- DAILY CAPITAL JOCRXAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATTKDAV, XOYEMBEB 11. 1011. I " " ' " J lHHMHMMMttM)mi 'HIH Pastor Russell's Serin Children Cry for Fletcher's on xpemsive r " 1 ' -' : : ? i - - t INOt n SANER VIEWS ABOUTMPTISH Tlieories of Our Fathers h Longer Accepted. SUPERSTITIONS OF THE PAST. Pastor Russell Dissects Doctrines of Various Denominations snd Shows Their Crudities and Fslieness Im mersion In Water Does Not Open the Door to the Church of the Living God Mistake of the Baptiits. London Taber nacle, Nov. 5. Pastor Russell spoke today to large audiences. We report one of bis , discourses, which treated on the subject of Baptism. Church History shows that the damnation theo ries grew grad ually. First came the theory that every child of Adam was born damned to eternal torture at the hands of fire-proof devils, and that the only escape was through bap tism. But It was claimed that baptism cancelled only previous sins and not subsequent ones; hence it was the cus tom lu Constautlne's time to put off baptism until ns near the hour of death as possible. TertulHan Is credited with supporting this view. Later enme St. Augustine, advancing the theory that only the Church would be saved and that baptism was for the purpose of Induction Into the Church. Naturally It followed that If infants died without being admitted Into the Church they would go to eternal torture. 'As n result of this teaching Infant baptism sprang into great pop ularity, which Is still maintained. At first the infants were immersed In water, but later, under the belief that all bishops were successors of the Apostles and equal In authority. Church Councils took the place of the Word of God. They not only sanction ed infant baptism, which Is not even mentioned in the Bible, but addition ally claimed that Immersion was un necessary and that a few drops of wa ter would Induct the oged or the babe Into the Church and constitute an in surance against n hell pf eternal tor ture. This tUaory still persists to per haps a greater degree than many would Imagine. Luther and his coad jutors protested against some ' of the doctrines of the Church of Rome, but accepted without protest infant bap tism, spripkllng. etc., as necessary to preservation from everlasting torment. Unbaptized Infants In Torture Someone suggests, "Ah! we practice infant sprinkling, but It is merely a christening.' We have no thought whatever that the gracious neavenly rather or Ills adorable Son. our Re deemer, would consign an infant to torture, even if It died without be ing christened." Do not be too sure. my brother. Superstitious die hard. I know of a white-haired bishop In the Episcopal Church who was uppnlled at the very suggestion that his infant grandchild might be safe In the arms of Jesus without having been "Chris tened." Not only so, but these superstitions of a darker day are forcefully impress ed upon the "common people" by some of ti,e vleray. Let me tell you of two ili A Lutheran couple in Pennsylva nia had some unpleasantness with their pastor respecting Church dues. This caused them to nbsent themselves from Church service for several mouths. Meantime their babe be enme sick. The father humbled him self to go to his pastor to tell him of his distress and his fear that the child might die and of his desire to have it baptized. Imagine the anguish of the deluded pareut when the pastor re fused and told him that the child would go to hell and that this was bis desert as a parent because of failure to keep In touch with his Church. 2i The other case was that of r. Catholic- couple in Wisconsin. Their two little girls died of diphtheria with in a few hours of each other. When the parish priest was sent for he de clined to come and refused permission to have the children burled In "holy ground." The explanation given to the astonished parents was that they had neglected their duty toward the children, that they had not been bap tized into the Church and consequent ly were lost. To a friend the bereaved father de clared that he wanted to have nothing whatever to .do with so unjust a God who would consign his little. Innocent children to eternal torture merely be cause of his sin. his neglect. In not having a few drops of water sprinkled in their faces by the priest: The friend had been reading my "Studies in the Scriptures" and explained to the be reaved father that Church creeds and theories are very different from the plain and simple teachings of the Bi ble. He showed him that bis little ones were merely "asleep in Jesus" waiting for the glorious resurrection blessings of restitution, to be brought to mankind nt the second coming of J., after the completion of the elect Church and their change to heavenly glory. Could you wonder that that ft fPASTQg. gUSSELDj !lb0"C, aIoon kPer. recelvtd .oj ul uu, ana mat it hid a transforming influence upon his life? The Christian-Diicioles' Erra, Tastor Russell examined the doctrine of immersion as set forth by the Christian or Disciple denomination. He had not an unkind word to say re specting the people of this denomina tion, but he did dissect their doc trines, laying bare what he considered to be their Inconsistencies, falsities. Criticizing the immersion theory of the Christian-Disciples he declared that the texts used by this denomina tion as proofs that baptitm is for ths remission of tins were never applied to any except Jews. The Jews were in Covenant-relatlonshln with through the Mosaic Law. If thev eot into sin it was proper for them to re pent, return to God and use water symbolically, indicating return from sin. All Jews In full harmony with the Lnw Covenant in Jesus' day were transferred from Moses to Christ. 9nly those who had committed spe cial sins were called unon to wnsh away those sins symbolically In wa ter. Others living consistent lives ns "Israelites Indeed" were never in structed to be baptized or to wash away their sins. Amongst the Apos tles, Tastor Russell said, there is no record of any of them having been immersed In water for the remission of sins, except St. Paul, and he only because he had persecuted the Church of Christ. The baptism into Christ announced for Gentile converts is wholly different, he declared, from the Jewish baptism for the remission of sins. An illustration of this, he said, is found in Acts xvlii. 24, 23, where Apollos had baptized certain Gentiles of Ephesus with John's baptism for the remission of sins. St. Paul after ward declared this incorrect and di rected them to be immersed again not for the remission of sins, but for induction into the Body of Christ, which is the Church. (Acts xix, 1-6.) But the chief point which Pas tor Russell made against the Christian-Disciple theory, that Baptism is for the remission of sins, was that it naturally dis-fellowshlps all Christians who have not been Immersed. The logic of this theory, he declared, would find few supporters in the Chrlstlan Plsciple denomination. The logic of it is this: If immersion is necessary for an adult in order that his sins may be remitted or washed away, it would logically follow that all adults not im mersed are yet in their sins unforgiv- en. Ana this slgnines. according to this theory, that. If they die thus they must suffer the penalty of their sins, which penalty, they say, is eternal torture. Baptist Theory In Error Next the Baptist theory of Baptism was dealt with. It was complimented as being more nearly in line with the Scriptures than any theory of Baptism held in the world. And yet, said the speaker, remarkably few Baptists to day could or do stand by their theory, If put to the test. Nevertheless, in theory and practice, the great mass of Baptists declare that immersion Is a necessary incidental to admission to the "Church of the Living God, whose names are written in heaven!" In full keeping with this, in nine out of every ten Baptist Churches the world over, only Immersed Christians are ever invited to the communion ta ble to participate In the Lord's Sup per. Why? Because they claim that only immersed persons belong to the true Church and that the communion service is exclusively for the Church. If we nsk them what are the advan tages claimed for membership In the Church, they reply Salvation! What Is the antithesis or opposite of salva tion? we ask. They answer Lost! What do you mean by lostt we inquire. The reply is. To be banished from God and suffer everlasting torture. So then, theoretically, our Baptist friends deliver to the unimmersed the same blood-curdling theory handed out by Christian-Disciples-tha'. Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians. Methodists, Congregatlonallsts, etc.. are enroute for eternal torture. The difference be tween the two theories is that the Dis ciples say that this awful fate impends upon the masses of Christendom, as well as upon heathendom, because their sins have not been forgiven, while the Baptists sav. No. not for that cause. for Jesus died for all. but because tbey have not taken the necessary steps to get into the Church. "Times of Such Ignorance" St. Paul tells us of certain times of Ignorance which "God winked nt" or disregarded. We believe that the Al miehtv craciously overlooked such in consistencies in the theories of some of His children and charged them not Hth thP responsibility of so terribly maligning the Divine Character and misrepresenting the Divine Word. But now our God is opening the eyes of mir nnderstnndine and there Is no I longer excuse for any to believe such mnnsrmns tneoncs. uur " profess to believe them after they have been repudiated by the heart. The true view of Baptism is one nnnnr hp controverted. It is consistent with itself nnd with every Bible statement. It recognizes every consecrated child of God of every de nomination, or outside of all denomi nations. It inducts the saintly Bap tist saintly Disciple, saintly Catholic. Episcopalian. Lutheran. Congregatlon alist Methodist, etc.. into membership In the "one Church of the Living God. whose names are written in heaven." What Baptism can this be? We re ply that it is the one mentioned by St. Paul, in a text which we have all read and quoted time and again: "So many were baptized nm Vhrist ' JBomnns vi 3 The m btak ? e " Apostle's wrda to Kuter baptism. The Apostle said not a word about water baptism, but mentioned specifically the Baptism into Cbrlst, into "the Body of Christ, which Is the Church." The thought Is ttmt God has ordain ed the gathering of the elect Church during the Gospel Age. The Head of this Church was received up into glory eighteen centuries ago, and since Pen tecost one and another of the true footstep followers of Jesus have been accepted of God through His merit and counted as "members of the Body of Christ, which Is the Church." First. Jewish believers were transferred from Moses into Christ. Next the Message was extended to the Gentiles. But these could not pass from Moses In'to Christ because they were not in Moses, never having come under the Law Covenant arrangement. Hence, these could come into Christ only by direct baptism. All baptized into Jesus Christ occupy a specially preferred relationship to God and, if faithful to the end, will be received to glory, honor and Immortality on the spirit or heavenly plane. But there Is not a word of Scripture to say that the world, which misses this glorious exaltation, will on this account suffer eternal torture. They will lose the great prize, however. Water Baptlim Not the Door Into the True Church Our Baptist friends will agree to the above statement. They will say, Yes, that is what we mean, only, in order to be in Christ, we Baptists claim, xcater immersion Is necessary. We ore glad to have their plain, can did statement and to meet the Issue squarely. That is the Baptist mis take supposing that water baptism in ducts anybody into membership in the true Church. They may Indeed make water immersion the door Into the Baptist Church, but this does not make it the door into "the Church of the Living God." St. Paul dcllnes the Baptism by which any Gentile may come into membership In the Body of Christ. Note his words again: "So many of you ns were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into Bis death." Our Buptist friends think of this ns though it read "were baptized in water." This Is their mistake as before stated. But the question arises, Just what is meant by these words, "Baptized into His death, f" Was Bis death in any way different from the death of others? Most decidedly it was! Our race die as sinners, children of wrath, under Divine sentence of death. But Jesus was not a sinner and hence was not under Divine sentence of death. He was "holy, harmless, undeflled and separate from sinners" and free from Adnmlc death. His death was a sac rificial one a surrender of nn unim paired life. Those, therefore, who would become Ills footstep followers and be baptized Into Ills death, must participate with Iliiu In a sacrificial death. The Scriptures explain that this would he Impossible except as those footstep followers should be cleansed and made acceptable snerl-, flees through the merit of Jesus, be cause "by nuture we were nil children of wrath, even as others." Ceath was the real meaning of our Lord's baptism. John tho luimerser knew that Jesus was not a sinner, knew that lie had no sins to wnsh away, and at first he declined to Im merse Illm. And he did so only nfler Jesus had assured him that It was right nnd that the rantter had a deeper significance. "Suffer It to lie so." Our Lord's Baptism Finished at Cal vary Our Lord for three nnd n half years was carrying out the consecration vow which iu Jordnu He symbolized bap tism Into denth. Day by day lie be- enme more deeply Immersed Into death. That real immersion into death was finished on Calvary. In harmony with this the day before Ills death Jesus said, "I have a bnptisra to be baptized with, nnd how nra I straitened until it be accomplished." The next (lay it was accomplished, when He cried. "It Is finished:" His baptism Into death was finished. The same thought the Master gave to His followers, saying to two who desired places on Ills right and His left in the Kingdom: "Ye know not what ye ask !" You do not know what It requires to secure exaltation to the Kingdom. Are you able, ore you will ing to drink of my cup of sorrow, self-denial, etc.? Are you willing "to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with" the baptism into death? When the disciples replied that they were willing, the Master assured them that lie would attend to the rest. The terms of disctplesuip have nut changed. Just a word further respiting water baptism. It bos Its place, not in keep ing any out of eternal torment, nor In getting them into eternal glory: ,j0t 11 is a symbol, a beautiful picture in one act. It Is a testimony to all believers that the consecrated one has vowed loyalty to the Redeemer-even unto death. As such a confession of such a consecration, we commend water baptism to you all as lieing the Lord's own provision of a pictorial confession for those who have accepted ills terms, surrendered their all, nud are seeking to walk In newness of life nnd to at tain the eternal glory by and by. As for the unconsoerated wor!d. it Is fitting that they should not be bap tized. Baptism was never lntend"d ex cept for the fully consecrated, the sanctified in Cbrlst Jesus. Whon Cod's due time shall come the world of man kind will receive the blessings pro vided for them through the Itfdeem er's merit, under the gracious nrrnnce ment of that Redeemer's heavenly Klnzdnm. which will bo established under the whole heavens for the pur ' of upHftln, unkind from .la dMthwh()Soever WOK The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has teen In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pcr CjzLxjvT&tt&ii Bonal supervision since Its Infancy. cW XCUii Allow no one to deceive yon In this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trine 'with and endanger the health ol Iniants and ChUdren Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA t Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xnrcotio substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. 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