"CHECKERS" CAPTURES SEATTLE THE 1'0ST-IMELLIGETER PATS THE COMPANY OX THE HACK OD PRONOUNCES THE PLAY V FIRST CLASS ONE. The Seattle Post-Intelllgeneer of Tuesday haa the following strong en dorsement of "Checkers," which will be presented at the Grand next week: Checkers," after circumnavigating the greater part of Washington and a small slice of Oregon, arrived in Se attle yesterday afternoon, train weary but in time to open for the evening performance at the Seattle last night. The scenery was not quite so fast, and some of it didn't arrive until the last moment. The result was that the audier.ce was kept waiting for the curtain for nearly half an hour. That the wait was well worth while the audience soon showed, for hardly had the old-time favorite gotten un der way than the applause and laugh ter hegan and it kept up until 11:;0 If the company suffered any ill effects from its roundabout wander ings from Ellensburg to Seattle, the perormance last night successully hid the fact. It went with the snap that has kept "Checkers" a favorite all the years it has been on the boards. Herbert Cavanaugh has the role of Cheekers and handles the character of the decent-hearted young gambler well. Florence Heston was a sweet, girlish Pert Barlow. Her irascible and close-fisted father, as played by Seattle last n'.cht r . . ! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER . 101 1. PAGE XET1 'heru mightily. Oil rn fh.w i " n LRfl HUM the Seattle this week ' PPUUr,,3r at i o SOME LOCAL ITEMS FROM PniSOX PAPER I The following are rl' a , ' Lend-a-Hand. the prison maca-Inp"0." I a sample of the locals. n,dg:uine' as ' joiner morth nearer the big front! 30th ALBANY TO MEET TODAY November joy! Van. Cros." fi,rmerlv in printing office, left wet k. the big eats; oh ; If any of the belief that Salem high ; school students were not possessed of the,a ueaitny school spirit, that notion last mxlH have been completely drowned The nr!,.o t , Ior ,ne' fade more V "! IS Still hpvnnrl i ""'"e m lUeir Die fo.lth:ill rallv charge of for good the reaVr. f ,,. ' 3 u" oeyond ; , c , luc,r S football rally for shops hVnrp ,, s men ln ' r-.aT ,tmn a S("ia(l of w- nor, hence the return to the simple "& horns, cowbells, tin pans. j tambourines and numberless other e-u ,L ?,r?fi on loav'S after he """"-Producing articles, several hun about riPPK Pn, IT'8 aU bui't. or Md enthusiastic high school pupils about December 1. But he did not say P"ai1 the streets of Salem, and Th A."; mat.p the echo ring with their clamor ra, L TeKrpar!ndaPsi3ln('rMSingi A,te1r all the acoustics pos- rapiilly. The who!" bitn.h 0i,u , I slble down town th omwrl nun Kii'kpif mit .... i u, ii.nr nr nvo win I lls 1 nn i " nlnno tr i,u.i " ,,,1! ,a n . ... v. h i v mini eu -S.'V'ltStltlol anlcT somH" BertL laU' of Ta-'a. is! fZZ tma,h'l. but he can't! ""trr? wi,h wwch to ; W.KJdhurn Klects City OllirinK i At a meetine nf ih -.it.. 1 larpA ft 11 rnn.nhilpo ui i tile serpentine" up State street to the Willametet football field, and 'here held a rally that would put a "crimp" in anything that the Wil lamette students could do. Why, the high school rooters, spoke, sang and hollered" just as if they meant it. If the team has as much "pep" as their rooters, there won't be a look in for Albany. Today is the big game of the year i"i uie ingn school Tliey have won THIS LADY'S G0 APPETITE;! YOUR U.a U ........ I. . I -.-- P ill I'll j. MtiiucM, iii a Lcutx rrom ii Mobile, Tells How She Gained It ill I Mobile. Ala. "I Buffered for seven , years, with womanly trouble," writes ' ' Mrs. Sigurd Hansen ln a letter from this city. "I felt weak and always had i M THANKSGIVING DINNER II a headache and was always going to the doctor. At last I was operated on, and felt better, but soon I had the same trouble. My husband asked me to try Cardul. I felt better after the first bottle, and now, I have a good appetite and sleep well. I feel fine, and the doctor tells me I am looking better than he ever saw me." If you are sick and miserable, and Buffer from any of the pains due to womanly trouble try Cardul. Cardul is successful because It Is composed of Ingredients that have been found to act curatlvely on the woman ly constitution. For more than fifty years, It has been used by women of all ages, with great Buccess. Try It. Your druggist sella It N. B H'n'1 to: Ladln' Advliory Dipl.. ChMtt looga MeJkintCo.. Chattanooga, Trnn., for Svtriiil lLrfirfii.t... and M-ium honk " Hum Treatment I or Women," ttnt in plain wrapper, oo rcqucet. HerBtnfnvn tl, .u . 6 ,llc VUIVe Strpe( C(m nnssioner was separate from the city engineer's, and had been filled for two years bv Cantaln Pnirpn. Joseph Wilkes, was the best piece of eer. The action of the council in character work in the performance. 80 dlng was to cut down expenses. The "Push" Miller of Dave Braham 'Is !he PxPnse of running the citv was good all the way round. He was rturlnS the past year was ln excess of as glib a tout as ever saw one com- revenue derived from all sources. ing. George E. Merritt was a good i A 0 " Tncle Jerry" and the other roles' une way t0 make PeP'e respect were well handled. you Is by starting in and showing There was a large audience at the them that you are respectable Woodburn Tiifsdnv h" a.m..... J some victories and suffered some itp- ofhrers were elected: City attorney 1 fta,s' but these are a" forgotten in H. Overton, who has been verv aet've ' Lht'ir anxlPty for 'h(1 coming contest. si ft llinnim during the past year in the prosecu- B"th teanis are rpI'orted in the best Wfl MAKKIr I tion of the Bachelnps- m,... n!..,lof condition, and It will nerhana be llftJ lllnl II II i.U F. G .Xlaginnis wae electLrt st. ! anybody's game until the final commissioner and citv .mrinw, whistle is blown. If confidence nlone could win. there would be no need for the battle, foi each team thinks It is piing to play rings around the other. Well, perhaps so. but. anyway, it will be sport to watch them. The Famous The best part of the day is the evening, when the whole family u gathered together around the lamp. The old days of the amoky fireplace and flickering candle are gone forever. In their place have come the convenient oil Move and the indi&peniable Rayo Lamp. There are to-day, in the United State, alone, more than 3,CC0,OC0 of these Rayo lamps, giving their clear, white light to more than 3,000,000 homes. Other lampi coat more, but you cannot get better light than the low-priced Rayo give. It haa become lo popular we may almoit call it "the official lamp of the American family." The Rayo it made of aolid brata, with handsome nickel finish an ornament anywhere. Ask your dealer for a Rayo lamp i or write (or detcriptive circular to any agency of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) WILLAMETTE ALL READY FOR THE BIG GAME Billy Booth is again at the quar ter position on the Willamette foot ball team, and the backers of the old school are shouting for Joy. There are plenty of good quarterbacks, but only one Billy Booth. If he had been behind those field goals at Corvallis, the story of that game would have made interesting reading for Willam ette. He has already put new life in to the squad, and the amount of work he and Coach Swetland get out of the men Is marvelous. His long 14 TIMES AND NO DIVORCES Palls City, Ore., Nov. 24. Ac cording to her own statements today, Mrs. Mose Lane, a fullblooded Slletz Indian squaw, has been married no less than 14 times . She outlived all of them save Lane. No divorce certificate has marred her matrimonial peace. Husband No. 14 is a member of the Indian police force o THEY WANT THE SPECIAL SESSION Tncoma, Nov. 24. On a meeting and forced absence from practice has j of the commission today, following un HAIR GROWER TiN MVS PR A 25c Bottle of "Swissco" Hair and Scalp Remedy to be Given Away. Take, the Coupon to J. C. Perry and they will Give You a 25c Bottle free. "Swissco" Grows Hair, Brings Back Its Original Color and Removes Dandruff and Scalp Diseases. ''''!"' 1 j y. 111 """""" mmmwM l ' ii lw.mii 1 ' 1 Zl.l....nirftw mm fl y.i4 -l i 1 What "Swlssto" Can Do. The free 25c bottle of "8w sco Hair and 8calp Remedy, if used i dirked., will atont,h you. It to i NEW BEMtm. the latest and best preparation before toe Public. It Irthe result of Tew ln"" tlftntlon and reeareh into the reason whj many of the hair prepatln' failed In the past to do the work de manded of them. It is marvelous In I" aotlon and thousands have received " Ing results Just from the free bottle we gave them for the asking. .,, Because jou may not have "1Jai7 r-llef from something you have trieo. don't be foolish enough to cooiftaatrj thing else. You will be greatly benefited by the free bottle we give you. gists. Those outside of Salem 'f"11,; call at J. C. Perry. 115 South Commercial street will melw free bottle prepaid, on receipt Of 10 eents in staunps or sllrer, ro help corer eipense of pacldnf. etc.. JT addressing direct to the S-hcp H''R'" ly Co, 4533 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. FREE BOTTLE COIPOX Ood for one 2Sc bolt". onl' r PerrT 115 o'n"rc,l LL, .hen' name and addrrt. l.prop- put him in the best of condition, and he is ready to play the game of his life. Captain Blackwell Is also "geTting the hang on the ropes." His passes, no matter what the distance, ' are absolutely perfect. In their interest to watch the "play," spectators often overlook the man who must get the ball to the right place at the right time. Blackwell Is the only center in the Northwest who has the spiral pass worked down to perfection. When he passes, the ball does not wobble from side to side, or turn end over end in a confusing manner, but the ball comes fast and true with a swiftly revolving motion which j helps tit bore through the air to the i right place, wnen ne tituy tioom, jMcRae and Francis 'pull off some I difficult play in a professional man jner. even Coach Swetland comes out 'of his shell and looks pleasant. I Every coach has his peculiarities, and Coach Swetland's is that he nev er tells the team that it is going to win- Overconfidence Is the chiefest of sins in his football almanac, and whether or not he believes it himself, he always tells the men that they j will probably be beaten by a iU to u 'score. He says it with such a straight I face that the men believe it them selves, sometimes, and this accounts for the nervous manner in which they go fnto nearly every game. They al ways crime hack strong in the sec 'ond half, however, because the coach I has made them believe that the score J should have been the other way. I When the team goes Into the game Ion Thanksgiving day it will be a per fectly balanced machine, and the best 'of it Is that there are several 'cogs" Ion the sid lines that can go into anv plp.ee that Is weak. When the game is called Willamette will be strong enough to beat any team in Oregon, and those who wish to se - a real football treat will be present be fore the first whistle is blown. . n U. OF 0. MAY PLAY MULTNOMAH ON THINKSGIVING UNITED HESS LEillia) WIRB.l Tnlversity of Oregon, Kugene. Ore., N-ov 24. The athletic council and the executive committee of the Uni versity of Oregon met this afternoon to decide the fate of the Orgcra Multnomah football game, which was scheduled for Thanksgiving day. The. sentiment about the university Is decidedly against the proposed game on account of the death of Left Guard Noland, who wag burned to death by an electric coat. It is believed, however, that the game wlil be played. Inspection yesterday of the $2,000, 000 city water plant, now building, depends the job of Commissioner J. B. Weeks, who had charge of It. The commissioners found lax work and many unnecessary Items of expense, and may fire Weeks. ASTHMA CATARRH CURED Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained , Vj Senplne It n M II WILL BE JUST RIGHT IF IT jj IS COOKED ON A SOUTH BEND ALLEABLE RANGE M f.1 THE RANGE WHICH RANKS !i FIRST IN THE HEART OF THE HOME. The South Bend Malleable is the , best range j made and fifteen minutes of your time spent in look- ing one over will convince you of the fact. It The purchase of a South Bend Malleable will mean tor you Better cooked meals. A saving of many valuable hours of time. A saving of many dollars per year in fuel bills, f J We carry a complete line of these greatest of 51 " j"i u 1 1 l .1 M j ranges, tall. and look them over. H II 11 u tl II II 11 tl H Ii U U f n ii ii u ii a If you have not already taken advantage of our Thanksgiving Sale of Diningroom Furniture, do it now. Big discounts on every thing in this line. II tl II 11 II IS ' ummii'l JAJ. JIMIl' JJll.Mimij.Ti, -J ffW WBl Pfl fMI MsJ M) aU a mm S am nsa ad ZZZZZlm lltfH MOW In sump. .r .U.r, direct ana h" lp Kemrfy. but If ; ply a i5c bottle fret, as alxve, I will Uft it. dr. fnll nfr'r'M: writ plainly. Minister Married Jap Couple. Tacoma, Nov. 24. When Rev. R. H. McGlnnls, Episcopal, formerly mis sionary In Japan, united T. Kimura, !a wealthy Japane garaener, na Miss T- Hayashl, of Tolclo, It was an nounced that this was the first time a JaDanese couple had been married v amM-lran minister In the UJ . . Northwest. Maybe money talks, but we never noticed any rarrti'l'r m it. New York: Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by the Woodworth Co.. 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senplne, the great discovery of Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis and Catarrh, which Is mailed free of charge to all who write for It. It Is curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how long you nave climatic conditions are where you live, Senplne will, cure you. If you have experimented with other treatments and have failed to find a cure, do not be discouraged but Bend for a trial of this wonder ful truly meritous remedy which Is a scientific compound discovered by a professor of Venice University, and Is recommended by thousands. o PROF OSLER RIGHT YOUTH ALWAYS SUCCEEDS AGE Osier Inn't the only man who turns down old age. In the business world the young man" Is always the one who pleks the plums. It Is an age of "new thought', "new talent," etc., and the old man Is passed by ln the race. One of the first signs of coming age Is the appearance of gray hairs. When you see them, act promptly. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem edy will correct this sign, which so often deceives people Into thinking that are Is really upon them. It Is a well-known fact that Sage and Sulphur will darken the balr. Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur combines these old-time remedies with other agents, which remove dandruff and promote the growth of the hair. The manufacturers of this remedy authorize the druggists to sell It un der guarantee that the money will be refunded If It failB to do exactly a represented. Don't look old before your time. Get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur today and see what an Im provement It will make In the ap pearance of your hair. This preparation la offered to the public at 60 cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all drug gists. Special Agent, J. C. Perry.' GOOD PICTURES Just received everything in the Artist's Line. Also Mouldings for Picture Framing, and some beau tiful ready-made pictures W. J. PORTER 4.-.5 COI KT KTHKKT. E. HOFER & SONS Investments. Loans. Real Estate INSURANCE We write Fire, Life, Accident, Liability, Automobile, Bonds and All Branches of Insurance. 213 S. Comrtnercial St Phone 82 RHEUMATISM Can Be Cured AT Dot Lake Sanatorium Hot Lake, Oregon NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS Hot Lake la not far distant, and Health Restoration Is not m expen sive there. We can cure RUPTURE your ruptyre without danger Write us regarding 806 tbts Powerful Drue Substitute for Mercury. BEST EQUIPPED SANATORIUM IN NORTHWEba. ASK FOR SPECIAL ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET HOT LAKE SANATORIUM Hot Lake, Caregusx. CALIFORNIA IS FAMOUS TI1K WO KM) OVF.R Kor ltn splendid hoHtclrli'n, Its viiii-d uttrintlonH, hot HprliiKH and pleasure ri'HorU All thee can chh by the Its be line benches, reached with I lOtDEM SHASTA) I "Itoad of a ThuuNund Wonders" Route of Shasta Limited Excursion Tickets Costing $55.00 Portland to Los Angeles and Return. On sale dally, good six months with stop-overs rotng or returning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon points. Call on our agents for HANDSOMELY ILLLISTEATED LITEItATl'RE Describing San Francisco, Oakland, Stanford University, Lick Ob servatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, 1'aso Kobles Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Long Bnauh, San DIgo, The Old SpaulHh Missions, Yosemlte National Park and Big Trees, and othtr placwi of Interest In the Oolden State; or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. 4MtHl.tMMtMMIMHMMMMMMTMHM.H).tH X