UGX EEC DAILY CAPITAL JOtTWAL. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY", OCTOBFR 21. 1011. FALSE THEORIES OF DIVINE PLAN Ail Creeds In Error as to tha World's Ending. THE BIBLE MISUNDERSTOOD. Paetor Ruaaell 8aye tha Supposition that tho Earth Will Ba Burnad la Umorlptural What la Maant la tha Daatruotion of Sin and tha Over throw of Evil Following tha 8ym bolio Firo Will Coma a Blading to Mankind Cod'a Sohama of Salvation Explained and Mada Claar. Oct 15.-"Lon-don Tabernacle," Lancaster Gate, W., waa crowded today to hear Pastor Russell. He spoke of mis taken notions re tbe end of the world. He assur ed bis audience thnt "tbe eartb abideth forever," and claimed er rors were built upon misinterpretations of Scriptures. Wu report Mm on Revelation s, 0, 7 ns follows: Our text, wltb other Scriptural state ments respecting the end of the world (for Instance, St. Peter's statement, "The henvens being on Ore sball be dissolved"), have led Christians In Ki'iktuI to accept the theory that God hns decreed that shortly, or at some time, our earth Is to be burned. The early Church expected and prayed for tbe second coming of Messiah, to establish the Kingdom of righteous ness, to overthrow sin and to release mankind from Its bondage and weakness- and from the power of death, and thus to bless the whole eartb, restoring all things to tbe glorious condition represented In miniature In Eden: man lu perfection, with a Paradise borne. Acts 111, 10-21. ' nut os centuries passed without tbe manifestation of Messiah's Kingdom, those expectations yielded to another aiiKirestlon, namely, that Jesus had not meant wtiut had been understood, but mount that the Church should convert the world, under Ills supervision, dur ing n period of a thousand years, and thnt then lie would come and give their work Ills stamp of approval and wind things up by taking all the an lolly to heaven, setting Are to the earth to entirely consimie It. Catholica and Proteatanta Much Con futed. Hotn Catholics and Protestants have been operating lu harmony with this erroneous thought. Catholics claim thut the Kingdom of Messiah was set up long ago and that tho popes and cardinals are representatives of Jesus and the Church. They claim that tbe Pope Is Christ's Vlce-gerentthat Is to say. He reigns Instead uf Christ, as His representative. They claim that "the thousand years" Is already In the past, since 171)1), and that we are now in the "little season" mentioned In Revelation xx,3, In which Satan was to be loosed, at the close of the tlioiHuml years. Many of tliein understand that Prot estaulKin l:i general, and, particularly. Socialism and Free Masonry, are organizations of Satan, which will aoon he destroyed In the Imrnlug up of the world. Protestants are also much confused on the subject. They claim that we are lu the reign of Messiah, but they are not sure when It began or when It will end. Ilefore Luther's day tbe Catholic view prevailed, but accord ing to Luther" a preaching the Papal claims were false, and later the Papal system was branded as Antichrist. Since then Protestants are lu con fusion. Some recognise the Church of Knghiud and its klugly head as God's Kingdom lu the earth, but they admit that it has not yet conquered the earth, nor Is God's will done as In heaven, even In the Rrltlsh Isles. The Church of Itusslu makes a similar claim to being the Kingdom of God, nnd honors the Pope as the reigning representative of Messiah. Emperor William of Germany also has on his coins the legend thnt bo Is reigning "by the grace of God" that bis king dom Is a part of Messiah's Kingdom. Hut all these theories Catholics and Protestants are now Ignoring. In the 1 Ik lit of our day none dare preach such theories. With present-day enlighten ment It seems foolish to declare that the various kingdoms of Europe are Messiah's Kingdom, nnd thnt they are establishing a reign of righteousness. The costly preparations for wr made by these very nations discredit entire ly the claim thnt they are parts of Messiah's groat Kingdom of righteous ness ami peace. All ('enoinlnntlons engaged In mis sionary work are professing the thought thnt soon the world will be convened: that the second coming of Christ will then take place, and then will rmr.e the consummation, mid the Imrnlug of the world. How strange, how liloul al! Tho heathen, according to reliable government statistics, are twice as numerous today ns they were I century nan. Six hundred millions there were then: then lire twelve hun dred millions now. How long would It require, nt this rate, to convert the world? And If the heathen were con verted to the same condition of civ Indians Fntcrtiiliiod Him. cnitkd raiai IIABSD tltl.1 Sheridan, Wyo.. Oct. 20.-VIsl1lnR with Indian braves In full war paint who waited upon him with elaborate ceremony, formed a novel feature of the (iar'a happenings with President Taft and his party on their home k. fl L il Q'ASTQg. gUSSFLLj ilization enjoyed la turope and Amer ica, could xe claim then that God's will was done on earth as It la don In heaven? Assuredly not. Thank God, the second coming of Messiah will not delay until the world Is converted and God's will fully done and the plan of salvation ended. Quite to tbe contrary. Ills coming Is for tbe very purpose of bringing all things Into subjection to tbe Father's will. He comes that He may reign as King of kings and Lord of lords, In association wltb His Cburcb. He will not reign through a representative or vlce-gerent. but personally, and "unto him every knee shall bow and every tongue confess" to the- glory of God. In Ills day tbe righteous sball Sour ish, and the evil-doers shall be cut off. Tbe faithful Cburcb, sharing In her Lord's resurrection, the First Resur rection, to glory, honor and immortali ty, will be Ills associate kings and priests, to reign for a thousand years. (Revelation zx. 0.) Fir Symbolical of Destruction. Let us examine some texts which aeem to teach that our earth will be destroyed by fire, and note that they are symbolical. "Fire" Is frequently used in tbe Scriptures as a symbol of destruction. Thus tbe Church Is ex horted to mortify or kllU tbe fleshly nature, and Is told that tbe fiery trials of life will assist them In this work. Tbe opposition of enemies Is to be destroyed by works of mercy and kindness, which, figuratively, will be "coals of Ore upon their heads." St Peter mentions special trials and tribulations coming upon tbe Cburcb, designed to purify her purge out and destroy the dross. He says: "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which Is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you."-l Peter lv, 12. St. Taul refers to special trials upon tbe Church In the end of the Gospel Age, which will consume false doc trines, human traditions, etc., and all Ialse faith, but which will leave un scathed the true Fulth and true char acters. Ho says: "If any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, pre cious stones, wood, hay, stubble, ev ery man's work sball be made mani fest, for tho day shall declare It, be cause It shall be revealed by Are; and tbe Ore shull try every man's work of what sort It Ls. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, be shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire." I Corin thians 111. 12-15. These various Scriptures do not prove that the world could not be de stroyed by Are In a literal way, but they do prove that "Are" Is very fre quently mentioned In the lilble In a figurative or symbolical manner. We might multiply the Instances: "Our God Is a consuming Ore" as regards everything contrary to righteousness; the symbolical "lake of tire," In the book of Revelation, is explained to sig nify the Second Death, utter destruc tion, without hope of recovery. World Burning Unaoriptural, The supposition that tbe earth will be destroyed by Are, either soon or ever, would be contrary to the state ment that "the earth abideth forever," and tbe declaration that God formed It not in vain, but formed It to be in habited. (Isaiah xlv, 18.) One of the very strong passages which seems to teach that the eartb will be devoured by Are Is found lu Zephnulah III, 8: "Walt ye upon Me, salth the Lord, un til that Day that I rise up to the prey, for My determination Is to gather the nations, that I may assemble tbe king doms, to pour upou them Mine Indig nation, even all My Aerce anger; for the whole earth shull be devoured with the Are of My jealousy"-auger. That the Are of God's anger which will come upou tbe world will not de stroy the physical earth, with all Its inhabitants, but will destroy the evil of present Institutions, is shown by tbe succeeding sentence, which declares: 'Then will I turn to the people a pure Message, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve Him with one consent." If the Are of this text were literal, the earth nnd Its peo ple would be no more, but as symbol ical Are it Is perceived that It Is a burn lug against unrighteousness. Iniquity, sin, the overthrow of all lastltutlons of evil, nnd the awnkcnlpg of mankind and preparing them to bear the Voice of God, the luugiiage of the Truth, the Divine Message. What we have seen prepares us for tho somewhat more dllticult statement of St. Peter: "The Pay of the Lord will come as a thief lu the night, lu the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shnll melt wltb fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up. The heavens, being on lire, shall be dissolved, and tho elements shall melt with fervent heat Nevertheless we, according to Ills promise, look for a New Heavens and n New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." (II Peter 111. 10-13.) To harmonize these words of St. Peter with other Wide statements, we must consider the "tire" here mentioned to be symbolical. Not only the earth Is to be consumed, but the heavens ulso. The "heavens" will take tire first and be dissolved. What heavens shall we suppose are hero referred to? not the literal, starry heavens, nor even our atmospheric heavens, nor yet tho heaveu of Divine Presence and glory. The church sys tems, the ecclesiastical powers, are tyniliolloally referred to ns the 'heav ens," nt the present time, supervising and over-ruling the teuiioral nnd so elnl arrangements which are repre sented by the "earth." Tho "earth" represents organized society, ns lu con ward Journey today. The President's throat Is much bet ter today. He will visit the towns of Sheridan. Gillette Bnd Newcastle to day. 0 Steamer IteHuatetl. Varcouver, r, r.. Oct. 10. -News trast with tbe "sea," wmcn symbolical ly represents disorganized society, the uncivilized and all who are rebellious gainst governments. When tbe "heav ens" Leccleslastlcal powers of the present time shall be "dissolved," It will be with a great noise, wltb great confnslon, commotion. Ecclesiastical Institutions of tbe present time are In a very troubled condition, though they are In no danger of Immediate col lapse. The principal outcry is that few attend church services, and that tbe collections are small. St Peter's words Indicate a crisis in ecclesiastical affairs still future. Tbe Scriptures show us that a great Fed eration Is seemingly bringing Ecclesi astics m into greater power than It has exercised In years. Other Intima tions of Scripture lead us to expect that that federative organization will attempt a rigid control of the world through affiliation with political and civil power, and that a considerable measure of success will lead to Intoxi cation on the subject and an attempt to take away the liberties of tbe peo ple entirely, the result of which will be a great explosion, or a great "earth quake," In tbe symbolical language of Scripture. It will be then that the heavens will take Are and be consum ed with a great noise, commotion, dis aster, etc. And tbe commotion will Include tbe social order. The elements will melt with tbe Intensity of tbe heat, the strife, which will then be engendered. The elements of society are those mutual advantages and as sistances of good people, upon which the stability of government rests. The Bible clearly intimates that the condition of affairs symbolized by the melting of society and the disintegrat ing of Its element.1) in the great beat of strife at thut time will be the re sult of superstition and fear. The end will be anarchy, or as the Bible, de clares, "Every man's hund will be against bis neighbor." Selfishness will be tho predominating, ruling principle. Tha Symbolio Firs Uaeful. Tho question arises, Why should God permit the full of our Christian systems, which certainly have done much that Is morully asslstful to the world? And why should He permit tbe overthrow of the present order of things, which certulnly is much more advantageous thun anarchy nnd dis order? The Bible answer Is that God Is not forcing this Issue, but Is merely allowing mankind to work out these results. The trouble and disaster will come as the natural result of Ignoring the principles of Divine Law. Ecclesl astlctsm Is unauthorized to claim that It Is God's Kingdom. Invested with Divine power and authority to rule the world. This fallacious claim and tbe attempt to enforce It will bring upou it tho "fire" which will consume. Tbe world, neglectful of the Golden Rule, nnd obeying tbe false standard thnt "might makes right," will over throw society by precipitating a con flict between the two great parties tbe capitalists, trusts, kings and princes on the one band, and labor unlous nnd tbe mnssos on the other hand. Each will feel thnt a death struggle has arrived nnd that the battle 'must be fought Each will foul unwurrantedly self-confident of victory. According to tho Bible, the result will be the com plete wreck of our present society, symbolically pictured as "lire." But tho Lord through the Prophet Zephanluh points out that, following this time of "fire" uud trouble, will come a blessing to the earth. So ulso He declares through St. Peter, that following the symbolic Are. will come "a New Heaven" nnd a new enrthly condition,, the basic principle of whlcii will be righteousness; nnd the Prophet Zcphanlab says that then God's Mes sage, in Its purity, shall reach the people. Both statements are true. On the ruins of our present civiliza tion, when mankind will be sick nt heart with the failure of what they had considered to be the Brain Age, they will look to, the Lord, to whom they should have looked sooner. They will perceive the coming reign pf right eousness and will say, "Lo this Is our God, we have waited for Him and He will deliver us." (Isaiah xxv. U.) Then the Prophet declares, "The desire of all nations shall come." (Haggal II, 7.) All nations are desiring blessing, prosperity, nnd God desires that all shall have these very favors, nnd they will be obtainable through Messiah's Kingdom. Then the blessing of mun klnd will begin. The Messianic King dom, Invisible but Ail-Powerful, will be thoroughly manifest In Its dealings and Its righteous Judgments will have control. The blessing will come through Israel, extending to nnd In cluding "all the families of the earth." How grand the thought that the i New Heavens will be tbe new ecclesi astical powers the glorified Clnm-h- Chrlst and His ltrltle In glory' and power. The Now Earth mentioned Wy the Apostle will be. the new organiza tion of human society, along t lie lines of righteousness the Golden I!u e. We have not forgotten our text. What we have said Is In line with It. It requires the addition of one word to make Its meaning clear. The Mys tery of Cod. which has been kept se cret from the foundation Of the world, shall be finished, completed, no longer a mystery. "And the angel aware that the time should be no longer delayed." (Revelation x. 8, 7.) This has no reference to the end of time. Tine can never end. Other Scriptures show thnt we are liv ing very near the finish, the comple tion of t'-p ChuMi, which Is the "Mys tery." Kpheslnns III, 3d-, r, 32.) With the completion of the Church the "Mystery"! will begin the fulfil oient of nil the glorious promises of tho Bible respecting the lifting of the rurse from the earth, and the Divine blessing upon all earthly thlnss was received by wireless this morn ing that the C. P. R. steamer Princess Beatrice, which was wrecked last Saturday nlht. ha been refloated She Is now on her way to Victoria. o Many a man has fallen hnoclosslT behind In a mad rush to get even. ALCOtfOi, 3 PER CENT. AVegetablerreparaltonrorAs sirailaliicJtheFoodaiiiJRegula ting the SiomarJis andUowelsof Promotes Digpstionflif eriW ness and ResUMalnj neitutr OpiumMorphine norMoeraL NOT NARCOTIC. SxMttUtt Amlai Jttwtimtf JliUiuutUi fmlWJtar. Ymaapm fkmt. Aperfect Remedy forCorcftpa tion Sour Stomach.Dlarrtoa Worms,Convulsionsjevtnsa ness andLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO Pianos, Organs, and the celebrated Edison Phonographs Our fall stock of Piano, Organs and Phonographs is now In and we can please you. It you wish either give us a call. We take old or gans or pianos in exchange. We sell on easy terms and give you value for your money. Pull list of Edleon records in stock at all times. Remember the place. CHERRINGTON & PETERS 247 N. Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon """"ttt'ttniHttiitiiittmitiitiintiit The Old Car vs. New It sometimes occurs to the FIRST PURCHASER of an Automobile that he will buy a second-hand car I'HEAP, which he will use while learning to drive, etc. Then later on will buy a good car. He has probably only three to six hundred dollars which he wishes to Invest In a car, and figures this second-hand car will do the business, and with bis three to six hundred dollars, all that will be required until he can buy a new and bet ter car. Never was a greater mistake made. Ask any of your friends who have gone through this second hand car experience and he will tell you ' EVER AtiAIX. At the end of one year you find that not only has your old car cost you all that a new car would cost, but that It has been out of commission' and In the shop more than half the time. You have been walking, your wife cross, your neighbors smiling as you pass by) and that amiable disposition ruined. Now you can go to THE E-M-F MOTOR SALES CO., 246 South Commercial Street, Salem, Ore., and there you can buy an up-to-date 1912 Model Foredoor, five passenger, four-cylinder, fully equipped Flanders "20" Automobile for $975 Carrying with it a KONDED GUARANTEE of THE STUDEBAKEU fOKPOUATlOX for one year, under whose authority we are here with a fully equipped shop and expert mechanics to look after and care for each and every car sold, and to carry out to the letter the full protection of that guarantee. This Is food for thought. You are going to buy an automobile this fall, winter or spring. Come and see us at our new sales rooms; let us show and demonstrate to you this won derfui little car, what it HAS done, nnd IS doing and CAX do. E. M. P. Motor Sales Co. C L. ROSE, Manager. 246 South Ccmmercial Street, Salem. Oregon Next door to Marion Hotel. w Prepare, yonnjr people for bookkeepera, stenographers and general office work. The development of tha Northweat will afford openings tor thousands in the next few years, rrrjmrt now. Send for eataWne W. I. STALE Y PRINCIPAL in mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years 4 OK TM OIPTTAUN 60HPANV, HKW VORII OfTV. Salem. Oregon SECOND HAND MACHINERY Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Etc. Pulleys, Gears, Shafting, Etc PIPE PIPE Anything Made of Iron M. Barde & Sons, Front and Main Streets. Portland. Oregon j The House of a CAPITAL GARAGE VICK BROS., Proprietors. Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oils and Gasolene. Autos for hire, storage and repairing. All work guaranteed. Aeent f, LOCOMOBILE, OHIO, HUDSON, . OAKLAND, . ELMORE ANn pnitn ATiTniwnRTi.Kq ant wwt.t.v tr nova nu 1912 cars now ln. Call and see South Liberty street. tttTtttttttttTttt'tMttttttttttttttMM)MM(Ht(j Pianos and Organs h orn the cheapest to the I best sold on installments t nnri ronton GEO. C. WILL j Sewing Machines Genuine needles, oil and i new pails for all sewing I machines. Sewing ma- ttii'icb I emeu. GEO. C. WILL t H4M SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store 9V. also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugc and stamDS. Phon. 761 f t IIIMIHttlMMH Not Expensive Treatment at Hot Lake, including medical attention, loard and baths, costs no more than you would pay to live at any first class hotel. -Rooms can be had from 75 cents to $2.50 per day. Meals In the Cafeteria are served from 20 cents up and in the grill at the usual grill prices. Baths range from 50 cents to U-00. We Do Cure Rheumatism Hot .Lake Mineral Baths and mud given under scientific direction have cured thousands. Write for illustrated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium and the methods employed. Hot Lake Sana torium is accessable, as it Is located directly on the main line of the O. W. R. & x. Railway, and special excursion rates are to be had at all times. Ask agents. Hot lake Sanatorium, H0r!ne' WAITER X. PIERCE Pres. and Mgr. Million Bargains. MMMMMMt MaffH them. Phone Main 783 171 i ' 1" J Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking 4 A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL 1 Latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, j Mandolins and Banjos. T 5 GEO. C. WILL 1 iiajl afc You Realize Comfort In your Collars and Shirts when yon get in the habit of sending them to us to be Laundered. We "do them up" propertly, carefully, cleanly, and with perfect satisfaction to those who have to wear them. Let us have your Laundry work for a week or two and you will be so satisfied with the results that you will always send It here afterwards. SALEM STEAM LA US DRY ! 138.16G South Liberty Street plN CKE koods, 11 form ln a here. I treeu fUTE SV for ttlgi rles. Specialty 19 N- c 12th and