ruax two DAJL CAPITA! JOCBNAU bALEM, OREGON, MOXDAV, OCTOBER 23. 1811. the capital journal Rheumatism Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifests Itself In local aches and pains, Inflamed Joints and stiff mus cles. but It cannot be cured by local applications. It requires constitutional treatment, and the best is a course of the great blood purifying and tonic medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which corrects the acid condition of the biood and builds :;p th system. Get It today In usuil iin'ild forr" or chocolated tablets -s'!rt ?rrah9. .. Sfloip nno navs the loss at a credit store when a debtor absconds. While you h t 1. HOFER, Editor sni ProtUtor. R. M. HOFER, Manager cash to spend, trade at a Cash Store you'll save money on every purchase Vit-T-1 ' H'.vr wer Dm twj to American Principle ad the PnvrcM and Deeoiofaient of All Oregon Our Clothing for Men . I r Publhhat Er.rr Erenlna; Exempt Bnndajr, Sasc, Cnfc SUBSCRIPTION RATESl Gnrariiblj In Advance) Mr, br Carrier, per year .00 Per montM . Me fcCr-farMa-l. per rear. . 4.M Per ynontr. Kc ana dovs h V:.. (.'. A Li l . n ' I I Is made from carefully selected Fabrics and thoroughly tailored. You'll appreciate the splendid fit and style of our Suits and Overcoats We're showing a complete line of Winter Underwear frnklr, br Mail, par jrear- LOO Biz bodUu- IXJLL LEASED WIBB TELEGRAPH BEVOSt Just Try a Ten Cent NO MORE STATE INSTITUTIONS WANTED. Among the want ads of the people is "No More State Institu tions Wanted." With another asylum located in Eastern Oregon, and every body knows it will be full, and everybody knows it was estab lished to make places for hungry place-seekers, the time has come to cry halt in this matter. The Capital Journal does not agree with Governor West in his conclusion that the Baby Homes should be made one big state institution; There is now a law that churches or benevolent corporations that wish to conduct an orphanage or baby home can have $50 per capita from the state. The Catholic Home, at Beaverton is conducted on that plan, and costs the state very little. As soon as the children can be placed in homes they are sent out where they properly belong. The home is the place for children, and not the state insti tutions. The same is true of a state home for the aged poor, or home less persons of great age. Such a state institution would be filled with persons claiming the respectable charity of the state. The same is true of a reform school for girls, and a dozen other propositions that are sought to be unloaded on the state. The system of paternalism that would multiply the functions of the state, including the Single Tax, that would make the state the landlord for all the people and all the people tenants, is to be avoided if we retain a democratic form of government. FREE TEXTBOOKS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. If the public schools are to become really free for the children of the people who need them most, textbooks must be made free. Families that cannot afford to buy them now are provided with free textbooks by the school district. But that is class legislation and degrades the applicant for free textbooks into the admission of pauperism. There should be no such condition in connection with free ed ucation for the masses, and all should stand on a level. The cost of textbooks on an average now is about $375 per child, and under the free textbook system that is reduced to about $150. A laboring man with half a dozen children to educate on two dollars per day, with all else to buy, feels the textbook burden. The constant tendency is to have more textbooks, to expand the burden on those least able to pay it, and the evil is growing. As a good teacher in Portland told the editor the other day, the children have so many studies they have no time to study. Reading, writing, arithmetic, drawing, music and manu: 1 training are about enough for any child, if the work is well done The multiplicity of studies, the multiplicity of textbooks, leaves the child with a smattering, and nothing thorough. So it comes we have no thoroughness in gramamr, no thor oughness in arithmetic, not thorough in writing, or in anythi.ig. In thj meantime the manufacturers of textbooks go on fore Ing their wares on the attention of the textbook commissions and the teachers and school boards. If the people had to pay for the textbooks every fad and 'ism could n.t be foisted upon the public .schools. o The secretary of agriculture Iocs not want to quit. Neither do any cf the rest of the Spartan and self-sacrificing band who get into the public service. The Hon. Tama Jim, as he is known in Iowa, is the great mogul of officialism. He has created and saddled on the people about a quarter of a million offices. He lias created experts of a thousand kinds, and, under the civil reivice system, the eopo can never get rid of them. The peo ple will be lucky if Wilson dies without becoming president. He has nearly enough people holding jobs, they owe to him, to elect him by popular vote. The Mormon church deals intelligently with the amusements of young people. It holds a weekly dance at the church, con ducted under control of the authorities and free fro mp!rnicious Gentile practices, and the young Gentiles like it. The same church proivdes its members with employment, and helps them to get lands and homes. Of course they pay tithes, but they are happy and prosperous. The rest of the churches will have to sit up and take notice that the Mormons are growing in popu larity where they operate. The Weekly Capital Journal and home-seekers guide to West ern Oregon is a paper that can be sent to your friends and rel atives in the East an(i bring them to Oregon. This is so well known that not many men are sending it to their mother-in-law. K1IXED 1IIO IIE.YK; WEIGHT AltOVT 000 A big black boar that had been killing sheep and goals eaiit of Stay ton for some time was killed last Tuesday by a party out for that par ticular purpose. Ho was very fat, weighed more than 600 pounds, and It la estimated has killed at least 75 heep and Roats wlthm the past two mouths. John Willing put the bul. I CAPITAL X1CK BROS., Proprietors. Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oils and Gasolene. Autos for hire, storage and repairing. All work guaranteed. Agents for LOCOMOBILE. OHIO, HUDSON, .OAKLAND, .ELMORE .AND FORD AUTOMOBILES AND KELLY TRUCKS, lilt cars now In. Call and see them. Phoae Main 783. 17S South Liberty street. lots Into him that stopped the pillag ing, o When you have a bad bold you want the best medicine ohtAlnable so as to cure It with as little delay as possible. Here Is a druggist's opin ion: "I have sold Chnmberlaln's Cough Remedy for 15 years," says Enos Lollar, of Saratoga, lnd., "and consider It the best on the market." For sale by all dealers. GARAGE Mt Scene from the "Traveling Snlesmnn" "Tho Traveling Halesman" Baker The Spectator, published In Port land, speaks thus highly of "The Traveling Salesman, which Is on the stage at the Grand tonight: "All sorts of drummers have been presented to the stage, but James Forbes, author of "The Chorus Lady," has made a departure- At the Baker he Is giving us "The Travel ing Salesman," who Is as Jolly as any knight of the road you have ever seen. On the stage the salesman Is not all "funny" stories, sweethearts-In-every-town and all that sort of thing; he Is a real hero. Don Mac- Mlllan, who appears in the title role, Is fat and good natured, and suited for the part. The story hinges on the Isolation of four traveling men In a truly rural town on Christmas, with no opportunity for escape. The card game, the flirtatious moment, and the usual merriment are treated It the cration of the play. Don MacMIIlan, as Bobby Blake, learns of a plot to rob the telegraph operator, a wlnsom girl. This is the chance for Bobby to work the heroics, and Mr. Forbes, in his play, has permitted him to run the full gamut of medal winning ca prices, even to marrying the fair he roine. The company is a good one, the play full of wholesome humor, and Baker patrons have been well entertained. The engagement will close with the matlneo and evening performance today." o X-RAYS AND SMILES. Oregon has a larger percentage of auburn haired ladles than almost any state In the union. It is quite com mon to Bee a number of them going along the gtreet within a block. Yes terday two stood on the corner at The journal office for about two min utes waiting for a car. Just before the car came, the team of white horses drove by. The Chinese rebels are starting off right by first declaring they will grant the voting privilege to women, and then ordering a national hair cut. Short hair Is the Chinese reb els Shibboleth. c A Los Angeles justice of the peace fined E. W. Payne $5.00 for spanking his wife. "No matter how badly she needed spanking," said the justice, "you had no right to take a hand in It" From this it seems the husband should have taken a board for this job Instead of his hand, to satisfy the law. o Accidents nt Stayton, Stayton reports a series of minor accidents last week. Ottmar Bey stepped on a nail which ran through his foot. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer, of Mt. Pleas ant, stepped on a needle, which broke off In her foot and required the ser vices of a doctor to remove It. John Platz cut his foot quite badly with an axe, and Paul Stayton fell, strlU ing his face on the barrel of hrs air gun, cutting a bad gash in his cheek. o Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTOPI A All patent medlclnts or medicines ad vertised In this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store Salem, Oregon Also Dr. Stone's HEAVE DROPS For the cure of Heaves afflicting the horse. A liquid medicine, given on the feed, which the most fastidious horse will not refuse to eat. From one to six bottles given as directed will cure the most stubborn ease. Price, $1.00 per bottle or six bot tles for $5.0t. . . ' --iimi r ! Box of Cascarets Insures you for months ngainst Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constlpa t'on or a llad .Stomach. Put aside just once the Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oils or purga tive waters which merely force a passageway through the bowels, but do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or alimen tary organs, and have no effect what ever upon the liver and stomach. Keep your Inside organs pure and fresh with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleanse the stomach, re move the undigested, sour and fer menting food and foul gase3, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the de composed waste matter and poisons in the intestines and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken and cost only 10 eenls a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have headache, biliousness coated tongue, Indigestion, stir ftom ach or constipated bowels. Cascarets belong in every housebeld. Children just love to take them o Aslpep in Meet in'. (By Katharyne Clarke. Last Sunday morn was rather warm An' I dropepd to sleep In meetln'; An' I dreamt a mighty curious dream In that ar moment's sleepln'. I dreamt, just while the parson prayed An' Christians knelt around me, That I was an old crippled tramp An' rags o' filth they bound me I walked upon the busy street An' these same Christians kneelin', Eeach heeded not my outstretched hand, For me they had no feelin'. In each's palm a coin was clutched To fill the chapel's basket; 'Twould bought a loaf to fill me up, But I knew I darn't ask it. For written on each face I saw These words shine out like blazes "God makes His poor, let Him them keep, For me I'll sing his praises " An' then I met a worldy man Who never prayed a prayer. Who never went inside a church, (They wouldn't have him there). His fafe was awful serious An' he wan't shocked at sin. But he opened wide his cabin door An' let me, hungry, in. Just then I woke, the parson's voice So loud and clear was saytn' His chosen text, an' I had dreamed The thing while he was prayln'. An' this h's text "my brethren dear, As even to all thtse lowly Ye did It po to me 'twas done.'' There is no praise so holy. Thro' all this week that parson's text My sinful ears Is greetln'. Its curious what a feiler'll dream When he drops to sleep In meetln'. o Midnight In The Oznrks. And yet sleepless, Hiram Scranton, of Clay City, 111., coughed and coughed. He was In the mountains on the advice of five doctors, who said he had consumption, but found no help in the climate, and started home. Hearing of Dr. Klng.'s New Discovery, he began to use It. "I believe It saved my life," he writes, "for It made a new man of me, so that I can now do good work again." For all lung diseases, coughs, colds, lagrlnpe, asthma, croup, whooping cough, hay fever, hemorrhages, hoarseness or quinsy. Its the best known remedy. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, Druggist A Hnnsehnld Yedlclne thnt Gives Connlcnee. Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Mrs. T. J. Adams. G22 No. Kansas Ave., Columbus, Kas., writes: "For a number of years my children have been subject to coughs and colds. I got some of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and have found that It cured their coughs and colds In a very short time, so I keep It In the house all the time." Red Cross Pharmacy, (H. Jerman.) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A SALEM BANK & TRUSY CO. GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Banking Business. Open . an account with us, and we will extend you every favor con. slstent with good banking prin ciples. WE PAY FOOt PER CENT ON SAVINGS LUxrty Street, Just off State J. L. AHLERS. President, W. O. EAST. Cashier, . S. 8. EAST, Vlce-Pres. DR. L. B. 8TEEVES, H. ROBERTS. Directors. tIANDICtt KINCAIO I CO. CLOTHES. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Pastnger 6.21p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43p.m. No. 27 Eugene Passenger . 8:25p.m. No. 15 California Express. 9:66p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:50a.m. No. 222 Portland Fa-1 Frt 10:15p.m. Northbound. No. 14 Oregon Express .. 6:43a.m. No. 28 Portland Passenger 8:30a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ..12:35p.m. No. 18 Portland Pasenger. 2:66p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. 7.43p.m. No. 225 Way Freight ... .12:36p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Leave Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Salem. Arrlre Portland. 6, 6:30 a.m 8:30 a.m. S, 8:55 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 10, 11:15 a.m 1:15 p.m. 12, 2:00 p.ra 4:00 p.m. 14. 3:40 p.m 5:10 p.m. 16, 4:00 p.m 6-00 p.m. 18. 6:0" p ra S 5 i tn. 20, 8:50 p.m 10:45 p.m. Arrive In Solem. 1 8:30 a.m. 3 9:60 a.m. 5 10:30 a.m. 7 1:00 p.m. 3 , 4:15 p.m. 11 6:00 p.m. 15 8:35 p.m. 17 11:19 p.m. o Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leaves West Salem for: Dallas, Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. Dallas and Falls City 1:30 and 4:35 p. m. Suiday trains Tor: Dallas and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains arrive at West Salem from Dallas 8:15 a.m. Black Rock and Dallas. .12:30 p. m. Falls City and Dallas .... 4.15 p.m. SALEM INDEPENDENCE BOATS. The launches Independence and will leave their wharf at the Trade street for Independence following hours daily except Independence 8:30 a. m. Salem 4:00 p. m. Louise foot of at the Sunday Leaves Leaves 1 BUM-hlm earned $15 .v) In 28 wrrka, 1M 1 machine earned 17 813 la id wrrk, It 1 machine, earned tlfl.KOS In 25 weeks 11X19 i machine earned $1,0!7 In S7 weekt, J(X)7 1 machine earned li.Ht Q J7 weeks ioS 1 marhlne earned $18 MS In 85 week ltd 1 machine earned $18,331 in 28 Keek, lltie Above 6 rare, will be verified to proipectiTC cuMomerg. Write lor catalogue nd price to C.W.PARKER m FRENCH FEMALE I SPILLS. A Saw, Cmm luv tor Scrruns Htsmttm, EVtl I ROW I Tl fill. Ml ft.r.1 flirifw.u. kWuoi tiktruiu or M.c bfiidri 8Bt ! tor1.0tff Will m4 Utw m inal. to b pud nfM ni ninns. ossisifs r rat). llTsu4riMMiBj MMF liVM Mt4 SfllMI I Utt Soli la Stltm isPt.LC Stoat MMWMWMWsWMMPIiMsWBMsMM For every member of the'family. If you want Reliable Shoes Made to stand hard service during the rainy season, we can suit you. Every pair of our Shoes is built to give satisfactory service, Salem's best dressers have found that they can depend upon us for Dress Fabrics See our new line of Scotch effects. Just what they're all wanting. Comforts, Blankets Everything you need for the family at prices that credit stores can't match. Are You Sick? Are You Suffering? with rheumatism, neuralgia, head ache, backache, constipation, paraly sis, stiff Joints or muscles, drowsi ness or weakness, come now and be cured without drugs or medicine. Its here in Salem, not far from your home. It will cost you nothing to have a talk with Prof. S. Z. Bartley, room 7, Bush-Breyman building. North Dakota Is said to own 9000 automobiles. Cement Sewer Pipe A pipe with the hardness and durability of stone. Cement pipe, like all cement products, grows harder and tougher with each year of its life. The strongest and best pipe on the market and made in a Sa lem factory. Come and see our factory in operation. Salem Sewer Pipe Co. Cor. Liberty and Trade Streets Morris' Avenue Cash Feed and Grocery Store Corner Morris Avenne and Fair Ground Road I 5 gal. Kerosene (bring can) Nice Sugar Cured Hams, lb 15 lbs. Granulated Sugar 5 lbs. best White Beans nit-c oufcur -ourea oacon, Nice Sugar Cured P. N. 2 lbs. best Tillamook Cheese 35c 5 lbs. Albers Cream Rolled Oats 25c 10 lb. sack Corn Meal 25c 11 bars Crystal White Soap ' 50c 11 bars Sunny Monday Soap 50c 11 bars A. B. Naptha Soap 50c I have the best 25c Coffee In Salem. Perfection Flour, sack $1.10 Highland Blend ' 25 Yakima Best ............ .$135 I will pay your street car fare on $5.00 or over purchase Come and see me; I will save you money. FREE DELIVERY 0 I CITY fnlKH '2 rat For c? Men yl J a we O. C. T. CO. S Steamer Oregona leaves for Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent MtMMH ! Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wlrs Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shis gles, Malthold Roofing, P. ft. B. and Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and Adjustable Window ScreenH. All at the lowest prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court street Phone It Great Chinese Doctor L. M. Hum Has medicine which will cure any known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, debility, stomach, liver, kidney troubles, also any blackened or swollen soreness, broken limbs; smallpox epidemic; all kinds of bolls, lost manhood, female weak ness, hernia troubles and paralysis. Consultation free. Care of Yick Se Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 7 p. m. Office open Sundays, 153 High street, upstairs, Salem. 65c 17c $1.00 25c ID lc Hams .. 12c Hill MM m