DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1811. rioi rmt i .ft iraiTiwirwnTiMmrrwr-MrM - " V : . 1 J s 1-3 OFF ON Children's Coats 25 to 50 per cent Reduction ON WOMEN'S Suits and Coats One'assortment OF Hosiery 1-3 Less An Assortment OF Hosiery 1-2 Off Big Reduction ON BLANKETS $2.50 COMFORTS $1.79 Women's Underwear AT Big Reduction Outing Flannel 12i2c 10c 10c 8c Extra Special ...4c Outing Flannel Night Gowns for Less MEN'S Underwear 50c Cotton Ribbed narmpnt 3 in Cream. Pink ri HO Rrnum M wiw, UIUVVU, each 45c $1.25 Cooper's Derby Ribbed Cotton, each 98c S1.25 Cooper's Derbv Ribbed Wool, per garment $1.05 $1.50 Scotch and Natural Wool $1.35 $2.50 Union Suits, Cooper's Derby Ribbed Cotton and Wool $2.25 $3.50 Union Suits, Cooper's Derby Ribbed $3.15 Boy's Heavy Fleeced Cotton 35c and 30c garment. WIFE WAS A VICTi OF BOOZE MILLIONAIRE MOORE SOItS LIKE A POOR MAN" AS UK TELLS HOW HIS WIFE AHVSKI) HIM, AND OF II Kit HAIUTS. THE WOMB c tci i c nr. ILLLO Ul 7 PiinnTiMn I 51 UU U t j Seal Shipt Oysters j We receive fresh shipments of these famous Oysters twice per week. We ask for a trial order and convince yourself of their special merit. Sold In bulk and absolutely sanitary in every way. X MAKE Ol'R STORE YOTR HEADQUARTERS FOR X Holiday Eatables Our own make Mince Meat. Equal to any 13c per lb. j Our own make Fruit Cake, the very best Me and 3c each Extra fancy Mixed Nuts, 1911 stock 20c per lb. J Preferred stock Asparagus $2.70 per doz. Preferred stock Peas 2.2rt to 2.70 per doz. f The finest Celery and Head Lettuce 10c each Florida Grape Fruit, the best ever 10c Supreme Hams 2(lc per lb. X X M'DAVIT JUST "TWIDDLED" HIS THUMBS I Roth Grocery Co. San Bernardino, Cal. Nov. 24. While Deputy District Attorney Ray mond Hodge unmercifully flayed him, Dr. A. W. McDavit, former prominent dentist, charged with holding Misa Jessie McDonald, a high school girl, a captive for 15 months In a room ad joining his office, today sat in Supe rior Judge Bledso's court room and calmly twiddled his thumbs , McDavit laughed aloud when the deputy prosecutor referred to him as a snake of glittering hue, luring his victims to ruin. This statement, however, had quite an opposite effect on the spectators crowded into the little court room, and it required the efforts of several bailiffs to quiet their angry muttering against the accused man. When court convened today former Superior Judge John Campbell opened the argument for the defense. He denounced Miss McDonald as an adventuress, who knowingly attempted to take Mrs. McDavit's place In the dent'st's affec tions. At the mention of his wife's name McDavit wept. The case probably will go to the jury tlrs afternoon. I " I i I V STYLISH COMFORT A woman want stjle In u shoe. II nt "lie niut lime comfort n well. Our Press Shoes combine both these qualities. You lll enjoy looklmr over our new shipment of elet shoes In black and tan $3.00 and up. Jacob Vogt 220 Xnrtli Commercial Street A Cut on Flour J! i ! 1 San Bernardino. Cal. Nov. 24. Af ter 50 minutes deliberation, the jury hearing the case of Dr. A. W. Mc Davitt, charged with holding Miss Jessie McDonald a captive in a room adjonlng his office, returned a ver dict of guilty at 1:50 o'clock this af ternoon. Judge Bledso will sentence the convicted man Monday. We find that we are overstocked on a few brands of the best grade . .... ,l. r.innn au-av Hnu-n tn unload. 4. or nour and are going to cut me iimc. - I Come in and get our prices. Free delivery. 4 D. A. White & Sons I 231-261 STATE ST, SALEM, ORE. X PHOXE MAIX 160. Look These Over A Few Itiirifiiins Hint Will Bear Inspection. No. 71. Five room 'house on lot 125x70, corner on Capitol street. House in fine condition. Uirge barn. New sidewalks. Lots of fruit. All assessments paid. Price, $1250. No. 8S. Fine California bungalow. Good location close In. Six rooms with every modern improvement. Completely finished and ready to move Into. Could not be duplicated for less than several hunirea aoi lars more than price asked. Come in and let us take you to see it. Price, i?.2W. No. 62. Five room new modern bungalow. Good location. Nicely arranged and well finished. Good street and all assessments paiu. Price $100. No. 79. Six room house with full basement Just south of State street on Sixteenth. House in good condi tion. All assessments paid. Lots or fruit. Price. 1150. E. IIOrEK SONS, Investment. 213 S. Commercial Street o Plies Cared In Six to 11 Vajn. Tour druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment falls to cure any rase of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles in sir to 14 days. 50 cents. CK1TED mESS LEiSIP WIKI Redwood City, Cal, Nov .24. Sobbing like a broken-hearted child. Millionaire J. J. Moore punctuated the story of his matrimonial experi ences with a dramatic interruption here today when he practically col lapsed on the stand, and was assist ed from th court room. It was his third public display of the "emotional nature" Mrs. Lilian L. Moore his divorce-seeking wife told of In her testimony. The break In the proceed ings came when Moore described a scene In which he declared his 'wife had come to him on her knees and begged that he seek a divorce from her. He declared 6he told him that she was a victim of a habit that had killed her mother liquor. She. Liked Fenwlck. Before his collapse Moore testi fied that he had ordered Frederick Fenwlck the piitllonalre lumberman, from his office. This occurred fol lowing a scene In Moore's San Mateo mansion the night before, during which Mrs. Moore, he declared, con fessed to him that Fenwlck had acted familiarly with her during the much mentoned ride to A. Mon Chateua. At that time Fenwlck sat at Mrs. Moore's feet, she besides the chauffeur, and Moore and the others in the party were in the rear of the automobile. Moore stated that upon her return home Mrs. Moore told blm of what Fenwlck had done. When he asked her why she had not Bald something of It sooner, she declared, he says that she did not wish to cause a scene. His Wife Cursed Him. Moore opened his testimony by tell Ing of the scene which occurred after he refused to discharge servants on the Woodslde ranch, and at the time when Mrs. Moore left him and went to live at the Fnlrmount Hotel. He declared she cursed him In leaving but asked the court If he would be would be compelled to use the lan gunge she used. Judge Duck excused him. Then he told of a dinner at the Burllngatne club, In which, he said that he wanted Mrs. Moore to return home, but that she refused, declaring that she wished to wait until some men, who were dining In an adjoining room came out. At this time ho said, she scratched his face nnd slapped him. j A Hard Old 'World. Moore said that on another occa s'on, at the "l'nce Tom's Cabin," Bhe left the table, declaring she Was tak lng sandwiches to the chauffeur. He followed her, he said, and found her going down tho road with Fenwlck who was also In tho party. They re turned at his call, and the party left the "Cabin." Ho went over most of the other scenes already described, changing the details only In so much ns to show Mrs. Moore was always the aggressor, and that she drank constantly. Moore's son, Jefferson, by his first wife, was placed on the stand after the coal magnate was excused. o RAILROADS MUST REDUCE THEIR RATES rt'SITKI) I'ir.HS I.EASRU WIBE. Washington, Nov. 2. After an examination of the railronda' addi tional evidence, the Interstate com j merro commission said: j "The commission adheres to the .conclusion announced In its original j report, that the defendants Interstate ! class rates from Seattle, Tacorna and Portland to points In Washington, Montana and Oregon are unreason able, and should le- reduced." The order requires that the reduc tion become effective January 2, next, and that It continue for two years. -ilteri MISS. PATEHSOX TAKES THE STAND AND TELLS OP THE IX. CI DENTS THAT LED VP TO, AND OF 1 HE SHOOTIXd OK HKIt HVSHAXIt. Denver, Colo., Nov. 24. Before a court room crowded with women who drank In every word of her testi mony, Mrs. Gertrude Patterson here today told the details of what hap pened to her before and after she shot her husband, Charles A.. Patter son to death. After a long prelude, during which she recited how sho was sold to Emll Strouss, of Chicago, how she went to Europe with Strouss and how, aftei she returned with $5,000 of the Chi cagoan's money, her husband wanted her to lead an Immoral life, Mrs. Patterson got down to the day of the tragedy. She said that on the day of the shooting Bhe went to a drug store, telephoned to Patterson at the Phlpps sanatorium, where was 111 and arranged to meet him near the homo of E, B. Hendrl. They met there. "Then," said the witness, "he asked me: 'Why don't you withdraw your divorce suit, and deed your house to me? If you do, I'll withdraw the Strouss alienation suit.' I refused. He asked me for $20, saying that he had lost $12 playing poker and was three weeks behind with his board. I refused. As I reached the stone wall sur rounding the Hendrl home, Chick again demanded that I drop the suit. I refused, and he grabbed me by the throat, and said: 'Well, you'll sign that deed.' Ho called me vile names and bit my shoulder." Here the witness left her chair and with Judge Hilton assisting her, graphically Illustrated the manner In which her husband struggled with her, and how the killing ccurred. "I screnmed," Mrs. Patterson ad ded, "and Chick pulled a clipping out of his pocket which he asked mo to read. I did so. It referred to his suit against Strouss. ' 'Don't you know that's black mail?' I said. "Well. I don't expect It to come to trial,' he replied. 'I only want to scare that Jew out of $5,000 but I'll surrender nnd come homo If you'll Blgn a deed to the house.' "I refused, nnd Patterson Btruck me on the left cheek. I staggered K C Bakinp; Fowder works like magic. Recipes formerly considered difficult to bake now come out of the oven light, dainty and deli cious. It fairly makes you hungry to look at them. KG BAKING POWDER Is the housewife's best friend, lighten ing her burdens ns well as the food. Wherever K C is used you will find healthy, happy families nnd a con tented housewife. Com plies with all pure food laws, both State and National. Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago m I11SI1 back nnd he hit again with his fist under the left ear. I fell backward and as I lay on the ground he kicked me In the side. I struggled to my feet. His arm was raised to strike me again and while on my knees, I rrnbbed my revolver and fired, I thought ho was going to kill me." Further questioning revealed the fact that the defendant recollected nothing further until sho reached the police station. Judge Hlton, her attorney, sprung a sensation when he asked Mrs. Pat terson why she had told the police that Paterson gave her tho revolver. She said on the advice of her coun sel, JuBgo Hilton. On cross-examin ation the witness' memory failed. Mrs. Pntterson also denied she had ever lived In 8. Louis, or conducted a resort there or thnt she had ever heard of Edward Alexander, alleged to have taken poison In a bouse which she conducted In' St. I-ouls. It Stnrtlfd the World when the astounding claims were flrBt made for llucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere it Is now known ns the best salve on earth for Burns, Bolls, Scalds, Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, Ec zema, Chapped Hands, Fever Sores and Piles. Only 25o at J, C. Perry's. o Linn county hus paid bounties so far UiIb year on 15 wild cats, 15 coy otes, 3 timber wolves and one grey wolf. BREAKS A COLD III A FEW HOURS Nothing else you can take will break your cold or end grippe so promptly ag doeg a dose of Pape's Cold Compound every two hours un til three consecutive doses are taken. The most miserable headache, dull ness, head and nose stuffed up, fev erlshnesa, sneezing, running of the nose, sore throat tnucou catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheu matism pains and other distress be gin to loave after the very first dOBe. Pape's Cold Compound la the re sult of three years' research at a cost of more than $50,000, and contains no quinine, which we have conclu sively demonstrated Is not effective In the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any where else la the world which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cont package of Pape's Cold Cora pound, which any druggist in the world can supply, o Don't waste your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamberlain's Liniment Is cheaner and better. Dampen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will relieve the pain and sore ness. For Bale by all dealers. The follow who Just keeps pegging away finally has a lot of work done to console him anyway, ' " - " Greatest Cash Clubbing Offer Ever Made to the People of Oregon Three Newspapers Five Years Subscription for only One Dollar Read This Carefully. THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOCRXAL, with all county official news, the markets, nnd all state and gen eral newB; regular subscription price $100 WEEKLY OREd'OMA.V, best weekly general newspaper, with general markets and Oregon news; " eu. scrlptlon price per year.,, 1.50 00 The Right Kidney Jfedlrlne. J. E. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St, Ft Smith, Ark., says that he had taken imany kinds of kidney medicine, but jdld not get better until he took Foley Kidney pills. No matter how long jyou have had kidney trouble, nor at j what stage of the disease your case :may be, you will find quick and per manent benefit by the use of Foley ; Kidney piUh. They also regulate the action of the urinary or fins. Start taking them now. Red Cross Phar macy (H. Jerrnan). o tu Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A THE PACIFIC -OUT II WEST, a well established farm paper, for three years; regular subscription price.. 1 THREE PAPERS, PIVE YEARS' SUBSCRIPTION IN ALL . . . . $3.50 Net cash clubbing price to you for (fffc -fl (f(T the three papers Lp JL oUU The dally Journal will bo sent to your address In the nbove combination for four dollars In advance for the three papers for one year. If you want the Ually In place of tho Weekly Capital Journal, say so and re mit four dollars Instead of one dollar. If you are taking the Weekly Journal we will send yon the above papers-tho Weekly Oregonlan and the Pacific Northwest for fifty cents additional to the regular price of the Weekly Capital Journal $1.!0 per year for the combination to old Biihscrlbers. These prices are strictly cash In advance, and no commission to postmasters or agents, We challenge any newspaper to duplicate this offer or anywhere near it five years subscription for three Oregon newspapers at an average of twenty cents a year for this reading matter. Can. You Afford to Pass This Up? Subscription Blank. , Enclosed find $1.00 for which send to my address gived below: Nam. P. O.. Weekly Capital Journal One Year. Weekly Oregonian One Year. Pacific Northwest Three Years. State. ' ttt