DAXL CAPITAL JOrPNAI fcAXEM, OREGON, SATURDAY", NOVEMBER 18. 1911. SALEM BOYS DEFEATED BY JEFFERSON Playing on a slippery Held against a heavier and more experienced team, the Salem high school eleven yesterday held th Jefferson high echoo delegation down to a 2 to 0 score- Even these two points were not earned, and came In the minute of play, when Farmer fell on the ball back of his own goal line. Jefferson came down with the In tention of doubling the score made by the Washington team when It played Salem, but a, few straight plays Into the line proved that-other tactics would be necessary to gain yardage, and when a couple of for ward passes were thrown to the ground, they began to have more respect for the local boys. There was not single quitter In the Salem team. Every one of the boys worked hard and honestly. The playing of Chenoweth, at center, was perhaps the feature of the game. Time and again he tore through the Portland line and tackled the runner behind his own line. Chenoweth has played a consistent game all the year, and there Is little doubt but that he will be given the center posi tion on the all-star Interschoinstlc team. The defensive work ot the Salem boys Is beyond criticism. Tt was al most Impossible for Jefferson to make yardage through th'in. Only In the handling of the punts were the boys weak, and th's fault Is the direct cause of their defeat. A punt from the 45-yard line was missed by one of the Salem players, and rolled back of the line, where-Farmer' fell on It. Jefferson claimed a touch back, which was al'owed. Hofer did some great work in both offensive and defensive playing. Whenever anyone went through the Jefferson line for a 10-yard gain, with half a dozen players hnng'ng to his limbs. It was usually flofer. In fact sometimes he was too anxious, and was penalized twice for being offside. Beckett also did a yeoman's share of the. work, and deserves m little credit for the showing Salem made against the visitors. Smith played the game of the year, even after receiving a broken nose, anil It was a well defended play that went past him. After the game Profes sor Kirk said: "I am well pleased with the result of the contest. I fully expected a real defeat. I am perfectly satisfied with the showing made by our boys. An official score card shows that Sa lem carried the ball farther than the visitors, and If we had been able to handle the punts a little better we would undoubtedly have won. We can now go Into the game with Albany with a full determination to win." o Two firemen were hurt and $18, 000 damage was caused by a fire. In Portland Friday started by an ex ploded antern In the rear of 121 Russell street shortly after 5 o'clock last night. The blaze gutted the two-story frame building at 119, 121, 123 and 125 Russell "street, owned .by William A, McRae, man ager of the Bank of California. O- "It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Lavonla, Ga. "I have used It with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory. For sale by all dealers. o Pendleton folks, or rather farm ers near that city, are having a bit ter fight over the water of the Uma tilla river, which Is wanted for irri gation purposes. o There never was a promised land Into which people did not go from making bricks without straw, o PROFESSIONAL BILLIARDIST AT ILLIHEE Chick Wright, champion billiard player of the Pacific coast, has been secured by the Illihee clug foran ex hibition game and lecture on the sci ence of billiards at the club this evening. Mr. Wright gave an exhibi tion of his playing and many fancy shots at the club rooms last night and will draw a record crowd this evening. He has met and defeated some of the greatest players In the 1'nited States and has a collection of gold and silver medals and trophies that Is very valuable. Mr. Wright is one of the professionals who can give a scientific account of all the wonder ful feats he performs with the Ivories. "' 1 " I , , , .- r ,, , , - TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE ft THREE THINGS YOU ..NEED.. First The Capital Journal A virile. nflwy npwuimiwr with Um interest of the en tiro community nt hcaft. Issues of the tiny nw haiwlliti without four or favor. Von will ilnd in tin tinr an up-to-lute tit-par t n tent for earn. mmlr of tht futility. CI tun, hoitoHt, strain htfoi wunl it i a panvr your family should not bo without, Second Technical World Magazine la the one magazine that not only entertains in a fnacinattnir manner, but which also instructs. It in the multiline for the btmy buttinetM man, or for the person who want to hill away a umititu-'i afternoon, ami be arrvatily informed at the wmo time. It iit profusely HluatruUH, ami tuils in a imnple and intetvdtm wuy of the discoverte of scientist, the achievement of Inventors, the feats of wriiieera anil explorers, and the openinir of every new field of humnn endeavor. What Jack London wiry. 'l have just chanced noon my fimt copy of TKCHNICAL WOULD MAi.iA7.lNK. There isn't anything like it. 1 want wore, and I cannot wait for them to come, no I am tu'ndinif you herewith check for which please enter my sutuoriptiuQ and send mo imntcdiutcly the last two yearn' buck numbers. " Third A Fine Atlas This one U just off the pre. Thb Is the year to obtain a new atlas. The 1910 Census has just iwttn completed, this atlaa contains the ollicial fix urea, 1J8 paea of 3 color ma pa brought right down tod:tte every map Kivintr the reittilta of the most recent surveys. All rntlroatln are shown and named and maps of all laree cities are included. Thet f are 21 double page maps howmg in detail portions of the U, S. and Ci.nada. limen-4iona 10 V xl3S '. 1'i.Hind in stiff linen Silver Iaf Title print ml on heavy plate paper. Sells regularly fur eJ.OO. A splendid sift. ALL THREE Only $4 Special arranirement with Technical World Mail an i ne and the publishers of Vn Atlaa make this ofTer pootibU. But It is very strictly limitui. You must act ituuwdiafwly Send or Bring in Your Order Today HAMMOND'S MODERN ATLAS OF THEWORLD THE OPEN FORUM The CpitI Journal Inrlte Public Discussion In Thii Department Let Both Side of All Matters Be Folly Brought Out It Is Not the . Pu'pose of This Newspaper to do the Thinking for Its Headers. Our Commercial Organizations. Ed. Journal: The discussion as to the" consolidation of the commercial bodies Is very Important to our city. One plan that is proposed Is to merge the-- Illihee club with the Elks and have that order carry on the work of the Illihee club and dispense hospi tality to strangers. The Elks have now 500 members. They can doubt less put up a stronger social organiz ation. 'Another proposition that someare working on is the consolid ation of the board if trade and the Illihee club. This would give our people ' a stronger commercial club and a place where strangers, regard less of whether they were Elks or not, could be epertalned. I look upon such movements as steps in the evolution of a higher community life. CONSOLIDATOR. We Give Away Absolutely Free of Cost The People's Common Sens Medical Adviser, i Plain English, or Medicine Simplified, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chiel Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur .:.... - Rnffiln. a hook nf 1008 larie oaiet and over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 one-eent( stamps to cover cost of mailing tnly, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one aud a hell million copies were givea away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis rBNtAiY Mbdical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. I . DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough that its makers are not afraid to print on its outtida wrapper its every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots of well established curative value. Turn on the Light Ed. Journal: The newspapers seem to be getting hold of what Is known as' school politics. The doings of the so-called student management have been a closed book to the pub lic. It was a little world all by it self. Now It seems the newspaper reporters have broken In, and are to be allowed to attend meetings. Af fairs have been under close corpora tion management until they have got so rotten there is an explosion and the newspapers are getting a few ink lings of what has been going on. Turn on the light It will be a good thing for the boys and girls to have everything come out in the full light of publlicity. Of course. If there. If there were no agitation everything could be' hushed up a while longer. But it would do no good. For the sake of the young people, It Is time matters affectingt he Integrity and the morals of hundreds of boys and girls were conducted open and above board and let blame rest where it belongs. Student body mentlngs are where hundreds -of young people carry on debate. Sharp parliamentary tactics are employed. The citizen of the fu ture Is getting his training. Surely we ought to have uncolored reports of those meetings. Supt. Powers de serves credit for taking the bits In his teeth and without Invitation, If any were necessary, talking out plain In meeting and condemning the crook edness that has been practlcd. What is to become of our cherished Insti tutions if even the school boys and girls are to learn to practice crook edness? I am old-fashioned and cannot see the need of all this ex citement There Is too much aping college student body methods. It is putting our children under too much high pressure. INQUIRER. o IMPORTANT CASES WILL BE DECIDED The railroad commission adjourned nt noon after hearing much evidence In the railroad rate cases and will resume the hearing Monday. This hearing of the commission is one of the most Important that has been held In years and it Is probable that many changes will be made in the existing tariffs when the various cases are finally decided. Several commercial clube have sent special representatives to this meeting and the grievances of each locality are being alivd before a body of men cap able and anxious to remedy any ser ious Injustice. .This is a Joint hear ing of several separate and distinct cases, but the evidence is all being taken at the same time. JUST ONE DOSE OF DIAPEPSIN ENDS STOMACH MISERY You can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of Indigestion or dyspepsia, or that your food will fer ment or sour on your stomach, if you will take a little Dlapepsin occa sionally. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn Into acid or poison . or stomach gas, which causes belching, dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating, nausea, Indi gestion (like a lump of lead In the stomach), bllllousness, heartburn, water brash, pain In stomach and in testines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effect ive remedy is used. Diapepsln really does all the' work of a healthy stom ach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't. A single dose will di gest all the food you eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour and upset the stomach. Get a large r0-eent case of Pape's Diapepsln from your druggist and start taking now, and In a little while you will actually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you then can eat anything and everything you want without the slightest discom fort or misery, and every particle of Impurity and gas that Is In your stom ach and Intestines is going to be car ried away without ve use of laxatives or any other assistance. Should you at this moment be suf fering from indigestion or any stom ach disorder, you can surely get re lief within five minutes. ASTHMA CATRRH CURED HOWS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have know F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Waldlng. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, actiug directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. o Free Trade relations on all things with all men constitutes a founda tion of essential justice on which to build the republic of commerce. o One chief source of our agricul tural disorganization and poverty Is our great natural wealth a paradox worth considering with some care. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained By Senplne A Mall farrier's Load. Seems heavier when he has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Due Ivren, mail carrier at Atchison, Kas., says: "I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. When ever I carried a heavy load of mall, my kidney trouble Increased. Some time ago, I started taking Foley Kid ney Pills and- since taking them I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am as sound now as ever." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, and quick in results. Try them. Red Cross Pha- macy (H. Jerman). o Talking about modern Improve ments, the man who will invent a noiseless soup spoon stands to win the undying applause of posterity. Life is just as sweet as we make It! New York: Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by the Woodworth Co.. 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senplne, the great discovery of Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for It It Is curing thousands of the most stubbern cases. It makes no difference how long you have climatic conditions are where you live, Senplne will cure you. If you have experimented with other treatments and have failed to find a cure, do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonder ful truly merltous remedy which Is a scientific compound discovered by a professor of Venice University, and Is recommended by thousands, o The Century in 1012. One of the most timely features of The Century for 1912 will be a series of five papers on the American un dergraduate, by Clayton Sedgwick Cooper, author of "College Men and the Bible.' These papers will cover such important phases of the sub ject a3 the undergraduate's general characteristics, "education a la carte," society life in American col leges, choosing a college, and the American undergraduate In the world today. Prof. Edward A. Ross, author of "The Changing Chinese." will con tribute to The Century dur'ng 1912 four papers on the characteristics and influences of the Ohio and Miss issippi valley states, differentiating that section from the East and Inter preting it to the country at large. He will consider his subject from many points of view; social, politic al, educational, financial, etc. o "ew Incorporations. Are You Wise? If you arc you will TAKE ADVANTAGE of this OPPORTUNITY We are offering 25 to 40 per cent discount on Silverware Carving Sets Andirons Fire Sets Any of these are ACCEPTABLE XMAS GIFTS. Whv not buy now and lay rhem away till Xmas. Thev wJt spoil and you will SAVE MONEY. 1 THE CARPENTERS' SPECIAL Regular sized NAIL HAMMER reduced from 70c to 50c, and the guarantee thrown in Special Prices on ALL ROASTERS. ade-Pearce Co. W Phone 191 204 N. Commercial St. Russia denies free speech and is When you see a wrong, hit It, and diseased by chronic revolution; hit to kill! There will be plenty ot America must free itself from the the Wrong tribe left after all our domlntlon of courts and business, or best efTorts to wipe them out of ex It will go the same road. istence. A REPUTAT ON detect IfctMel AT FOUNTAINS, HOTELS, OR ELSCWHCRC Get the Original and Genuine HORLIGO MALTED IT ILK "OtfuMate JmifatiCnl' The Food Drink for All Ages ,;:cu mux. halt chain extract, in powder Not in any Milk Trust 'f : U n a package home RHEUMATISM Can Be Cured AT Hot Lake Sanatorium Hot Lake, Oregon X ATI' It A L HOT MINERAL BATHS Hot Lake t8 not far distant, and Health Restoration Is not bo emen- glve there. We can cure RUPTURE your rupture without danger Write us regarding 606 this Powerful Drug Substitute for Mercury. BEST EQUirrED SANATORIUM IN NORTHWEbx ASK FOR SPECIAL ROCVD TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET MOT LAKE SANATORIUM Hot Lake, Orrfon. Articles of Incorporation were filed yesterday as follows: The Talclode Mining company, Medford; capital stock, $50,000. Benevolent and Protective League of Health. Portland; capital stock, $25,000. ' The E. H. Corbett Co., supplemen tary. Riverly District Improvement Co. Salem Wood company; dissolution. Sterling Realty company; dissolu tion. Glenhaven Land company; dissolu tion. Dead Indian Telephone company, Ashland; capital stock, $2,000. Shermen Brothers Lumber com pany, Yankton; capital stock, $1000, I. O. O. F. lodge No. 126; Scotts Mills. o Saved Child From Death. "After our child had suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year," wrote G. T. Richardson of Richard son's Mills, Ala., "we feared it had consumption. It had a bad cough all the time. We tried many remedies without avail, and doctor's medicine seemed as useless. Finally we tried Dr. King's New Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure, and our child is again strong and healthy." For coughs, colds, hoarseness, lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lungs, it's the most infallible remedy that's made. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by J. C. Perry. for strength and lasting qualities which cannot be shaken. Manufactured in Oregon by Oregon Men. '.11 1 ' " " l"''"'!!,.. : CP- i i CWcire of unscrupulous imi tators advertising an inferior overall 0) under a similar name, lo confuse the public . "SOLD BY ALL DEALERS Ask for the Label uiiu iii.-f i.i ii rr i iiiiw Not icfarll-op Ric Mf i ig i.tLJi 9 .ii a am v.i. . ivi i i li Portland, Oregon. CHEAP WOOD I 1000 Loads (Inside Mill Wood) Must be sold. Our Wood Yard Is Full ; You Need Wood VVe Need Yard Room I Special Price of $2.00 per Load I ON ORDERS OF ONE LOAD OR MORE. The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Phone 1 830. Office Front and Ferry