Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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church Services.
sjc sfc Jc sfc sfc jc sjc
guarantees the quality, does not sug
gest that the pretty pieces are plated,
since the makers turn out solid sil
verware as well as fine plate.
A complete set of this design in a
beautiful satin lined case, was one of
the most admired gifts at a recent
wedding. Deslde the dozens of
spoons, knives and forks this Includ-
ed an exceptionally handsome carv
ing set, salad fork and chocolate
New York. Nov. 26. This has been spoons, any of them, u charming gift
a great Ejason for weddings so far, by iUelf.
and there are many more in prospect ' Handxome Linen,
so that really everyone is Interested Handsome table linen offers a wide
In the question of fitting gifts for the flel(' 'or selection. Dinner cloths
bride, or for some other girl whose wltn 'arge napkin monogramed In
wedding day Is not perhaps so lmme- the center, sets of plate dollies and
dlately Imminent. centerpieces done In Madeira work,
It is well to. have a pretty definite.01- In heavier padded' embroideries
I.I. in " t tV.n ..!., 1 ., , I. . t .1 J 1 aiitraii Urlth "Mum. t ' .. . J. 1 I
ui i liuic mat 10 uenimuie mm i.iuui ui veiiuLiuu lace. I -i u .m i
before starting out to buy, otherwise Iong scarfs or side table or dresHer, ! n a ' ,.j '., h, "
one is apt to arrive at a state of be- and towels done In cross stitch and ,p,Hn3 .i,t m
wilderment due to the many things Handsome padded Initials
displayed at the shoirs. Such confus- fashionable for the outfit.
Ion no doubt accounts for the Idiocy The modern girl gives as much
no often displayed in selecting gifts thought to her household chest as to
for weddings, birthdays, Christmas her personal trousseau, and well se
and other anniversaries. lected pieces for this are sure to give
I'ulntr ntlonnl Embarrassment. pleasure.
It Is quite certain that no one Pri'My (JIhsn and (lilmi.
makes a present with the Idea of em- Glass and china belong in the cate
barrasslng the recipient, yet that, too Bory of desirable gifts. Glass over
often, is the only result of the favor, laid with sliver Is especially attrac
A young couple, starting as the ma- tlve. Coasters are among the most
jorlty do. In a small home Blmply popular pieces. Whatever one buys
furnished will receive as u wedding should be the best of its kind, for
present a huge bronze lamp, a group nothing Is so tawdry In appearance
of statunry. or some massive solid and unsatisfactory In wear as cheap
Bllver piece, ridiculously out of keep- plate, poor glass, over-decorated por
ing with the rest of their belongings, celaln or coarse linen,
or a girl will have some article of A few pieces of really nice quality
apparel that can not possibly be prettily wrapped, make a gift alike
worn with anything else In her4 acceptable to the redolent and
tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m., C.
W. Roberts, superintendent. Epworth
League at 7 p. m. All are cordially
i Invited to attend these services.
First Methodist
Corner Church and State streets
Richard N. Avlson, D. D., minister
10:15 a. m., morning prayer, leader, I
Dexter Field. 10:30 a. m., sermon, I
"Sons of God and I'niversal Peace." The German people of this city
12 in., class meetings, leaders, W. L. j 8ive an annual concert at wh'ch
Cummlngs and ". H. Stone. 12 m., I purely German music is produced and
strangers and visitors welcome in our lne customs ot me latneriana are
Bible school, which meets in the lec- j kept In mind. This year they have
ture room; Introduce yourself to our secured the services of Marrlet" Enna,
I superintendent, Mr. F. S. Gilbert; the a charming young lady who has Just
Sunday school orchestra is doing good I reiurnea irom l.ermany, and has a
work; hear them today. 3 p. m.. Rev. ' fine repertoire as a lieder singer. Her
Dr. Davis Krrett of the Christian productions Include folksongs In
are all
The Opulent (ilvcr.
Where one has plentyof money to
spend few things are more generally
appreciated than a check that en
ables th? glii to exercise her taste
In the selection of something really
desired, but for people of moderate
means this scheme is not practical.
r lowers are always a graceful gift,
uui mom people ime more perma-
creditable to the giver.
James A. Davis hns sued the Pt.
Helens Quurry Co. for $100,000. in
nent souvenirs, and since the girl as "lnB a new powder furnished him by
well as the bride is looking frward lI" company tnere was a premature
to having a pretty home of her own, cMloHlon, by which he lost both of
gifts that will furnish her silver or
linen chest are almost sure to be ac
ceptable. Co-Opemtlve (living.
Where Intimate friends and rela
tives co-pernte In selecting matching
pieces of silver, linen or chlnn, dup
lication is avoided, and a much more
satisfactory outfit results, than
where there is hlt-or-mlss buying of
articles, pretty In themselves, but
which do not harmonlzo when used
eiv Slhcrwnre.
The new wreath pattern In silver
ware known as the "Diana", shown
in the Illustration, is so perfect In
shape, weight and finish, that an ex
pert would take It for sterling, and
his eyes
The first six days of the land
show at Chicago 43,000 persons
visited the Oregon exhibit.
Lebanon Is taking steps to start
an advertising campaign, and will
get a bigger spot on the map.
Hillsboro Is having a row w'fh
the company supplying water and
l'Kht, and Intends making the com
pany come through with both, as
the contract provides.
Murshfleld will send Hugh Mc
Luln to Washington as a delegate to
the Rivers and Harbors Congress to
he held there soon.
The well h,.ing bored for oil nt
hlierwnod is not shipping oil yet, but
seepage oil has In en ene luntered.
1 lie Eastern Oregon school fenrh-
the mark "Alvln Patent" while it ers will m-ct In linker City Monday,
1 - lu V '
The Handy Heater
You often need some heat
in early Fall, when you have
not yet started the furnace.
In whatever part of the house you want it, you can get it
best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater.
The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market, and you
can move it wherever you please.
Start it in bedroom or bathroom, nj you dint in comloit on the coldest
rnominj. Take it to the dining-room, and early breakfast becomei a pleasant,
coscy meal. A touch o( a mtci at dusk, and all it inug (or the evening.
Tha Pirfei'tton Smokeleu Oil Heater ii beautilully finiihed an ornament
anywhere. Drums ol plain steel or enamelled in blues nickel trimmings.
A special automatic device makes imoking impowible. Burner body cannot
become wedged. Ail parti emily cleaned. Damper top. Cool handle.
Ccalcn awrjwlwra l of writ for drtcripliva circular lo any afntjr of tha
Standard Oil Company
l Incorporated)
the service at the
4 p. m.. open
meeting of the Y. M. C. A.; Congress
man Hawley will speak; special music
everybody welcome. 6:15 p. m., every
young man and young woman will be
welcomed at the Epworth league; sub
ject. "Methodlsins Responsibility to
America;" reverent worship, inspir
ing songs, intelligent studies and good
fellowship characterizes,- the young
people's hour; leader, Arthur Marsh.
7:30 p. m., sermon, "How to Save
Your Capacity for Religion.
(hrhtiuri Srlrnre.
First Church or Christ, Scientist,
440 Chemeketa street Services Sun
day at 11 a. m. Subject of lesson
sermon, "Ancient and Modern Necro
mancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypno
tism Denounced." Sunday school at
10 a. ni. Wednesday evening testimo
nial meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Reading
room In the church open each after
noon except Sunday. All are cor
dially invited.
Kefornieil Church.
Corner Capitol and Marlon streets,
W. G. Menkaemper, pastor Sunday
school at 10 a. ni. German service at
11 o clock. Subject, "Double Stan
dreds." Thursday at 10 a. m.. Thanks
giving service. Germans are cordially
invited to these services.
St. Paul's.
Chemeketa anil Church streets Rev.
Harr G. Lee, rector Sunday next be
fore Advent. Holy communion. 7:30
a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. in. Morn
ing prayer with sermon, 11 a. in. Xo
evening service. All are welcome.
Gospel Mectlnir.
At the corner of Kifteenth and Mill
streets. Sunday school at 11 o'clock.
Mrs. McElroy will speak. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock. All are welcome
at both services.
First Conii'jintliiul.
Corner Center ami Liberty streets.
Preaching at 11a. m. by Rev. f, L.
Tufts, of Portland. Subject: "Jesus
and the Sabbath.' Preaching nt 7:30
p. m. by Kev .1'. S. Knight. Sunday
School at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C E. at
O:;,0 p. m. All are cordially welcome
to these services
w. c. r. v.
Rev. Stlllman will speak at the V.
C. T. IT. hall Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock. .
East Stato Street Lutheran Church
Rev. P. H. Schmidt, Pastor. Sun
day school 9:30 a. m. Sermon 10:00
a. in. English services 7:30 p. m.
every 1st and 3rd Sunday of month.
Everybody invited to attend.
United Evangelical.
Cottage street, near Center. G. L.
Lovell, pastor. Divine worship and
preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Christian
Endeavor at 7 j. m. ; W. A. Baker,
leader; prayer meeting at S o'clock
on Thursday evening:.
rirst Christian.
Corner of High and Center streets.
D. Errett, pastor. Preaching hours
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bible school at
9:4 5 a. m.. Dr. H. C. Epley, superin
tendent. Christian Endeavor at 6: 45
p. m., miss iaa Marshall, president.
Special music morning and evening.
The public cordially invited and wel
come. Central Congregational.
Corner of Seventeenth and Perry
streets. Rev. O. A. Stlllman. pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning
sermon at 11 a. m. Endeavor at 3 p.
m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. Evening
sermon at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Corner Highland avenue and Elm
street. N. Blanche Ford, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. rt. Meeting
at 3 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E at 7 p. m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Pray
er meeting Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. Prayer meeting la South Sa
lem Wednesday at 8 p. m. All are
cordially invited.
First Presbyterian.
Church street, between Chemeketa
and Center streets. Rev. H. T. Bab
cock, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Morning services at U o'clock.
Evening service at 7:3 Oo'clock. All
are cordially invited to attend these
Jason Lee Memorial M. T..
Corner of North Winter and Jef
ferson streets. W. C. Stewart, paa-
four languages.
Hurriet Kami, of Portland.
Miss Enna Is accompanied by her
brother Dr .Emil Enna, head of a
piano school at Portland, and he will
also play several solos. Dr. Enna is
a pianist in the first rank and this
will bq the tint appearance of the
Ennas at Salem. The Maennerchor
of the Gesang Verein will render two
classical folksongs of the German
people, 'Auf Dtln Wohl, Du Herniche
Maid, 88," and the great battle song,
"Gebet vor der Schlncht." The pro
gram will be carried out at the ar
mory, city hall, and a social dance
will follow. This will be one of the
most refined and enjoyable affairs
ever offered the people of Sa'em, and
is purely along social and education
al lines.
STOMACH DISTRESS, Strong Healthy Women
A Household Medicine.
That stops coughs quickly and cures
colds Is Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 252G Jef
ferson street, So. Omaha, Neb., says:
"I can recommend Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound as a sure cure for
coughs and colds. It cured my
daughter of a bad cold and my neigh
bor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and
her whole family with Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. Everyone in our
neighborhood sneaks highly of It."
For night coughing, dryness and
tickling In the throat, hoarseness
and all coughs and colds, take Fo
ley's Honey and Tar Compound.
Contains no opiates. Always in a
yellow package.
Is your husband cross? An Irritable,
fault finding disnosition Is often due
to a disordered stomach. A man with
good digestion Is nearly always good
natured. A great many have been
permanently cured of stomach trouble
by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For
sale by all dealers. ,
. The opera house property of Wood
burn has changed hands bringing the
handsome price of $3 8,000.
Every Workingman in Oregon should
A Httrglar's Awful Deed
may not paralyze a home so complete
ly as a mother's long Illness. But Dr
King's New Life Pills are a splendid
remedy for women. "They gave me
wonderful benefit in constipation and
rmnle trouble," wrote Mrs. M. C.
Dunlap of Leadill, Tenn. If ailing,
try them. 25c at J. C. Perry's.
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
Cilarer cry
a ra mm i jar u a 'tMr
A rp. d it?-
mw n
'i i.Lurnti
They are Made in Oregon and there are None Better.
Sold by all Dealers
Ask for the Label.
With our assurance that we
are able and willing to take
care of it, we solicit your
Banking Business. Open an
account with us, and we will
extend you every favor con
slstent with good banking prin
LIlH-rty Street, Just off State
, J. L. AHLERS, President,
W. G. EAST, Cashier,
S. S. EAST. Vlce-Prea.
111 w I L L. o.
A fl?a, CiitTux RiLiir far Smnin Mimtwuithhi.
IIIVEII MOWN TO r Ait. Sifrl arl 8!r I M.U,
lfc'U.n (iuMriiro,l or H.ioeT KfoDtll. Kfni n-u.lj
for f 1.00 rr hbi. Will mi taem on trial. w b. t for
WheD rr iierr.1. rlanmln I'm lf..iurdru.i.tilMtiiM
VHiTtOMl-LicalcO.. jo r, Uniima. .a.
Sold in Siltm by Pt. 5. C. Stont
Great Chinese Doctor
L. M. Hum
Has medicine which will cure any
known 'disease. He makes a special
ty of and guarantees to cu:te catarrh,
asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism,
debility, stomach, liver, kidney
troubles, also any blackened or
Bwollen soreness, broken limbs;
smallpox epidemic; all kinds of
boils, lost manhood, female weak
ness, hernia trouble and paralysis.
Consultation free. Care of Ylck Se
Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs.
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and
1 to 7 p. m. Office open Sundays,
153 High street, upstairs. Salem.
Kvery year regularly more tLan a
million stomach sufferers in the Unit
ed States, England and Canada take
Pape's Diapepsin, and realize not on
ly immediate, but lasting relief.
This harmless preparation will di
gest anything you eat and overcome
a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach
five minutes afterwards.
If your meals don't fit comfortably,
or what you eat lies like a lump of
lead in your stomach, or if you have
heartburn, that is a sign of indiges
tion. Get from your Pharmacist a 50-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a
dose just as soon as you can. There
will Lie no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling in the stomach, nau
sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness
or intestinal griping. This will all go,
and. besides, there will be no sour
food left over in the stomach to poi
son your breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure
for out-of-order aiomachs, because it
takes hold of your food and digests it
Just the same as if your stomach
wasn't there.
Relief In five minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store.
These large 50-cent cases contain
more than sufficient to thoroughly
cure almost any case of dyspepsia, in
digestion or any other stomach disorder.
A Mall farrier's Load.
Seems heavier when he has a weak
back and kidney trouble. Fred Due
hren, mall carrier at Atchison, Kas.,
says: "I have been bothered with
kidney and bladder trouble and had
a severe pain across my back. When
ever I carried a heavy load of mail,
my kidney trouble Increased. Some
time ago, I started taking Foley Kid
ney Pills and since taking them I
have gotten entirely rid of all my
kidney trouble and am as sound now
as ever." Foley Kidney Pills are
tonic in action, and quick In results.
Try them. Red Cross Pha-macy (H.
There is a beauty in the frosted
forest and field; have you seen it,
and have you shown it to the chil
dren? o
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have know F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. o
Don't worry over what people
think of you- It's up to you.
Couehlng nl Sight.
Means loss of sleep which Is bad for
the children and hard on grown per
sons. Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound stops the cough at once, re
lieves the tickling and dryness In the
throat and heals the Inflamed mem
branes. Contains no opiates and is
best for children and delicate per
sons. Refuse substitutes Red Cross
Pharmacy (H. Jerman). '
If woman ii itrong and healthy in a womanly way, moth
erhood meant to her but little luiferinf. The trouble liea
in the fact that the many women lurler from weakneaa and
diaeaie of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted
tor motherhood. This can be remedied.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cures the weaknesses and disorders of women.
It acta directly on the delicate and important
orf ana conoerned in motherhood, makinf them
healthy, strong. Yiforoua, virile and elastic
"Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispoaitioni of the
period of expectancy and makes haby's advent eiiy and
almost painless. It quickens and vitalizea the feminine
organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women hi
testified to its marvelous merits.
Makes Weak Women Strong. It Maket Sick Women Well
Honest druggists do not otter substitutes, and urge them upon you ai "in t
as good." Accept do secret nostrum in place of thie non-iecrrt remedy it
contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming.or injurious
drugs. Is a pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots.
f O
v L aiaEaah2fe- 'tgjL
We Are Going to Make 500
Happy by Presenting Them With a
These Will be Presented
To the first 500 Little Girls between the ages of 2 and
1 2, who call at our store
Accompanied by Their Mothers
A shipment of BLACK ANDIRONS and hand-hammered
Copperware, priced unusually low. Come in and get
our prices on most anything. They will surprise you
Wade Pearce & Co,
11 f rF SRI h Vl j
U' fr it f !
In , , -wit i'iij? ; , i
Celebrated Lennox Furnace.
The Best Heater
It will save you money every day
you own It. I will sell and Install
the best Let me Rive you figures.
About an individual lighting plant
for your home. The best thing in
the market for cooking and lighting.
Engines, Boilers,
Pumps, Etc.
Pulleys, Gears, Shafting, Etc
Anything Made of Iron
M. Bardc 8c Sons,
. Front and Main Streets.
Portland, Oregon
The House of a Million Bargains.
Prepares yonng people for bookkeepers, stenographers and general offlo
work. The development of the Northwest will afford openings lor
thousands in the next few years. Prewar, now. Send for catalogue.
W. I. STALEY, Principal Salem. Oregon
See Me I IL ""I TICK BROS., Proprietors
Storage, Repairing, Supplies. We carry in stock . Goodrich Tires,
Prest O Lite Tanks, Ever-ready Batteries, Weed Chains, and a full
line of Auto Supplies. Agents for Locomobile, Ohio, Hudson, OaK
land and Elmore Cars. Call for Catalogues and demonstrations.
173 South Liberty Street ti, v.ia raft
Phone 133. 25S Stale Street 'tt'timmmit Mt mi
A. L. Frasier
M a
1 000 Loads (Inside Mill Wood) Must be sold.
j Our Wood Yard Is Full J
: You Need Wood VVc Need Yard Room
Special Price of $2.0O per Load
The Chas. IC Spaulding Logging Co. j
l Phone 1830 Of f ice Front and Ferry
'"', '