Smith, and Socialist R V. Smith ran for mayor at Grants Pass. The Franklin house at Albany has been raided for being a blind pig. Hereafter firemen will be paid for attending firs at Roseburg. Tillamook has a railroad and now they think their harbor ought to be improved and Congressman Hawley promised them to improve it. Construction of the new high school at Pendleton is to be pushed. Marion county will mill county road tax. levy a three- Monroe has dedicated a beautiful Methodist church. Mt. Angel has a new f 70,0 0 0 Cath olic church. Fischers Mills at Silve'rton, that grind 200,000 bushels wheat annual ly, will now produce rolled oats. The coming city election is a thing of the past. Nearly every city voted on char ter amendments and some on cows running at large. Mcdford has a country club. Z. M. Chase of The Dalles an nounces himself as a candidate for president. Shanlko under Mayor Tom Gavin will have no Red Light district. . Economy is to be the slogan of the next congress. Everyone will take this seriously but the congressmen, who will probably vote themselves an Increase of salary. The D. W. RIedle quarries near Roseburg are very successful. o Deafness Cannot Be fared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by .catarrh, which ts nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hairs Family Pills for consti pation. o Some people are so constituted that they can't he happy even when they are. Y.RAYS AMn SMII A Spokane mialster says women should have the right to propose marriage. He doesn't seem to real ize that she does that is she plays the cards so that she makes the man propose, If she wants him. And that's where she has the game all in her own hands. As Shakespeare "says: "Her eye, her hand, nay her very foot speaks." Lincoln StefTens, the muckraker, has lost his job. He is now part of the muck. Standard Oil has gone to pieces like a big snowball rolling down hill but each of the pieces will, like the snmvhfllV hpmmA a hlc nna I Some one has said hat a centi pede with corns Ig in a worse condi tion than a giraffe with a sore throat, but it strikes the horse editor that a snake with the stomach ache is "go. ing some." ; The proverb says that misfortunes never come single, but anyway the McNamara trial ended before con gress began. Emma Goldsmith going to dinner on the arm of President Eliot's grand son is proof positive that the dem ocratic spirit is not yet dead in America, but still there Is a ques tion as to which of the two was dem ocratic. Some foolish young girls elope to get married, and some wise married women elope to get unmarried. The account is about evenly balanced . Yesterday was not Independents' day in Salem. Anyway, in every election at least half the candidates are "also rans." When the public schools again be-1 gin teaching the nearly lost art of j spelling If they ever do It might j be wise to begin with getting femin ine names back somewhere near their original form Mayme is too badly mnlmed for common use. "Busting the trust" appears to be a most effective way of parting the small stockholder from his money. SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of It, we solicit your Banking Business. Open an account with us, and we will ertend you every favor con sistent with good banking prin ciples. VE PAY FOUR FEIt CENT ON SAVINGS Liberty Street, Just off State J. L. AHLERS, President, W. G. EAST, Cashier, S. S. EAST, VIce-Pres. DR. L. B. STEEVE8. U H. ROBERTS, Directors. THY Swissco Hal? Remedy Grows Hair, Restores Gray or Faded Hair to Its Original Color y ana ;iops uanaruu ana icaip Diseases. 25c Bottle Free to Prove It. The free 2.V bottle of "Swlsaco" llulr ami Scalp lteniedy. If used as directed, will astonish you. It la NEW KKMKDV. the latest aud best preparation known. It la the result of years of Invest Igutlon ami research Into the reason why mo ninny of the hnlr preparatlona have failed In' the fast to k the work demanded of them, t la marveloua In Ita action and tlious and have received permanent cures Juat from the free bottle we Rnve theui for the asking-. Because you may not have rei-elred any relief from aoniethlng you bare tried don't be foolish enough to condemn every thing else. 'im will be greatly benefited by the free bottle we give you. 'Swtssco .v rents and $1.00 a bottle Is for sale and recommended by all drug and department atorea. All who villi, that have not tried Swlsaco ran rnor a tree "Joe oottie prepaid on receipt of 10 renta in atamps or silver, to help cover expense of pnekina;. etc.. by addressing direct to the Swisaco Hair Remedr Co., 455,1 P. 0. Square, Cincin nati. Ohio. ' J. C. Terry, 113 South Commercial street. J In growing our orchard Home Tracts we do not figure how cheapy we can make an orchard to undersell some body else, Our primary object is the grow ing of an orchard which will be a credit to us, and better than any other or chards ever grown, To ob tain this end we employ the best skill obtainabel to direct the work, and to see that the work is pro perly done, This very week a disinterested hor ticulturist of unquestioned abil ity and integrity will make a critical investigation of our or chards and report his findings to us, He is paid to find mis takes, not to pat us on - the back, We a. im to build an or chard that will yield a greater income to the purchasers than any other orchard he could purchase, With this aim in view, we then figure out through our cost system how economically we can grow the orchards, add a fair and square profit, and thus get the price to charge the buyer, You can b uy cheaper orch ards than our orchards, but you cannot buy the same quali ty of orchards cheaper, there are none on the market, If there were, they could not be cheaper, because it is impossi ble to growth em cheaper, If you want an orchard that will give you as much pleasure and satisfaction as doing busi ness with our bankers, the Sa lem Bank & Trust Company, see us The A. C Bohrnstedt Go. 316-1 7 U. S. Natl. Bank' Bldg., SALEM, OREGON Other Offices Crcswcll, Oregon. 917 Andrus BIdg., Minneapolis, Minn. Orchards At Waldo Hills, 7 miles east of Salem, Oregon. Creswell, Oregon. Wheat Lands in Lelhbridge District, Southern Alberta, Canada. The A, C, Bohrnstedt Company, 315 U, S. Natl, Bank BIdg., Salem, Oregon, Gentlemen: I have $ to invest, Without any obligation on my part to invest, I should like information on the item checked below, ...Buying an orchard tract, ...Purchasing some of the Coop erative Stock, ...Buying .... acres undeveloped fruit land, ...Purchasing some of the A, C, Bohrnstedt Company Preferred Stock. Name Address