DAILX CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGOX. TUESDAV, OCTOBEK 24, 1811. n n tl II ti tl 11 n M 11 n n 11 M u ti ti 11 11 II u a K WW IWf W M Salem's G reatest That.G lie lest V , J? atoS- hePreptatn0n we hc esta,bl'shed 5r ourselves since we first started in business. We will continue to merit the patronage the public has bestowed upon us." We will this week offer extraordin , ues .in buits. Coats, Dresses, Silks and Dress Goods. The illustrations are exact reproductions of a few of our leaders, space not permitting a display of all. Read every Rem carefully and come to on-To? Val" "S thnat no Otho, s,n0re cffW near 80 LgoodV Bear in mind that our merchandise is clean and up-to-date, no accumulation of years to be unloaded ? S , Mith ? but the best 5 VW&P0?' Drsses, Sllk Dress Gr00ds ,and, Ml,linery are here for yur inspection. Do your shopping in Salem's clean, bright, live dry goods house, where courtenil k people win wait upon you, am tne Pest titters to make your garments fit perfectly. This is the store of the masses and nnnnhr nris. Hn vmir sshnnninf hem wlwe vnnr mn - r-i r' iv" j i..w. v jvui i.iunu; uiv foivaicoi UUyill PO WGT ' V J 1 Mil ii- M ' 1 lif OVERST OCKED $15, $18 and $25 Suits now on Sale For Only $9.90 'y T:r.. p : . Overstocked Soits amd Coats Must Go, tl he above Dictures renresent the stv rc nf mrmfints we nre nnw nffprino- Pup nno nn tn iir. hniir : manufacturers' first cost, Caracul coatUromSWO up Scotch ticedsTram S ti To set these values so we could sell them at these extraordinary low prices cost us an outlay of from $4000 to S5(Mo:t rmrt m- :h r""hTJ uiicicu. inu wiic c on . i ;. .J.: ' - r,'v' r r Ullx, ?u,i vo'ui biiK ui esses ror ao,ou ana u.ou: s o ana $ u woo dresse: tl V '.d,l 1 BdU umcl7 'U)T r,c.e5 C0Sl.u?. an .UIi ay.oT Trom UUU to $0UUU, the manufacturers needed the cash and we saw the basins that wfim , i m m iviiiii' i . r.'iv i"iit iiiii um v m ( ' r i mi' in i 'j i i n c nnTP nnf x. nun r o wm-a vih a - ir. i i - - - r- wv l"V;"X V""1 S"1'" l"'"uo " ir""'c.? wuaw aim ouuo aa iicic. ouiib dim ouaiij arJSO.U lieieat leSS man VOU havfi tn nav fnr thp mnt na tham 1D onrl Con Po,-o,M,l Poc nniu CO en. cmk ffin H ana buns now iby.ou; ir.ou, $1 , and 551 8, tine cool presses now $7,50; $20,00 Silk Dresses now S9.Q0. to v-v 'ou, wuaio nun ,ju, ?i u, qio V 4 ; tJ fJi - jfMS' p ri fmm jm mrmm . The CHICAGO STORE is Sa- SSS " I 0 O SMI EE TT I CI 12s" f 11 , b 011 1 9 v 1,1 13 1 b t -.ibw ii uareaina tnii u-ppk nr tin, iiiir 1 i , v-1 iv i.'u.wi -l-'.--u and 1 1 U U T I iW II I AM NA II Come here if you want bargains in up-to-date Silks r -, uress uooas, 11 Silks and Dress Goods J NOW ON SALE at prices to convince the keenest buyers M that the Chicago Store is the right store to buy fashionable M silks and dress goods at the right prices, Thousands of yards here, ready for your selection, All the latest weaves and new !.i est materials shown, Tweed suitings from 49c up, Broad- i cloths in all colors, Serges, Panamas and Poplins, also all CI the new rough materials. We never did such a big business M in dress goods and silks, and it is owing to our low prices and J stylish, up-to-date goods. Silks, yd, all new, 25 c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up tj Dress Goods, yd, new, 25 c, 35c, 49c, 69c and up H wt.v S500 worth of new waists just received. The most beautiful as sortment we've ev er had the pleas ure of showing the ladies of Sa lem , if 11 Silk and Lingerie klAIII Akl All inuw UN bALt. Hundreds of then, here for von to m.nkp El M M n n ti ii n ti ti n u u ii M ri ri n tl your selections from, Plaid silk waists, masseline silk waists It in all colors, handsomely trimmed. Fancy silk waists in a grand array of new, stylish designs, Linen waists, Fancy g lace waists and wool waists, This great assortment of styl- U isn waists will appeal to you as the choicest and best line tl iii Salem, and at prices low enough to please you, ti IJLK WAISTS $2.45, $2.95, $3.50 and up tl FINE WASH WAISTS 49c, 75c, 98c and up, worth double If you want real geneuine HOSIERY BARGAINS Come here. All kinds shown for Men( Women and Chil dren in ii Wool, Cotton and Silk How can you afford to be paying elsewhere such long prices for your domestics? Why not trade here? You have the best selected stock in Salem to choose from and the newest and choicest goods. Think of your pocket book first of all. It is your stanch friend and when you can save it is YOUR DUTY TO DO SO. See Our Prices 7 l2c Dark and light Outing Flannels, yard . . . .3 l-2c 8 ls3c Bleached Muslins, now yard ...... 5c Muslin Sheets and Pillow Cases, now selling at mill prices. 1000 Cotton Bats, 8 13 quality, now each 4C We are agents for the celebrated Irish Table Linens and Napkins. White Crochet Bed' Spreads, slightly soiled, now selling at about HALF PRICE Wonderful values in Crashes, Towels, Tray Cloths, Splashers, etc. 12 He Standard Fancy Dress Ginghams, a good range of styles, now 8 l-3c FUR If you want bargains in stylish fur sets, muffs or stoles, come to the Chicago Store and take a look over our big stock. We can show you a great variety and our prices you cannot beat. Bargains this week at the big Chicago Store. Come ana take a look through and see for jo ir selves the wonderful m'U'nery business we do. There are hun dreds of big city storts that do not do half as big a millinery business as we do. Look at the amount of trimmers we keep all the time a3 busy as bees, and the staff of salts ladies we have to wait on you. It is a wond-tr to ourselves how this department has grown so rapidly. You will find the choicest trimmed and trimmed hat3 here, also French Plumes and Willow Plumes in all colors. Gold and silver trimmings, etc. Bargain prices this week $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 TISIMMED HATS NOW S2..-0, $2.0.1, $:.-,(). $..-,( BLANKETS and Comforts Come here and save money on warm winter bedding, We show a complete line, and when you once get our low prices for the best goods, you will always be a stanch cus tomer of the. Busy Chicago Store, that grows and keeps growing, The Greater CHICAGO STOIREF" THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MnNrv Come here for the greatest assort, ment and the best bargains in Sa lem In Ladies', Misses and Chil dren's Underwear. Winter Underwear B fl a H Now on sale for D Ladies, Misses and g Children n 1 U 8 0 a 0 0 a a a a a a a a a 8 Every class of warm winter un- g derwear for ladies, misses and J children. You'll And here shirti. H drawers, union suits, etc- Ladles fj $ I white wool fleeced union snis p www Oregon now on sale for 49c. cnuareu. n underwear 15c, 18c, 25c and up- g rr n Wl M m tamkmrnmrn Hi a M ritok mm i