Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 21, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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There are many ways and means
of securing inspirations. Soma au
thors and playwrights prefer to re
tire to the solitude of their "dens",
there to ponder and perspire. Others
find that their intellect scintillates
with greatest brilliance in the open
air, or In the silent woods. Some go
walking on rainy days and nights
when the lights gleam from the wet
streets. Then there have been mis
guided Individuals who are masters
of their genius only when under the
influence of quarts of black coffee or
an Injection of cocaine, as practised
by Sherlock Holmes In periods of de
pression when crime was dull and
his Imagination needed a goad.
Hut James Forbes, who wrote "The
Commuters", which come s to the
Grand Opera House Wednesday,. No
vember 22, would have none of these.
He believed in going straight Into the
water In which he wished to swim.
So when he decided thaf a comedy
upon suburban life would be his
next contribution to the stage, he
spent many days and dollars travel
ing on way trains, through tank
towns about New York City, with
notebook and pencil, his weather eye
upon his fellow travelers, especially
those with lawn mowers or new ser
vants. Whenever he saw a thing or
overheard an expression which struck
him as characteristically suburban,
down It would go In his notebook to
be later woven Into the fabric of his
"The Commuters" will be seen
here with the same cast seen In New
York and Boston, and Includes Hnrry
Davenport, Florence Malone, Amy
Lesser, E. Y. Backus, Frederic Mal
colm, John Robertson, Lillian Thur
gate, Pauline Duflleld, Karra Ken
wyn, and others.
"The Western Union Telegraph
company announces an arrangement
by which the free delivery limits
within which telegrams are to be de
livered shall be extended so as to
cover with practically few excep
tions, the corporate limits of all
cities and towns where Independent
telegraph offices are established.
The arrangement will be made effec
tive generally within the next lew
days and will cause a discontinu
ance of the collection of delivery
charges upon telegrams addressed to
persons who reside within the es
tablished limits of cities nnd towns.
The free delivery area will be
stretched out to Include sections of
cities and towns not now favored
with free delivery service, excepting
In Isolated enses, where because of
Inaccessible locations car fare col
lections may bo necessary. As is
well known, the telegraph companies
have heretofore made collections of
car fares as well as delivery charges
upon messages delivered In a very
large proportion of the residential
sections of the cities. The establish
ment of the new plan by which these
charges are discontinued, is made
practicable largely by larger use of
the employment of the telephone in
the delivery of great numbers of
messages addressed to parties who
have telephones In their houses, and
ns tho use of the telephone has been
largely Instrumental In bringing
about the conditions by .which the
public Is to be relieved of delivery
charges, It is hoped that the com
pany may be able to utilize the tele
phone to as great an extent as pos
sible In the final delivery of tele
grams addressed to persons living In
tho residential portions of cities as
well ns to reach certain business
houses situated in distant territory.
The Intention of the Western Union
Is to have the amount paid for the
transmission of messages cover their
delivery within an extended area
and to embrace ns many largo users
of the telegraph as a reasonably lib
eral policy may warrant and to the
people who live within tho corporate
limits of cities nnd may be reached
without causing the telegraph com
panies to assume unreasonable ex
pense in effecting delivery. The uni-
formed messenger will hereafter per
forin his service without cost to the
recipient of messages.
The establishment of this plan in
volves a sacrifice by the telegraph
company of a considerable revenue
heretofore received for car fare and
delivery charges, but In the consid
eration of a plan which would bring
relief to the public from the further
exaction of these long established de
livery charges, it was felt that no
system would be fully satisfactory
which did not tend to remove addi
tional charges within corporate lim
its of cities and towns where such
limits did not extend Into territory
so Isolated and distant that free de
livery would be an unreasonable bur
den upon the telegraph company.
The Inauguration of this " change
1 . V
ALU. f V '
L W. .' 'If f
oe roRBea,MiT ' 1
enhances the value of the day letter
janil night letter service to Its pa-
Irons by largely removing additional
ichargps, which have heretofore been
collected from tlie recipient of .tele
! grains but the methods of the tele
graph company have been Improved
to such an extent as to make it feel
that It may assume the additional
cost of an extended free delivery
service rather than cause the public
to further bear this charge.
Arrangements are being consumat
ed by which this plan,. will be estab
lished In all cities on the Pacific
coast without delay, and the general
extension of the free delivery area
comes as adjunct to plans of the com
pany to enhance the advantages of
tho telegraph service In general."
If you had some Dlapepsin bandy
and would take a Utile now your
stomach distress or Indigestion would
vanish In five minutes, and you would
feel line.
This harmless preparation will di
gest anything you eat and otercome
& sour, out-of-order stomach before
you realize it.
If your meals don't tempt you, or
what little you do eat seems to fill
you, or lays like a lump of lead In
your stomach, or if you have heart-
bum,, that is a lgn of indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent
case of Pape's Dlapepsin and take a
little just as soon aa you can. There
will bo no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
nor stomach gas or heartburn, full
ness or heavy feeling in the stom
ach. Nausea, debilitating head
aches, dtzzlncfts or Intestinal grip
ing. This will all bo, and, besides,
there will be no undigested food left
over In the stomach to poison your
breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Dlapepsin is a certain cure
for ont-jof-order Btomachs, because
It prevents fermentation and takes
hold of your food and digests It just
tht same as If your slomach wasn't
Relief ; In five minutes from all
stomach misery Is nt any drug store
waiting for you. ,
These.' largo !ifl-ceiu cases of Pape's
Dlapepsin contain more thnn 'suffi
cient to thoroughly cure almost any
case of dyspepsia, Indigestion or any
other stomach disturbance.
k 4t 4t i t
T l 1 r F
Delicious Gingerbread
(Ricipm by Mr, Mary J. Lincoln)
Children are great lovers of ginger
bread, and grown folks, too, if it is the
rich, "melt-in-your-mouth" kind. Here
is something the children can eat freely
without fear of "tummy-ache":
Mix two ups flour, one-half level
teaspoon salt, one level teaspoon Boda,
one level totilespoon (ringer; Btlr in one
cup molasses, two tablespoons softened
Cottolene and one-half cup boiling water.
Bake In Bhallow pan. If for dessert,
bake In layers. Fill with whipped
cream, flavored with lemon.
Cottolene makes light, rich pastry that
digests with ease.
Rev.'C. M. Cllne, of Bend, has ac
cepted a. Baptist call to Browns
ville. The Albany Herald has enlarged
to meet the demands of a seven-column
John P .Wol finger, of Grant coun
ty is dead. He was a wealthy Ger
man farmer.
A Medford man makes his hens
talk by feeding them pulverized
phonograph records.,
The citizens' Progress ticket at
Albany opposes blind pigs and Im
moral resorts. Good!
Looks .like the "short ballot'
crowd wanted to get rid of Bome of
their "long' 'election laws.
The Oregonian editorial on Taft
pardoning that Idaho banker wa,s al
most enough to turn Oregon Demo
cratic. The highest philosophy comes to
us once a month In Lucy H. Mal
lory's "The World's Advance
Grandpa Blakeley., of Brownsville,
will be ninety and nine on November
26. He is as bale and hearty as
most men of seventy.
Gypsy Smith is selling phonograph
records of his songs to the rest of
the churches. Next: Phonograph his
sermons and put Smith on the screen
o .
"There could be no belter medicine
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
My children were all sick with whoop
ing cough. One of them was In bed.
bad a high fever and was coughing
up blood. Our doctor gave . them
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the
first dose eased them, and three bot
tles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Don
aldson of Lexington, Miss. For sale
by all dealers.
"Clean up; and clean out" must
be the slogan of the man who pre
fers efficient government to party
loyalty and party pie.
Children Cry
Start To-Morrow Mgh
A good start is half the race. If you suffer from breakfast
table peevishness you commence all wrong. A world of
meaning is contained in this phrase and if the trouble comes
from an impaired digestion or a "bad night," you will find a
world of relief .
beeoMs Pill
It's a waste of time and money to sit down to a meal with
a disordered stomach or liver; Good foodwill actually do you
harm if your organs are not in a condition to properly take
care of it.
Beecham's Pills never fail to create a healthy appetite and
promptly give strength and energy to the digestive organs. Don't
lie awake tossing and turning in mental and physical torment
it is better not to go to bed at all but best to take a dose of
Beecham's Pills before retiring. They are absolutely harmless
and will make your work easier your leisure happier and your
rest more profitable. A course of Beecham's Pills cannot fail
to help you. Get a box today start the treatment
At all druggist, in b6xi, 10c,' 25c
Dinetieni of tptclat walao to uxtmtn art with tvory box.
Coughing at Sight.
Means loss of sleep which Is bad for
the children and hard on grown per
sons. Foley' Honey and Tar Com
pound stops the " cough at once, re
lieves the tickling and dryness in the
tbroat and heals the Inflamed mem
branes. Contains no opiates and Is
best for children and delicate per
sons. Refuse substitutes Red Cross
Pharmacy (H. Jernian).
The Idle dollar, like every other
loafer, is out of place In the life
scheme of a practical man.
"It Is a pleasure to tell you that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the
best cough medicine I have ever
used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell ot
Lavonla, Ga. "I have used It with
all my children and the results have
been highly satisfactory. For sale by
all dealers.
When offered a special bargain
by a stranger laboring in behalf of
the dear people, don't argue with
him. fire him or notify the sheriff.
Skin ot Beauty is a Joy Forever
t rrt'ktt, M lh l'4lchp.
Huh, nd tkl !!',
f da JwlfilLm, It
kh M. ot ttn tft
Ml TtfcTK 1X1(1
( to harmlrM w
tiMic It lotwmrtit
1 jrtr I? ni1.
ACl)t lK'Mll)li'f.
(tit of uuikUr
Aftmt. Pr. L, A
8.irr ltl to
Ivlr of tb huV
t n (ft pAlltnii.
will Urm.
I rteoamiid
UJaHfaMil'i PraiM m tti Itut htlTTifUi of til ih
Uln urvptrtilont." F-r wi hf til drmut tn4 Fmcy
Ooodfl LWlcr tb lh UoiUd Suu, CautUa wl Iwpi
raaT.HOPH$,rms 37 Etui John Strut, lew tori
Kiss ft - r iyj
Salem needs a new Elks' temple.
Sour dough bread makes drunk
ar Js.
Salem may have a Socialist city
Vnmk Mlcelll i-s still mayor of
Marry hn aviator, and you'll need
no divorce.
SMverton has a - woman's social
science club.
"Get married" Is T. Ryan's advice."
OroRonWui. '
Wuhkpon" Miller 'Is full of ener
gv nt seventy. - " ":-
jV IjObanon firm shipped 456 tur-1
keys last week.
Cattle lipldinsa In Kastorn Oregon,
aro down 100,000.
Kugeiie sold JfiO.000 of stock to
build an Elks' club.
Oypsy Smith attended the Port-
Hand football gam.
Springfield h:is leen officially de
clared a wet town.
Klamath county is determined to
have a congressman.
The White House cafe has changed
hands Albany HvaUl.
If ono man owned Salem he would
also own the water front.
Kven Kugene defeated the commis
sion plan of government,
Felix Adler anil B ,S. Josselyn
as roe on the golden rule,
The eleventh commandment,
ml nil your own bualmss. ('
Convict labor on the Crater Lake
road Is said to bA a success.
Medford has a conservatory of
music anr languages. B'g name.
... ,
If the advice be not better than
the grammar, hotter not-take It
. '
The Roseburg' Kevlew - objects to
that place being called the wickedest
place in Roseburg.
W. J. Lane of Coburg has bought
Jewelry store at Brownsville.
Do you want an investment that will be safe, and sure to
make you some money?
What is better than a lot in a . good location where the
conveniences are modern, where a good class of houses are
building, accessible to a fifteen ' minute car service and the
benefits of a paved street near by.
,.'V ;((
A lot ffOxlOO feet, a nice building spot with walks,
city water and sewer. All these conditions are in the
RICHMOND , ADDITION. A lot can be had for from
440 to
and no-extra charge for these advantages,
$10 Down and $10 per Month
1 Jtie
Oregon Realty Go.' 275 state street.
'MM HMuvm4n ""Mtttttttn iVptHiiumiitnMiiiMn'1