I T rAGS FOUR DAILY CAPITAL JOUR.VAX. SALEM, OltEGOX. SATVRDA V-, OCTOBER 21 THE SEATTLE OFFICES ARE TOO PREVIOUS United picas LiiKin tiu Seattle, Oct. 21. Pro.nlHcuous shooting of pptty offenders by Seat- lie ponce reached Its climax last night when City Detective Joe lilachl shot and killed Frank Harris, ac cused of trying to evil a cheap lace curtain which he was suspected of stealing. Harris ran and then stopped, and the detective shot him In the back. The detective says he was excited and Chief of Police Ban nick defends him. An agitation is threatened to disarm excitable po licemen. o . Vor Ixiral Option. (CNITKIJ riISS LEASED WIHI.l Seattle, Wash., Oct. 21. Judge Boyd Tallman has granted an alter native writ of mandate compelling County Auditor Case to call the spe cial election on local option October 27, or show oaue for his refiiaal The auditor had refused on the advice of the prosecuting attorney. n Rol)lel PoKtoflflce. DKITTD rRS LI18BD WIRI Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 21. .Dep uty sheriffs are scouring the country for traces of the yeggnf n who last Bight blew open the safe of the branch postofnee in the Wenslng Bros irenoral store at Nicola more than $400 In postage stamps and other loot amounting to $600. o WrPNtler'd Father DeniL Humbodlt, la., Oct. 21. The father of Frank Gotcti, champion wrestler of the world, died here today from old age. 1011. Utterly Wretched Nervous Prostration Lorn Enrlnnxl Before Remedy was Found. Miss .Minerva tleminser. I'imer Hern. Pa, writes: "Kor several years I had nervous prostration, and was. utterly wretched. I lived on bread and beef tea becaue my stomach v.ould not re tain anything- el. I t,,ok many rem edies, but olitainiij no r!i-f until I took Hood's S.-irraparllla. when 1 bgan to gain nt one. Am now cured." Pure, rich blood mnkei (rout, strong nerves, and this la why Hood's Sara rarilla, which purines and enriches the blood, eures so many nervous diseases. Get It today In usual liquid rorrn or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs- Taft Hard at Work. fCKITID fUSI LEASED Win. Edeemont. a. TV rw i t ginning a three.rlavs nmn.i.. i .u- Insurgent district of Sour Dakota. president Taft today invaded the Black Hills district. He madp A Sheet etnn v. .i dressing the rltlpna Virleflti rnn, .v, station platform. His next gton was at (lister. Deadwr.ru! Ial ,,.. and Ranld f'ltv nil nt "in ue tinea loaay. To Itltnrre nrrllsi. tuxiTiD nam mused wibi. Indiananolis. Oct ft . v-. Booth Tarklngton, wife of the drama tist and novelist, today filed proceed ings here for divorce, alleging cruel ty. She asks for the custody of their five year old daughter, but makes no nlea for aliinonv. Mrs Tar,ivtn says she left her husband last July. o Consider Extra Session. UNITED rSKSS LEASED Willi Wenatchee, Wash., Oct. 21 Gov ernor Hay on his arrival here today to address the ciood Roads congress, said that he could not decide Immed iately whether he would call an ex tra session of the legislature to pass on a preferential presidential prim ary bill. Home Seekers will do well to Investigate the beau tiful lots on Capitol Street which we are offering for sale at this time. We can show you some of the choicest building sites In the most attractive part of the city at prices and terms which you cannot afford to overlook. This property is directly opposite The Oaks, the most attractive addi tion inside the city limits of Salem. Here you can obtain water, lights and sewer connections. A new carllne will soon be run ning on one side of the block, giving good car service into the center of the city. However, the lots are all within walking distance. SOCIETY (Continued from Page 3.) poraneous speech on "Fact" by Miss Lina Heist; an address on "Cour whlch was excellently prepared and delivered. There was a reading from L. R. Peacock's "Literary Lapses", and the program ended with a piano solo by Miss Maude Slyer. A business meeting followed. Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Cramer and Mrs. Ada Longnecker were visitors. Miss Jennie Frv Is home from Fn gene to spend the week end with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fry. Overstocked vVith too many New Suits and Coats, t We bought heavily to make provisions in valine Ul liic lamuau omruj mvy vu mm vr c muvu iuy man cuuo ttllu vUalS, yyg ho,, decided to take no chances on this big stock, so out they must go, profits not consirW Suits and coats worth SI 5, $18 and $25, sold while they last at only $9.50. i SACRIFI CE PRICET" -ON- tC v.. t.. t t t mtV"" rvnow now ooyj etel Jeet ajl wet t yiuni uo irva.r wur inese.you oet ; shoes are snucf andwaier tiflnt t iyr iujicr wiiiuf i m.ue nqni 4 rf ..... i 1 at voyv Lots From $350 to $750 Easy Terms Bechtel & Bynon Call for Bids. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, October the 23rd, 1911, for the improvement of alley in block 49. from Commercial street to Front street, with concrete pavement, nrcnnllnu ir, lha nln.., --.I --"e, n.vi piauo nun specifications adopted for said Improvement. The council reserve tho i-lnkf reject anv or nil hitu nn,i i,..... and ail Irregularities 'in tho manner 01 suomitting bids in the Interest of the city. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 10-18-3t . t,h. 347 State St. Tel. Main 452 Water and Weatherproof Shoes for Boys and Girls ; ; . We have them here in all styles and sizes, and can fit the feet and pocketbook without the least pain. The Billy Buster Shoes are built for serv ice, and give it, too. Prices range from $1.75 to $3.00 .1 AtxiR vnr.T 220 North Commercial St. SMALL TRADTS AVe have a fine lot of small tracts listed with us in all part of the coun ty. Here are a few of them: 5 acres at Hollywood for $1125. 5 acres in West Hollywood for $875. 4'4 acres In South Hollywood for $1)50. 10 acres Just across the river close in for $1000. 15 acres near Fairgrounds at $175. Fine garden soil. 5 and 10 acre tracts south of town at $125 per acre. RIeht in tho Vioort of the prune district. LOTS Hon (Ires. My attention has been drawn by the fire chief to the promiscuous setting of bonfires in the business portion of, the city, which is a direct violation of the ordinances and is ! subject to a fine of $10. This condi tion has been particularly noticeable during the past few days and unless due caution is taken there Is immi nent danger of serious damage to property rights, as the prevailing winds are very apt to carry burning embers in every direction. The ordinance requires consent from the undersigned for the pur pose of burning leaves or other ma terial, and any further violation will result in prosecution. The citizens are requested to de sist from hnrnintr ,n.i.lnl . kind or nature under prevailing con ditions and no nermissilnn nlll k granted until conditions are such that danger to property , is averted LOUIS LACHMUND, 10-20-3t Mayor. o i CHllcfren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OAS T O R ) A Gold Dust Flour J Made by the SIDNEY POWEB COSTPAKT, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Fumlly Use. Ask yonr grocer for It Bran and Shorts always on hand. $4000 will buy a fine quarter block on two good streets. $750 will get a choice lot In South Salem, close to Commercial. $250 Cash Will bllV a enmi lnt rm street one block from carllne. $!)000 will buy a fine Conmiprclnl street corner. $1)500 secures a fine lnt r,n 1 n,Dw street, 82x165. A fine buy. $700 will buy a good corner, 110 by 125 feet, no assessments. $750 buys a 50x140 foot lot on Cap itol street four blocks from state house. State"sgL "VefMain 452 Cfffteap . fLimlbw I 1 P.B. WALLACE, Agt. NEW FALL 0 Tailored Suits and Coats ft We bought too heavily now they must go re gardless of cost; mountains of them here for you to make your selections from. Stylish suits and coats up to the hour in style. Just like the pic tures, made of the latest Scotch Tweeds, Broad cloth, Serges, etc., handsomely trimmed and tail ored. Every suit and coat in this great stock, valued at $15, $18 and $25 Will be Sold Regardless of Cost at ooly $9oS0 if J' 1 We do the business and sell the goods. Come in and see the values we are offering in Millinery, Dress Goods, Silks, greS fti powS' here sWmta"n(lmi"'rn Your money has the ne il his AO b iiipb; greater I Vfi i.a.srJl.'J yj Jl VAIU "The Store That Saves You Money" Salem Oregon . 10 NGWOO o EIGHTS Wc have a large quantity of Second Grade Boxing and Dimen sion Lumber, which we must move and on which we are mak ing some remarkable low prices. VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE is the only sanitary pipe manufactured. We can very easily prove to you That This 'Pc 's Superior to any other Pipe manu factured. We can make a very simple test that will convince you that you do not want wc.?. lhinS b"t SALT GLAZED IVITRI rlED PIPE. We arc receiving several cars of this pipe each week, and are making special prices where the pipe can be delivered direct from the car. ORDER NOW. Clias. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Phone 1830. Offirp "The Switzerland of America" H0LSPerTfare t.here in of Salem who are aware that right in their midst is a point of vantage outrivalling in view the famous Alps of Switzerland? Ih1fc&rd HeightS' J'USl aeW mom,e?ts, ride from the heart Salem, and from Ae aweZnSncr r, PTrT of?,?aralIeIe1 ""licence. From here ma be see. beautWul STnt Vhe S1'Very Ilameli a,charminS ta of the fertile valley, tie beautitul Capital City and the gorgeous sloping hillsides of old Polk. HUntdiUSrt,nIS m h.USands ,f dolI?rs f0 see ,he AIPS oi EurP. realizing TjA,telTletoi,n,,a,l0,,ie site' 0 each day of eacE week ot each year all the glories of an Alpine tour. This is a strong statement to make but one easily proven .f you will but take the trouble to investigate for yoursT feil?!.-1 lhe P- "Wn-Iaden air tk r j- J "cans Lumcnt oi me purest water in Ureffon and ioin the throng of discrumnating persons who are buying homesites in this charming spot Each lot in KincwnnH H!ht l. J:.i:. n i i . . . . o a ui.miH.uve ana unoDSiructeil view. The prices are extremely low and the terms very reasonable. Capitol Trust Company, Owners, 205 U. S. Nat. Bank. el. Main 251 Bechtel & Bynon, Agents, 347 State Street. T!. Main 452 i - w vi I j