1r 'omea "n you a. . , TJ,f a-A? THE (jl journal-Want Ads" Bring i Ouftk Results m - lt 1 H f01 . . k rd or Mft Invrtion Ount ii wordi to th AI'CTIONEER. qUHMMKLS, general auction f merchandise, household Itiiiu" iere- Reasonable ngures. i wen- years exiieneuw. &oo otaie f C QQ BAKERIES. ts SWAN and Germsn Bakeries ,r highest grade breaI and pas- 'IflS. YVtiUU'f (5 BUM fcj IIUOIB iMlalty- "e xnakeaaii.y deliveries. 9 N. Commercial, pu.ne sua ; or (jj pjid unemesoia, psoas di. 1-7-tl CTERNUT BREAD It Is worth ort than any other Vead, yet ke nrlce Is no hlghap. For sale 'at your gr-.cer'. California Bak lery, Thoma & Cooley, Props. In .CKSM1TR ANff. fSOttSESHOE ,R GUARANTEED W ORK By ex perts In horseshoeing, carriage work and general blacksmlthlng go to Relgleman ft McKen, 344 Chemeketa street, Sa.lem, Oregos. "The shop for satisfaction." Phone Main 327. 7-20-3m HUSINKSS CJtDS. PIANO TUNING LuteUus L. Woods; tuning, polLshlng, repair- (ne. Teleuhoue 60S. Shop, 630 N. winter stre z.a-iyr i 'THE DAKER HOUSE-645 Ferry streot. Home cooing, table set family style. Rooms day or week, with or without board. 11-1-liuo IANY TOWN In Oregon can have our Mexican Spanish, clilcken tumales. Good money in It. If you like to have them In your- cafe, send an order to the Salem Tamale Factory , Salem, Oregon. Be sure and ring up 2048 for retail. Night ring is 81; delivered to any part o( the city. 11-11-lia CHINESE FirYSICIANS. JAY KING Our remedies are cooq- posed of the choicest roots, herts and barks and are sure to cure -to stay cured. All chronic diseases of men and women a. specialty. If you cannot tell, setxd for symptoms blank. Jay Kins, care Bo Wo Drug Co., 167 S. High St., Sate in, Or. 8-25-tf CLEANING AJ I) PRESSING. JAPANESE PRE3S31N3 PARLOUS Dry and steam cleaning and dye works. Ladies" silks, laces nnd glovea given special attention. Gents' suits cl&aned and pressed. We are cleaner and repairers. Try us, Goods callexl for and delivered. Parlors 323 Center street. Plxone Main 2044. 9-2 2-tf ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE. H. H. HUNTER Electrical supplies and wiring our- specialty. We -wil give you an eatlmate on your wlr-' lng and electrical work. Our work Buaranteecl : h re rural tele-1 phones. Office and supply room 129 South Commercial street. I 6-29-tf i FOUNDERS. SALEM IRON WORKS- Shaad ft Marcus, proprietors. Front and State street. Iron and brass cast ings fire hydrant, hop biJers. saw mllV machinery, etc. Phon 909. 8-26-tf GI.it! AX AND TRENCH TKACIIKK. GERMAN and Efrench teacher Mr. P. Sell wabe, goo I experience In teach-' lng. Single or In classes. IModer-1 ate terms. Address, 1156 South Thirteenth street. iO-25-tfi HAIPC DRESSING. SCALP AND SKIN SPECIALIST Hai r dressla. g, manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Coniblngs bought and wade up. We make a specialty of hair dyeing. MissOra Poage, rooios 318-319 U. S. Bank bldg. 3-7"lra JUITK DEALERS. JUNK DEALERS Highest price paid paid for cast iron and ail ltlads of metals. Hides, pelts arid furs ion bought. Oregon Junk fc nop, Court street Main 399. 8!24-tf ixsthittiov i" rsiir. PIANO LESSONS Mr. P. Schwabe, trained in Berlin. Germany, exiierl enre In teaching. Modera.te lerins Address 1 156 South street. ITliirteenili io-2.--tr LiJCOR MOUSE- utiiiiu nrtTTPi Fiae wlaes, " liquors and cigars. We iiandle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught ?outb Com mercial Street AM1LY iJQUOK Store All stand- " ard brands of Hdiora kept in ..v -w;nM by the erallon. Bot- tl oi case. Free delivery In the city llnalts E. Eckorlen, 206 Commercial street CLASSIFIED AD SECTION LATJNDRX. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With on r all hand work: m,.v-V.1S bouLii commercial Phone 115S. Hop Lee 7-25-tf street LIVERY tTVBLEi POS-TOFFICE LIVERy and Sale Stable. Second luxnd vehicles of " B0H 81J- Bst of turnouts quick service; rates reasonabl. or anything In Hwery and board ing, can or phono lyialn 188. E. F. atreet. Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry MASSAGE PARLORsT MEDICATED PLASTIC CASTS The rasi Jtrench method of removing -an ueaas, pimples and wr'nkies aii at tne Sanitary Beauty Par lors, Room 10. Sieves Block. J-4-tf MECHANO THERVrElTIST AND UV..H- SCVEU-Mechano ucupcuuBi aaa Suggestlonist. vv.a:u iu oairn, July, 1901. . cnromc add acute diseases Office and resldexace, 267 Liberty mreet rnone 13-32. Consultation - 9-20-tf yEW ANT) SECOPsn).HAT GOODS HIGHEST price pala for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents etc. We carrj -The mnRt nmni.J stock of above articles in town at mo lowest price, u. L. McPeek, 170 nuuin i;oTnmercia.l St. 8-2a-tf SUBS ERIES vilban NURSER"Y STOCK-Large variety of all kinds of fruit and or namental trees and shrubs. Frult- iana wursery (Jo., Asylum road, 3 miles east ot Salem R. F D. 6, 23X-2 Box 87. Phones Farmers 7-29-tf ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO.-Gar- aen seeds of all kinds in season. Large stock fru.it, ornamental trees. Contract landscape work for city or suburban home. Office, salesyard, 491 Court St., Main 937, Farmers 8-25-tf NEW AM) SECOMMIAM) CLOTH TNG. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cloth ing and shoe. Highest cash pr'ce paid for old clothing, shoes, etc. We also have all klmla of clotjiing, and can fit a.ny man. Ii. Gollob. proprietor, Phone Main 5S2. 312 North Commercial street. 10-12-tf OSTTKOI'ATII. DR. R. W. WALVTON, Osteopathic phy- slcian; acute and chronic diseases treated; con sulfation free. Office rooms 12 and 14 Breyman block. Phone 1951. 8-25-tf OSTEOPATHY. DR. B. H. VVIIITE Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate . of the American School of Osteop athy, Klrksvllle, Mo., post-gradu atf and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases C!oiisultation free. Lady Attendant. Office 605-60'! U. S National Bank Bldg. Phone 859 Xesidenw 346 North Capitol etreet Phone 469 PAINTERS, PAPBtv HANGERS POINTER AwND PAPER HANGER- Estlmates. made and first-class work done. I D. Driver, 617 North Catpltol street, Salem, Ore. Phone 92 6. 6-28-lf. ROBINSON" ft FULLER Painting, paper hanging and hard wood finishing. Office 301 South Com mercial street. Phone 1445. 11-6-1 m PDYSIOIAS AND SURGEON. DR. J. OLIN VAN WINKLE Phy Mn innd surgeon. Office 502 U. a wilrnl Bank bldg. Phone 35. Residence 615. 8-29-tf F-IANO TEACHER. rrea urinA (3R ANT Is prepared to rino leasons. Color klnder- m children a specialty. Graduate of Eastern school. Er ,i0nl (n teaching, 470 North 8-28-tf Churcra streei, PLUMBERS. pin., Plumbing, hoi THEO. water ntng, Main nnd steam heiulng and tin 164 Co:umerclal St. Pa"re 105 9-1-1 yT OTTO IMUELLHAUPT- Plumbing heating, gr.s fitting; prices rea sonatle; work guaranteed; estL matew furnished. Phone 373 1066 Chemeketa street. 4-17-tf .1)S- -plnrcbl repairing; ri.iurv w i,n0' 5 tip l.n1 v.. i'.'.l ."o water pipe and sewer cuiinection?. Estimates U rnisbed free on any of vcur work. b 5,,: 32s Center street. ' PORTLAND HOTELS. NE MATTHIESEN HO- hi- Front and Columhia, at on "a Electric depot. Steam heat ha. cold water in all rooi. ' Op ay and night Room. 60,7 5 and II f Also Hotel Harrison, 01 iO 7 Front street. John Matthle .ec; proprietor both houws. rnal Want Ads Bring ne.ult.j PAVIXQ. 'BARREN T' - Vkuction co street p Bituuthlc is the 8-28-tf oast by test. IttSTAUKASTS. BETTER tnan the best You can't beat It, Scott's 30 cent dinner for 20 cents ; 11:00 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Hoard, $3.50 per week. 179 South Commercial, phone 42 BlsMARK RESTAURANT 184 Com mercial street, near corner Ferry. First class service. Best meal hi city, 20 to 25 cents. Schneider & Lehman, proprietors. HAXiEM FCKIi YARDS. WOOD FOR SALE Can deliver hard and soft woods, In 12 and 16-inch and 4-foot lengths to all parts of the city. My wood is well sea soned end under shelter. Prices reasonable. Salem Fuel Yards. Phone Main E29. Office. 762 Trade trtrt u SIGN PAINTERS. DORRANCE, the sign man - Air brush, show cards and banners. Bulletins and wall signs. Auto and carriage painting. 260 Chemeketa street. 6-26-tf Sl'lUKl.Ll CORSETS FITTED. SNREL.LA CORSETS Measures taken by Alien A. Miles, HOG Leslie street, at home Thursday af ternoon. Phone 10S8. 11-23-tf TINNING AND ROOFING. BADER.TSCHER 4 TUtAJER Hot air heating; furnace work; tin ning and roofing cornice work of all kinds. 18S South Liberty street. Phone 600. Figures on contracts cheerfully given. All work guar anteed. 8-30-tf UPFf OLSTKRI NG, RENOV ATI NO '. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum car pet cleaning, on or off the floor; carpets altered aud laid; mat tresses made and renovated; fur niture re-covered; shades and awn ings made and altered. Northeast corner Court and High streets. Phone 568. 7-22-tf HOUSE CLEANING ror the holidays will soon start. Have your furni ture nnd upholstering work attend ed to by men who know bow All work guaranteed. E. Stiff, cor ner Court and Liberty. Phone 941. 9-2 1-1 mo REED ft ZWICKER. Only Bteam carpet and feather renovating plant In city. Power vacuum cleaning. M stresses remade and upholster ing. Furniture repaired. Work guaranteed. Works Fourteenth and Wilbur. Phone 1154. 8-31-tf UNDERTAKEN. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. C-ougr, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profewion employed 4 46 Court street 9.20-tf. W. T. RIG DON, undertaker and em- balJier, 252 North High street, op posite city hall. First class In ser vice, equipment and stock. Lady assistant when desired. Only un dertaker who has commodious apartments purely on residence nlan. B-12-tf WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb High grade work at eiiatern prices Opera Houae block, 484 Court street 10-5-tf WOOD AND COAL. FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. Sole agent for the famous Rock Springs coal and the Wash Silver lump. Cord wood and mill wood inlengths to suit. Reasonable prices. Prompt delivery. Main office 279 North Commercial street. Phone 813. 10-2-tf WOOI SAWS. THE NEW GASOLINE WOOD sawing machine operated by Stech fc Sfsse. Phone Main 2119; can be moved to your r'sld-nr.e and your winter'!! supply-of wood sawed at short notice. All orderf receive prompt attention. ' 8-31-tf WOOD SAWS (Continued).. HAVE YOUR NEXT WINTER'S supply of wood sawed by the "old reliable" sawyer, J. A. Poage. Your orders will relve prompt attention. Phone Main 1313. 8-29-tf WATKK COMPANY. SALKM WATi-ll CUM CAMT Office corn, r f'nmmerd-! ari l Trade Sts. For wu!'-r s-rviv appiy ai Uil's payable month U In advance. lodc;e directory. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular meetlngt first nd third Tuesdays. Masonic Hall. Mrs. McCauley. W. M.; Ida M. Ilabcock. ser-etnT PACIFIC LODGE, SO. 0. A. F. ft A, M. Masonic hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R Wilson. W. M, Lot L Pearce. sec- U-1 LODGE DIRECTORY (Oomtinnod.) HEAL ESTATE (Continued.) MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- FOR SALE Several tracts of 5, 10, ter No. 1. Masonic hall second 15 anJ 20 acres, suitable for poul- P., , v .v, . try, truck gardening, berries or Friday of each mcnth. at 8 p. m. fruU TheA c Ik)tlrn3te(U Co - M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest 316 U. S. National bank building. Lot L. Pearce, Secretary. 7-9-tf Salem. ii-22-lw UNITED ARTISANS Capital As-iF0R SALE Small house and two sembly No. 84, meets every Friday lots in West Salem. Good location, evening In I. O. O. F. Temple, Mrs. Price, $675. Only $275 down. E. ZrI'lZ HrftSon, 213 S. Commercial Phone 1214. street U-15-tf LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE, Cherry F0R SALE Well located lot on cor- City Lodge No. 498, meets every ner of Twenty-third and Chemek- Thursday evening at 8 p. m. in I. eta. Small one room house on it O. O. F. Temple, corner Court and that , ,, . High streets. D. R, YanUs. DicU- 18 renting (or ' a month- tor; H. H. Turner, secretary, 136 Sidewalk built and assessments 8. Commercial atreet paid. Price $500. Terms. S100 SALEM HUMANE SOCNETY D. D. down and ,10 a month' E' Hrer Keeler. president; Mra Lou TUson, & Son3' 213 S' Commercial street. 1117tf secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be for SALE 160 acre In Deschutes reported to the society for Invest!- country, Eastern Oregon, 11 miles 8atlon- from Bead, 40 acre ready to cnl- MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA tlTat9( 120 ,cres UmDOT Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246.- pature: Irrigation Meeu every Thursday evening at P"Pty. ouse. 8 o'clock in Holman Hall. W. E. Pe $2000. Wll give very easy Vincent, Consul; F. A Turner, terms ,f deslred- E- llofer- 213 S- QIer Commercial street. Phone 82. ' ; 10-2-tf SALEM LODGE KO. 4. A F. ft i POR SALE-208 acrr. In Lincoln V. State cotumunlcaUon 0' county. 65 acres bottom land; 25 Uist FrlJay in each menth at 7:1 under cultivation. On good road p m.. In Masonic hall, McCorauc four miles from railroad and one block. James Plant, W. M.; John nal,f ,mlle to choo- . Good 1nol'se ' and barn. Wagon farm Imple Bayne, secretary. mefttB aml row oont g0 wltn thla TT, m,rtv. , . place. Price $4500. K. Hofer ft A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge on8 213 s commercial street, No. 2 meets every Monday even 11-21-tf ing at 8:00 p. m., In Holman Hall, corner State and Liberty SU 1 1IAVK 11 SAMS four 40- and one E. P. Donaldson, M. W. D. P. 2-ftere tracta- Tliere a good Wright, Recorder. 6-21-tf spring and wood enough to pay for . , land and some cleared land on each WOODMEN OF WORLD -Meet ev- nQnh q ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock g in Holman Hall Geo. H. Deacan C on lftnJ frQm C; L. H. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 tQ m acfe Ten pep ccnt SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS cash; balance two per cent per of Husbandry Meets in Hurst month. Address John Vim I-wuncn, Hall on SUte Btreet, on the fourth Fair Grounds, Oregon. ll-24-3t Saturday of each month, at 10:30 mmr7!T! a. m. Visiting and sojourning FOB SALE. i members welcome- F. A. Myers. K0R sale Young Jersey cow. master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre- ,,,reall 7na s Thirteenth street. tary. 12-31-lyr ll-24-Ht MISCTELIiASKOUS. FOR SALE All kinds of household - " " furniture at great sncrlflco, corner IF YOU HAVE ANY pruning or mund and Currant avenues, spraying to be done, address K O. ,,. an n ,,nllwa 11.00 Malum, Route 3, Box 10-B. Esti- I hno 4,)fi. U. It. Haines. ll-J-3t matees furnished. ll-21-6t poR SAL&Ur(5e mj att oak ARE YOU RUPTURED, I make grub and ash. Now taking orders and fit trusses of my own Inven- for summer delivery. Phone 1411 tion that will cure ruptures of five or 1283. Downing ft Eoff. 4-29-tf years' standing. This is no hum- ,,-,,, KAMOlla Il(inton ,limp conl , bug. Prices reasonable. Lxan.- the bmk Inallun free. Satisfaction guamu- sute Nlnoteenth teed. Albert Moore 90 Oak str"ct- 11-M-lm H-24-lwk HEAL ESTATE. roR reT. $3800 BUYS G'A acres of choice FOR RENT We have a nice 6 -room sandy loam, 4 Ms acres In full bear- flat for rent; well located. Price Ing apple trees, good new bunga- reasonable. E. I Infer & Sons 213 , iii. iv.,r,iia South Commercial street. 11-22-tf low, good outbuildings. Pour miles out on good road. $2,000 cash; poll RENT Two furnished rooms, balance six per cent Interest. for light housekeeping, for one or Square Deal Realty Co., 304 U. S. two persons. Inquire at 818 Bank building. Phone Main 470. llm""way' U' FOR SALE Several 6 per cent first mortgages in amounts up to $9000 The A. C .Iliilirntedt Co., 310 V S. Bank. 11-2 2-1 w $1250 HOUSE on Seventeenth street, just oft Asylum avenue, east front, E. liofer & Sons, 213 8. Commer cial street. 10-13-tf POR SALE Modern five room bunga- bungalow, $300 down; balance like rent. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Com mercial street. 11-8-tf ELLIS & WOOD Real estate loans and Insurance, notary pub lic, emnloyment bureau. Phone 654. 476 Court St., Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office Hamburg.Amer lean steamship lines. 11-1-lyr FOR SALE 1G0 acres 8 miles south of Newport and Vs mile from Hea ver Creek. Fine soil and best kind of dairy land. Price, $10 an acre. E. Hofer & Rons, 21S 8. Commer cial street. Phone 82. 11-27-ti TEN ACRES Only 2'A miles from center of town, -mile from car line. Nice little four room house, almost new. P'lve acress under fine cultivation. Small orchard of all kinds of fruit Price $3,000. Terms, if desired, on part of price. E. Iloii-r & Sons, 213 S. Commer cial street. 11-15-tf HOi'SK FOR i-'ALE Modern elglit riAiin petered house, walls tinted, fine electric fixtures, cooling room, U.sl plumbing, connected with sew er; lot 50 by 180, east front, iuti and well drained, one-half block north of State street, fruit trees, lawn and flowers. Price, $2500; part terms. See owner, 240 N. Commercial street. 11-22-lw HOUSES FOR SALE Three nice mares, weight from 1275 to 1400 ages from 6 to 8, block built and rood eentle broke mares, all in foal. Also some lighter horses. One nice, dark grey pony, thre vears old. sound and the best In the land for children and women. Price, $10. 803 Broadway. Would like contract of wood hauling, the more, the better. Call or address 803 Broadway. 11-8-tf PASTURAGE FOR RENT, running water. Horse, $1.50; cattle, $1.00 per month. Independent Market 255 Ferry street 3-31-tf FOR RENT Lnrgo modem hous close In. Will ront to responsible ' party who wishes to sub-rent part of It or use as a private hoarding house. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S commercial street. 10-1 1-lf WANTED. WANTED Cldor and vinegar ap- Dles wanted: sacks furnished Gideon Stol Co., near cwrner of Mill and Summer streets. Phone Main 26. 8-22-tf LADY WANTS work at cooking. Ad dress Mrs. M. K. Thorpe Seven teenth and Stale street. 11-24-31 WANTED HOARD AND ROOM Man, enguged in writing book and occu pying room during day, In Salem fur tlio winter, wants board and room In private family. Quiet place and pleasant tmrroundngs the main thing Suburbs or country preferred. References furnished. Address, Writer, care Salem Jour nal. 11-24-31 CHICHESTER S PILLS . 1 JIK HAU4I HKAMI. utat S0L3 BV DRtJGOISTS EVtKiWHf RE Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wirt Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Bhl glea, M<bold Roofing, P. . B. and Ready Roofing. All at the lowest prices. CHAS. D. MILLIGAN 150 Court street Pboa 114 Li2trcv muni Ki-4 jii b-huiAV Cr24 twicl with )!lu KlM-Hi. mA l other. II ii r f roup " I W - ?f l)rUUL Ki If 1-4 V..TY.Hn MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKET. Grain, Kloir, reett. It. Wheat Export Basis: Bluestem, S2ff84c; club, 79CS0c; red Russian, 7778c; valley, 7980c; forty-fold, 80c. Flour Patents, $4.50 per barrel; straights. $4.05; exports, $3 80; Val ley, $4.60; graham, $4 65; whole wheat, $4.85. Barley Feed, $3232.50 per ton; brewing, nominal. Hay No. 1, E. O. Timothy, $1819 No. 1 Valley, $15$16; alfalfa, $13 14; clover, $110)12: grain, $1112. Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $37 per ton. MUlstufTs Bran, $23 per ton: mid dlings, $31; shorts, $24; rolled bar ley, $3435. Oats New white, $3131.G0 per ton. Dairy and Cointry rroduce. Butter City creamery, extra, land 2-pound prints, in boxes, 37o per pound; less than Boxes, cartons and lellvery extra. Eggs Oregon ranch, 60c. Cheese Full cream, twins 16c per pound; Young America, 17c Poultry Hens, listl2c, springs, llQ12c; ducks, young. 16 17c: geese, UH12e; turkeys, alive, 20c; dressed, choice, 2324c. Veal Fancy, SD to ZO pvundi 13(fT13 Vac per pound. Fork Fancy, 8ftjf9c per pound. Groceries, Dried I'm Its, JKtc Dried Fruits Apples. 13 fi 11c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots 164?lSc; peaches, 1214c; prunes. Italian, lOiQillc; silver, 18c; figs white and rlack, 6 H 07 He; cat rants, 10C 11c; ra.slns, loose Mu. tel, 6!47Hc; bleached Thompso llc; unbleached Sultanas, 8i. seeded, 9Vt9c. Coffee Roasted, In drums, 26(340c ter pound. Nuts Walnuts, lG16e per lb.; Srmll nuts, 16c; Alberts, 16c; almonds, 1819c; nocnn. 18c; jocoanuta, 90c$l per aosun. Salt Oranulated. $16 per ton; lalf-ground, 100a. 18.60 pet ton: iOs, $9 per ton. Beans Small, white, 4Hc: large white, 4 Vic; Lima, 6 Vic; pink, 5c; red Mexicans, 6 Vic; bayou, 5c. Sugar Refinery prices: Dry gran ulated, $6.80; fruit and berry, $6.80; beet, $6. GO; extra C, $6.30; powdered, barrels, $7.05; cubes, barrels, $7.20. It ice No. 1 Japan, ic, cnuupoi trades, $3.50(3)4.65; Southern kead lW7c. Hon;v -Choice, $S.7B per case trained 8Vtc per pound. Vegetables ana Trills. P'resh Fruits Pears, $1.2501.60 lier box; grapes, ri0ctfn$l.00 per box; Almerla grapes, $6.507 per barrel; cranberries, $H.ri0(ffl2 per barrel. Tropical Fruits Oranges, navelH, $3.50; Valcnclas, $5.00 per box; Cali fornia grapefruit, $45; Florida grapefruit, $6; bananas. 5fffVio per pound; lemons, $6 per box; pome granates, $1.50 per box. Vegetables Artichokes, 7Bo per dozen; beans, BHplOc; cabbage, lcw lV4o per pound ; cauliflower, C0c$l per dozen; cucumbers, $2 50 per box; egg plant, 12 Vic per pound; garlic, l()ii)12c per pound; lettuce, 8090c per dozen; hothouse lottuco, $1.25 per box; peppers, 8iJ)10c per pound; pumpkins, llV4c; radishes, 12Vic per dozen; sprouts, 88o per pound; sqush, l'4fl)lVic per jiound; toma toes, 50cg$l per box. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.00 per sack; turnips, $1; boots, $1.00. sweet Potatoes $2.15(2.25 per crate. Potatoes New Oregon, 90cfu$1.20 per hundred. Onions California, $1.25 per hun dred. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc Hops mi crop, 44(fM!ic per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon,, 916o lb.; Valley, 1517c. Mohair Choice, 35fi)37c. Hides Suited hides, 11c per pound, salted calf, l(lit"17c; salted kip, lOVStc; salted stags, 6 Vic; green hiiles, 9c; dry hides, 18c; dry calf 19&20c; dry stags, 12(&13Vic. l'rovlswins. Hams 10 to 12 pounds, lC17c; 12 to 14 pounds, lliUc; 14 to 16 pounds, It; f?(, 17c; 16 to 18 pounds, 16 t'17c; skinned, lie; picnics, 11 Vac cottage roll, 16 Vic. Macon Fancy, 2ic; standard, 24c; choice, 21 c; English, 17c. Dry Halt Cured Ttcguiar abort clears, dry salt, 12 Vic; smoked 13 Vic; acbks, light, salt, 13c; smoked 14'ic;; backs, heavy, salt, 12 Vic; smoked, 14c; exports salt, 13 Vic; smoked, 15 Vic. Smoked Meats lleef tongues, 75c; 4rled beef sets, 22c; cutsldes, 20c; Insldcs, 23c; knuckles, 21c. Plckli.d Goods Barrels, pigs feet, (14; regular tripe, $10; honey comb 'ripe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs 'onguns, $40 Lard Kettle rendered, tierces 1 3 c ; tubs, 14e; standard, tierces 14e; tubs, 12Vic; shortening tierces, 8 c; tubs, Sc. Local Wholesale Market Bran $27.r,0 Flour, hard wheat $ I trn I tiO Flour, valley $4-00 Kliorts $28.50 Wheat, bushel 80c Oats, bushel 40c Hops, 1911 crop 40041c Chlttlm bark 4!p6r Potatoes, per bo 75c Hay, timothy $13.30 Oat and vetch $ID00 Clover hay $;).00 Cheat hay $9.00 10.00 Puller una Egi. Hutter creamery 37c Kkkk. per dozen 41c flutter fat 3tic Country hutter 35c Poultry, Fryers and hens lOfrllc Roosters 7c Turkey 16 ' 18c Lhestocfc. Steers (under 1000 lb ) . . . $5.60 M Steers (1000 to 1200 lb ) . . $4.60 & 5 Cows $2.60Q$4.S0 Hogs, rat 7 7 Vic Ktock V4 7c Ewes It WEST SALEM TRANSFER Passengers Baggage Connecting with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 13 m., 1:10 p. m and 4 p. m. ev ery day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Monmouth and McMInnvllle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1.00 p. m. and 5:15 p. m. Calls st hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. Phone 82. NO ORDERS TAKKN FOR TALIS .MORE THAN THREfi BLOCKS FROM CORNKR OF STATE AM) COMMERCIAL" STREETS UNLESS AR RANGED FOR IN ADVANCE. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. Spring lambs Veal, accordlug to 'luallty.. 6o lie Caacara Bark Ea per lb. Pelts Dry, 8c; salted, country pelts, 65c$l per pound; iamb pelts, 25. "It Is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlnin's Cough Remedy Is the best cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Lavonla, Gu. "I have used it with all my children nnd the results have been highly satisfactory. For sale by all dealers. o And some people nro known by the troubles they get Into. Is the World Growing lletterl Many things go to prove that It Is. Tho way thousands are trying to help others is proof. Among them Is Mra W. W. Gould of Plttsfleld. N. H. Find- Ing good health by taking Electrlo Hitters, she now advises othor suf ferers, everywhere, to take them. "For years I suffered with stomach and kidney trouble," she writes. "Every medicine I used failed till I took Elec tric Bitters. But this great remedy helped me wonderfully." They'll help any woman. They're tho best tonic and finest llvor and kidney remedy that's made. Try thorn. You'll see. 50c at J. C. Perry's. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Southbound. No, 13 San Francisco Exp. , 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Pa-itngor 6.21p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43p.m. No. 27 Eugene Passenger . 8:26p.m. No. 1 5 California Express. 9:66D.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:60a.m. No. 222 Portland Fa Frt 10: 16p.m. Northbound. No. 14 Oregon Express .. 0:43a.m. No. 28 Portland Passenger 8:30a.m. No. 128hasta Limited ..12:35p.m. No. 18 Portland Pasenger. 2:66p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. 7.43p.m. No. 225 Way Freight ....12:36p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Leave Salem. Arrive Portland. Train 6, Train t, Train 10, Train 12, Train 14. Train 10, Train 18. 6:38 a.m.... 8:55 a.m.... 11:15 a.m. .. 2:00 p.m.... 3:40 p.m.. .. 4:00 p.m.... . 8:30 a.m. .11:00 a.m. . 1:15 p.m. .4:00 p.m. . 6:10 p.m. . f '00 p.m. . S H hiu, 6:0" pin. Train 20, 8:59 p.m 10:46 p.m Arrive In Salem. Train 1 8:30 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Train 3 9:50 Train 6 10:30 Train 7 1:00 Train 9 4:16 Train 11 6:00 Train 15 8:35 Train 17 11:10 o Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leaves West Salem for: Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas and Falls City 1:30 and 4:35 p. m. Sunday trains ror: Dallas and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains arrive at West Salem from Dallas 8:16 a. m. Black Rock and Dallas. .12:30 p. m. Falls City and Dallas .... 4.16 p.m. SALEM INDEPENDENCE BOATS. The launches Independence nnd Ionise will leave their wharf at the foot of Triidn street for Independence at the following hours dully except Sunday. Leaves Independence 8:30 Leaves Salem 4:00 a. l. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQRI O. C. T. CO. S Steamers Pomona nnd Oregona leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at in a. m.; Tuesday, Thursday nnd iWitunlay at 6 a. in.; for Corvnllls Tuesday, Thursday ami .Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent For Sale by Owner 130 acres, 115 acres In high state of cultivation, balunct ash and maplo timber. 110 acres of the 130 Is riv er bottom land, the b.tlanco (20 acres) U fcllglitiy rolling. It is all tho best of sol! and vcy well located. If you want a bargain : u.i about this. Easy terms. Price $65 per Acre. COURTER & VICK Room 1, Ladd & Bush Building. ;. f ' : t f I ! . i f! t I- i; ! If i: I ft v- ' ii ! -'I it '! ; i . ' i' t : ; ; ; . ! '. 5 I JL . :