DAJLT CAKTIIj JOCKNAL. MURM, OIIECOX, MOSPAT, OTEMBER 13. 1911. PAGE SIX THE 6IE1L THE Ml AND THE GAME A SPARKLING Ml'SICAL COMEDY, WITH CATCHY HOXOS, PHETTY GIRLS, BKAITIFCLLY COS TC.HKS J 1ST ART, FIX AXD MISIC. At the Grand Opera" House. French vivacity, sparkling (arcial situations, clever songs and the presence of that clever exponent of light comedy, Billy "Single"Clfford, his excellent supporting company and charming girlie beauty chorus. to say nothing of ,hja famous Hat and monologue, are all combined In making the unqualified success of the musical comedy "The Girl, The Man and The Game?' which will be the offering at the Grand Opera for tonight. As In "Baby Mine" which kept New York and Chicago audiences laughing overtime the past season, the plot of the "Girl, The Man. and The Game?" hinges upon the laugh able situations which Inevitably fol low when a man "Borrows" a fam ily. Billy "Single" Clifford, His Hat and Famous Vaudeville Specialty all add materially to the success of the play. He assumes the role of an engaging young chap, with the seem ingly inevitable giobe-trottlng Uncle, (Jack Tralnor) who Insists upon domesticity ftfr the nepnew oefore he will devote to the nephew's use a fair allowance of his wealth. Of course a wife has ti be borowed; of course, the uncle arrives Inop portunely; and the colls tighten around the unhappy nephew and the numerous ludicrous complications and situations which result there from are responsible for two hours of clean amusement. Add to this musical numbers well sang by Billy Clifford (the nephew) Ids Man (the wife protein) Mae Collins (the Girl In the question) ably as sisted by a clever chorus of beauti- f ill singing and dancing girlies and you have the story of The Girl, The Man and The Game? As in former years for the benefit of those who hav never before seen Clifford anu for the benefit of the many admirers he acquired while In Vaudeville, for a few min utes unmolested by anyone, but vastly assisted by his Hat, Billy gives his latest version of his famous specialty. Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00. o When nature has to punish the dls obedient she generally does It with a whip of scorpions. The right kind of a man will keep right on growing In grace, no mat ter what happens. fsxZ 1 V L M THE Strike while' the iron is hot. Western Union "Day Letters" and 1 'Night Let ters", are the forging blows of business. m WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY RESULTS OF BIG STORM III MIDDLE WEST Nearly a score of deaths, several million dolars of property loss and much suffering resulted from the violent change of temperature, the preceding storms and the succeed ing cold and snow that beset the central portion of the country Sat urday and Sunday morning. After an unusually warm Novem ber day, tornado storms did much damage; to Wisconsin and Ilinois, kiried a dozen persons and Injured more than a score. A cold wave amost Immediately rolled over the wreckage of the tor nado and extended in a few hours to the Gulf Coast and to the At lantic seaboard. Rain turned to sleet, snapping telegraph and telephone wires, and snow followed. The temperature dropped In several places more than 60 degrees in 18 hours. Several persons were frozen to death by the sudden cold. Shipping on the Great Lakes was damaged, and many boats were cast adrift. . I The poor In large cities and the; nomeiess in storm-swept regions sur fered severely. HAUNTED BY FEAR OF CAPTURE Baking Helps Learn to Regulate the Heat of Your Oven By Mrs. Janet McKenzU Hill, Editor oj the Boston Cooking School Magazine There is just one way to make your cakes rise high and keep an even surface. Have your oven moderate at first; until the cake is fully rizen; then increase the heat, so as to brown it over quickly. Extreme heat stiffens the dough. If you stiffen the outside of the cake before the rising is complete, you stop the rising process. Then the leavening gas, forming- inside, will bulge up the center, where the dough is still soft, and spoil the shape of the cake. 8s Notb Biscuits or other pastries made from stiff dough, tliat are cut into shapes for the oven, bake in a hot oven. This is because the cut surfaces of the dough do not sear over, but rather leave the pores open, allowing the leavening gas to escape and the heat to penetrate readily. Small ovens cool quickly; therefore they should be made several degrees hotter than a larger oven, and the less the door is opened the better. Co not attempt to bake bread and pastry together. Bread re quires prolonged, moderate baking pastry the reverse. Have a strong underheat for baking powder preparations, especially pastry. These are only a few of the many baking helps found in the K C Cook's Book a copy of which may be secured by sending the colored certificate taken from a 25-cent can of K C Baking Pow der to the Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago. DNITEO rtESS LEASED WIP.B. Seattle, Nov. 12. Haunted by thei fear that he would be captured soon-i er or later, H. E. Hortou, an elec-i trlcian and deserter from the navy,' yesterday left his pretty young bride and delivered himself to the local police. He deserted from the West Virginia two years ago and worked at his trade at Sunnyside, near here met a pretty girl and married. I IT a I, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AST O R I A -" .' '7 - ..-- ...... - jj tHT IU44A1U MINCM-MAS ANYOM ONE TO STARK r . , , ' ' '.. -ft' '. Hi' ft f ; ii - 4 t':- r ' 1 1M H . MMMMMM MMttmHM w : WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE LINE I J-g-) IN SALEM OF Wet Weather Goods GENUINE PRIESTLEY'S CRAVENETTE : RAIN ; COATS For men in all the stylish Scotch mix tures in dressy overcoat models, We can save you from $2.00 to $3,00. on every coat, Tower's Fish Brand and Shield Brand Slickers t for hard service have been the standard for 25 years, We show them in four lengths in black and brown and in two lengths in yellow, Our Line of Aquapella Coats Leather Coats, Mackinaws, Duck Coats And Slicker Lined Duck Coats includes every desirable style suitable for hard service during the rainy season Boston Brand Rubber Boots and Shoes Are built to give satisfactory wear, We've just received a large shipment and have a complete range of sizes, With Billy (Sliiftle) Clifford In "The Girl, the Mini mid the 0111110," ov. 13 El-Oso Pavement During this Winter Will be found to be as satisfactory for the horse and vehicle as it proved itself to be this summer during extremely hot weather. The usual slipping and uncertainty of footing experienced by horses is eliminated in construct.ng the El-Oso wearing surface. Those who first doubted the perfect surface were convinced last summer in examin ing the pavement when the thermometer was HO deg. Farenheit. The surface was per fectly hard, and yet flexible enough to insure a perfect footing Considerable interest is manifested in what the El-Oso pavement will do under the conditions of winter. The claims made for El-Oso emphatically announce that the pave ment will be found as PERFECT for horses in winter as it is in summer. While the pave ment will not MELT THE ICE on its surface, yet if the horses' feet can ever reach the" wearing surface by breaking through the ice, a PERFECT FOOT11NG is to be had The Universal Construction Co. will be pleased to have property owners, and other citizens of Salem examine the pavement this winter, especially when under heavy traffic. The past summer months demonstrated the superiority of the pavement under ex treme heat. The coming winter will demonstrate what El-Oso will do under opposite conditions of weather. The mixture used in the wearing surface is sufficiently propor tioned with mineral matter to kecD it hard and tough in the summer and the bituminous cement (commonly called asphalt) in proper proportion to keep it elastic in winter. The ideal pavement stands up under heat, yet retains its elasticity; and, contra wise, gives enough to make a safe footing under extreme cold or freezing weather. El-Oso pavement is, therefore, an IDEAL pavement. INiDIA Umbrella THE The Little WITH Big J Spread .India Umbrellas.... Are Not Freakish They're practical, because they protect you .. better from the rain and they look better than the old style, 09 S CO a A SIMPLE QIESTIOX Salem People Are Requested to Hon estly Answer This. Is not the word oE a representa tive citizen of Salem more convinc ing than the doubtful utterances of people living everywhre else In the Union. Read this: F. A. Sutton, Hoyt & West streets, Salem, Ore., says: "For 10 or 12 years kidney trouble was the plague of my life. I suffered Intensely from a pain in the small of my back and was often unable to move. I doc tored and tried a number of reme dies, but to no avail, and. I was In a bad way when I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Dr. Stone's Drug Store. They benefited me at once and after I had taken the contents of three boxs, I was free from every symptom of kidney complaint. My health Is n&w of the best and for that reason I cannot recommend Doan's Kidney Pills too highly." (Statement given January 31, 1906.) Ke-Eiidorsemeiit On November 22, 1909. Mr. Sutton confirmed ris former statement say ing: "I willingly reiterate all I have previously said In favor of Doan's Kidney Pills. This 'remedy cured me three years ago and I have had bo return attack of kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price, 5 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's-and take no other. A Few Pavements Are Good Under Favorable Conditions El-Oso Pavement Is Good Under Unfavorable Conditions Universal Construction Co. PORTLAND, OREGON 502 Fenton Building Vs 1 V ! e I tm mm All patent medlclnts or medicines ad vertised In this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store SALEM, OREGON also DR. STOXE'S STOMACH rOWDER and ' BLUES BELIEF Which cures: Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Pain In too Stomach, Gas in the Stonjicb, Blues, Despondency and "down In the mouth. Makea a sad person cheerful. E. HOFER & SONS Investments, Loans, Real Estate INSURANCE Wc write Fire. Life, Accident, Liability, Automobile, Bonds and All Branches of Insurance. 213 S. Commercial St Phone 82 Morris' Avenue Cash Feed and Grocery Store Corner Morris Avenue and Fair Ground Road THOSE 1197 5 gal. Kerosene (bring can) 63c Nice Sugar Cured Hams, lb l"c 14 lbs. best Cane Sugar $1.00 6 lbs. best White Beans . 25c Nice Sugar Cured Bacon, lb l"o Nice Sugar Cured P. N. Hams 12c I iwo l-ib. papers A. & H. Soda lc 2 lbs. best Tillamook Cheese ; 35c 5 lbs. Albers Cream Rolled Oats 25c 10 lb. sack Corn Meal 25c 11 bars Crystal White Soap 50c 11 bars Sunny Monday Soap 50c 11 bars A. B. Naptha Soap 50c I have the best 25c Coffee In Salem. Perfection Flour, sack S1.10 Highland Blend $1.25 Yakima Best $1.35 I will pay your street car fare on $5.00 or over purchase Come and see me; I will save you money. FREE DELIVERY r t X t t MMMHMMMMMMMMMMMMM L