F4UE BMtliT DA1LT OAPITAL JOURNAL. SALKM. OREGON. THCRSDAV. NOVEMBER 16, 1911. TOMORROW IS emnant Day R REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS Your Choice at 1 -2 Price f 1u " ,.y Ml i ill f V Q 1) Ladies' Up-to-Date SUITS At 1-2 price, in all popular styles and fabrics. No one can afford to pass this suit oppor tunity. Your 1 PYra choice . . 2 1-3 Less on all ...FURS.. Many Htjlcs In nil vopulnr kinds of Fur absolutely the Best Qualities. CITY NEWS. Special meeting of Multno mah R. A. C, No. 1, this evening. Work In the M. M. degree. Visiting compan ions welcome. The Grand Moving pictures tonight. Last Sight "follwn Bann" At Ye Liberty; don't hiIhb it. To Attend Funeral Five members of Multnomah Typo graphical union, came up from Port land this morning to attend the funeral of Bert C. Hendy, also a STERLING SILVER We have the largest and finest disylay of Silverware ever shown in Salem. The holidays will soon be here and it will pay you to see our line The Plymouth Colonial Pattern Silver is a triumoh in the Silversmith's art. The simplicity of the outline and the refine ment of the decoration produce a most harmonious design. We have a full line of this beautiful Silver including table ware, fancy pieces and chests (large and small.) J BARR JEWELRY STORE Special Reduced Prices on all Afternoon and Evening Gowns The window display of these gowns is causing much favor able comment. We want you to see them, Why not pur chase a gown or .dress at re duced prices. This is a splendid opportuni ty to save on new, up-to-date, stylish wearables, ) 'IKCimPOKATtD a member of that union, who died here Tuesday. The funeral was held at 1 30 this afternoon. Go and See Colleen Bawn at Ye Liberty. You will miss something If you don't. Launch lit Hack The launch Independence, which has been at Portland for some time, Is again back In her native waters and will ply between Salem . and In dependence. Moot Growers Meet The Oregon Woolgrowers associa tion met nt llaker City yesterday for a three-day session Governor West'quate way, Judging by the expres will deliver an address before It. The Grand Moving pictures tonight Uew About Tour Fencet Salem Fence Works. 10-14-eos The Irish to t'e Front 'And see the beautiful scenery of Ireland at Ye Liberty. Hotel Marlon Serves Merchants lunch from 12 to 2:00, 50c. Regular dinner Sunday, 5:30 to 8:30. eod-tf Dcpciidalile I Groceries. That's the kind to be found at the up-to-date grocery of J. M. I;awr nee, corner of Commercial land Ferry streets. The Salem Hotel I Is In business to stay and prides ttself on giving the best meals for I the money of any place in the ! Northwest and it Is not an Idle boast, either. Try it and see. 11-4-tf We Wish to Announce To the public that our first ship ment of fish was received today. Hereafter, we will take your orders for fish and poultry dressed to order. Independent Market, Ferry, near Commercial. Phone 729. Notice to Planters Of nursery stock Planting season is now on; why not place your or- ; der with me and I w 111 see that you get good first class stock and save j you money. Sam Foster. Phone Main 990. , We fan Supply You 1 Just received a fresh shipment of ; fish. We can supply you also with ! dressed poultry and our price Is j right. Our stock Is fresh and clean. Thomason and Wood, 2ii5 Ferry street. Phone 729. ll-16-3t Vie Can Supply You Just received a fresh shipment of I fish. We can supply you also with dressed poultry and our price is right. Our stock is fresh and clean. Thomason and Wood, 2.15 Ferry street. Phone 729. Fancy Capons We have a limited number for Thanksgiving. Give us your order for fancy groceries, home made mince meat, and the best baker's bread in Salem. Plione 131. The Sunset Grocery Co. Will (;ive Smoker Willamette Tent No. 6, Knights of Maccabees, of this city, will give a smoker this evening at their hall in the Steeves block. State Command- er Sherwood and State Deputy Mat I thews will be present and there will ' be a fine program of music and speaking. All members requested to be In attendance. Palm Theater Thursday and Friday, Nov. 16-17. '"Tween Two Loves," where a mother saves her child from a burning. build ing. "Speculation,'.' that Is what we all do. "Plains Across," this Is In dians galore. Also, but not least, "Jim Shaw & Co." In their laughable sketches. Come out and see us and what we give for 10 cents. Thank the Chief Mrs. Hufman, whose store was robbed by the "Youthful Pirates" as told In yesterday's 'Journal, and oth ers who felt the effects of that young aggregation, are loud In their praises of Chief Hamilton's excellent work In capturing the youngsters, and ask the Journal to say how much they appreciate his work a thing the Journal is unable to do In any ade- sions of commendation coming over the wire here was enough to fill a pnge. Granted Four Divorces Judge Galloway yesterday severed the bonds of four rls-mated couples, or couples that think they are mis mated, and, such Is the optimism of the average American, the chances that each of the parties will launch their little barks (and bites) on the tempestuous sea of matrimony, be fore the second year rolls around. The genial Judge has another case In the Judicial skillet w'th a good fire under It, and will, no doubt, fry It to a suitable condition. "The Third Desrree" Ever since Charles Klein achieved success with "The Lion and the Mouse," every announcement con cerning a new play by this author Is read with Interest. It will no doubt afford great pleasure to local play goers to know that the Cnlted Play company will present at The Grand Opera House on Monday. November 20. Mr. Klein's Mest play. "The Third Degree." Like "The Lion and the Mouse," an attempt has been made to disclose certain conditions that exist, but In this instance, In stead of taking up the realm of fi nance, civic Institutions are the sub ject of debate. To Cnr a Cold la One Pay. Take I-axatlve Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture Is on each box. 25 cents. The Grand Moving pictures tonight. Fish, Poultry and Clams H. C. Bybee has opened a fish and poultry market at 190 South Com mercial street Phone Main 2125. Your patronage solicited. Satisfac tion guaranteed and prices reasona ble. Bring In your poultry. 11-16-eod-tf Building Fine Hume Among the homes that SaUm should be proud of is one under con struction on North Church street by j S. M. Endlcott, who Is a late arrival I in this country, but one who can and does see the fture of this city and this section of the Northwest. Aside from the bank in Turner, Mr. Endl cott has made several other substan tial Investments. What Mr. Endlcott Is putting Into his home tells his ap preciation of the country. The col umns for the front porch are such as have never gone into another home in Salem. The rooms are large, and I convenient and tb arrangement Is the best. The interior decorations will be a pleasure for anyone to see and no expense is to be spared. The lumber is furnished by the Falls City Lumber company and the mill work by the A. M. Hansen planing mill. The Gru nil Moving pictures tonight. I'rnlil Ticket Incomplete The managers of the Independent ticket are not having; smooth sailing in getting out candidates in the dif ferent wards of the city. They have not yet reached a complete ticket, al though it Is certain that they will endorse about one-half of the present nominees, and possibly .more of them. A committee Is out trying to get a number of candidates to accept peti tion nominations and file acceptances of candidacies. The platform of the Independent committee, while It is unqualifiedly for prohibition, deals with other matters of importance that will receive a great deal of sup port. There is a possibility that there will be no candidates run against any of the primary nominees, although the more radical prohibition element demand a full ticket in each ward and that candidates endorsed by them come out and publicly de clare their support of the prohibition platform. Call for Bids. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, Nov. 20 1911, for the construction of a lateral sewer, known and designated as Lat eral Sewer District No. 2, according to the plans and specifications adopt ed for said sewer. The council reserved the right to reject any or all bids, and waive any and all Irregularities In the manner of submitting bids in the Interest of the city. . CHAS. F. ELGIN, ll-lS-3t City Recorder. o Call for Bids. Notice Is hereby given tliat the un dersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, November 20, 1911, for the construction of a lateral sewer, known and designated as Lateral Sewer JNstrict No. 3, ac cording to the plans and specifica tions adopted for said sewer. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any and all irregularities In the manner of submitting bids in the Interest of the city. CHAS. F. ELGIN, ll-16-3t City Recorder. Think It Over f i Our remodel ing prices on 8 e a s o nable goods are .setting a raft of Salem men The Man Who Gets There With Doth Feet Wears FTor sheiiu Shoes. t o thinking. The wise ones are acting You're next All $25 Suits, now $20.00 All $5 Pants, now 3.7." All 50c Bradley Mufflers.... .20 All 50c Suspenders $ Xi All $3.50 fancy Vests $ 2.00 Anything you want at a special price. Those new Roll Collar Sweaters are here. Bert Shaw says "with the able as sistance of my staff of expert workers I am better equipped than ever before to give the Sa lem public a cleaning and press ing service equaled by none." Make him prove it. We call for and deliver your garments. THE TOGGERY Phone 536. 167 Commercial St DATE YANTIS AL'HTRST (To be Continued) STATISTICAL MABB1ED. DYER-Dl'RBI.N" At the First Con gregational church Wednesday evening, November 15, 1911, at 6:30 p. m., Miss Madeleine Durbin to Mr. William Connell Dyer, Rev. Philip E. Bauer performing the ceremony. A reception was held at the resi dence of the groom's mother, Mrs. Sally Dyer, 330 North Summer street from 7 to 9:30. SANDMAN-Bl'RSON At the Cottage Hotel, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1911, L. N. Sandman to Miss Lorena Burson, both of Stay ton, the Rev. R. L. Morton, of Stayton, officiating MCLLER-BARNETT At the resi dence of A. N. Bush, Wednesday evening, November 15, 1911, Kath erine Jane Barnett to Edward H. Muller, Rev. W. T Tapscott officiat ing. DIED. COLLINS At the family home, 15S0 Statu street, Salem, Ore., Novem ber 15, 1911, John A. Collinsi aged 67 years, 1 month and 7 days. Mr. Collins is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter. He was born in Jefferson county, Iowa, and came to Salem from Oskaloosa, Iowa, about four years ago. The funeral will take place from Rigdon's undertaking parlors Friday morn'ng at 10 o'clock. Interment in City View cemetery. New 1 ncorpora t i ns. First Presbyterian church of Lake view, charitable. Gresham Realty & Investment cor. poratlon, Gresham, capital stock. $10,000. Lester W. Murray company, Port land, capital stock, $5000. Coast Railway Land company. Portland, capial stock, $100,000. Lamb-Schrader company, Tilla mook, capital stock. $1.0.000. Elmore Park company Tillamook, capital stock ,$5000. Devereaux Mortgage company, Portland, capital stock, $50,000. Chapman Construction company, Klamath Falls, capital stock, $10, 000, Garnet-Corey Hardware company, supplementary. The French Prairie Hop company, dissolution. St .Helens Transfer company. St. Helens, capital stock, $1250. First Presbyterian church of Prosper. Keely Manufacturing company, of Portland, capital stock, $5000. The Waverly Heights Congrega tional church, Portland. Vnion Hospital Association, Port land, capital stock, $2000. Peerless Artificial Limb company, Portland, capital stock, $2000. Power Plant Equipment company, Portland, capital stock changed from $1000 to $10,000. Salem Heights Improvement com pany, Salem. If there Is no human touch In the preaching, the word has not been made flesh. A good time to let patience have her perfect work is when house clean ing Is going on at Vme. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE At halt ' price, secand hand pianola, music in good con ditlon. Phone 672, mornings. 11-13-lwk FOR SALE-I have a fine lot in Bishops Addition with full bearing prune trees that I must sell. Ap ply to "XXX," Journal. ll-16-3t ROOMS FOR RENT Five large rooms with bath and basement. Close In. Phone 2107 or call 487 North High street. 11-8-tf FOR SALE New 4-room dwelling, plastered, has sink and toilet con nected with sewer, corner lot. close to paved street, school, store and meat market; $75 down, bal ance $12 per month. See Homer H. Smith, McCornank bldg. Tele, phone 96. n-7-tf MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. John H. Scot & Co., over th Chicago Store, Sa lem, Oregon. Phone 1552. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented Repaired Ribbons Hollers Supplies See Me Before Ton Do Anything C. M. LOCKWOOD Phone 068 Mai 2II.IH V Con, St. Salem. Ot Three Day Specials Thursday, Friday and Sating $22.50 and $25.00 Suits at jlfijQ RtJi life if m ra MuLm I Copyright Hart Schaffher & Mars Aquapella Duck Water-proof Rain Coats Special for Three Days $5,50 Coats at $3,50, $4,50 tQ (( Coats at ...r ipo.UU Special Prices on ' MEN'S UNDERWEAR Regular $1,00 quality at 75c suit, Good quality; more than vour moneys worth profit on this right away MONEY TO LOAN, THOS. K. FORD ' Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Ot Opposite S. P. Passenger Depot WOOD --COAL - Phone 210 Rock Springs and Standard Coals CAPITAL FUEL COMPANY SNAP Prunes pay good money. We have 15 acres of prunes, right In the prune belt, well cared for, for only $175 per acre. Very easy terms. BECHTEL & BVNOX, 347 State St. Tel. Main 452 Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON The House of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, modern hostelry in the metropolis of the Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers. Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle. Commercial The kind ot advertising that pays cannot be had for a song We do the kind that pays. Our work la the bet and prlceg uni form. If you have not given The Journal a trial it will pJ Du to do so. We always aim to please. Daily Capital Journal liY Hart SchaffW & Marx Clotk craft .. and other good makes all the new models and weaves in greys browns and tans Sweaters Coat SiVk All wool, in all popular culms piain or trim med $5,00 Sweaters $3.35 4,00 Sweaters 2.70 3,50 Sweaters 2.35 3,00 Sweaters 2.00 2,50 Sweaters 1.65 2,00 Sweaters 1.35 1,50 Sweaters 1.00 1,25 Sweaters .85 1 ,00 Sweaters .70 Talmadge Printing Co. New White Building, 231 K StAto Strcc SOCIETY AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Give an Iowa Printer CtlL MONEY TO LOAN On good Beal Estate security. BECHTEL & BIXOX 847 State Street Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Burghardt Ac Meredith, Resldeat Agk 885 STATE STREET. Advertising MlHCOtfPOrrATTn r