FAGS TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1911. Pastor Russell's Sermon THE GfiEATOR MIS UNDERSTOOD His Real Character Hidden by Modern Creeds, FOUNTAIN OF LOVE DIVINE V Pattor Rueatell 8aye That the Climax of Ood'i Character la tha Quality of Leva-Only tha Ag of Faith May Bahold th Glory of tha Father Mie takei of tha Put and How Wa Are. Mattering Them, London Taberna cle. Nov. 12th. Pastor Russell, ad dressing largo an dlences today, de c 1 a r e d, "Divine Love 1b the great est thing In the Universe," and by the close of his discourse bis large audience seemed fully In agree ment with bis presentation. His text was, '"That In the Ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of nil grac In Ills loving kindness to ward ns In Christ Jesus." (Epheslans 1..7.) He said In part: Following In the footsteps of our fa thers, who handed down to us our present day creeds, we have misun derstood our gracious Creator. We studied astronomy and declared the Creator Almighty; we studied geology and confirmed the decision. We stud led loology and anthropology and de clared that the Creator was All-Wise, as we cam to appreciate Him. We noted the ndnptatlon of our various organi to our use nnd comfort the hand, the IToot. the eye, the ear, the circulatory system, the nervous sys tem, and tti power of the will over these. We snld -to ourselves, truly man Is fearfully arad wonderfully made, truly his Maker la a Ood Infinite in wisdom and skill. We examined the subject of man'i moral sense, and although we found ft impaired we have been astonished Co note how even the most selfish and depraved have an Instinct of Justice, a sense of right, whether they follow It or not "Love Divine All Love Excelling." Then we natd, Whence came this no ble principle of Justice as the back bono or moral quality In our race? The only reply was that in this par ticular flod originally created man in Ills own moral likeness, and that a measure of this moral qunllty has per sisted notwithstanding the fall through disobedience into death nnd its conse quent demoralization through sin and weakness. Looking further we perceived that the noblest specimens of our race pos sess itlll otlier qualities closely associ ated with -Tiistlee, but outranking it The noble iunllty which overtops all the rest wo term Love. It Is Love) which makes the heart tender, sympa thetic, helful and hnppy; It Is Love thnt makes home, whether exercised In a palnco or a hovel. It Is Love which fancies up Justice and Insists that no 111 shnll bo worked toward a nolglilior. I t Is Love that is on the alert to nsl.Ht by word or act all of thoso needle iK aid. It is Love that in spires us to the boldest acts of hero Ism. It Is I..ovo that prompts the giv ing of tlm and strength, of means and even Itfe Itself on brhalf of Its object. All freeljr admit thnt Love Is th grcutost, th most blessed quality pos sessed by taumnulty, nnd that without It even pariidlso could not bring hap piness. W ask, Whence cnina this quality of rove, nnd from what foun tain enn wc receive the fresh supplies so nuii'li nooilml by ho ninny of our race? The answer la that the great Creator Himself Is the Fountain. "God is love." T"lils AllWlse and All-row orful nnd Avll-Just One Is pre-eminently the "Oil of all grace. " "The Father of mercies."' "The Fountain of bles lug." "I.uve DHIr-o. all love excelling. Joy ot lu-Mven, to earth come down! Fix In us Thy humble dwelling. All Thy rlthful mercies cro."j "Sh ow Me Thy Glory." Theanclemits had tho correct thought, that they haid enugbt but a glimpse of the Divine character and Its glory; hcueo their prayer, "Show mo Thy glory." Th saiue should lie our senti ment In tlie clear light now shining upon find's Word we perceive that it will require the entire outworking of tho Divine l'lmi of the Age. to Ulus truto or m:i ke known to humanity the real charm-tor of the Heavenly1 Father. Only Hie very few can by faith accept tho Divine ftroiulses nnd trust lu their Ultimate fulfilment nntl see fur down fnto the future the full shining forth of Cud's clanrortcr. perfect In Its Wla dom, Justlco. Tower mill Love. We may not Juilgo the Infinite lovej In all rese--ts by htininn comparison, hut we niuy know thnt our dltllculty In the iiwttor Is that the humnn com parison en n only Imperfectly repre I'lit t lie In Unite. We see the excava tion or pert it ps the foundation walls, or perhaps the first story of a struc ture; hut IT we were to Judge wholly by these Imperfect parts it would b) manifestly unfair nnd we should b decelilng oirselves. The only way to) Judge of th builder's capacity and in tentions wo uld w to see the ir:hltM- fnr&l fln wing and to study tile details and then we may but very Imper fectly appreciate the whole. Is it not thus In respect to the great Maker's present work and ultimate designs? The poet has well said: "Judge not the Lord by feeble sense. But trust Him for Ills grace, Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. "His purpoaee will ripen faet. Unfolding- every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste. jjui iwect will be the flower." If we stand beside a srreat sculptor with his freshly chosen block of mar ble, we may at first feel shocked to note the apparent roughness and care lessness with which be smites off large pieces of the stone, as though bent on its destruction. But let patience have her perfect work, and gradually we will see that the sculptor has not been careless or Indifferent In respect to a single blow. All the while that be seemed to reckless he was working according to the ideal before his own mind. With his mind's eye he saw his Ideal in the stone, and l.low afier blow, chip after chip merely revealed to our eyes what he had purposed In himself from the beginning of his work. Not until his work was finished could we compre hend fully the Ideal. Is not this prin ciple still more true of our Creator? lie tells us that lie Is "working all things according to the counsel of His own will," which Re purposed in Him self "before the world was." (Ephe slans 1, 11; 1U, 10, 11.) . The great Waster Workman of the Universe will eventually show both to angels and men all the various attri butes of Ills perfection His Wisdom, Justice, Power and Love. Meantime, "None of the wicked shall under stand," but In the End of this Age the wise will Increasingly understand His purposes, hidden from all except His saints, of whom It Is written, "The secret of the Lord is with them that reverence Him;" "ne will show yon things to come." Psalm xxv, 14; John xvi. 13. Now Apply tha Principle. Let us apply this principle to the work of our great Creator. Let us see how far It has already progressed In what state of development Is the Divine Plan today? What will be re quired to completo it and to manifest Divine Wisdom, Justice, Love and Power? Only by a careful examina tion of the Great Architect's revealed plan can we Judge at all of the degree to which Ills purposes have already attained perfection. The wreck and blight of human in terests resulting from Father Adam's disobedience progressed for twenty five hundred years before the first step was taken In the Divine Program on man's behalf. That first step was merely the making of a rough outline drawing with various crude Illustra tions which merely hinted at one or another of the Creator's glorious pur poses. Ibis rough outlining was done during the sixteen hundred years we call the Jewish Age. Israel as a nation pictured all the world of mankind who will ultimately come Into fellowship with God. Their one tribe of Levi typified the House hold of Faith, "the Church of the First-born" of this Gospel Age, through whom all blessings will come to tho remainder. The select Levltes, the priests, typified the Roynl Priest hood of the better Mediator. The sacrifices by which that Covcnnnt was established, and thnt people brought into harmony with God. typified the better sacrifices of Christ, which begun with our Lord and have continued in Ills faithful followers who present their bodies living snerlflces, wholly and acceptable to God through Him. (Rowans xll, 1.) Israel's Jubilee year typified the great Times of Jubllntton soon to como, "the blessing of all the families of the earth" the "Times of Restitu tion of all things," 'to be inaugurated at the second coming of Christ and tho establishment of Ills Kingdom. Manifestly only thoso who could un derstand thoso roughly sketched draw ings could comprehend to any degree the great Divine Plan of the Ages. With this Gospel Age God began a great work which is yet far from fin ished and which as yet does not show forth fully to mankind In general His Justice, Wisdom, Power or Love. The work of this Age, according to the Scriptures, is the selection of both the Church, which is "The Bride, the Lnmb's Wife," nnd "the virgins, her companions, who follow her," (Psalm xlv, 818.) Tho nible declares thnt Jesus, the Redeemer, having finished His sacri fice, passed into glory -beyind the veil to tho right hnnd of Pivln Majesty. It declares nlso thnt wtion till Age shall be completed nil the faithful fol lowers of Jesus will pass to Him be yond the veil ami shnre Ills glory and nis Kingdom and Immortality on the henvenly plane. But how few thero are who see this much of the Divine Plan; and if they cannot see this much how could they be expected to see still further Into the future developments of the Plrtrie Program? As the sentence of death came ns the result of one transgression, but in volved the race, so one sacrifice for sin, by the "man Christ Jt-sus." was sufficient to be a Ransom-Trice for the sins of the whole world a man's life lor a man's life. Thus ns condemna tion came through one man nnto death, so Justification is provided through this ether man unto everlast ing llfe.-Uomans v. Irt. IS. Chriit'i Sacrifice Off fete Adam'a Sin. But although so broad a foundation for human salvation was laid by the great Master Workman, the Message and the blessing therein hnve not been granted as yet to tho majority, but to the few-"IIo that hath aa ear to bear, let him hoar;" "As mnnr as the Lord your God shall call;" "No man can come unto Me, except the Father which sent Me draw him." And this calling and drawing, though la one sense free. Is In another sense restricted to those who are in the heart condition of be ing drawn and of hearing the call. All others remain blinded to the Di vine invitation by the god of this world. (II Corinthians Iv, 4.) Evidently those now being drawn and "called" are not the whole world, but a select class. Those who prove themselves faithful to the end are styled "the rtry , elect." These are the Royal Priesthood who, as priest!) Kings, will be associated with Messiah In Ills glorious, world-wide Empire which "shall rule from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth," for the binding of Sutan, the overthrow of sin, and the uplifting of sinners. But we are to clearly dis tinguish between the present work of selecting the Royal Priests, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, and the work for the world, which these will accomplish after their glorification on the spirit plane. We must thus distinguish, because looking upon the revealed plans of the great Architect of the Universe, we perceive that thus ne has arranged the Church, as the Bride of Christ, Is to constitute "a New Creation," "par takers of the divine nature like unto her Lord. These on the plane of glory will have a station "far above princi palities and powers and every name thnt Is named."-Eph. 1, 21; Rev. Ill, 21. Whoever can see this to bo the Divine Tlan must with tho eye of faith look down to the future and behold the Church "changed In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye," because "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." Here is love, wondrous love, In lifting up members of the sinner race to glory, honor and immortality. Who can comprehend such love as this which the Father has bestowed upon Jesus and the "little flock" of His fol lowers who walk In His steps? Human Reatitution In tha Future. The earthly sculptor seemed waste ful to prodigality when he broke off one portion of his stone and dealt merely with it, but when subsequently be explained that be Intended to deal also with the large remainder of the stone, and to make thereof a wonder ful group, we began to understand him better. So the Almighty Is now showing to nis people that the Church now being selected is merely "a first fruits of His creatures" and that, after their perfection In glory, His great work for the masses of mankind will "begin. The fact that only a few of earth's families were recognized of God for twenty-five hundred years, and that only one nation was recognized for the following sixteen hundred years, and that only a small proportion have had any recognition during this Gospel Age, seems strange to us until we learn that God has not Intended to put the world on trial for Jte or death ever lasting, until first ne shall have se lected the "Church of the First-borns. whose names are written In heaven' These now are required to prove and perfect their loyalty by walking by faith and not by sight Soon, we trust, the Church will be completed nnd the New Dispensation, already dawning, will be fully Inaugurated. "He thnt shall come will come and will not tarry." Soon our prayer, "Thy Kingdom come," will be nnswered Then for a thousand years the con querlng of the- world will progress un til God's will shall be done as thor oughly on earth as now In heaven. Well may the glorified saints sing. "Who shall not come and worship be fore Thee, O Lord, when Thy right eous dealings are made manifest?" Then the clouds of ignorance, supersti tlou, doctrines of devils, fire and tor ture, horrors which hnve beclouded the eyes of our understanding und driven so many of tho best specimens of humanity away from God and from Ills Book, will flee nwny. While now only those who hnve the henringenrcan hear, nnd these are few. the snlutly, the Scriptures declnre that the full knowledge of God shall fill the earth "In due tine." We must hnve pntlencc for God's time, as well as for God's blessing. "Mind unbelief Is sure to err And scan If la work in vain; Qod is Ills own Interpreter, And tie will make it plain." Consider the Text. Throughout the discourse we have been working our way toward the glorious fulness of God's love declared, in our text. We hnve traced the Dl vine Program In full harmony with tho Apostle's statement Into the "Ages to come." Not until those Ages shall hnve come will the Divine Tlnn have been fully shown forth nor the riches of Divine Love. In the thousand years' reign of Mes siah's glorious Empire, colnborlng with Illm in the overthrow of Sin and Death in the release of Immunity from these powers of evil, by restoring them to human perfection, the Bride of Jesus (the Church) will hnve a glorious share. Glory, honor and immortality will be her portion. The Croat Archi tect has not further revealed Ills plans In respect to the work of Christ and Ills Pride during the eternity beyond Ills Messianic reign. We merely know that when He shall have finished that work He will deliver up the Kingdom to Ood, even the Father. (I Cor. iv, 24.i But then, In the "Ages to come." God will show forth the exceeding riches of nis grace and Ills loving kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." Oh! how much is meant by those words, "exceeding riches of ills grace"! Mind, heart nor tongue can measure the depths of those words, when we remember the infinite greatness of the Father's mercy which guarantees nis promise. Can any one imairlne any thing more mighty, more influential iu ill the Universe than Love Divine? mm .our1 ALl'OifuL I PER CENT. Ac ge fable Preparaf ion ErAs slmilaiing tteFoodaiKJRrgda ting tlie Stomachs aMBoweis of ftoOTtesDittonjQwrful ncss and Restlontains ne ittw Opiuni.Morph.ine norlteaL Not narcotic. mptifOUBtHJimM flrniin Sua' tixMkSdti AmtStii hxmpmFlmr. Aperfect Remedy forConsfipJ Hon , Sour Storaach.Diarrtoea WorrnfonvulsioTisjeverisn rvess andLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of a JtV In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 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For full information, address t Hot Lake Sanatorium, "on WALTEB M. PIERCE Pres. and Mgr. J Meet