MGE FOUR DAILY CAPmii JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGO. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1011. BALLOON IS HOT AIR ELEPHANT (cnitod nni LX1RID VIM. San Diego, Cal., Nov. lb. The San Diego city council changed lis official mind again today, and decided to allow C. H. Tolliver, inventor of the great dirigible Toliver I, to at tempt to remove the airship by means of balloons. Tolliver will be given time to get the balloons here from the north, and If the dirigible Is not taken out of the city limits within a certain time, the inventor will be placed under arrest for main taining a nuisance. It Is declared the balloon is a menace to life. Late yesterday the city officials .ordered the health ofnoerg to re move the gas from the balloon. This morning the order was countermand ed, and an attempt will be made to move the balloon. Tolliver declares he has spent his last cent, and his wife has pawned lier Jewels, to raise money to move the affair. FORESTRRE SWEEPS ALL BEFORE IT ONITOD FBISS LIXSED WIBI.1 Santa Monica, Cal., Nov .81. A terrlfflc forest fire, which Is sweep ing toward the soldiers' home at Sawtelle, Is raging In the Santa Mon ica mountains. Starting In Temescnl canyon late yesterday, the fire this afternoon reached the mouth of To pango canyon, completely destroying the house and outbuTldlngg of the Montgomery ranch, and badly dam aging the Wolfe ranch. Thousands of dollars worth of fruit trees have been, destroyed. At 1:15 o'clock the flames, fanned by a stiff ocean breeze, were eating their way toward the soldiers' homo. Unless the wlnd changes It seems certain that the fire will reach the Institution before dusk. The flames are plainly visible from this, city, and at this hour It seems certain that the plant of the Santa Monica Water company will be destroyed. COMPATJIES BEGIN WORK NEAR EUGENE lONlTBD PHIHH LXABKD V1RI.1 Eugene Or., Nov. 18. Simulta neously with tho beginning of con struction work on the Southern Pa cific eompuny's Eugene-Coos Bay branch, tho Pacific Great Western Railrond company, whoso survey par allels tho Southern Pacific survey to the coast, has begun work at the west end of the big tunnel through tho Coast mountains at tho minimi:, 23 miles west of Eugene it was learned here today. At this point the two surveys con flict, and If both tunnels are built the western end of each will pene trate the mountain at about the same place, or there will be a big legal battle In the courts for posesslon of the site. The Pacific Great Western claims to own the land where the Southern Pacific company has surveyed for the western end of the tunnel,, and for technical reasons this company has placed a considerable force of men at work to clear the right of way, and to start a bore Into the moun tain, if necessary. DARTMOUTH IS DOWNED BY HARVARD Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 18. Dartmouth suffered her second con secutive defeat In the "Big Four" games, when Harvard won a kicking battle from her by a 5 to 3 score Harvard's touchdown came as the result of a blocked kick near the Dartmouth goal, when Huntington fell on the ball behind the posts. A field goal In the third period repre sents Dartmouth's only score. The teams seemed evenly matched In the booting department, and there was little attempt ft( running or line smashing. ' , The first period of the Harvard Dartmouth football game here this afternoon wag characterized largely, by punting, which ended In a touch down for Hnrvard, after blocking an attempted kick. . Dartmouth secured the ball near her own goal, after a long punting exchange, and attempted to kick out of danger. Harvard broke through and blocked the punt, the ball rebounding behind the Dart mouth goal, where Huntington, the Crimson fullback, fell upon It for a touchdown. Harvard failed to kick goal, and the score stood Harvard 5, Dnrtmouth 0. The second period was devoted al most entirely to punting. In the third period Dartmouth kicked a field goal, making the score Harvard 5, Dartmouth 3. Neither side could score again. The Result. At Annapolis: Navy 0, Pennsyl vania 0. At Madison: Wisconsin 6, Min nesota 6. . At Providence,. R. 4I.'. Itrowri 6, Vermont 0. At Ann Arbor: Pennsylvania 9, Michigan 5. At Syracuse:' Syracuse 12, Car lisle 11. At Chicago: Chicago 6, Cornell 0. o IS ARRESTED FOR RUNNING 0VER WOMAN San Francisco, Nov. 18. Mrs. Eliza beth Kberhnrd, charged with being responsible for injuries sustained when her automobile ran over Mlsa Bertha Sch rador, private secretary of the Rev. Dr. Charles F. Page, pastor of the Congregational church, here, was arraigned before Police Judge Donsy today but the case was con tinued for two weeks. Miss Schrader, aged 21, is the daughter of Oscar Schroder, a promi nent Newark, N. J., jeweler. She came to Sun Francisco last August. TjTK 'Ztejgmfa Lamp iLX mm The Lamp That rMr.,..criVXV Saves Thft Evfa 9 . Children naturally never think of possible strain on their eyesight when poring over a book. It is up to you to sre thry do not ruin their young eyes these long evenings by reading under a poor light. The Rayo Lirrip is an insurance against eye troubles, alLe (or young i 1 1 ana aid. The Rayo is a low-priced lamp, but it is constructed on the soundest scientific principles, and there is not a better lamp made at any price. It it easy on the eye because its light is so' scft and white and widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never nickers. Euily lighted without removing shade of chimney; nty to clean and trwiclt. Solid biaat throughout, with htndtom nickel finijh ; alio in many ether ilyic fitmhe Aik roar dealer to aSow you hi tin of Ryo l"nr : or write for descriptive drcuUr ea aoy aseacr of the Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated 1 Don't Misunderstand Us When we say we are giving the best values in Sa!em in Dry Goods, Cloaks, Suits and Millinery, we mean every word of it, because our buying system is so perfect through our New York buyer that no store on the Pacific Coast coast can undersell us, When you buy here and get our low advertised prices you get genuine bargains that you wiP find mighty hard to beat, no matter where you try. E. M. F. FLANDERS M30" "20" X For Strength, Power, Reliability, Economy : and Good Looks, the E. M. F. "30", and Flanders "20" are the Leaders K. M. F. "3ir Fl.ANHEKS "20" Fon.Ioor 5-pnsM'iiirer $1:125 Fere-Door ."i-l'itssciiitcr $975 Fore-Door Uomlslcr . $i:i2." Itimalioiit 2-l'usseiijfer . $!)2." Fore-Door Dcml-i'outit'iiii, Suburban 4-1'iixseiiitor . $950 IMurhnlile . . . .$i:i'.'5 Dolhory Cur .... $950 c All Curs fully equipped, f. o. b. Salem, Ore. Wo are now giving demonstrations ami booking orders for fu ture delivery. If you want the rltfht ear at tho rllit price, and at the rlclit time, call on us, plaoo your order and get In line. 1 B. M. F. MOTOR SALES CO. j r. L. ROSE, Milliliter, Distributors SutdebnUr Automobiles. $ ".''f5;'Sale Rooms 246 South Commercial Street DELIGHTFUL GATHERING ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rasmussen were pleasantly surprised Wednes day evening, November 15, at their home on the Garden Road, the event being Mrs. Rasmussen's 22d birth day anniversary. About 20 guests, came In to spend the evening, and brought with them many beautiful j gifts. The evening was spent In I playing progressive whist, the first I prize being captured by Mr. De Lancy Colvln and the consolation by Mr. Lloyd Hauser. A delightful luncheon was served at a late hour, after which the guests departed. Those present' were Mr. and Mrs. William Hagedorn, Mr. and Mrs. A. RaBmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker; the Misses Minnie Hagedorn, Mabel Stark, Victoria Erixson, Amelia Schrlemr, Mabel Rasmussen, Anna Schrimer, Mabel Savage, Myr tle Mother, Maude Savage. Messrs. Paul Hauser, Lloyd Hauser, Lloyd Stlffler, Paul Rasmussen, Jesse Sav age, De Lancy Colvln, Vale Hage dorn. o THE GOVERNOR REFUSES TO INTERFERE tONITBD P1E9S LEASED 71HX.1 Richmond, Va., Nov. 18. Gover nor Mann today reiterated his de cision not to Interfere In the case of Henry Clay Seattle,. Jr., sentenced ,o die In the electric chair next Friday, for the murder of his young wife. Beattle has evidently determined to "die game.'' He sits In his cell calmly smoking cigarettes, and Is ap parently Indifferent to the near ap proach of death. CAN JAW HIM IN FIFTY-FOUR LANGUAGES ST !rvr '" 1 (,J (ft' East Hampton, Mass., Nov. 18. If many,a woman with one tongue and In one language can drive a man from home, friends of Dr. David j Bralnard, who Is in India, wonder , what will be his fate when Miss Elizabeth Colton, of this city, reaches i Bengal to'marry him. Miss Colton speaks 54 languages., Dr. Bralnard knows it. .But he has sent the steamship ticket, and Miss Colton Is packing her trunk. MR. CLABBY WALLOPED Prices Chopped to. pieces with the big axe in the Mllinery Department, Pro fits cut no figure, We are getting ready for our great Xmas ex hibit, Hats up up to the hour in style this sea son's new models . priced at half and less, $5,00 Hats now. "1 $1.95 $7,00 Hats tfi qc now $8,50 Hats now ... Prices on all Mil linery cut down $3.95 Half Price AND LESS On all our new fall suits and coats; we are overstocked; now comes the price cutting,profits are not considered, Cloaks and suits up to the hour in style, materia! and workman ship, are put on the- . chopping block and the big axe is appled Prices cut in two, and in many cases much low er, $12.50 and $15 suits now $5.90 $18 & $20 .Suits now $9.90 $25 and $27.50 suits now $12.50 Coats sold the same way 01k MR, CRIPPS BIG STORM IS ON WAY DOWN FROM ALASKA UNITED I'UF.SS LEASED W1RI.1 Portland, Ore., Nov. IS A heavy southwest gale Is now sweeping over Alaska Is traveling inland, and Is ex pected to strike the coast of Ore gon and Washington tonight or to morrow, according to the weather bureau here today. The wind is accompanied by rain, snow and low temperatures, accord ing to wireless messages received from Valdez, Alaska, where the ther mometer Is standing below zero. o Don't waste your money buying strengthenlng plasters. Chamberlain's Liniment Is cheaper and better. Dampen a piece of flannel with H and bind it over the affected parts and It will relieve the pain and sore ness. For sale by all dealers. o Watch neighbor Tortoise; he keeps a coinin', and generally crosses the tape line. - o "There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My children were all sick with whoop ing cough. One. of them was In bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the first dose eased them, and three bot tles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Don aldson of Lexington, Miss. For sale by all dealers. :r?,si tUNlTKD PRESS LEASED WIU.l Sydney, Nov. 18. Winning all the way, Jimmy Clabby, of Milwaukee, the American fighter, today defeated Arthur-Crlpps, former middleweight champion of Australia, in the four teenth round of their fight here. . Clabby was strong on attack and easily had the better of the battle from the third round on. Crlpps was badly pujshed, and thre& up the sponge when It was evident that he had no chance to win. AX ORDINANCE Appropriating Honey for the support and Maintenance of a Salem Hand, and Providing the Manner of Ex pending the Same. Be It Ordained by the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon. Setlon 1. That the sum of $2500.00 or so much thereof as may be neces sary, be and the same Is hereby ap propriated out of the money in the general fund in the city treasury not otherwise appropriated for the support and maintenance of a Salem band. Section 2. That the expenditure of the money hereby appropriated be and the same Is hereby entrusted in the hands of a special committee to be appointed by the Common Council for tht purpose, said committee to have the power and it shall be their duty to enter into a contract with some suitable person or persons to maintain a band. Said committee shall have the power to provide in said contract the employment for a number of pub lic concerts to be given by said band, and to make all other provisions and arrangements necessary to be made for the support and maintenance of a public band. " Ballot Title. "Shall a Salem band be supported and maintained by the City of Salem by municipal appropriation?" Vot yes or no. Yes. 114. No, 115. ll-lS-5t The CHICAGO STORE Is Salem's headquarters for fine imported and domestic Dress Goods and Silks, Dress Goods and Siks here fit for a queen every shade, class and kind you want and at prices so low that your pocketbook will not be depleted, Silks, yard.. 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up Drses Goods, yd, 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c Thanksgiving Table Linens At Bargain Prices, We are direct im porters of Table Linens from Belfast, Ireland, and we say withput fear of con tradiction it there is no store on the Pacific coast that can give you better val ues in fine satin finished real Irish Table Linens, Come and see, Price, yard. -35c, 49c, 65c, 75c, 98c uo All Goods Sold Exactly as Advertised CHICAGO STORE 0S "The Store That Saves You Money" The Bight Kidney Medicine. J. E. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St., Ft. Smith, Ark., says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you ha've had kidney trouble, nor at what stage of the disease your case may be, you will find quick and per manent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They also regulate the action of the urinary organs. Start taking them now. Red Cross Phar macy (H. Jerman). o A political illiterate is just as bad possibly even . more so as any other kind. 1 You Realize Comfort In your Collars and Shirts when yoo get In the habit of sending them to us to be Laundered. We "do them up" propertly, carefully, cleanly, and with perfect satisfaction to those who have to wear them. Let ushirt your Laundry work for a weelt ot two and you will be bo satisfied with the results that you will always send It here afterwards. SALEM STEAM LAUNDBY 136-160 South Liberty Street 1 20 DISCOUNT ON BRASS, ANDIRONS AND FIRE-SETS We have just received a large shipment of brass fire-sets and andirons, including many new and artistic patterns in both the plain and antique finish A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream BaJm quickly absorbed. C,k Reuel at One. U eiediiM'j, soothes, liiiils mid protects tuo disfnseq mem. brim resulting front Catarrh and drive vruaCold iu the Head quickly. Restores the beuaes of Taste and SuielL Full size 50 eta. at Drugista or by mail. Liquid Crum Balm for ns Id atomizers 75 eta. Di lirothera, t8 Warran Street. New York. 0 m,?r. These goods have arrived late in the season, and to make up for lost time we will sell all of them at a discount of 20 per cent GOOD PICTURES Just Received Every thing in the Artists' Linr. Also Mouldings for picture framing, and some beau tiful ready-made pictures. W. J. PORTER 453 COVUT STREET. SEE OUR LINE OF COAL AND WOOD ..HEATERS,. IT'S THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE CITY I