Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 25, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rMM TWO
the capital journal
t. HOFER, Editor and Pro; rltor.
R. M. HOFER, Manager
anient Nci otper DentJ to American PrirK-lpte and ,
the P.rvrees and Dei.iotmtrJt of AH (rata .
PoUUhei Every Eventa Exept Simla?. SataE, Or
(In variably in Advance)
4Wy.br Carrier, per year $8.00 Per
teatr, by VU3, per jrsar 4.M Per Awn ti
iJWltly, by MxU, per )W LW 8U ajootha
puia leased wma telegraph repobt
The tendency in school athletics is to have physical training
for the whole body of the school. 1
, Stanford University was a leader in this reform, and abol
ished the football game as it was played.
Rugby football was substituted with more open playing, and
a larger number of students enlisted.
Instead f intercollegiate contests there are contests between
the four different classes at football.
The hired coach in all departments of athletics is done away
with, and leaders in each class train.
This year between two and three hundred students are play
ing football, and this work is tobe extended.
The idea is that school athletics must be for all the students,
and not for training semi-professionals.
So in public school athletics there must be work in which all
the students can engage, not just a few.
This means physical instructors, playing of simpler games
open to a larger number in the open air and indoors.
It means the gymnasium and the athletic field arranged for
contests between classes and for both sexes.
The idea would be no athleticsthat every boy or girl cannot
participate in, physical exercise for all.
The old system is to have a crack team, and all the rest of the
student body to pay money for it, and do nothing but parade and
The weaker children get no athletics, and those who natur
ally turn to sports get too much.
This is not said in criticism of present methods, but to direct
attention to better things.
It is now the time to plant bulbs for next spring. Brighten
the borders of your lawn, and the dark corners around the
house with a few flaming tulips, or any kind of early spring
blooming bulbs. That will add to the value of your property, the
beauty of the city and to your enjoyment of life. It will do your
eyes good, and you will enjoy better health. The reason our
eyesight fails is because it i3 not used to see the beauty of the
skies, the hills, the forests and the flowers God has provided
for us.
Salem school district ha3 a commission form of government
and fie men conduct the whole affairs of the district. '
They disburse, about as much money as the city, hire as many
employes, and do a great deal of building.
Many good things could be said about the work of the school
district, but in one way it id different from a city conmiss'un
form of government. .
TV Jaws governing the management of the school district are
made by the legislature, and not by the school board.
But the business administration of the school district is in
fact a commission form of government.
By its weakest points it will be judged, and right here is
' where attention must be called to certain conditions.
At the end of the present school year there will be a deficit in
the annual budget of about twerty thousand dollars.
The next annual report will require an additional levy of about
two mills taxes.
The growth of the district and the need of expansion will be
cited to overcome this objection but tyie fact remains.
The Weekly Capital Journal ar.d Home Seekers Guide to West
ern Oregon is now offered wiih the WeeHy Oregonian and the
Pacific Northwest, an excellent farm paper for three years at the
club rates of one dollar for the Hire papers. Honestly, can you
Invest a dollar to better advantage to advertise the city and
state? A laborer on the Oregon Electric came in yesterday and
sent this paper to three families in Pennsylvania, in the hope
that they will become Oregonians.
Uii!cubtedly there U mo e pv.ney squandered in many ways
on advertising in newspapers and other ways.
1 But newspaper advertisements are read, and if not read it is
the fault of the writer of the advertisement.
People usually stare at billboards, and at many other forms
of advertising, and wonder if it pays.
Their critical judgment as intending purchasers is never di
rected to the merits of the advertisement itself.
Great, flaring, colored posters attraci attention and arouse
curiosity, but never awaken the interest of the intending buyer,
as to 1 he .merits of the article or the cuestion of its values.
The newspaper advertisement is specific, and is part of the
news of the day, and gives correct information as to prices and
quality and values.
The family circle reads and comments on the advertisements in
the newspapers which come home to them.
In nine cases out of ten advertisements placed outside of the
newspaper are neve rheard from.
The Salem Business Men's League does well in refusing to en
courage every form of fake advertising.
Sacramento, Calif-, Oct 25.
Southern Pacific officials here havo
made arrangements to place a full
working force In the boiler and ma
chine shops next Monday. From
Chicago. Kansas City and Omaha,
they say, boilermakers and machin
ists will be brought here to fill strik
ers; places.
The first trainload of strikebreak
ers is expected Monday and will be
housed in outfit cars brought to ihe
local yards from various sections and
shunted to side tracks near the river
Company officials refuse to discuss
the matter- One of large car shops
has been fitted up as a dining room,
tables and seats to accommodate 500
men at a meal having been placed.
At present about 100 strikebreakers
are being housed , and fed on the
company's poperty and a guard cf
l.'iO watchmen Is being retained.
Considerable trouble is being ex
Cures all humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get It todny in usual liquid frrm or
chocolated unlet called Saraatabsv
No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 3:31a.m.
No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m.
No. 17 Roseburg Pa'stnger (.21p.m.
No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43p.m.
No. 27 Eugene Passenger . 8:25p.m.
No. 15 California Express. 9:56p.m.
No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:60a,m.
No. 222 Portland Fa-- Frt lOMBp.m.
No. 14 Oregon Express .. 6:48a.m.
No. 28 Portland Passenger 8:30a.m.
No. 12 Shasta Limited ..12:35p.m.
No. 18 Portland Pasenger. 2:56p.m.
No. 29 Portland Passenger-. 7.43p.m.
perienced in bringing trains on time lN-?25 wy Freight ....12:35p.m.
over "the Hill" between Sacramento N0- 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m.
and Truckee. The heavy locomo- ; "
lives are beginning to break down OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO
owing to lack of repairers. Only 60 Leave Snlem. Arrive Portland,
boiler makers are at work, where liOjTrain 6, 6:30 a.m 8:30 a.m.
men are needed to keep the engines i Train s, 8:55 a.m 11:00 a.m.
in condition.
On November first, there will be a
great change in the operation of the
Salem street car lines. The State
street car will come down to the
main transfer point but instead of go
ing back up State will run up on the
Asylum avenue line to the asylum.
The asylum avenue cars will run
down, to the foot of State street as
they do now but will go back up
State street to the penitentiary. The
State street and Asylum cars will
thus alternate and the advantage
will be that no transfers will be
needed by passengers from one line
to the other. There will be no wait
ing for the transfer car and the re
sult will be smoother service and a
great saving of time and no getting
out In the rain to make the transfer.
It Is believed on the quiet that this
Idea of an Improvement in the ser
vice originated In the brain of traffic
manager Zlnn, but he modestly dis
claims responsibility for the Idea.
Just the same, It Is a little move for
progress which the public will appreciate.
irain 10, ii:io a.m 1:15 p.m.
Train 12, 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m.
Train 14, 3:40 p.m 5:10 p.m.
Train 16, 4:00 p.m 6 00 p.m.
Train 18. 6:0" p m S ". . m.
Train 20, 8:50 p.m 10:45 p.m.
Arrive Id Salem.
Train 1 8:30 a.m.
Train 3 9:50 a.m.
Train 5 10:30 a.m.
Train 7 1:00 p.m.
Train 3 , 4:15 p.m.
Train 11 6:00 p.m.
Train 15 8:35 p.m.
Train 17 11:10 p.m.
Salem, Falls City & Western Ry
Leave West Salem for: '
Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock
9:00 a. m.
Dallas and Falls City
1:30 and 4:35 p. m.
Sunday trains Tor:
Dallas and Black Bock .
9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m.
Trains arrive at West Salem from
Dallas 8:15 a.m.
Black Rock and Dallas. .12:30 p. m.
Falls City and Dallas .... 4.15 p.m.
Shanlko, Or.. Oct. 25. J. C. Fowlle,
prominent banker and mayor of
Shanlko. was shot and seriously In
jured here at 8:45 o'clock last night
by Del Howell, of Portland. The
shooting occurred In front of C.
Wilson's drug store, where Fowlle
was conversing with friends. How
ell walked up, very much under the
influence of liquor. Mr. Fowlle
spoke to him, saying he had better
go to oeu. Howell did not- renly but
pulled a revolver from his Docket
and shot twice. One bullet took ef-
teci. entering the mayor's abdomen.
Some people go about the world
being good to themselves and then
want the rest of ua to loudly admire
their warm heartedness.
A feeling of sadness accompanies
the discovery of the first gray hairs,
which, unfortunntely, are looked
upon as heralds of advancing age.
Gray hairs, however, are not always
an indication of advancing age, for
many people have gray hnirs quite
early in life. Of course, it is unnat
ural, and Indicates that there is
something wrong with the individual,
and that Nature needs assistance in
correcting the trouble. The same Is
true of hair that is constantly falling
out and becoming thinner every day.
If everything is right with Nature,
the hair, even in comparatively elder
ly people, should be long, thick and
glossy, without even a streak of gray.
lne ideal assistant to Nature in re
storing and preserving the hair is
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem
edy, a clean and wholesome dressing
for dally use. It not only removes
dandruff, but strengthens weak, thin
and falling hair and promotes its
growth. A few applications will re
store faded or gray hair to its nat
ural color.
Get a bottle today and let it do for
you what it has done for thousands
of others.
This preparation is offered to the
public at 60 cents a bottle, and is
recommended and sold by all drug
gists. Special Agent, J. C. Perry.
"otlee of Intention to Construct n
Sewer to Be Known as "Lateral
Sewer District No. 2."
Notice Is hereby given that the
common council of the city of Salem,
Oregon, deems and considers It nec
essary and expedient and proposes to
construct a sewer to be known as
"Lateral Sewer District No. 2", and
that there shall be laid 8-inch vitri
fied or concrete sewer pipe along the
street between blocks 2, 3 and 4 and
block 1 and certain acreage proper
ty in the Pleasant Home Addition to
the city of Salem, Oregon: also along
the street between blocks 4 and 5, 3
and 6. and 2 and 7; thence In a north
westerly direction to High street;
also a connecting line between blocks
2 and 3 of said Pleasant Home Ad
dition; said sewer shall be construct
ed at the expense of the property di
rectly benefited and according to
the maps, plans and specifications
adopted for the same and on file at
the office of the city recorder, which
said plans and specifications are
hereby referred to for a mere de
tailed description of said sewer.
This notice Is published for ten
(10) days by order of the common
council of the city of Salem, Oregon,
and the date of the first publication
thereof Is tie 25th dav of October,
10-25-llt "City Recorder.
When you have a bad cold you
want the best medicine obtainable so
as to cure It with as little delay as
possible. Here Is a druggist's opin
ion: "I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for 15 years," says
Enos Lollar. of Saratoga, Ind., "and
consider It the best on the market"
For sale by all dealers.
The launches Independence and
Louise will leave their wharf at the
foot of Trade street for Independence
at the following hours dally except
Leaves Independence 8:30 a. m.
Leaves Salem 4:00 p. m.
Take Your Common Colds Seriously,
Common colds, severe and fre
quent, lay the foundation of chronic
diseased conditions of the nose and
throat, and may develop into bron
chitis, pneumonia, and consumption.
For all coughs and colds in children
and in grown persons, take Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound promptly.
! After exposure, and when you feel a
cold coming on, take Foley s Honey
and Tar Compound. It checks and
relieves. Use no substitute. The
genuine in a yellow package always.
Red Cress Pharmacy, (H. Jerman.)
0 i
Foley's Kidney Remedy vs. a Hope
less fnse.
Hon. Ark. J. E. Freeman says: "I
had a severe case of kidney trouble
and could not work and my case
seemed hopeless. I used several
well known kidney remedies, and had
the services of a doctor, all of which
gave me no relief. One large bottle
of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me
and I have never been bothered
since. I have also recommended It
to my friends who all received the
same good results."
A pipe with the hardness and
durability of stone.
Cement pipe, like all cement
products, grows harder and
tougher with each year of Its
The strongest and best pipe onv
the market and made in a Sa
lem factory.
Come and see our factory In
Salem Sewer Pipe Co.
Cor. Liberty and Trade Streets
Tuesday evening aboute 9:30 the
fire department was called to a fire
on Fourteenth and Market streets,
where a large barn owned by H. R.
McWhorten was in a blaze. Although
they made a record run. their effort
was in vain because of the fact that
the hose would not reach the fire
from the nearest hydrant. Water,
however, was carried from the near
est wells and by the aid of willing
neighbors, the seeming impossible
task of tavlng the house was ac
complished. The. origin of the fire is a matter
of conjecture. The McWhorten fam
ily lean to the theory that it was
caused by the carelessness of tramps,
who had Intended to sleep in the
barn, some others are of the opinion
that it was a case of spontaneous
combustion as the barn was filled
with 23 tons of new hay.
The fire was pathetic in that the
barn was the home of two fine
horses and they refused to leave it,
although they had broken their ropes
and stood looking through the open
door, nothing could be done to save
them because of the intense heat
Mr. Whorten estimates his loss at
between $1,000 and $1,20, only $150
of which is covered by insurance.
Xo Hendnche, Biliousness, Upset
Stomach, Lazy Liver or ConstJ
pajed Bowels by morning.
Are you keeping your bowels, liver
and stomach clean, pure and fresh
with Cascarets, or merely forcing a
passageway through these aliment
ary or drainage organs every few
days with Salts, Cathartic pills, Cas
tor Oil or Purgative Waters.
Stop having a bowel washday. Let
Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the un
digested sour and fermenting food
and foul gases, take the excess bile
from the liver and cary out of the
system all the decomposed waste
matter and poisons In the intestines
and bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will make you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sicken
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your drug
gist. Millions of men and women
take a Cascaret now and then and
never have Headache, Biliousness,
coated tongue, Indigestion, Sour
Stomach or Constipated Bowels.
Casearets belong in every household.
Children Just love to take them.
o .
Sick headache is caused by a dis
ordered stomach. Take Chamber
lain's Tablets and correct that and
the headaches will disappear. For
sale by all dealers.
Motel Lai "so ranee.
We write Insurance on automobiles
and all kinds of power driven vehi
cles at the lowest rates, and Insure
against damages from fire under any
and all circumstances, whether In pri
vate or public garage or on the road
or In accident More can are de
stroyed by fire than .by ail other
causes put together. Rates the low
est E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Com
mercial street 6-22-tf
The fellow that takes a licking
without blinking Is a good one to
look out for.
Bmtri Colin ml
m m CsMBpOUftaJ
A nfe tad simple remedy for
lT r Brmckitii, Crrk, Ha, Fmr VJ
f ( I lnftnimt1onf, Irritations, Blear
I V i atlonsof ALL muooas membranes
I tt 1 1 of llslnga of Ui nose, Unit
I ljJ I stonwotk or artnary ergans,
V-""""" Trestles with seen bottle ll
Slatallas oarsqaest. L bJ
lw dotal Cs, 7
lO. C. T. CO.'S
I Steamer Oregona leaves for
Portland Tuesday, T h ursday
and Saturday at 6 a. m.
M. P. BALDWIN, Agent
Wise Men arid Women Kn
that most of the sicknesses of lite come from Inactive bowels nj
from unhealthy- condition of the organs of digestion. If J
digestive system is not working right, your food docs not nourish
you poor blood and weakness follow; if your bowels are inacttr
waste matter poisons the whole system and serious sickness"
sure to follow. To take promptly
is to save yourself trouble and expense. Gentle, but quick; fe
but thorough, they enable the bowels to carry away waste matter
naturally and tone up the whole digestive system. They will
not injure the most delicate. They help you to get your boweli
and your digestive organs in that condition when they cu
take good care of themselves and of you. Beeeham's p,
Do Good Naturally
For female, Beechain's Pills are specially suiubla. Sea iiu true done with tack box.
Sold Everywhere in boxes, 10c and 25c
tt.tttt-ttttTtttttttttttttni m 77rrr
Five rooms, modern improvements; j
only 9 blocks from center of town
and just off paved street on good:
improved street. All assessments
213 S. Commercial Street
A Household ITedlclne that Gives
Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
Mrs. T. J. Adams, 522 No. Kansas
Ave., Columbus, Kas., writes: "For
a number of years my children have
been subject to coughs and colds. I
got some of Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound and have found that it
cured their coughs and colds In a
very short time, so I keep It In the
house all the time." Red Cross
Pharmacy, (H. Jerman.)
1 machine earned $115 850 In 28 weeks, 1904
1 marhlne earned S17.013 In 29 week, 1U05
1 machine earned lA,sr2 In 25 weekf, 1008
1 murhine earnrd $10,017 in 27 week, 1U07
1 machine earned S12,S(12 in 27 vreke, 1908
1 marhlne earned tl6,HI2 In 25 weeka, 1909
1 machine earned $ 18,521 in 28 week, 1910
Above figurea wilt be verified to prospective
customers. Write for catalogue and prices to
C.W. PARKER Letvenworlh.'Kaa,
Passengers Baggage
Connecting with all trim
at West Salem for Dallai, Falls
City and Salem.
Leaves Journal office for
West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 12
m., 1:10 p. m and 4 p. m. ev
ery day except Sunday. Also
for Independence, Monmouth
and McMinnville.
Leaves Sunday at 8:00 i m.,
1.00 p. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Calls at hotels on request.
Telephone or leave ordera '
Capital Journal office any day
but Sunday. Phone 82.
J. B. Underwood, Mgr.
With our assurance that
are- able and willing to take
care of It, we solicit your
Banking Businees. Open an
account with us, and we will
extend you every favor con
sUtent with good banking prin
Liberty Street, Jbh off SUte
J. h. AHLERS, President,
W. G. EAST, Casfcier,
S. 8. EAST, Vice-Prea.
Are You Sick?
Are You Suffering?
with rheumatism, neuralgia, head
ache, backache, constiuatlon. naralv-
8ls, stiff Joints or muscles, drowsi
ness or weakness, come now and be
cured without drugs or medicine. Its
here tn Salem, not far from your
home. It will cost you nothing te
have a talk with Prof. S. Z. Bartley,
room 7, Bush-Breyman building.
vrrrir Runs.. PmnHornra
Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oila and Gasolene. Autos for
xvia cars now in. uait ana see tnem. rnone juain jsj.
South Liberty street. I
Prepares young people for bookkeepers, stenographers and general oflw
work. The development of the Northwest will afford opening! tw
thousands in the next few years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue.
W. I. 5TALEY, Principal salem. Oregon,.
Great Chinese Doctor
L. M. Hum
Has medicine which will cure any
kiown disease. He makes a special
ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh,
asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism,
debility, stomach, liver, kidney
troubles, also any blackened or
swollen soreness, broken limbs;
smallpox epidemic; all kinds of
bolls, lost manhood, female weak
ness, hernia troubles and paralysis.
Consultation free. Care of Ylck Se
Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs.
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. ra. and
1 to 7 p. m. Office open Sundays,
153 High street, upstairs, Salem
In the esteem of all strong, healtW
people, our bread is regarded by ':
who value good health as the bset
producer of brain, brawn and
digestion. Experience, care
painstaking skill are combined in
439 Court St. PtoMMj;
mtotMtniiiinmt uttttinii
Modern New Bungalow, 7 Rooms j
This Is one of the few bungalows in Salem that can be
full "
me iH uuugaiuna 111 caiui ,-
sinaiy modern, it has paneled rooms, built-in siueui- -mented
basement with laundry complete, best of fixtures and d
ations; furnace installed, and everything else completed accor
Large porch and east front. Small barn with electric light
1 Street t