DAILY CAPITAI JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1911. PAGE FIYI. New Silks Values to $1.25, only 74c per yard Values to 75c, only 49c per yard These are all of the new Fancy Silks and Plain Messaline. In all colors. This lg a great silk opportunity. 10o New Dress Goods 10 10o Less This Includes all the fine new dress goods. Our serges and suitings are beautiful. We make this reduction, as we think we have bought too heavily even for a great trade like we have had this fall. Buy now and save money. Women's Outing Gowns $1.75 values $1.49 $1.25 values $1.09 $1.00 values $ .89 Outing Flannel 12 o values 10c 10c valueg 8c Extra special 4c See Our Extra Sner.ial Values I that We I Are I MARTIN CASE IS NOT YET 111 THE DISCARD That Lee Martin, though he wa? successful in avoiding extradition to the state of Colorado, where he 1 wanted for an assault upon his wife, Pearl Martin, with intent to comum an abortion, has not evaded all crlm Inal prosecutions, and that his arrest will follow in the state is the predic tion being made by those closely con nected with the case. STATE NEWS. George Buzias, while sitting as a juror in a murder case at Medford. suddenly fell Senseless from his chair He was able to resume his duties af ter a couple of hours, but may not be able to complete the case, which will necessitate calling another jury, and a new trial. A six-foot vein of high grade bi tuminous coal was struck at the Cres cent coal mine, near Medford. on the slope of Roxy Ann, Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Elizabeth Pobley. a pioneer, died at Forest Grove Wednesday. She was 81 years old: So much property Is changing hands In I-ane county that the clerk's Offering in leased and journeyed on to Denver. and Martin, upon being released, on a habeas corpus proceedings wend ed his way back to Portland- Now, according to those connected with the case, the wife has decided to come to Portland and prosecute. About the first thing she contem plates doing Is setting aside the di vorce obtained from her by Marti,i, and then she will proceed against him with the charge of non-support, and before the game Is at an end she may play other cards. SALVATION ARMY TO THE FRONT AGAIN MEN'S SUITS for Sheriff Rinker was arrested near Spokane with Martin on the charge office is not large enough to accom- of kidnaping. He was finally re-. modate the crowds wantn I deeds re corded. Harrisburg is having a big potato show, or rather a big show of pota toes. Indications are now that the Ore gon electric will not stop at Eugene, but may be continued on to Cottage Grove. Albanv nlaved even on births last month, there being 16 boys and 16 girls In the cribs this Is tint 16 to 1 but one for each. The old foundation stones of the first house ever built in Linn coun tv can still be seen. They are on the farm of Ira Cox, about a mile from the Santiam river. C.eoree MeCov. a p'onepr of the i Cottage Grove section, died at his j home in Gowdyvllle last Friday. I Pnlslev is incorporated, the vote being taken yesterday, and only three votes being cast against It. John Dav has established a high school, and ,1s also holding a st-ries ol revivals. The First State Bank of Philomath hag closed, its reserve running below the requirements. It is said it will reopen. Lake county's grand Jury has just returned 35 Indictments. An itemized statement of state pur chases shows that about one-sixth of the supplies for the state are bought of Salem merchants. Orvllle Patterson, aged 47 years. was killed by running lu front of and being crushed by a trolley car at Astoria yesterday. o ' N r i f Si Scene from the "Travellm Salesman" i . -i. i i - m I v ; ii The November St. Mcliolas. Every number of St. Nicholas, from November to April, it is an nounced, Is to have the beginning of a new serial, or series of articles. In the November issue will be the first chapters of "Crofton Chums," the new serial by that favorite writer, Ralph Henry Barbour. These first chapters promise a serial along rath er new lines for Mr. Barbour: but a narrative full of the fresh and whole some interest which characterizes all his stories. Another beginning of good things in this number is the first of a story, "The Knights of the Golden Spur," by Rupert Sargent Hughes, author of "Historic Boyhoods." "Historic Girl hoods," etc, promising a novel and delightful ' treatment of famous old legends. Of many short sketches and stories James C. Imhlmnu, "Cowboy" Mayor of Oninha, "Throws the Inrlaf. Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman is of an In teresting and impressive personality Starting his career as a cowboy, he is at present mayor of Omaha, and has the following record to his cre dit: Sheriff of Dawes county, three terms; mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic national commit teeman, eight years; mayor of Oma ha, six years, and In 1910 candidate for governor of Nebraska. Writing to Foley & Co., Chicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great deal of relief, so I cheerfully recommend them." Yours truly, (Signed) "James C. Dahlman." Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman.) The Salvation Army Is to again be favored with a visitor of interna tional reputation. Colonel Samuel I Brengle, who Is acknowledged to be the army's greatest holiness evange list, will arrive In Salem tomorrow and will conduct services at the Army hall tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Again on Sunday at 11 a- m. 'and 3 p. m. At 7:30 Sunday evening ' at the First M. E. church. The Col i onel was born In Indiana In 1860; !hts father was an officer In the Union 'army and lost his life at the siege of i Vtcksburg. The Colonel graduated ! from Depauw University, Greencas- tie, Indiana, in 1S83- He was a mem ber of the Delta Kappa Upsillon fra- ' taiT4t, ami pmipQQonl an Vtla PVianfni in the national convention at Brown's University In 1882- He was also ac tive In college Y. M. C. A. work and represented his university in the in ternational convention in Milwaukee in 1883. He was particularly Inter ested In the study of oratory, gaining all the prizes given by the university, and was Its representative in the state oratorical contest In 1883. It was while studying theology in Bos ton University that he met the Sal vation Army, which he joined In 1887. He has a world wide reputation as an author. - His books have been translated into German, Swedish, Fin nish, Japanese, French, etc. Six years ago General Booth commis sioned htm to world-wide evangelism. During that time he has visited and conducted large gatherings in Ger many, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Finland.France and Great Britain, and last December returned from an extended tour around the world, conducting meet ings In Australia, New Zealand, Tas mania, Ceylon, etc., Mrs. Brengle Is accompanying the Colonel. She Is a : very brilliant woman, being the au i thor of a number of books which I have been translated into other lan j guages. The Colonel is also accom ! panied bv Ensign Geo. Cook, who has marked ability as a singer and musi cian. Some time back Captain Ryan heard that Colonel Brengle was to visit the larger cities of the Pacific Coast. So the Captain got busy and succeeded in getting a stopover for the Colonel at Salem. The Army members are highly elated and are looking forward with keen anticipa tion to this visit. The Army hall has been enlarged and fixed up for the occasion so that It will now accomo date a very large crowd. There will be no charge for admission. The public is cordially invited to attend all of these meetings. o Folks Past Fifty Must Use Cascarets What Glasses Are to Weak Eyes, Cnscnrets ore to weak bowels . a Hl-cent box will truly u maze yon. ONE OF THE VERf BEST OF COMEDIES THE THAVELIXG SALESMAN' WHICH COMES HERE NEXT MONDAY. IS WITHOUT A PEER IX ITS ("LASS DON'T KAIL TO SEF. IT. Jelly Roll RecipB Only Two Required By Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, Editor of the Soitoit Cooking School Magazine This Jelly Roll is fast becoming very popular on account ol the way it keeps fresh. With proper handling it should keep fresh a whole week, providing it isn't eaten np in the meantime, for it is every bit as good as it looks. 33 o When you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure It with as little delay as r,na r.f c.nnlnl tntaraot in iha rtlHor readers of St. Nicholas is Day Allen v " ' . 'IT, Alley's "The Little Brothers of the; Ion: "I have sold Chamberlain s Y- M. C. A.," a sympathetic account, 1 Cough Remedy for lo years says with many pictures, of the splepdid Eno9,01 ? thSarat0nga,,v,o 1' re work among boys being done by the i consider It the best on the market. tonne: Mens Christian Associations TALKS THROUGH WALL Five Miles of Solid Rock no Obstacle to the "Aerophone." of this country. it is good news that Hildegarde Hawthorne's splendid series of talks to bfiys and girls on "Books and Reading" will continue through the new magazine year. These talks are Miifil and inspirlne essays, opening a nnv world of enjoyment and profit to li .ys and girls who read them. For sale by all dealers. -o- Crt ltd ron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS T O RIA 1 Here is a woman wno speaks from Personal knowledge and long exper ience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is far superior to any other. For croup there Is nothing that ex cels it." For sale by all dealers. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman ' Motol Lai r-gurance. 'e write insurance on automobiles nd all kinds of power driven! vehi cles at the lowest rates, and Insure against damages from fire under any and all circumstances, whether In pri vate or public garage or on the road or In accident More cats are de stroyed by fire than by all other causes put together. Rates tno low est E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Com mercial street 5-22-tf 0 Don't Imagine the world has it In for you. It's too busy spinning down 'he rineine erooves of changes to know that you are on deck. o It takes the vaccine of courage to render one immune from trouble- WEST SALEM TRANSFER Passengers Baggage Connecting with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 13 m., 1:10 p. m and 4 p. m. ev ery day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Monmouth and McMinnvIlle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m-. 1.00 p. m. and, 5:15 p. m. Calls st hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday. Phone 82. NO ORPEllS TAKEN FOR CALLS MORE THAN THREE BLOCKS KItOM CORNER OF STiTE AND COMMERCIAL STREETS UNLESS AR RANGED FOR IX ADVANCE. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. Experiments have been conducted for some time past near Chepstow for the transmission of the human voice over long distances with the aid alone of the natural elements. The Inventor, Grlndel Matthews, It is stated, submitted his discovery re cently to a severe test in the pres ence of a number of experts. He was placed In the Btrong room of a big London commercial house and locked in, with nine inches of armor steel, nine Inches of fire brick, and six feet of concrete between him and the outer world. By means of his small portable apparatus, he carried on a conversation with an operator In another room on the farther side of the building. So distinct and faithful was the transmission that the experts in attendance were actually able to hear the tick of his watch, notwthataniling the almost impenetrable mass between the two Instruments. The inventor contemplates a fur ther test through five miles of solid rock between Chepstow and Tlntern. He Is engaged in long distance tests In connection with the war office, and September 9, 1911, spoke from Beach ley, In Gloucestershire, to a point more than five and a half miles away near the Severn tunnel outlet on the opposite side of the river. The inventor has named his In strument the aerophone. A complete set of Instruments for a five-mile ra dius would cost about $48. It Is pos sible through this system to carry on long conversations, and each speak er can distinguish the voice of the person he is talking with. No expert knowledge, it Is claimed, Is required to operate the system, as the box with the Instrument would be self- contained. Including the battery, mo tor, transformer, and everything else necessary for transmission. o Too often optimism means simply Ignorance. Sometimes the wish is farther than the thought. Fiat Communities. When a corporation goes Into nw territory to build a plant, It Is by that act inviting men and women to come and live In the community. When it does that it owes It to Its employes, and to society even more, to see ,'0 it that the community Is a decent place for men and women to live In. You cannot erect a tenement In a city without submitting specifi cations to a public official and secur ing a permit. And if you do not In tend to use certain materials, or take certain precautions, you cannot have the permit Neither will It avail you anything that you are a wen mien tloned person, and that you cannot afford the prescribed material, or the kind of plumbing demanded, If you cannot afford it, you do not build. I think that sometime we will demand of a corporation that, before it com mences building a plant in a district unsupplled with dwellings, it shall show to a state official plans for the development of a town where people may live amid healthy, decent sur roundings. And It the icompany can not afford, niter paying the experts who have built Its plant, to invest something in starting the town as a town should be started, with due re gard o public health and morals, It should not be permitted to open its plant. This will give the community which the plant Is to call . Into being the same protection that we now af ford to the dwellers of a single tene ment John a Fitch In The Survey. o The November Outing. A vivid account of a new sport lion chasing with fox-hounds, Is giv en by Paul J. llainey in "The Royal Sport of Hounding Lions" Novem ber Outing. Ills account of the cine matographing of a wounded lioness while actually charging the camera, provides an exciting climax to a story bristling with thrills and Hons. With excellent photographs. Stewart Edward White takes us among the ducks and 'coons with a very amusing instalment of "The Ranch," and Horace Kephart opens a series of practical gun articles with "Itifles and Ammunition" summariz ing the author's wide experience. Valuable tips on "Breeding Ter riers" are given by William Haynes, and the fruit lover will find in Mr. E. P. Powell's "A Model Apple Orchard" sound and Intelligible advice. An Illustrated comparison of "Monoplane vs. Biplane" Is made by Augustus Post from first-hand know ledge. Dillon Wallace describes the tragic end of Leonidas Hubbard, Jr. In "Heroes of the WUderness an Inspiring tale. The Outing Magazine, 25. cents, all news stands; subscription, 13.00. Clubbed with other magazines at $2.50. o ' Most ptople must give to the bow els some regular help, else they suf fer from constipation. The condition is perfectly natural. It is just as natural as it Is for old people to walk slowly. For age Is never so ac tive as youth. The muscles are less elastic. And the bowels are muscles. So all old people need Cascarets. One might as well refuse to aid weak eyes with glasses as to neglect this gentle aid to weak bowels. The bow els must be kept active. This Is Im portant at all ages, but never so much as at r0. Age is not a time for harsh phy. slcs. Youth may occasionally whip the bowels Into activity. But a lash can't be used every day. What the bowels of the old need Is a gentle and natural tonic. One that can be constantly used without harm. The only Wuh tonic Is Cascarets and they cost only 10 cents per box at any drug store. They work while you sleep. o "ZEE HATS VKKE KMALI.L ZEE KATS ESS NO MOHE" Few dramatists have traveled more crtnsively than James Forbes, au thor of "The Chorus Lady" and "The Traveling" Salesman," In search of locol color. When Mr. Forbes was writing "The Cnorus Lady' he spent 16 weeks with a one-night stand op era company, studying the various types of chorus girls, so that he could give a faithful portrayal of the char acter. The thoroughness of his method of playwrltlng was attested by the Immediate popularity of "The Cucus Lady.'' When Forbes was commissioned to write a new play, it was stipulated that he adopt the same lino he fol lowed In "The Chorus Lady," and create a distinct and novel comedy character, one that would rival Pa tricia O'Brien. Accordingly, Mr. Forbes commenced to look around for a suitable type to use for the prin cipal character In his new play. After taking up and rejecting several Ideas, he decided that the sort of play wanted could be best written about a traveling man, since he believed that this type could be made suffi ciently funny, without exaggeration, to entertain through a tour-act play. Mr. Forbes decided to use as a model a breezy young clothing salesman he had known for years, and, with this end in view, he arranged to make a road trip as the salesman's assistant The success of "The Traveling Sales man ' was fully as great as Mr. Forbes' first play, and other drama tists might well follow his example. In seeking an actor who in general appearance could typify the popular impression of the American drummer Mr. Forbes' choice fell on Don Mac Mlllan. who fills all the requirements of the role. 'The Traveling Sales man" will be shown at the Grand opera house on Monday, October 23. o Sick headache Is caused by a dis ordered stomach. Take Chamber lain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by nil dealers. IC JallrKoll Out cup sifted flour; scant half spoonful toll; t level teaspoonfuls K C baking Powder; grated rind of t lemon leggj beaten light 1 cup sugar cup hot mil.k; glass of jelly; pow dered sugar. Beat the sugar into the eggs; add the lemon rind, then the flour, sifted three times with the salt and baking powder; and, lastly, the milk. Bake in a but tered dripping pan; turn out on a damp cloth, trim off the crisp edges; spread with jelly and turn over and over into a roll while still warm. Dredge the top with powdered sugar. Hot milk used in the Jelly roll en ables it to be rolled without dangtr of cracking. Have the milk scalding hot, also be careful to have the eggs and sugar beaten together until very light and creamy. Bake in a moderate oven. K C Jelly Roll is illustrated on page thirty-two of the new and handsomely Illustrated 64-page K C Cook's Book, which may be secured free by sending the certificate packed in every 25-cent can of K C Baking Powder to the jAQUgs Mro. Co., Chicago, 111. Talmadge Printing Co. New White Building, Htate Street. SOCIETY AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Give an Iowa Printer a Call. f GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Corner State k Liberty St Salem, Oregon. Room 1, Gray Rlk. Thnue UNITED rE8S LCARID WIttl.l New York, Oct. 20. The rat must go. So says Countess De Vtllelume Sombriel here yesterday from Paris. "Zeo hats," she said to the report ers. "Ah, they will be veree chic, vero small, and the coiffure will be small. Zee rat It ees no more." o (Jetting even Isn't so hard as re maining in that condition. r Skill In dodging never brought a man a good situation. It Is difficult to make a stnpld per son understand, and it wouldn't mat ter if we could. THE (il ARAXTEEl) LAl'GHMAKEK Never Out of Work. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill la a sugar-coated globule of health, mat changes weakness Into strength, languor into energy, brain fag Into mental power; curing con stipation, headache, chills, dyspepsia, malaria. Only i"i cents at J. C. Per ry's drug store. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday, Oct. 23 The Traveling Salesman By JAMKS FORI1KS Author of "THE CHORUS LADY" THE (OMEIIY WITH 1,MM LAl tiHS Original New York-Chlcngo Produc tion and a Company of I'nquestloned Ability, headed by Don MacMillan and Dorothy Grey Prices r0o, Tfic. $1.00 and $1.50. Sf-at S.ik Saturday, Oct. 21, 9 a. in. it" " . ....... ' :4s ". - V " ' ftr 1 . 1 ! ', i V,.' ... v . , : ;v I : '-:V:V; iY-y ' : : p V. At, . -. . K- V .-:;::. '.,,,,v- ' f ! i Dorothy Grey kIIIi "The Traveling 8uIchiiihii" nt The Grand Oclolier 'ill. CHICHESTER S PILLS ! hv - jl . V: "; hi ' ' i I Don -'JilK I.. .11.-. I ALtur Imvir .1 , S. fUlLPOk Till. In Krd 'm I I.., Id inritillAv JVj4 talH Willi lil'ifl lMM..fi. Tl V,I Take n ofht-r. liny of Tour " iiffirUL, Askf'M IfKM.TKIt fl IHA.UtlNIr KHVNJI l ,.n, f . UA yeart known licit, hatot, Alwy if ellal 1 SOLD BV DRUGGISTS FVr HYWHFRF XaeHillnn In "The halesmfla." Traveling Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide ninny jxioplo are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet (fermlcldo powder to be dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hyiflenic uses it Is better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar aud prevent deiyiy. To disinfect the mouth, de stroy disease (terms, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and brldie work clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspirntion and body odors by sponge bathinff. The best antiseptic wash known. IMieves and strengthens tired, Weak, inflamedeyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, dni(f (fists or by mall nostnsid. Sample Free. THE PAXTONTOILBTCO.,BoT,MMi il Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON The House of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, modern hostelry in th metropolis of the Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.