Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    DAiLTjcArnA ' jorRXAL, balpv orucopy, Wednesday1, October gs, mi.
The Tacoma Ledger of October 7
speaks thus highly of "Bright Eyes,"'
the musical comedy which will be at
the Grand Friday night, October 27:
Joseph M..Gaites "begs to offer,"
i the program says, "Cecil Lean and
Florence Holbrook In 'Bright Eyes,' "
Xov 'beg' sounds quite humble, In fact
almost apologetic, and It Is really un
necessary.. No apology is needed.
!r. Gaites has no need for Buch ex
cessive humility. He might, instead,
be proud, for If the truth be told,
"Bright Eyes" is far superior to
many things that have been "offered"
to the public lately in the guise of
musical comedy.
"Bright Eyes' has a slight plot, at
least one that is discernable through
out the three acts, and It has a round
dozen musical numbers that are all
above the average. The music is by
Karl Hoschna, who Is als5 responsible
for "Madame Sherry."
While the success of "Madame
Sherry" was the wonder of the last
season, Mr. Hoschna might better
boast of his score to "Bright Eyes."
It is more tuneful than "Sherry, '
and his song "Bright Eeyes Is more
appealing in Us melody than "Every
Little Movement."
"Bright Eyes" begins mildly, the
setting at the opening of the first act
being largely responsible for the lack
of enthusiasm. The finale, however,
gives a hint of better things to come,
and the second act fulfills the prom
lse. The third act Is even beter than
the second, and It turns away the au
dience thoroughly satisfied with the
It has been a long time since two
more agreeable young people have en
tertalned the musical comedy devo
tees of Tacoma than Cecil Lean and
Florence Holbrook. They are -responsible
for much of the good fun
to be found in "Bright Eyes," and
last night they Introduced a number
of songs that proved to be hits of
the most emphatic order.
Of the songs by Mr. Lean and Miss
Holbrook. 'Bright Eeyes," "Cheer
Up Honey," "Mrs. Casey' and "He's
a Fan, Fan. Fan," scored tremend
ously, also their unusually clever
'chatter" song, which might have
been repeated several times. As
neither Mr.- Lean nor Miss Holbrook
has been seen in Tacoma before and
owing to the unexpected entrance
each makes in the first act, they did
not receive the enthusiastic recep
tion usually accorded stars, but be
fore the first act was more than half
finished, they were established in
the lasting good graces of the audi
ence. Of the members of the supporting
company, Tacomans will be glad to
welcome back Freddie Nice, whose
dancing in "The Gingerbread Man"
is a pleasant recollection. Freddie
did not lay aside his eccentric steps
when he said goodbye to "John
Dough" and In "Bright Eyes" his
dancing is one of the best features
of the performance. He danced last
night until breathless, and still the
audience asked for more. Mr. Nice
also has several good songs. He also
has a neat little dancing mate in Ce
cilia Renard, who plays the role of
a German maid.
The piece is prettily staged, and
has a large and well dressed chorus,
whose singing needs no apology.
No, it is unnecessary for Mr.
Gaites to "beg" to offer "Bright
Eyes." No one who saw the per
formance last night will accuse him
of excessive nerve If he comes out
flat-footed about it and "presents"
"Bright Eyes" with all the assurance
of a manager who has much less to
"offer." The performance will be
repeated tonight.
Snved His Mothers Life.
"Four doctors had given me up,"
writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca,
La., "and my children and all my
friends were looking for me to die,
when my son - insisted that I use
Electric Bitters. I did so, and they
have done me a world of good. I
will always praise them." Electric
Bitters is a priceless blessing to wo
men with fainting and dizzy spells,
backache, headache, weakness, debil
ity, constipation or kidney disorders.
Vse them and gain new health,
strength and vigor. They're guaran
ppunj9j Xauoirj jo Xjsjjss o pea
Onlv so cents at J. C. Ferry's.
i - !
U-f i
'r:'.r " - ! ' . "" "
i4- . V. ; " fvtl . .IVi'-vSr r-- x
Toni Boy Girls in the Musical Comedy Success, 'Bright Lyes", ut The Grand Opera House Friday, October 27th.
In the government suit to enforce
the forfeiture of the Oregon land
grants by the Oregon & California
and the Southern Pacific railroads to
which the Union Trust Company, of
New York, is a party defendant, the
latter yesterday filed Its answer in
the United States circuit court at
Portland. It is a volumnious docu
ment of more than 60 typewrftten
pages and after acknowledging its
Two men were suffocated at the
bottom of an S2-foot well near May
ger yesterday. One had gone down
to work, the other being at the wind
lass. Hearing nothing from the man
below, Raizo, who was doing the
hoisting, feared something had hap
pened to his partner, and descending
to aid him, was himself suffocated.
The old Murphy building, a land
mark of Laurelhurst addition to
Portland, burned Tuesday.
Right Reverend Robert L. Pad
dock, Episcopal bishop of Eastern
Oregon, in an address at Portland
Tuesday, said the villages generally
formal interest in the properties in had too many church organizations
Assurances that the Natron-Klam-ath
cutoff of the Southern Pacific,
which Is to reduce the running time
of trains between Portland and San
Francisco to 26 hours, will be com
pleted early In 1913, and that the
proposed line from Eugene to Coos
Bay will be started and rushed to
completion as early as practicable,
were given by E- E. Calvin, vice
president and general manager of the
Southern Pacific, who arrived In Port
The Proof That Salem Readers Caa
aot Deny.
What could furnish stronger evi
dence of the efficiency of any remedy
than the test of time? Thousands of
people testify that Doan's Kidney
Pills cure permanently.
Home endorsement should prove
undoubtedly the merit of this remedy.
Years ago your friends and neigh
bors testified to the relief they had
derived from the use of Doan's Kid
ney Pills. Tbey now confirm their
testimonials. They say time has
completed the test
A. J. Wood, 733 N. Front St., Sa
lem, Ore., says: "About two months
ago I began to sutler from kidney
and bladder trouble. The kidney se
cretions were too frequent and pain
ful in passage and caused me much
annoyance. I had often heard Doan's
Kidney Pills highly recommended and
thinking they might prove of benefit.
I procured a box at Dr. Stone's Drug
Store. I can say that the use of one
box rid me of every symptom of kid
ney complaint. I strongly advise oth
er kidney sufferers, to give this rem
edy a trial.
The above statement was given
January 30, 1906, and was confirmed
on November 20, 1909, by Mr. Wood.
He said: "The statement I gave in
1906, publicly recommending Doan's
Kidney Pills, was correct. This rem
edy cured me of kidney trouble and
I have had no return attack."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
The soothlnir spray of Ely's Liquid
Cream Balm, used in an atomizer, Is
an unspeakable relief to sufferers
from Catarrh. Some of them de
scribe it as a Godsend, and no won
der. The thick, foul discharge Is
dislodged and the patient breathes
freely, perhaps for the first time In
weeks. Liquid Cream Balm contains
all the healing, purifying elements of
the solid form, and It never falls to
satisfy. Sold by all druggists for 75c,
including spraying tube, or mailed
by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New
Kicked by a Mnd Hone.
Samuel Birch, of Beetown, Wis.,
had a most narrow escape from los
ing his leg, as no doctor could heal
the frightful sore that developed, but
at last Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
It completely. Its the greatest heal
er of ulcers, burns, bolls, eczema,
scalds, cuts, corns, cold-sores,
bruises and piles on earth. Try It;
25 cents at J. C. Perry's.
It Is a heap easier to find fault
than it Is to tind a way to mend It.
Opening Act II. In the Miislonl Comedy Production "Bright Eyes" nt The Grand, Friday Night, October 27th.
question, denies that such Interests and made a strong plea for church
are illegal or in any way Improper, unity.
That It advanced the money for the! Judge G. W. Rea, a Civil War
actual construction of the railroads ' veteran, died at Bandon last week,
and received bonds in payment that ' Central Point will have a postal
were secured by the Oregon land bank opened October 28.
grant properties and still holds these j The citizens of Vale, not liking a
for such purpose. The answer sets ' snow put on oy tne uarcia wusicai
forth that all of these transactions ! Co., presented the members of the
have been known to the government ' company with all the stale eggs in
for many years, being public records . mat neighborhood.
and within the legal limits and pur
poses of the original grants.
It denies that any of this property
should be reverted to the government.
The Union Trust company Is rep
resented in Its answer by John C
Spooner. ex-senator of Wisconsin,
and Dolhp, Simon, Mallory & Gearin-
A reply will be filed by United States
District Attorney McCourt and the
case will be tried within the coming
Midnight In The Ozarks.
And yet sleepless, Hiram Scranton.
of Clay City, 111., coughed and
coughed. He was in. the mountains
on the advice of five doctors, who
said he had consumption, but found
no help In the climate, and started
home. Hearing of Dr. King's New
Discovery, he began to use It. "I
believe It saved my life," he writes,
"for It made a new man of met so
that I can now do good work again."
For all lung diseases, coughs, colds,
lagrtppe, asthma, croup, whooping
cough, hay fever, hemorrhages,
hoarseness or quinsy, Its the best
known remedy. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J.
C. Perry, Druggist.
Journal Want Ads Brine Results
Vale Is arranging for the colon'za-
tlon of 200.000 acres of fruit land
tributary to that city.
The S. P. has rented a suite of
rooms In Eugene, which it is furnish
ing for the use of its construction en
gineers. This Indicates th ecomple
tion of the work on the Eugene
Coos Bay line.
B. R. Tucker, one of the original
settlers of Hood River valley, was
killed by a trolley car In San Diego
Cottage Grove Is optimistic about
the Oregon Electric being extended
to that point.
The Southern Pac'flc announces
that the Natron cutoff will be com
pleted in 1913, and the time from
Portland to San Francisco reduced to
26 hours. The cutoff runs by Klam
ath Falls.
Here's nn
Offer You
Should Not
Portland's Popular fire-Proof
The House of Comfort Combined
With Elegance
Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in
city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12
v m, , ' . ,
Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced,
modern hostelry in thft metropolis of tne
Owners and Managers.
Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by aiding nature to
Biipply the elements, the absence of
which in the gastric Juices causes
indigestion and dyspepsia. They aid
the stomach to digest food and to
quickly convert it into rich red blood
and material necessary for overcom
ing natural body waste.
Carry a package of Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets In your veBt pocket, or
keep them In your room. Take one
after each heavy meal and prove our
assertion that indigestion will not
bother you.
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve Indi
gestion and dyspepsia. If they fail,
we will refund your money. Three
sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents , and $1-00.
Remember, you can obtain Rexall
Remedies only at our store The
Rexall Store. J. C. Perry, Druggist.
Beware of Omtments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputa
ble physicians, as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good yon
can possibly derive from them
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O..
contains no mercury, and is taken In
ternally, acting directly, upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally and made in To
ledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co
Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c per
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
land last night, says the Oregonian.
Mr. Calvin has just completed an
Inspection of the lines In Oregon over
which his Jurisdiction will be extend
ed November 1. His territory after
that date will embrace all the South
ern Pacific lines south of Portland,
west of Ogden and north of El Paso.
He will remain here until the latter
part of the week and vllf be Joined
here Thursday morning by William
Sproule president of the Southern
Pacific, and E. O. MeCormick, vice
president in charge of traffic, whose
Jurisdiction over freight and passen
ger business will be extended to the
Oregon lines November 1.
Coos Hay Line I'piHTinost.
"It Is our Intention to start the
work on the Coos Bay line as early
as possible,' he said. "It Is one of
the first things that must be done.
We are ready to do It, and only have
preliminaries to complete before we
can begin actual operations."
The N'atron-Klamath work is going
forward rapidly, he reported. Re
cent contracts on that project will
provide activity until the end of the
present flsral year. Appropriations
have been provldt d for completion
of the entire cutoff, and the construc
tion will be authorrzed as rapidly as
progress requ'res.
"I expect the Natron-Klamath line
to be finished In a year and a half."
said Mr. Calvin. "It may be done
soon after the beginning of 1913."
Mr. Calvin reiterated the state
ments made by other Harrlman offi
cials that the new organization will
provide more opportunity for men In
executive pos'tlons of the system to
meet with the public, and to study
the needs of the people
In assuming authority over the
Southern Pacific lines In Oregon Mr.
Calvin will allow the O.-W. R. & N
operating officials to confine their ac
tivity to that growini; property alone.
The result, it is predated, will be of
material benefit to the railroads, as
well as to the patrosty
Children Cry
Gold Dust Flour
Hade by the
Sydney, Oregon.
Made for Family Use.
Ask yonr grocer for IL Bran
and Shorts fclways on band.
P. B. WALLACE, Agt. j
'IP ' :
i .
4 P m m-
k J UN if I
I: I .njimiiiiniiii j i
Til t
Celebrated Lennox Furnace.
The Best Heater
It will save you money every day
you own It. I will sell and Install
the best Let me give you figures.
See Me
About an Individual lighting plant
for your home. The best thing In
the market for cooking and lighting.
A. L. Frasier
Phone 135.
253 State Street
f Salem Fence Works I
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Fonclng, Hop Wire, Barb
Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin
gles, Malthold RooOng, P. ft.
B. and Ready Roofing. Screen
Doors and Adjustable Window
Screens. Ail at the lowest
260 Court street Phone 114
4- -"
ouiur-m uweu a tiuu misses i
',; II If"'
Suits s
WE have purchased three
sample lines of Wo- I
men's and Misses Suits at
a great saving from the orig- X
inal prices. These three lines
coupled with our regular
stock will enable us to offer
you the best Suit values in i
Bl Salem. You will find Fancy
Mixtures, Trimmed Serges and ::
Broadcloths and Novelty Dress : :
Fabrics in all the late models. ::
Every suit is made by expert '::
man tailors and will be fitted I
free of charge.
Sec these Suits for
Your Own Benefit; i
U. G. Shipley Company
Quality Popular
GO 145-147 North Liberty Street, s
MorehamllHe I'tcSj Prices
You Realize Comfort
In your Collars and Shirts when you
get In the habit of sending them to
us to be Laundered. We "do them
up" propertly, carefully, cleanly, and
with perfect satisfaction to those
who have to wear thorn. Let us have
your Laundry work for a week or
two and you will be so satisfied with
the rosults that you will always send
It here afterwards.
130-106 South Liberty Street
Morris' Avenue Cash Feed
and Grocery Store
Corner Morris Avenue and Fair Ground Road
B gal. Kerosene, (bring can) 65c
Nice Sugar Cured Hams, lb I7c
15 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
5 lbs. best White Ilenns 25o
Nice Sugar Cured Hacon, lb 17c
Nice Sugar Cured P. N. Hams 12c
Two 1-lb. papers A. & II. Soda l!io
2 lbs. best Tillamook Cheese 35c
5 lbs. Albors Cream Rolled Oats 25o
10 lb. sack Corn Meal 25c
11 bars Crystnl White Soup 50c
11 bars Sunny Monday Soap 50c
11 bnrs A. 11. Naptlm Soap 50c
I have the best 25c Coffee in Salem.
Perfection Flour, sack $1.10
Highland lllend $1.25
Yakima Best $1.35
I will pay your street car fure on $5.00 or over purchase
Come and see me; I will save you money.
Read The Journal For News
I I M El M Eil
r wm'rarwsr
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities.
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes.
- --
tiUfc.fr' IMsmnJ Tirms,A
I'HU Is It4 im4 (U(V
su-i ;t ft, rim, xf
Tak shImt. II mw f Jmmw V
irmtrwmt- Ax t-w i III .4 Ilk rSr m
llAJiH IIHM P1M.4. fa. a
1000 Loads (Inside Mill Wood) Must be sold.
; Our Wood Yard Is Full
: You Need Wood VVe Need Yard Room
Special Price of $2.00 per Load
. i ' i ' '-- i i ..ii-ni.
The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. I
Phone 1830
Office Front and Ferry
ymn kmn m Best. ftst, A'wy- ft